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@SzymonMarczak Summary: CLion is broken. What's new?
@EuriPinhollow Unless you really need to use nested vectors (like you need the possibility of growing one plane independently of its brethren), you're better off with a single vector, and a bit of operator overloading to provide N-dimensional addressing.
The simple way is to overload operator() to take N parameters, so you might use something like array(1, 2, 3). If you really want to support array[1][2][3], you can, but it's a bit trickier: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/5fc75db4041abb75
6 hours later…
clion....new to me. how is your assessment about it ?
i like switch instructions they are for me more clearer. but the are only for discrete values or better for equal compare. but how about this ->> coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/200c90e0dcd734a2
@ratchetfreak nice but you separated it from the interation so i get this...coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/c714c0c0dda5c1eb
if it's only a single thing that changes then a if-else around just that will be fine, if there is a unique value for most numbers then use an array that you iterate over
you could also extract a (set of) function that you call in each iteration with the unique code around the calls
@ratchetfreak its just a other model that use for the finger tip thats all. so for every finger i use for the bone 0-2 the same model but for bone 3 a special one.
then the array of IDs method is the clearest IMO
you can even use named constants in the array to make is really clear
thx ratchet
The answer to this question states that the attribute macro will be deleted if a _WIN32 macro is defined.
Yet the OP has #ifdef, not #ifndef. That's confusing to me.
Shouldn't it be the other way around? The macro will not be there if _WIN32 is not there.
@Ron could be used with MinGW
but honestly it should be doing compiler detection
it looks like they are using _WIN32 as a key it's not GCC compiling which isn't safe
Hello people
I have a question regarding a class getter
class A
const t_structA* m_structA;

inline const t_structA* getStructAPtr() const { return m_structA; }


class B
A interface;
public :
// Scenario A - WORKS
inline const t_structA** getStructADPtr()
return &interface.pRmfBSWCtrlData;

// Scenario B - ISN'T WORKING
inline const t_structA** getStructADPtrV2()
return &(interface.getStructAPtr());
How can ScenarioB, be done using the getter of the class
Compile error: '&' requires l-value
m_structA class member should be protected
@Mgetz I see. Appreciate it.
@Ron yeah in most cases be wary of code that does garbage like that
@LXSoft Why do you want a pointer to pointer instead of just a pointer or even better a reference?
why raw pointers at all
@LXSoft when posting large blocks of code there is a fixed font option that SO offers next to the buttons on the right. Please use it.
hey guys, is there a chatroom for C programming questions ?
i have a C question, am having a feeling this is not the right chatroom to post. Please point me to the right direction.


