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Or, something similar
oooh landingpages. Easy money \o/
Insert big image of cityscape, pick cool helvetica style font, add button and 2 lines of text. LANDING PAGE DONE.
@Fabor You forgot the lead form, but yeah :P
Haha I am making it for myself but I am just thinking how much I could make if I were to do it for anyone else
Hopefully you are the one that opens that lol
Sorry :P
Damnit PeeHaa xD
Do it again. I will stop trolling :P
@PeeHaa That's an extra $50
I have this thing where I need to click things saying it will destroy something @Alesana
Well did you check the site out? @PeeHaa
I want to see it too :(
urge to click it....
@Alesana yeap
Just share it, we're not going to steal it. Just judge it incredibly harshly.
I already decided I didn't like it and I haven't seen it yet.
I would probably charge around 1775$
The copywrite is not finished so there are some weird things on there
Thats CAD $ anyway
Not US
I figured
I would love to make that much money on that!
Well if you guys wanna see it I can share the link with everyone lol
we're all going to try breaking it
Waiting for jenkins? Why not read some Clients From Hell
free QA?
Just a tip @Alesana for something trying to sell "Revolutionizing Affiliate Marketing" I expect the CTA to be way more in your face
You actualy have a lot of things going on in that landing page
@Alesana Share away
It would be a 10H job
That's about what I spent on it
That's a hell of an hourly rate
@PeeHaa Hmm any suggestions?
He just put a suggestion :P CTA
Actualy ... not really
lmao it's there though but I guess not as in your face as it should be
1775$ - 800$ (design)
@Alesana At the very least not make the actual CTA just a bordered button without a background
@PeeHaa You working atm or still self-employed stuff ticking over?
Hmm I'm trying to think of an alternative
lockerwizpro.com this is the site for whoever wants to see
It's not finished, going to change some of the images/copywrite
certified public accountant?
I was thinking that was the part I would be judged the hardest on :P
@Fabor I said good bye to most of my clients. But then plans changed and I had to go get back my last client. Which I do some work for now. Which lasts probably another month. I really need to find a job the coming weeks
Cost Per Action advertising
I thought landing pages didn't scroll? Maybe I am off though.
Well, it's pretty niched
not really judging, just never heard the term outside of accounting so I was curious
Ah okay :P
Alternatively I could sell my body
@PeeHaa Shouldn't be too hard for you. It's infrequent but keep an eye here. That's where I got mine.
Yup you should be more specific but over all good looking template
If anyone has suggestions they're welcome
intresting choice of image hehe
Lol it's an image placeholder, will change every time you see it
@Fabor Yeah I am looking at that daily, but it's really not much I find :(
Now I am hungry
night, all o/
I'm gunnu go ahead and guess you saw food
@Kaori o/
I did >.<
If I could make over $1000 USD for that I would spend all my time doing freelance lol
no ... nooooo now i want pizzza !
Thx that helped
@PeeHaa I just found my new image placeholder provider
@Alesana I like it though. Clean, nice. Mobile seems good too, though maybe resize the tablet image on mobile and move the CTA above the fold.
@PeeHaa Remote your goal or anything?
I need to design and build my dad's site this is what it looks like currently...
@Fabor Thanks, yeah I didn't even think about where the fold was on mobile
@Fabor Remote very much preferred considering I don't know where/what/how I will be in the future yet
At a new dentist, doing intake forms, feeling a bit cheeky. https://t.co/LZqLBmbz1L
@Tiffany AAAHH! You should put a warning before sharing things like that :P
@Tiffany use material design getmdl.io
May cause heart attacks
@Alesana he was an engineer
@PeeHaa You have a move in mind?
I'm not sure what he engineered... but he worked for Boeing for several years
@Tiffany I am guessing it didn't include much design
@Tiffany the websites is as boring as the product :P
@Fabor tbh I am in the phase where I have no idea where I will be in 1 year at all
@DaveRandom LOL it's beautiful :')
It's a present
I'll give you 100k for the work
@Tiffany Now that @PatrickSimard got me thinking about doing freelance I'll do a free design for your dad to start up my portfolio!
