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not that new anymore ^^
right, which is a good thing. But I suppose new in the relative sense of the other programming languages.
I kind of want to make it my "be all" language.
server side, atleast
no php, no python, no node.js, no c
@marcio have you been tinkering in it?
Can someone tell me how I can make a htaccess accept unlimited parameters?
trying to reproduce one bug… accidentally find another one while fiddling with it…
@LiamHardy unlimited query string parameters or something else?
(unrelated) PHP is a sad, sad language. Just spent waay too long with this undocumented "feature".
Shocker: references are goofy.
Also, if you wrote that you seriously need to upgrade PHP. PHP version 5.1 is ancient…
@LeviMorrison so, how's the new programming language coming along? :D
the one without references++
@Abe I've been playing around with data structures that could theoretically be used in it :D
So far I've done a NaN tagging/boxing class.
what's that?
Our own beloved @NikiC has an article on it: nikic.github.io/2012/02/02/…
Can someone help me with this problem? I have allowed unlimited parameters on my htaccess, and want to know if theres a way to make it go to the page, not the directory? my page and directory are named the same.
I've thought about how to store enums in 48 bits.
Each time going to /page its going to /page/ (the directory)
I've made a class that can store a 64 bit pointer in 48 bits.
i have no idea what that means :P
is that c++?
my knowledge of low level programming is below -INF
I have a file named education.php in a folder called default in my themes folder, and also a folder named education in the same directory the education.php file is, I need the education folder to be able to do example.com/education/page1 and it keeps redirecting me to the directory education, when trying to just visit the education page /education/page1 works fine.
@Abe Well, I'm using C++14.
Pointers are part of C++ but are part of every low level language, and some high level languages.
If you don't know about pointers I highly recommend an introductory C class.
Demystifying the layer just below what you know is always fun :)
people talking about c++ when this is a php room -_-
problem is the time, not the skills or the will :(
would really learn c
@LeviMorrison I have to admit that's quite unexpected. I assume this is a bug? This still exists in PHP 7.
@Trowski It might be a bug, yes.
I plan on looking at it later.
@Abe c is really nice .. and those pointer and memory management is really awesome ... you can do all wtf in c
Can someone tell me why there is a / being put on the end of my url automatically, but only to 1 page?
like myveryurl.php/ ?
I go to myurl.com/home works fine
I go to myurl.com/account is sends me to I go to myurl.com/account
and puts a slash on the end of account
like its going to a dir?
but theres no dir called that.
like 10 different pages work except that 1
and it only happens when using $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
rephrase I go to myurl.com/account is sends me to I go to myurl.com/account
and you dont have to press enter after every line
It just automatically adds a / on the end of the page account
check your htaccess file
I am trying to add unlimited parameters to my htaccess and use /account/edit and /account but have an edit.php inside the directory of 'account' /account/edit works fine but when doing this /account fucks up.
Q: Htaccess: add/remove trailing slash from URL

LukeMy website runs a script called -> WSS wallpaper script My Problem -> I have been trying to force remove or add trailing slash to the end of my URL to prevent duplicated content and also to clean up my URLs. I have tried all sorts and tried everything I could think of and loads from the interwe...

Even after deleting the directory account it does it.
That works great, but is there a way to just not add the slash?
I can't understand why it does it.
@LiamHardy LOL... neither do i because i dont know what you are doing ...but i was an assumption :D
how to call this one in dom parser php
li:first-child .content
What is the best way of using /themes/default folder for all my pages, and being able to create other directorys inside the themes folder like "account" and adding another file for example file1.php so I can use /account/file.php without that slash bug happening?
sorry i a too busy now ... cooking food :)
this one is not working
foreach($html->find('#homeTop5 .tabBoxPane .homepageNrListDuurzaam ol li:first-child .content') as $list)
good morning
any thoughts?
@winresh24 what is $html an instance of
$html = file_get_html('https://www.sample.com/'); @Orangepill
so you are using this?
yep @Orangepill
I've never used that library but I imagine that that style of selector would be too complex...
