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Hi, I've installed cream vim (actually the official website recommended me to download it, since I have a 64-bit Windows machine) but when I press ESC it doesn't switch to command mode. I searched SO too and tried CTRL+O either but it didn't work too.
What do I do?
This is probably not the appropriate chat room for vim questions
@Simon.B You may find better help at the vi/vim stack exchange chatrooms or by asking a question there
8 hours later…
There must be a more comfortable way of debugging on Linux (Ubuntu) other than wrestling with gdb in the console. Maybe I'm spoiled with VS. What do you people use?
I use Qt Creator which should essentially give you VS-style debugging. However, it either recently broke or does not support C++17 properly or Debian is just bad at packaging, so at the moment it doesn't quite work out as I want it.
I see.
I've only recently switched to VS 2017 and I must say I am quite pleased with it. Pity there isn't such level of comfort for Linux.
Why did you use gdb instead of an IDE? Arguably that is on you and not on gdb.
Also this might be worth watching.
@nwp I am only beginning to transition to Linux. There I use gedit and gdb. The video looks awesome btw.
I would recommend giving Qt Creator a try then.
I will look at it. Thanks.
In what cases we should use struct instead of std::tuple?
Whenever it is used outside a template parameter probably. std::tuple has terrible naming, so you should prefer a struct, unless the names are never used.
Same goes for std::pair, mostly.
std::tuple is mostly for metaprogramming
for example "store all the parameters this function has been called with"
@milleniumbug I've used it for things where I might need to return a failure with info and a result.
I think a proper expected<Result, Failure> type would have been a better choice
@milleniumbug probably but at the time std::tie didn't work with that
now it does
so now you could do if(const auto [result, failure] = somethingThatCanFail(); !failure){ /*something with result*/}
and because of the way if initializer works failure still exists in the else so you can call .reason() on it
2 hours later…
What's the policy on C++/CLI (only) questions having the tag? I personally edit the post to remove the C++ tag.
@Ron If it's specific to C++/CLI, I change it to (or just remove it if that's already present).
@JerryCoffin I see. Thanks.
Given the use of C++/CLI to interface between C++ and .NET stuff, you need to be careful though. Some do actually relate to "real" C++, just not in obvious ways.
i have two questons, the first one is, if for examplei want to split my program into files, how should i save them? .h or .cpp? and how do i call them? do i just #include them in the program?
and the second question is, if i have my code splited and 2 diferent files use the same libraries, do i still need t include them in the both files, or if i include one file in other and the other has alreaddy the libraries bth need to work included, will that work?
@jeyejow The old (C) standard is that headers just include declarations, and all definitions belong in source files. Template, however, frequently (more or less) force you to put the entire implementation in the header as well.
what if i want to put a function thhat does some math in a diferent file?
do i save it as file.h or file.cpp?
so i can include it in main
@jeyejow Normally you put a declaration in a header, and the definition in the .cpp file.
foo.h: `int myfunc(int);`
foo.cpp: `int myfunc(int x) { return x + 2; }`
oh ok i get it, what about my second question?
Then another file that needs to use myfunc will have #include "foo.h", and link with foo.o (or foo.obj, or whatever your tool chain uses for object files).
@jeyejow Pretty much the same way: they both include the header(s), and both link with the libraries.
oh ok, thanks!
hi guys, quick question about cmake
I have a huge cmake file, so I can't post it here
but If I had a string such as "a;b;c"
large files can be posted on pastebin, gist, ideone, or coliru
to replace the semicolon with spaces I read that I should string(REPLACE " " ";" STR_OUT ${STR_INPUT})
but it doesn't work
it deletes the semicolon, but it doesn't add any space
so "a;b;c;" gets "abc"
@milleniumbug you wouldn't be able to use it anyway because it's for a visual studio project
but my question is related to that bit
sorry I meant string(REPLACE ";" " " STR_OUT ${STR_INPUT})
@JerryCoffin Is it good to put variable names in header files like int myfunc(int x);?
@SzymonMarczak Can be useful, especially as a form of documentation.
but it doesn't matter otherwise
@ratchetfreak yeah, but I think it's very useful if it'd have lots of functions in one header, as @JerryCoffin pointed out, it's a form of documentation.