If you want.. that is :P
Umm, silly question maybe. In AWS how do I choose a default region for when I login?
I would feel bad
I don't want to take someone's design without paying for it.
though my dad would probably yell at me to say otherwise, he loves free stuff
He sounds lovely
Yeah, don't. Honestly I think the envato marketplace has some good cheap designs. Worth using for lower end stuff.
@DaveRandom he's also a Trump supporter
18 secs ago, by DaveRandom
He sounds lovely
It would be nice to have a legitimate company to present in a portfolio, and it really wouldn't be too hard
I'll say something to him, and I'll make him pay you something.
that's my favorite part
it just opens an email program
That's actually nice
Hahaha oh no what year is it??
You can contact him instead of black box forming
Well if he wants to pay that would be awesome as well but I really don't mind doing one for free since I don't have a portfolio yet
@PeeHaa I think people should provide their email address for that, but a contact form should be effortless
@Alesana exactly
Every extra step you need to take to contact someone will decrease the amount of people contacting..
sure, he's proofed against email injection (I think...) but it's so behind the times
that website is damn good for what it does.
I hope you don't mean the one I linked
@Alesana I don't agree
and you mean the one @Alesana linked
I wouldn't spoil that website with material design
@PeeHaa 1-year is some time though. Consider moving to Riga, Latvia. I have a friend there. :) Cheap-ish too. Anywhere you want to go?
may be some small changes to make it a bit more professional, but not too much
@Tiffany What makes it secure? Isn't it sheet-metal?
Is there a Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog defending it?
he lives on premise
@Fabor Nope. Don't care :) Also depends on another person and what she can do. So we will see
@Vamsi "material design" "spoil"? laugh maniacally
@Fabor I hope there is
@Tiffany Ah. There is
@PeeHaa Ooh. Wink wink. Come to Asia :P
@Kaori exactly
@Fabor You live in Asia?
do an A/B Test and figure it out . I am pretty sure that the design as is will convert better
@Fabor We will see where we end up :)
@Fabor honestly, can't remember what he has them made out of, but he has security cameras on the place, and I think he wanted to set it up where the security cameras could be viewed from the website, but I told him it's dependent on the software having some kind of web API since I don't know how to do it any other way
Material design is pretty cool. What's the matter?
@Alesana Vietnam. Moved here as part of an early-mid-life-crisis about 8 months ago.
Just ask him to get an IP camera
Well, quit my job, sold all I could and travelled some of Asia for a bit. My 1-year vacation ended last week with a remote job.
I like material design too ( where it's appropriate )
Then stream it
that makes sense
I think they are IP cameras already
@Tiffany Rapsberry Pi with camera snapshots on activity. :)
@Fabor Oh cool
I was visiting Japan wanting to do that but they are not so easy on the visa :P
Can turn any camara into an IP camera
@Alesana You get a visa on entry, if yes, how many months?
@Alesana I sent him a message. I didn't say anything about you offering to do it for free, I said you'd be willing to do it "for cheap"
lol back to the 15$ sandwich?
because I want you to get something out of it besides experience
just some material design project im working on... 9d29b290.ngrok.io (<3 material)
@Alesana Or visaless. I'm UK so I can do Japan for 90 days without visa.
@Fabor my cousin lives over there. Japan I mean. Lives in a Tokyo suburb.
@Tiffany lucky. I'd love to live there.
I even already speak a little Japanese too.
@Kaori don't get me wrong, I <<3 material design also, but only for apps ( app like sites )
@Fabor I got a 90 day visa as well
@Fabor have you heard of the programs that have you teach English to kids?
@Tiffany Awesome!