@Orangepill I think this was the problem li:first-child .content but dont know how to
all the examples I have seen so far only show a single element/attribute combination in the query
the selector was working but not this one li:first-child .content
you might be able to do something like foreach($html->find('#homeTop5 .tabBoxPane .homepageNrListDuurzaam ol li") as $list) then inside the loop grab out the next descendent
check xpath
this one work for the list but cant get the child inside the list
$list->children(1)->find(".content") wouldn't work inside the loop?
wait let me try
Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object in
try children(0) or if you have li that have no children you may have to assign then do a null check before calling $find
.$list->children(0)->find('.top5ColProduct')->innertext; here
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in
just try var_dump($list->children(0)) and see what happens
public 'children' =>
    array (size=1)
      0 =>
          public 'nodetype' => int 1
          public 'tag' => string 'div' (length=3)
          public 'attr' =>
            array (size=1)
          public 'children' =>
            array (size=4)
too long just cut it
do the dump with 1 instead of 0
what i'm hoping for is to get a single simple_html_dom_node element that is your first child.
public 'nodetype' => int 1
  public 'tag' => string 'li' (length=2)
  public 'attr' =>
    array (size=0)
  public 'children' =>
    array (size=1)
      0 =>
          public 'nodetype' => int 1
          public 'tag' => string 'div' (length=3)
          public 'attr' =>
            array (size=1)
          public 'children' =>
            array (size=4)
with the dump 1
Is anyone working on php7 here?
@winresh24 that means there is a case where you have an li that doesn't have a child that matches the ".content" rule
or rather your .top5ColProduct rule
@Orangepill yes it has
it was existing in the site
Try this
$firstChild = $list->children(0);
$top5 = $firstChild->find(".top5ColProduct");
if ($top5){
    echo $top5->innertext;
@JasonYoung A lot of the regulars here are... unfortunately I'm not one of them.
@Orangepill still error Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
it's probably a collection of nodes so we are probably looking at an array instead of an object
array (size=1)
  0 =>
      public 'nodetype' => int 1
      public 'tag' => string 'div' (length=3)
      public 'attr' =>
        array (size=1)
          'class' => string 'top5Col top5ColProduct' (length=22)
      public 'children' =>
        array (size=2)
          0 =>
          1 =>
$firstChild = $list->children(0);
$top5 = $firstChild->find(".top5ColProduct");
if ($top5){
    foreach($top5 as $node){
        echo $node->innertext;
or if you only want the first one you can say $top5 = $firstChild->find(".top5ColProduct", 1); then use the code without the loop
How can I directly call zend_opcode_handlers in my extension?
@JasonYoung not too sure... but there should be someone here that would know when the UK wakes up.
wow awesome
how did it happen?
It 4:36 AM :(
without the second parameter in find it returns an array instead of a node.... so if you want all of the nodes that match you have to have to walk the array or if you want one then specify an index and you can use the object as is.
@JasonYoung They usually start getting on about 2 1/2 hours from now.
ahh I see big help!!! Thanks @Orangepill you're awesome
@jasonyoung if you are new to extension development then this might help...
if it isn't a help the guy who made the video is usually one of the first UK people in.
@Orangepill thx, I am not new about extension dev, I want to xhprof support PHP7, but zend engine internel was changed a lots, the origin way won't work now.
@JasonYoung then @JoeWatkins is your man.
Is he from UK?
he's usually the first to stumble in here in the morning
Ok, Waiting for him.@JoeWatkins @JoeWatkins
1 hour later…
nice video @JoeWatkins do more of them! :D
is C verbose or just php's internal api? :P
gotta learn C pretending i have the time!
@Abe link please !
awesome, thanks
Can anyone give me a link to a htaccess that I can do the following with?
I want to have a page called account so its http://example.com/account and
I also want a rule that has a page called http://example.com/account/edit
and edit.php is in the same directory as account.php, how can I do this? I also
dont want slashes automatically added to the end, and if I do add a / at the end
for it to throw a 404 page error. I've seen this on a site before and wonderd if
its possible to get the same thing?
NO, dont copy past code, by this way you will learn nothing so you learn basics of htaccess first and do it yourself this is fucking simple task
@abe I now have the blue book... if any question pop up while I'm reading it I'll ping you with them.
eheh, like i'm an expert :P @Orangepill
i am about to doing same :D
@abe well I figure if one or both of us is really wrong an observer that knows what the fuck they are talking about will set us both straight :)
@teresko morning
i was thinking... i'm not sure whether to consider the blue book a requirement for reading the red one
@tereško good morning
so good thing that you started with the blue one :P
@Orangepill eheheh
i figured I would start with the blue since the red is basically a derivative of it.