C stands for Control.
@Mgetz because It is required a double ptr (a pointer which will point to a structure pointer)
@LXSoft when replying to a message, please select the arrow on the right of the message to which you wish to reply to indicate what you're replying too
also I never commented on your code
@Mgetz sorry for that
@nwp because It is required a double ptr (a pointer which will point to a structure pointer)
1 min ago, by Mgetz
@LXSoft when replying to a message, please select the arrow on the right of the message to which you wish to reply to indicate what you're replying too
@LXSoft Who requires it? Anyway, you want to make a pointer to a pointer. Which pointer do you want to point to? You can't point to the temporary pointer that getStructADPtrV2 gives you because that one disappears after you return your pointer pointer which would make it useless, so C++ doesn't allow you to do it.
@Mgetz thanks
@nwp so example using a getter for the member to threat as it is the current member
@nwp will not work
Not sure what you mean. The getter is good enough to point at a t_structA which I assume is what you actually want.
@ratchetfreak hm maybe it is meaningful to use a mapping between real element names and id's. so in order to use ids in the code its better to use names. i think its more flexible.
@nwp all the members of the structure are pinters
@nwp every ptr member of structure need to be returned by a getter
@nwp so that cause a loophole
@LXSoft Then why do you return a pointer to pointer instead of just the pointer?
@nwp because of that void setAutoUpdatePtr(const T** _ptr)
@this is an external interface (provided by a framework (.dlls))
@nwp I can make it using local variables to store the fuction return, but that is not accepted solution, I have already made a review regardin that
@LXSoft well that's a code smell right there, does the structure not own anything? If any of those pointers are owning you should consider an alternative to raw pointers
Ok, I'm starting to understand what you want to do. The problem is that getStructAPtr returns a copy of m_structA so you can't use it to update the pointer.
@nwp I can't change the implementation o the framework that provide me that interface
Try inline const t_structA* &getStructAPtr() const { return m_structA; } so you return a reference to the actual pointer and not a copy.
@nwp yes returns a temp ptr, ant & will give me the address of the local fnc address
@LXSoft Alternatively modify getStructAPtr to return a **.
or change the way you use it:
T* ptr;
@Ron this code looks incredibly broken
the proper way would be to define their own macro for the attributes they are using
@milleniumbug I see. Thanks.
#ifdef _WIN32
#define MYATTRIBUTE __attribute__(something)
of course, that's assuming they are detecting OS
Now I understand. That clarifies it for me.
it's likely they are detecting compilers which makes it doubly wrong because MinGW is gcc, but on Windows
so they would be assuming that if it's Windows, it must be Visual C++
Yes, it appears contradictory.
@milleniumbug more often than not there is an equivalent declspec or some such
Someone mainly commenting and testing code, how do you call that type of programmer?
@O'Niel Test engineer, tester?
Hmmm, yeah seems legit
@Ron Thanks! Wondered if it had a more formal name...
Here is a broad one, if one does not want to use databases with C++ for some IO then what options are there other than flat text file and XML? What is the cross platform quick and dirty approach for this?
databases are a special case of "storing data on a file on a hard drive"
I assume you don't want a database because it's pain to deploy, and generally overkill for your use case
True. And I will not have more than 100 entries each consisting of 5 fields.
I am considering vector of structs and a text file for I/O.
there's the option of using SQLite which is a relational database, but you use it without needing to host an external process, but like a library, and the database itself is a single file
otherwise you need to look up "serialization", which is generally how, given some objects, represent them as a sequence of bytes
Awesome, will do. Thanks.
@Ron Actually, there are some pretty solid storage libraries that don't involve SQL or anything like that. For only 100 fixed-size items, they're probably still overkill, but if you get into a situation where you want (for example) something like an std::map, but with persistence across executions, you could consider something like lmdb (to give only one example).
@JerryCoffin I see. Appreciate it.
for 100 fixed sized items (without any kind of pointer) you can memory map a file and cast the pointer and treat it as an array
@ratchetfreak Sounds great. Perhaps I really should preallocate space for 100 entries and treat it as an array.
You people have given me a lot of material to explore. Many thanks.
In this question is there or isn't there a call to default copy ctor.? Specifically on this line: Example obj3 = Example(3); for a pre-C++17 standards.
Before C++17, there could be or not, depending on what copy elision does
You likely won't see a call to copy constructor, of course the code won't compile if someone deletes the copy constructor
So deleting the copy ctor is a bad strategy when one wants to find out if a default copy ctor is called or not? How does one know for sure then?
by doing a side effect in a base class' or data member's copy constructor
Awesome. Thanks.
@milleniumbug Might sound funny but can you explicitly grant me the license to that particular piece of code for non-commercial use and testing? Or should I comply with the license provided?
I made this project use Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal which is effectively public domain
I see. Thanks.
that said, it is possible some stuff in that project shouldn't, in fact, use that license, because they are borrowed from SO. But not this class.
the license text is in the root of the repo: github.com/milleniumbug/wiertlo/blob/master/LICENSE
Noted, appreciate it.
@JerryCoffin Thanks! I sure know those hax, I can even write a common case class for that.
@milleniumbug Have you just here implemented The Big Five because of the mutexes?
@SzymonMarczak yes. note that the shared_resource class is itself an application of Rule of Zero
mutexes are non-copyable
@milleniumbug cool
@milleniumbug s/won't/shouldn't/. At least if memory serves, older versions of gcc (for one example) would often let it by, unless you used -pedantic.