@Alesana Consider going anyway and finding a job while there. If you have the savings. I currently have to leave Vietnam every 3 months and come back with a tourist visa :P
@Tiffany Yeah but not my style. I have remote work now so I have some stability if I wanted to try. I have a Vietnamese GF though so it's not really an option.
@Alesana hopefully he'll get back to me within a day or so, I'll let you know what he says
@Fabor ahh, yeah
I want to visit Japan and Korea at some point
South Korea anyway
e-sports heaven
@Fabor I had gone but I already came back, haha. It turns out foriegners getting jobs there is really hard without a 4 year degree
@Tiffany Okay :D
if a company is sponsoring VISA, most of they times they want a degree . ( not ideal, but that's the case most of the times )
In Japan, the company who is sponsoring a visa must convince the Japanese government that there was a true need to hire the person instead of hiring a Japanese natural
Which, apparently is very hard for a company to do with someone who doesn't have a 4 year
@Vamsi yeah, I know almost all of those companies want a bachelor's degree. They don't care in what, they just want the participants to have one. Main reason why I haven't done it.
@Alesana Yeah that would be. What about starting your own company and using that for a work-permit?
A logical problem: I've a Q&A website like SO. Assume an user has created an account. He has 1 rep at first. he earns a downvote, he still has 1 rep. if that downvote be undo, then the user will earn +2 rep. so he has 3 repo in this case.
Any idea how can I handle that problem?
@Tiffany Both are lovely, just expensive.
@Fabor I had looked into that and it seems even harder :p
rep is short for reputation
@Alesana Japan is desperate for young workers tbh. Just gotta keep trying.
Hmm maybe so. It would be nice to get a programming job there. I really liked it there
rakuten ( Japan ) hires a lot of PHP devs
@Fabor my cousin owns a yarn shop. I'm not sure how that relates to "young workers" now that I think about it.
@Shafizadeh Not sure what the issue is there? He has 1 rep, undo action on his account +2 rep. You mean you want him to stay at 2 from the undo?
My sister worked for Rakuten Marketing in the states
@Fabor he's earning reputation with the "undo" of an action
Seems like a good company
he has 1 rep, when he gets a downvote, the TRIGGER dose this: reputation = GREATEST(reputation - 2, 1). So he has still 1 rep. But on undo, the TRIGGER increases his rep. It should not get happened
@Shafizadeh I'm not sure how good of an idea this is... so take it with a grain of salt. Create like a "back-end" reputation that can go to -1, but it does not appear on the site.
or maybe 0
I dunno
it's a bad idea
@Tiffany it is not a good idea. since SO isn't like that
1 would always appear
even though they are in negative
yes I know what's your mean
like if they were downvoted at 1, they would go to zero and stay at zero until they receive an upvote (but the website shows 1 rep)
I would have all actions be in a database and then calculate the rep off of that but that might be a bad idea too
Downvote removes 2 rep?
Seems harsh.
@Alesana bingo. And denormalize / flatten periodically if needed
@Tiffany but I've tested on SO. if you give a downvote to an user who has 1 repo, and another person give him an upvote, he will has 5 rep (if it's a question) and 10 rep (if it's an answer )
What @Alesana + @PeeHaa said.
so a user never should has negative rep, even in database.
You need more information for calculating.
Why do bees hum? Because they don't know the words
@DaveRandom The issue there is shutdown doing a TCP shutdown, not pending data.
@kelunik The point is that you cannot do the TCP shutdown until you have done the SSL shutdown. If you attempt to do an SSL shutdown while there is pending data, it will fail.
You need to know what it has failed with, otherwise you don't know what to watch for.
@DaveRandom I know.
Hahah I just said to my dad "Do you know why bees hum?" and he said "They don't know the words, that's a dad joke"
Is it you @Gordon?
@DaveRandom Does TLS even support half-open streams?
If you want to do a graceful shutdown without blocking and without a sort of weird asynchronous busy-wait, you need that feedback from SSL_get_error(). There's no magic that can be done to avoid it. And tbh a robust implementation needs it in other places as well.
