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I feel like there has to be something in std-proposals about a "type-alias lambda". Basically, being able to do template <typename T> using foo = ... in-place. Anyone else have better luck than me at finding such a thing? Or does anyone have pointers on how I can better search?
A little clarification, in case it's needed:
template <template <typename... Args> typename MetaFn>
struct takes_meta_fn {};

// how it has to be done today:
template <typename T>
using foo = T;

using bar = takes_meta_fn<foo>;

// the idea I was looking for. Some way to define `foo` in-place, made-up syntax:
using baz = takes_meta_fn<template <typename T> = T>;

// Although it gets more interesting with interactions with `decltype`. Could
// potentially make the detection-idiom reasonable:
using foobar = takes_meta_fn<decltype<typename T>(std::declval<T>().call_me())>;
That's different from what I'm thinking about.
It might cover some of the use cases, but it feels mostly orthogonal
Maybe it would work if I could take a lambda as a template parameter, but even then the syntax would be crazy
I don't get it, if you want foo "in place" isn't that a specialization, or the standard request for the compiler to actually build the function for those template arguments? What exactly are you trying to do?
Before lambdas, you'd have to define a struct somewhere else that has an operator(). This is the analogue to having to define template <typename T> using foo = T;.
After lambdas, you can just write [] (...) { ... } in place, and that defines the struct and gives you a value. With lambda type-aliases, the compiler would generate foo for me, allowing me to define it where I use it in the code
I'm not trying to do a specific thing. I just keep stumbling upon a desire for lambda type-aliases. It would be incredibly useful for template metaprogramming where you want to use metafunctions.
Are you trying to declare the object inside the template?
I'm not looking for a way to do this currently, in case that's unclear. I know this can't be done currently (although if you can prove that wrong, I'd love to see it!). I'm just wondering if there was ever a discussion on it that I can read through
@Mikhail Not trying to declare an object at all. Trying to define a type-alias inside the template
8 hours later…
Jan 17 at 17:46, by milleniumbug
because a \0 in a middle of it doesn't change anything, it doesn't truncate the string
I don't think so...
Why not?
@SzymonMarczak This interprets "Hello\0World" as a C string and therefore cares for the '\0' character.
@nwp Ah, thanks for correcting me :P
@ratchetfreak Thanks :)
@SzymonMarczak "hello\0world" is not a std::string
@milleniumbug What is it then?
And what is a std::string?
it's const char[12]
@milleniumbug Ok, then, how to declare string as std::string?
by declaring a variable of type std::string
You can also use a std::string literal.
@SzymonMarczak In your example, hello is std::string, and "Hello\0World" is const char[12]
@milleniumbug Ok, got it
@nwp That's really cool
in your example, it goes from const char[12] -> const char* -> std::string
it's as if you had float x = 1.5f; int y = x; double z = y; and wondered why double can't store anything beyond the decimal dot
this is essentially C plumbing leaking
you can build your floor higher to cover the leaks with the user-defined string literal which nwp linked above
Quicksort is a sorting algorithm whose worst-case running time is (n2) on an input array of n numbers. In spite of this slow worst-case running time, quicksort is often the best practical choice for sorting because it is remarkably efficient on the average: its expected running time is (n lgn), and the constant factors hidden in the (n lgn) notation are quite small. It also has the advantage of sorting in place (see page 16), and it works well even in virtual memory environments.
it works well even in virtual memory environments.
What does that mean and why?
In computing, virtual memory (also virtual storage) is a memory management technique that provides an "idealized abstraction of the storage resources that are actually available on a given machine" which "creates the illusion to users of a very large (main) memory." The computer's operating system, using a combination of hardware and software, maps memory addresses used by a program, called virtual addresses, into physical addresses in computer memory. Main storage, as seen by a process or task, appears as a contiguous address space or collection of contiguous segments. The operating system manages...
now what is the connection between that and this is a bit unclear
I know what virtual memory is but I did not get the relation b/w sorting algorithms and virtual memory.
They probably mean cache-friendliness.
@nwp but your argument would make sense in environments without virtual memory too.
@Yashas odd that someone would call this out, this would be completely mitigated by the TLB on any modern CPU
Why does the book (CLRS) explicitly mention virtual memory?
do they clarify what they mean later?
I haven't read the entire lesson. I excerpt I posted is the first paragraph. I'll read and reply here if I find something related.
@Mgetz what would be completely mitigated?
@Yashas so some early CPUs with virtual memory support didn't handle prefetching well if the addresses were not sequential logically
today the prefetching and TLB mechanisms fix that
Is always sizeof(float) = sizeof(int)?
in most modern architectures yeah, but it's possible that some embedded platform (like arduino) has sizeof(int) == 2
Most likely not. That would be a weird requirement with obvious hardware compatibility issues and no obvious benefit.
@SzymonMarczak C++ standard places no such requirement
@milleniumbug Ok.
@SzymonMarczak sizeof(int) >= sizeof(short)