I'm I diagnosing this right... stackoverflow.com/a/32110113/2364629
I think his issue is unixtimestamp + server timezone + time zone passed into constructor = Confusion
@Orangepill nope. the timezone parameter just tells the constructor that the given string date refers to a given timezone
@abe I understand that ... but the use of date on a timestamp I think is what's screwing him up
> The $timezone parameter and the current timezone are ignored when the $time parameter either is a UNIX timestamp (e.g. @946684800) or specifies a timezone (e.g. 2010-01-28T15:00:00+02:00)
it simply gets ignored
which is shit, as in perfect php style
it should throw an exception
It makes sense to ignore it here.
it is ambiguous
@Abe not an exception but it should just follow the provided or default timezone
@andho the $timezone parameter is meant just for determining to which offset the datetime refersto. if the string already contains the timezone and you also pass a $timezone, i would expect an error to be thrown, since it is ambiguous
for example new DateTime('@1440051693', $tz); should create a datetime object with the UTC time '1440051693' but when you output the time it should use the timezone.
it is not ambigous
@andho that's not how it is designed
it is just an hint
the time you want is '2010-01-28T15:00:00+02:00' but you want to handle it in +05:00 timezone. Makes sense to me
again, this is not how it works @andho :P i didn't design it
yeah design is shit
in construction the timezone is supposed to be used as instruction on how to interpret the time provided ... not how it should be outputted.
specially ignoring the timezone with unix timestamp. I've been bitten by that
tbh i like how it is designed. it should just throw an error when $timezone is actually passed in but ignored
if provided with an offset it should convert it to a unix time and then ignore the timezone parameter
@Orangepill yes
it is needed when the string doesn't specify a timezone, like a unix timestamp
well unix timestamp is implicitly UTC.
@Abe A unix timestamp is always UTC.
@abe the dude with the jack daniels you tweeted is my new hero...if he's still alive.
didn't know that. but i'm pretty sure people used unix timestamp with other timezones
@Orangepill look at this guy too youtube.com/watch?v=Ul6Gn6xGTwA #nailedit (nsfwish)
he did better then I would have... me and tequila are not friends
i'm pretty sure he vomited some vital organ too
well i need to get some sleep night guys.
I'm creating to a website like SO, now I want to devote a reputation for who his comment get voteup. in your opinion how many ? +2 rep ? or +1 rep ?
user image
@rdlowrey Don't you think this is a much better and a much more modern hierarchy of needs? :P
just got in to work
@RonniSkansing Why does your CV link to rebecca black's song?
didn't wake up for stupid alarm, got misses to work late, on way home bit of braking assembly has come off ... today's gonna be good, I can tell ...
Hey, Joe Watkins. I got you
Wait to see you for a longggggggg time
should I set "record type" to which one?
A (Address)
AAAA (Address)
MXE (Mail easy)
MX (Mail)
CNAME (Alias)
SPF (txt)
URL Redirect
URL Frame
@JasonYoung xhprof is pretty much unmaintained ...
I think uprofiler is the one you want to watch, it's not ready for 7 yet though ...
what is difference between accessing server from localhost or host ip (ie from same host( ?
@NullPoiиteя Accessing it with the IP sends the IP as Host header so the server might not be able to select the right vhost.
i got pissed of by it, looks like browser is caching from which i have no idea why, works fine in private mode, and works fine in both normal and private mode
@JoeWatkins What's the difference?
uprofiler is being actively maintained ... I don't use either, so that's the only detail I have for you ...
Base on the source code, I kind of like think this just a copy paste staff
Are you familiar with zend_vm_execute.h ?
IIRC it was just that xhprof wasn't being actively maintained and or not merging pr's from upstream, so FoP forked it and renamed it uprofiler ...
yes, it's generated, you probably want to look at zend_vm_def.h
I though If I can make a call from my extension, Then I can make this support PHP7
(if you're wanting to make changes)
inline int xhprof_icall_handler(zend_execute_data *execute_data) {
zend_op *opline = execute_data->opline;

zend_opcode_handlers[opline->opcode + 1](execute_data);
I've use zend_set_user_opcode_handler(ZEND_DO_ICALL, xhprof_icall_handler); to proxy
function calls. gdb show every ok, But can't execute zend_opcode_handlers[opline->opcode + 1](execute_data);
does xhprof set a zend_execute_internal function ?
But it won't work in PHP7
ZEND_DO_ICALL is not generated
since zend_execute_internal call was call in php5 when use execute a function call. but now, every function call will execute this piece of code:
if you set in MINIT a zend_execute_internal, ZEND_DO_ICALL is not generated, your handler will be called instead
@JoeWatkins Staphylococcus is nasty...
That right
But How I still need to let the code to run the real function code right?
nameserver and dns are one thing ?
@Fabor Your analogy is awesome
@JasonYoung yeah look here: lxr.php.net/…, this is where DO_ICALL is skipped, set the zend_execute_internal function and call execute_internal: lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_execute.c#1981 inside it ...
am I making sense ?
morning @Jimbo
Let me see
9 hours ago, by Fabor
Depends on specific needs. Laravel fits a purpose like a fast-food fills your stomach. Is it quick and easy? Yes, is it sustainable long-term? No. Organically grow your own framework or source the best libs to sow a nice foundation to which your project will come to fruition.