In that case stream_socket_shutdown with read/write should do the TLS shutdown, other args should return false and emit a warning.
yes but it can't guarantee to do it without blocking
Yes, probably just needs a new function for SSL shutdown.
We have one. It's badly named, but we have one.
a few months back, I was struggling with the fact that there is no $_PATCH or $_PUT so I used the hack (or maybe it's just the right way) of reading from php://input like here. I'd like to create a value object, that would be built with the request and populate itself with its content, so that I can typehint that value object everywhere I need the request body. Is it a very bad idea?
!!lxr stream_socket_crypto_enable
@kelunik The results page is not in the expected format
oh yeh sorry, that's my bad
I'm doing stuff to lxr as we speak
!!lxr stream_socket_enable_crypto
[ /ext/standard/streamsfuncs.c#1497 ] PHP_FUNCTION(stream_socket_enable_crypto)
Good boy <3
header overlaps the anchor
complain to them
I am complaining to you
It has stuff we want though (which I have not configured yet) in that it has better "project" groupings
I think I probably need to rebuild the indexes though which is looooooooong
It's just a background process though right?
yes but it will probably do weird stuff until it's done
Business as usual :p
wow that is suuuuper broken
@FélixGagnon-Grenier that's basically what I have been doing
Cool. It's really not so bad, a share in the injector and it's somewhat clean.
I'm not sure how I feel about having both a Request and RequestContent being used, depending on the case, but "decorating" the Request with a custom "content" property sounds worse than two objects
My request has a requestbody property
or rather body property
does it contain the data from a PATCH request?
which is the input data
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yes because it contains the input stream
@PeeHaa Is it on github? I would be interested :)
why are the options for tinymce editor in a header file... grumble
10 mins ago, by DaveRandom
yes but it will probably do weird stuff until it's done
I don't think it is, but it is just file_get_contents('php://input') or something like that and passed in the constrctor
Does anyone here have experience with lumen?
I am stuck on a basic issue and it's driving me crazy
I've created a login form but it just wont work
This is the question with the details: stackoverflow.com/questions/45291593/…
hmmm ...
please be it a start of urban-fantasy genre in movies
I want a "Nigthside" movie :D
@DaveRandom So the actual problem is that github.com/php/php-src/blob/… needs fixing.
@tereško Looks good but I dunno about using Will Smith
@Fabor that about sums it up
I do love a straight to Netflix film though
@kelunik Yes, that's part of it. But you cannot implement it properly (robustly) in non-blocking mode without access to that error code...
honestly. I promise.
@DaveRandom Yes, but then we only need the want_read / want_write there?
Yes. But really we need it in other semi-arbitrary places as well in order to be able to cope with renegotiations :-/
without it we are probably leaving ourselves open to all kind of DoS vectors
I need to do some driving, be back in a bit/tomorrow
lxr is re-indexing and I've fixed the js
with a nasty-ass hack in nginx, but it works for now
@DaveRandom We can just disable renegotiation.
wb @PeeHaa
Still here. Was just waving at the brothers wright
I want a kebab. :(
@Fabor Uhm yes. Now I want too
At least you can get one.
yeap :)
At least it's keeping me thin. :( though I traded chocolate for sugary drinks. Pointless.
@RonniSkansing remove...
@Alesana :P
class DefaultsToErrorUnlessOverriddenHandler
daily reminder that i suck at naming
class ImAFailureHelpMe
guys, what gettext-ish function do you use? i've been using sprintf for a while now (never been a fan, i wanted to give it a try and i like it) but i noticed that 1- i always use %s. even when i don't, i prefer doing the conversion externally rather than relying on sprintf to do it for me 2- i would like it to work with labels as well, e.g.
echo sprintf(":foo", ["foo" => "bla"])
i'm planning to use it for any kind of string interpolation, localization, error messages, etc.
should i write it myself or is there something ready to use?
@PaulCrovella .

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