Hmm, when should we use unordered_map and when map?
map if you can sort by the keys, unordered_map when you can give a hash function
Those two require different methods to be available. Unordered map requires hash function and operator== (IIRC), map requires operator<.
@SzymonMarczak In some cases (outlined above) the decision is sort of made for your, because the key type only supports one type of operation or the other. Those aren't very interesting though--code won't compile if you use a type that doesn't support the required operations.
The interesting cases are almost entirely those where both are possible. In this case, you need to look at how you're using the data. If you only ever need to get a single record associated with a single key at a time, then you probably want an unordered_map. When/if you need something like a range of values (e.g., "everybody between 17 and 65 years of age"), then you probably want a map.
Guys, what good are layout-compatible types for?
I mean standard layout ones are for integration with C etc.
POD types are for memcpying etc.
@ledonter "Standard layout types are useful for communicating with code written in other programming languages."
@SzymonMarczak yeah, I just wrote that :) I'm asking about layout-compatible types, not standard layout ones
@ledonter Oh, forgive me that, I misunderstood you
So, does anybody know the matter regarding layout-compatible ones?..
@ledonter If I get it right, for example you have an abstract class Entity. Player is a derived from Entity. Both have the same members, but Player has some different (additional) member functions, e.g useSpecial(). Maybe it's something about that, but I may be mistaken.
@ledonter First of all, most layout-compatible types are restricted to being standard layout types, so it's difficult to separate the two. The basic idea is to deal with the fact that when you compile two (or more files) that share types by both including textual identical declarations in a common header, the compiler is required to make them compatible with each other. So basically, two structs/classes are layout compatible if their members have the same types in the same order.
Two enumeration types are layout-compatible if they have the same underlying type.
Enumerations are layout compatible if they have the same underlying type. That can happen by either both containing the same members, or both explicitly specifying the same underlying type. Unions are about like structs, except that order of the members doesn't matter.
@ledonter I'm victimized for my slow typing (yet again). :-)
@JerryCoffin e.g. what's that condition for enums for? :) how can I use this fact
For now I see at just as a raw theory
Classes from different modules with same headers are layout compatible, but they are just the same type and it's handled by ODR, I don't see a reason to invent another type category here
But there obviously is some reason
I mean some profit I can get from the knowledge that certain 2 types are layout compatible
With standard layout types I can 'easily' communicate with C
@ledonter If two types are layout compatible, you can (for example) be assured that pointers to them have the same representation and alignment requirements, so you can store the address of one into a pointer to the other losslessly.
With PODs I can 'easily' copy
Ok..... frankly it doesn't sound like much of a profit :D but ok
@ledonter It's not--but it's just about the only place in the standard that it actually talks about what you get from types being layout compatible.
Eh so this concept seems to largely exist just to make the conceptual language theory more beautiful and complete... eh, ok, seems that I forgot the language I'm learning
@JerryCoffin How could it happen? (just wanted only 'how did this happen' words :P he has neat videos about everything lol)
I don't think it was slowness, I'd go for 'making sure everything that I wrote is good' :P
@ledonter I think there's a little more to it than that. Like I originally said, I think most of it is an assurance that when two files include a header, their getting identical type declarations means instances of those type must (normally) be compatible with each other. That said, I don't think the standard ever really states that very explicitly.
@SzymonMarczak I blame it on being slow, because I know how lazy I really am... :-)
@JerryCoffin I heard that the characteristic thing about smart people is that they're lazy. :D
@SzymonMarczak If I ever meet one, I'll ask.
Gurus, again something's not clear :)
Specifically, "Unordered dynamic initialization"
What the hell is this and what's the rationale behind it?)
which applies only to (static/thread-local) class template static data members and variable templates (since C++14) that aren't explicitly specialized.
Why are there such weird rules for it? What do they mean?
I mean I understand the mechanics
But not the rationale
@JerryCoffin Yeah, all people are smart in their special way :D IDK if it is a bad or good thing, but if you learn something, you want more and more and even more knowledge :P
sounds like they mean "magic statics"
@nwp i think so
@nwp do you refer to my question? I mean, ok, why do we need those?)
Or you just refer to smth else
It referred to your "unordered dynamic initialization".
Yeah, ok, how are these specific statics different? From e.g. static class data members
And not class template ones
You need it because when you have a static object in a function it needs to be initialized eventually, which happens on first call. When 2 threads call the function for the first time at the same time you could end up with both threads initializing the static which is bad, so C++11 said this must be thread-safe.