that's all that's guaranteed
@Mgetz Yeah I read it too (took a while to found it) :P
Hello people, if some pointers are uninitialized members inside a class, how these can be used without initialization?
you can initialize them within the constructor, but if you don't then their value will be undefined and you must assign to them before you can use them
@Yashas Because some others (most obviously heapsort) have much poorer locality of reference, so they tend to do much more poorly when virtual memory gets involved.
well technically it's when any kind of cache gets involved and the entire array+extra required space cannot fit inside the cache
@Mgetz Not true. There's also: "sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long)" and some transitive properties--since sizeof(short)>=sizeof(char) && sizeof(int)>=sizeof(short), sizeof(int) >= sizeof(char). Likewise since sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long) && sizeof(long) <= sizeof(long long), sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long long).
@ratchetfreak True, but when CLRS was originally written (1990), VM was a great deal more common than other caching. It was also quoting something that had been well-known for quite a while before that.
@JerryCoffin -pedantic -Werror -Wall
@Mgetz Am I being accused of being pedantic here? I'm amazed anybody would even suggest such a thing (most consider it too obvious to bother pointing it out).
Could someone explain why doesn't Jon Kalb like RAII = Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (he prefres Responsibility instead of Resource)?
Here he starts talking about RAII
@SzymonMarczak it's the same thing, but a better term technically
@SzymonMarczak another term that's sometimes used is "scope bound resource management"
K, what's the difference between basic guarantee and the strong guarantee? This answer doesn't tell much.
In a basic guarantee can a day become -1?
@nwp Then: setDay(-1) with basic guarantee would for example set day to 1; with strong guarantee would roll back to the previous version (22), am I right?
setDay(-1) is invalid to begin with.
According to the answer definition that says that the day must be in [1, 31].
@nwp Corrected: if setDay(23) fails then with basic guarantee it would for example set day to 1; and with stron guarantee it'd roll back to 22?
The day is not a good example. std::vector and the memory it is responsible for is a better example.
Say, you use std::vector::push_back which might require reallocating memory which works fine. Then objects need to be moved around which might throw exceptions repeatedly. The basic guarantee says you have a valid std::vector with some elements in there and nothing was leaked. The strong guarantee says if push_back fails then the vector is logically unchanged.
@nwp So, with the basic guarantee an object can change its state and with the strong guarantee its state is unchanged?
Generally the strong guarantee is very difficult to guarantee because it is not composable.
@SzymonMarczak Right. For the specific example some objects might have already been moved away before the exception was thrown, so they are gone now.
For setDay there is not really anything reasonable that could change the day but then throw an exception.
@nwp Thanks for explaining that :) That: some objects might have already been moved away tells everything.
@nwp Yeah, that was a bad example
@milleniumbug Why do you do static_cast<void>(unusedVariable) in some of your projects?
@SzymonMarczak Avoids warnings about unused variables
@Justin That's a bit stupid. In GCC there's something like -Wno-unused-variable...
@SzymonMarczak In some cases, it's better to avoid the warning in the code rather than by specifying a compiler flag. Especially if you are writing a library; you want people to be able to use whatever warnings they are comfortable using.
@SzymonMarczak except sometimes you want warnings. Usually unused variables are at bincompat layers that may not be able to change
Even when writing an application, warnings can be useful for other parts of the code.
@Justin Oh, so that's why... :D
@SzymonMarczak to be fair, this one could be avoided by not naming the parameter
In my experience warning about unused variables is just annoying during development so I turn that off. When you make a release build though it tends to warn on parts that you didn't finish yet, so I leave that warning in for that.
previously I thought ability to not name the parameter was too obscure, but so is static_cast<void>(...)
@milleniumbug Hmm, but I think it's better to name parameters - to avoid a mess.
@milleniumbug not always a choice, I have code that requires different results on different platforms in an #ifdef so on some platforms it goes into an unused param macro
@Mgetz good point
The warning about unused parameters is one of my least favorite warnings. Sometimes I like to name my parameters even if I'm not going to use them, so that I know exactly what the parameter might be used for
@Justin if it's internal code just remove unused params, if they are required by the api (e.g. callbacks) then leave them unnamed but commented e.g. FOO /*bar*/
remember that parameters do have a performance effect
Yeah, I'm talking about the latter case
Thanks for the tip about commenting out the names.
Some IDEs (this case: CLion) have bad recognizing algorithm for unused names :D
sup? coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/31499d9d18eaebeb - any slick way of making nested vectors with initial dimensions [3][4][5]?
@milleniumbug daaaaaaaaaaaayum that's ugly......
Thanks anyways!
tbh, nested vectors are questionable because they're not in contiguous memory
1 hour later…
@milleniumbug I've almost always found nested vectors to be an anti-pattern

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