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Hello everyone. Since there is no C++ room, this room was created to chat about problems and probably solve most of it.
I can see there is a Lounge<C++> room. But as the owners of that room said here
it is just for chatting and not for problem solving
what am I doing wrong
splitting my rewaards with you?
damn men, you are rude
everyone is trolling at me
@FirstStep , IMHO your question is confusing and generic. If it was me, I would find other place to look for my answer. Some answer for you : If you wanted something like "Paint" use GUI api. If you are on Windows learn Windows programming (they use message) (MSDN is not helpful in that case.) Find other website , like
@FirstStep, I thought you are asking about C++. And you tag it as C#
because I am open to both and because the community did not help me
so I will target c# as primarily
@FirstStep , isn't there paint() or draw() method in C#
that is not my Q @SunMaungOo
I don't even know what is the object that I will be drawing on
so if we take Paint as example
and see the white "paper" that users draw on and apply some tools on their drawing
that is what I need to build
the white "paper"
and then apply functions on it
I need coordinates of every pixel in that object, and view its data (more than its coordinates)
@FirstStep , If it was me , I will make a new "control" (white paper)
I don't want to micro program the whole thing so I am still researching
so it is an interactive editor
that I have to build myself
I think what he mean by researching is that "he is still learning to do it". Maybe it's even for academia? Who know?
Well maybe by researching I meant designing
but yeah learning on how to do such things
then designing it
is more proper
@Puppy I am not sure what do you mean by academia
@FirstStep , come here ( , password is "c#gui"
I am in
6 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
30 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
@SunMaungOo lost it
Can't see anything
2 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
room topic changed to C++: Solve problems and approach solutions [c++]
room topic changed to C++: Solve problems and approach solutions [[c++]] [[c++11]] [[c++17]] [[c++-faq]]
room topic changed to C++: Solve problems and approach solutions [c++] [c++11] [c++17] [c++-faq]

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