Which is really cool if you hit the use-case and pretty terrible if you care about performance and don't make use of the feature.
Ehh, this is different isn't it
Unordered dynamic initialization is for non-local vars
seems that you're referring to this
If multiple threads attempt to initialize the same static local variable concurrently, the initialization occurs exactly once (similar behavior can be obtained for arbitrary functions with std::call_once).

Note: usual implementations of this feature use variants of the double-checked locking pattern, which reduces runtime overhead for already-initialized local statics to a single non-atomic boolean comparison. (s
I'm referring to the section here
@ledonter @nwp said that you may access static variables through different threads, which is not local, but global IIRC
unordered dynamic initialization is unordered
maybe I misunderstood but to my mind initalization on the first call is specifically for function-scope static vars
And function-scope is local
@ledonter Seems like they are talking about initializing static objects that have constructors. When the constructor of one such object accesses another global object the question arises which order they are constructed in, because you don't want to access a not-yet constructed object. And in this case you get no order guarantees.
@ledonter Yeah, different thing.
Well whatever guarantee I don't have, I'd like to specify the circumstances clearly first of all as I understand we should have a class template
template <typename T> class C { static int x; };
C<int> c;
then initialization of x is what I'm looking for
@ledonter How did you make an arrow without the @name part? O.o
black magic :D
Wow. Today I learned.
@nwp @nwp I don't know these responding mechanisms work :D
Now I got it twice
Sorry, C++ seems to be easier than this
Anyone good with Opengl? GLFW and GLEW specifically?
Jan 16 at 20:28, by Jerry Coffin
@Nero My opinion is that C# sucks. Just in case you don't like that, I'll give you a second opinion: my opinion is that Java sucks even more.
@nwp Another way is to use permalink
disclamer: I'm Java programmer too, and I confirm that.
Guys, have you tried Go language?
It's a bit similar to C++
@Joseph You can try the gamedev people. They tend to mess with those. Although there is a chance they'll tell you to just use unity.
Bleh i hate unity. Thanks though!
Ill go check out that room though.
just use unity
To be fair they are not entirely wrong. Consider using a library that does all the boring stuff for you. And there are some alternatives to unity.
So @milleniumbug I recall you know everything :D
What meaning do conditions for unordered dynamic initialization have?
Why 1) should we have a class template, and 2) a static data member there, and 3) O_O that data member should not be explicitly specialized (I don't even know how to interpret this.. like e.g. it shouldn't have type vector<int>? so static vector<int> x inside a class template doesn't count?)
@milleniumbug for what reason(s) you've used && (rvalue reference) here static void run(Tup &&tup, std::index_sequence<index...>) { move semantics?
where is "here"
In the func definition I guess
@milleniumbug update: added link
Forwarding reference?
Tup is a template parameter so Tup&& is not a rvalue reference
(yeah, confusing, don't blame me, blame C++)
Q: How does std::forward work?

David Possible Duplicate: Advantages of using forward I know what it does and when to use it but I still can't wrap my head around how it works. Please be as detailed as possible and explain when std::forward would be incorrect if it was allowed to use template argument deduction. Part of m...

@milleniumbug Sure, will do that. C++ I blame you! Why do you do scary things?
@ledonter a specialization for a data member is no different from a regular global or static variable, therefore initialization rules for it are the same
OTOH, if it's non-specialized, you'll get it generated by a template, and you can't explicitly control the initialization order between a A<int>::StaticDataMember and A<long>::StaticDataMember
if one is instantiated multiple times across different TUs, the linker will pick up the first one it likes
It seems to me that I don't clearly understand what should not be specialized
@ledonter class templates are gods
What can't be explicitly specially to count as UDI?
Is it a class template?
Or a static DM inside?
Unordered dynamic initialization, which applies only to (static/thread-local) class template static data members and variable templates (since C++14) that aren't explicitly specialized.
Sorry, citation didn't fit where it should've :(
once you skip "and variable templates (since C++14)" it's pretty clear
> class template static data members that aren't explicitly specialized
IOW, static data members
Ok, what does it mean for static data member to be explicitly specialized? is it explicitly specialized when it has a type of 'template specialization'? like template <typename T> class C { static vector<int> x; }; is x here explicitly specialized?