@JoeWatkins Wow, That really very helpful!
Thanks a lots!
with a bit of paper ?
@Jimbo in the transcript
sometimes it has tassels ?
Dicks :P
I found it
who has worked with Zend Stratigility and Diactoros here?
I've never even heard of them.
Oh my god, It works now!!!! I love you @JoeWatkins
user image
@andho Curious, what are you using them for?
moin @Sherif, @PeeHaa ... bit distracted so didn't spot Sherif ...
But I think we can no longer use xhprof_enable xhprof_disable() dynamically switch it on or of. Am I right?
ohai @andho
Morning :)
Looks like are you all in UK :) Morning!
@JasonYoung I don't see why ...
@JasonYoung there is no such thing as afternoon on the internet ...
We're all on UGT
gimme link to source code of those functions
@Sherif Stratigility is an http middleware. I'm using it in my new project.
@andho oh wow a wild andho appears after being awol for more then a year :)
@JoeWatkins Hi :)
sticking around or passing through ?
@andho Yea, I looked at their github. I was asking what you're using them for, more specifically.
another try at civiliation :P
cool :)
good luck
Cause that ICALL skipd during compile time.
@JasonYoung I'm not familiar with the source code, and there are many forks, so I dunno what you are looking at ...
@Sherif well currently I just have an authentication, routing, error handling and response formatting middleware in total.
@Sherif What is UGT
But when I created the response formatting middleware, I realised all Response objects need the body to be a string, but I wanna send array or object into it. So sad but makes sense.
@andho Any particular reason you chose these frameworks/packages in particular?
Blah, that's too many particulars.
@andho Doesn't it just use PSR7 messages? Meaning you could encode a JSON or urlencode a multipart data in the body?
@Sherif I wanted to try out the PSR7 request and response interfaces.
I mean... it's just HTTP, right?
There's nothing special in terms of what you're going to put in an HTTP response/request body.
actually I don't remember why I started using it. But there were somethings I was not happy with using Slim. And Arya didn't have middleware.
@Sherif I wanted to send raw data from my Routing Middleware, then another layer will convert the data to XML, JSON or HTML based on the chosen MimeType
@andho That's fine, but you still have to serialize the data in HTTP regardless.
So I'm not getting the problem.
See, this is why I hated using HTTP for inband messaging.
now my Routing layer have to serialize it, then the Response Formatting layer will deserialize it and serialize it back to correct Response format. So there is an unnecessary serializing and deserializing going on
A real message bus should be binary safe and have minimal protocol overhead :)
If I want to send igbinary serailized data across the lan, I should be able to do it trivially and with minimal overhead from the wrapping protocol.
This is why I loved ZeroMQ
@Sherif i would love to love ZeroMQ, haven't got the chance yet.
@andho Right, this is exactly why HTTP sucks for inband messaging. I mean, in theory you could drop a binary payload into the HTTP request/resposne body, but because your framework/tool is probably forcing you to use some standard like urlencoding, you have all the overhead of urlencoding your already serialized data.
24 mins ago, by andho
who has worked with Zend Stratigility and Diactoros here?
Probably what amounts to very unnecessary work, sure.
But meh
why do I get a feeling that the main goal for naming there was "it must sound complicated"
@tereško haha yeah. The original name was Conduit. Which makes more sense
@tereško If Zend made it it has to has some complex parlance, right?
^ that one was just caused by fucktards who dont use english for their variable names, comments and other code-related stuff
I wonder sometimes, did they actually sit down at a table one day and ask themselves, what is the most convoluted way we could possibly say "twice colon?"
No, I get it. They love coming up with clever names. I love clever names too, but I mean, there's something to be said about also conforming with your userbase.
@andho Anyway, you could try just using the PHP serializer on your data, but personally I'd opt for JSON. You really have no choice when it comes to HTTP. There's just no way to pass data around in HTTP other than in plain text.
just to make sure, the error meant "twin colon" something in transliterated hebrew
So it has to be serialized.
Maybe wait around for HTTP 2.0
@tereško Also, not feeling the game thing still :/
@Sherif what did you try?
Can't remember now, I closed the tab, but it was the one with the teleportation.
Portal, then. What was the issue?
I ended up trying to implement it in javascript with opengl
@tereško Nothing, just got bored.
so, "puzzle platformers" are out a a genre
Hey there
I have a symfony2 website with sonata admin bundle, and I would like to translate search filter labels : http://puu.sh/jHViq/5e5e68a375.png

I tried to put the translations in messages.fr.yml, but no result. Can someone help please ?
@tereško * shakes fist *
@DaveRandom mogguh
monings o/
got kicked from my gang in this game
you must really suck
good morning, roomies
Heya sir

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