@FerencRozsa My assessment of CLion when I used it a couple years ago is that it has the same feel as the other JetBrains IDEs. I really like that. It's trouble is that they have to write a new parser for C++ in order to provide quick, helpful IDE feedback, and C++ is complicated. So they don't get everything right, and you get incorrect error and warning markings.
OTOH, that they required Cygwin/MinGW instead of VC++ was rather annoying/dumb
@milleniumbug Jon Kalb said that we should use noexcept always where possible (for example: move constructor etc.). Why haven't you done that?
most likely I have forgotten to do so
@milleniumbug ok
@Justin Now you can use MSVC, but yeah, their parser isn't a good one.
That's good news
gcc is a better compiler than MSVC so it's not a big loss
I think it will take a couple years, and then CLion will be amazing.
of course sometimes you need to use a MS-created COM library or sth, so I guess ability to use MSVC's compiler from CLion would be a nice feature
I think when I used it, you couldn't even use clang, only g++
@Justin Maybe, but I don't think so. Waiting for Makefiles...
@milleniumbug Why have you used struct is_shared_resource which inherits from std::true_type or std::false_type instead of functions? To be able to make static_assert (AFAIK static_assert is done at the compile time)???
@Justin That's what people said when CLion 1.0 was released. At that time it was somewhat believable. That was close to three years ago though, and improvements have been few and far between since. Seems to me that the competition mostly started out ahead, and is improving at least as quickly.
IYAM CLion seems somehow usable right now, which is way better than what I could have said one year ago
Now, Visual Studio also did a lot of improvements
OTOH, the rest seems to be way behind
@milleniumbug To be honest, I wouldn't use CLion for proffesional stuff.
Is rvalue reference a lvalue?
if it has a name, it's lvalue
@SzymonMarczak not actually true anymore, but I hate to shatter your illusions of superiority
@milleniumbug you can use COM without MSVC
sure, but AFAIK it's less convenient because you can't use the pragmas
@milleniumbug what for? the only MSVC specific feature I use in COM code is __uuidof
and that's only required for implementations
my understanding is the current goal within MS is to get rid of __declspec(uuid) and __uuidoff in most code
tbh, I don't use COM, this was a "I heard" thing. Maybe I confused it with another MS tech
they are planning to go to type traits instead
COM is designed so that as long as you meet the ABI requirements (vtable layout, calling convention) you can pretty much use it with whatever language you want
I hate when I notice a typo right after the edit period expires
happens to me way too often
the funny thing is that cpp/winrt basically will make a lot of COM garbage irrelevant to most programmers because they can just create a standard c++ projection
@Mgetz ?! What do you mean by that? jetbrains.com/help/clion/…
2 hours ago, by Szymon Marczak
@milleniumbug To be honest, I wouldn't use CLion for proffesional stuff.
AFAIK you can use MSVC
but I'm not using it
@Mgetz I don't know what superiority you mean, did I tell that something is better than the other thing? Or maybe someone? Or did I tell I know better? No. I just said that such thing exists.
@SzymonMarczak just being snarky, because everybody assumes MSVC is crap
IOW, Mgetz by "not actually true anymore" refers to "their parser isn't a good one"
@milleniumbug in general yes
AFAIK, the IntelliSense is using external one and it used to be better than what Visual C++'s compiler did
@milleniumbug ironically it's worse now!
I have to admit, I was positively surprised by how well MSVS2015 Update 3 managed to compile my C++14 code
and it will only get better in the future
so I have big hopes for it
@Mgetz Hmm, see this:
@milleniumbug 15.5 supports two phase properly!
(actually 15.3 did too)
@SzymonMarczak yes?
yes, that's CLion
oh I get it now
> Now you can use MSVC, but yeah, their parser isn't a good one.
by "their" you're referring to CLion's
@milleniumbug yup
but the sentence suggets that "their" is "MSVC", and this is what Mgetz has read
@milleniumbug subject confusion. Needs better grammar
well, on one hand, rewriting the parser is silly because it's a lot of work that needs to be done again, OTOH, if they just use clang, they don't have a strategic advantage
I mean, if they happen to make it better than what Clang offers, they'll be able to offer what no one else offers thanks to the magic of closed source
@Mgetz Maybe, I'm not a language specialist ;) All the time I was talking about CLion, so sorry if you get mad at me :P So here goes the corrected version: 'you can use MSVC compiler in CLion, but CLion's parses isn't a good one'. I hope that satisfies you :D
@milleniumbug they rewrote it for other major reasons, but they did completely rewrite it
and tbh they didn't go to clang because they wanted to preserve the ability to experiment
@milleniumbug Now I'm looking how you've glorified MSVS, including that @Mgetz said MSVC is good, I'm a bit confused cuz I can't tell much about GCC because I haven't used it for any big project yet, and I wanna express I still do not know about many things, just still learning... :D Maybe ur speech sounded a bit like 'the other compilers aren't as good as MSVC'; it helped so many people xD Can't say much :P Could I get an advice? Should I switch to MSVS?
I had used MSVS 2010, 2012, 2013, and mostly skipped up to 2015 U3
all the old ones were pretty abysmal, but I still wanted to use them because the I prefer debugging in MSVS than in anything else
basically the situation was: good debugger or good compiler, pick one
@milleniumbug Ok :D
I started learning CMake too because if I wrote CMake in a cross-platform style, it would allow me to seamlessly switch between MSVS and other IDEs
so here I am, using CMake, and MSVC for debug mode and manual compilation with MSYS2's MinGW compiler as release mode
@milleniumbug That's true, but it's hard to write in a cross-platform style... It's gonna have bunch lines of code.
Switching between libraries (sometimes you need to), setting different paths for OSes (library deployment) etc...
@SzymonMarczak it's getting better
@milleniumbug 14.3 was like GCC 4.8 it was the moment there was first hope
@Mgetz 14.3 is 2015 Update 3, right?
@milleniumbug AFAIK yes

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