I think it's not
But maybe maybe, better ask you :)
once you explicitly specialize a class template static data member, it's not subject to unordered dynamic initialization
@ledonter class C is not a class template
Sorry, sleepy, will fix that
Now it is :)
I mean I understand what a {class|function} template specialization is
But what is a member specialization? o_o
Especially data member
@nwp Whats the fun in that? I love the boring stuff
Is vector::erase(..) faster at the end of the vector?
Implementation dependant?
@Nils Wrong room go here.
Here is a more important question! How do I make the MSVC compiler not make my programs run like crap?
Is vector::erase(..) faster at the end of the vector?
Implementation dependant?
@Joseph I think there is a way to make it use clang now.
> Linear: the number of calls to the destructor of T is the same as the number of elements erased, the assignment operator of T is called the number of times equal to the number of elements in the vector after the erased elements.
@Joseph Use release mode
@Nils Note the second statement
I am using release, and also what is clang?
so yes, it is faster
sorry xd
@Joseph It wasn't entirely serious. Clang is a different compiler. While it tends to be more standards conforming and feature complete it is unlikely to make your program run significantly faster.
yay it worked i can send empty messages :P
@nwp Oh, lol. I guess im stuck with release then. :D
@milleniumbug I mean element at the end of the vector not the std::end(..) iterator.


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
Maybe by explicitly specializing static data members they meant just static data members of a class template that is specialized? What do you think @milleniumbug?
Or is it by definition that a specialized data member is a data member of a specialized class template?
@nwp ty i didn't even know such chat exists ;)
@Nils what did you think I was referring to
4 mins ago, by milleniumbug
> Linear: the number of calls to the destructor of T is the same as the number of elements erased, the assignment operator of T is called the number of times equal to the number of elements in the vector after the erased elements.
> the number of calls to the destructor of T is the same as the number of elements erased
you erase one element, you get one call to the destructor
> the assignment operator of T is called the number of times equal to the number of elements in the vector after the erased elements.
Yes I should focus, sorry. :(
there is zero elements after the last one, so if you are erasing the last element, there is zero calls to assignment operator
@Joseph You can try the profiling features to figure out which parts of the program take the most time. If you are lucky it will point you to an unnecessary copy of a vector and you can quickly make it a lot faster.
@nwp Ok, thanks!
That's very true. Once, my application was running slower than I expected, and when I profiled, I quickly found that I had a point where I was accidentally copying a vector instead of moving it. Fixing that made the application twice as fast
@milleniumbug what's the adventage of template arguments over function parameters? here I mean why something<index>() instead of something(index)?
template arguments are compile time
(also I dare you to access a tuple's element with a non-compile time constant)
@SzymonMarczak frankly I'd read one or two (not that long) books from the def list before reading such code, you'd feel a lot more confortable, to my mind such way of learning will take too much of your time to get to know C++
Just trying to advise smth, no offence
Accessing a tuple element with a runtime parameter is possible if you are willing to lose type information. But if you lose the type information, it becomes extremely hard to use.
@Justin was it a big application? I mean, frankly I don't personally see lots of performance gain from move semantics... except if you have billion element vectors that manage all your data
Maybe I'm losing something
But generally move semantic as a 'booster'.... doesn't seem like that to me
the benefit starts once you start having nested containers
@ledonter You can reply to specific messages by clicking the "down-then-right" arrow at the right of a chat message, or by clicking "reply to this message" on the dropdown to the left
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>>>, for example
I can, but you see my messages anyway, then why bother :D pretty much never understood why should I
@ledonter it's for context management
@ledonter Makes it easier to follow the conversation, and easier to know specifically what you're talking about
@ledonter the cppreference page for specialization mentions that you can specialize static data members
now, what is the syntax for that, I don't know and tbh, I don't really care
@ledonter It wasn't too big. I don't know what you'd call big. This vector I'm talking about contained all of the data my program was managing. It didn't get to billion-elements, but more like hundreds to thousands. I didn't need to optimize it at that point, but I was curious
I didn't think I was that unclear :( what my view it seems clear who I'm writing to... well, will try to respond from now on, these are the rules apparently..
