in that video above, there is one guy who gives a quite good explanation. blue gives you all the patterns and will make you think in them. but red draws the connections and opens up context.
@ircmaxell why do you need to wait a month to order a book?
i would just try reading the books again (which i should do too, first attempt was just a fast read. i read very fast but actually grasping things is different :P)
Hey guys, I'm learning Laravel currently and it is the first web framework I have ever worked with. I just don't like how automated it is. There are 5 different ways to do the same thing and it just gets really confusing as I am of the type who likes to understand everything that is going on, which is too difficult with laravel. Are all PHP frameworks like this or are there some that are straight to the point and stripped down?
Ah so the no framework approach isn't a bad approach after all. Thank God. I really don't like frameworks and much prefer putting in the time to do things my own way. That way I can add features as I please and avoid the time it takes to learn a framework and rely on other code. I have read many places that this is a bad approach which is why I decided to learn Laravel. But you're saying this is actually a good way to go? @Fabor
Depends on specific needs. Laravel fits a purpose like a fast-food fills your stomach. Is it quick and easy? Yes, is it sustainable long-term? No. Organically grow your own framework or source the best libs to sow a nice foundation to which your project will come to fruition.
Not yet no, I've not changed the config but it's a non-issue. I'll change it when I am back from Russia in a few weeks.
Users get pushed to login on first load and that'll default be the HTTPS version. Inside there's no links to the non-ssl site. Only through manually typing it would you get there. Not a public site either.
But fixing it would scratch a minor itch, so it'll still be done.