(And now I'm not responding to anyone specific so I shouldn't response at this time :)
If I hadn't used any move-semantic friendly techniques at all, I'd estimate my code would've been 6x slower
But I guess that's due to relying on move-semantics. If it was pre-c++11, maybe it would've only been 2-3x slower
@ledonter ok, I'm waiting to Thinking in C++ vol.2 arrive to me, but there are probably better books than that :P I've read the vol. 1. thanks for an advice, I've followed it already, meanwhile I'm trying to understand some C++ :-)
no waste of time
or is it?
@milleniumbug haha good joke
@SzymonMarczak https://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list this is |the| best C++ book list in my opinion
For some reason I think @milleniumbug would agree
The ones not listed here and not dedicated to something advanced... well, I wouldn't read them
You can disagree
but that's what I can say
Ahh sorry not used to responding yet
@ledonter just asking: for how long you've been learning C++?
Thinking in C++ seems to follow the traditional formula of teaching C++ "as in, here are some C features, here's how we do classes, and we ignore how to dotemplates and the standard library" which isn't very good
I read shildt's C# 4.0 guide & luts's python 'bigbook' :) as my first too serious prog books, well... they were kind of waste of time :( especially the first one, the second one theoretically not so bad
@Nils Yes.
Herbert Schildt's books are universally terrible
I know that now :) too late
5 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
@milleniumbug How many books have you read? All of these?
I've read Thinking in C++, Accelerated C++, Effective C++ and More Effective C++ (oh, and also the pre-standard "Symfonia C++" but let us not speak of it again)
Good call
@sehe May I ask you, what books about C++ have you read?
I dunno, it's hard to say what time is learning
If you're dedicated and have right resources and time, I would say the language can be learnt to a really advanced level (which I obviously have not reached yet, @milleniumbug has I guess) in a couple of years

But if you're fixing memcpy bugs in 'c++ cause we use g++' you can work for like 40 years and know nothing
Too many. Though I guess I should count "D&E" as unread because when I tried to read it I was not up to speed with C++ enough
I may be weird in that I haven't actually read any C++ book. I've bought some textbooks for classes, which I never opened except for homework problems. I've borrowed a few, but I skimmed the table of contents / parts of the book and didn't learn anything new.
@ledonter "c++ cause we use g++"? You mean, because we compile the source in c++ mode, but it's C? (Because there's very little wrong with g++)
@sehe What is D&E?
that said, these books (that is, the ones I've read) don't teach you the tricks that metaprogramming uses on daily basis, and I don't know where can you learn them beside from SO
Although in truth, I've only ever read 1 programming book, which was on Ruby. It was my first day at an internship, my computer / cubicle wasn't set up, and I had nothing else to do
@sehe you understood me correctly, no offence to G++ :D
@ledonter A book: The Design and Evolution of C++ (by Stroustrup).
@JerryCoffin Ok, too C++-local memes here
@milleniumbug A lot of the tricks can be learned from watching CppCon videos on YouTube (or other C++ conference videos)
@ledonter I learnt the Python basics in one day. IDK how I did that. note: I just learnt the basics and stop. Don't like the syntax how you declare classes etc. I just use it for simple things. Maybe I should continue...
@sehe What's the best book about C++ in your opinion?
That's just the front row though.
I've added some 4 boost titles last december and a c++17 cookbook (waste of time for me) (all of these Packt published)
I totally expect "exceptional c++" being backwards being on purpose. It's an exception after all.
I gave my copy of Accelated C++ away
@nwp It's in German :)
in Lounge<C++>, Apr 9 '14 at 22:48, by sehe
I have "Exceptional C++" in German. :S
Thanks Amazon
@sehe haha, did you try to give it back?
No. German was fine. It was just not on purpose
@sehe do you know German?
Pretty ok. Not very good as a speaker, but comparable with my English otherwise
At least I learned a bit of the programming related jargon, which came in handy a few times (Speicher, Zeiger etc)
This is how my tabs are looking now
Just one window? I frequently get close to that on 3-5 windows. The only reason why I don't usually reach that is that I usually open a new window with some of the tabs when it starts growing that large
The main reason that I have fewer tabs open right now is that this computer gets really slow and firefox gets graphical glitches if I have too many tabs open
@SzymonMarczak Not even tablerone yet
you got it
2 hours later…
@sehe million dollar question is how to write a good programing audio book

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