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@Eugene I don't think so because TWIG is not PHP. So the concept of a variable is different.
Since as I know === doesn't check for variable points to the same memory address
@Truth you mean a site out there or markup?
@Truth using bootstrap for some time now and liking it more and more with every new version.
@Truth there aren't such
there are classes like .button-primary .medium for example
the only thing with numbers are the grid classes obviously
like span12 to span1
which is semantically correct
Q: How to prevent user from selecting and copying text from my webpage

Prashanth PalaniswamyI know that we can use javascript to achieve this but disabling the javascript in the web browser, user can easily copy text. Is there any way for this using CSS?

@markustharkun Okay
@Truth of course grid systems can be considered non-semantic as such and you don't need to use it... I was always against using grids but TB has well ... converted or poluted me, it's just so easy and it works everywhere and it's a great responsive system
@markustharkun I don't know, I don't like working with anything premade in general
I don't mind working with already written code, just not some ready website and tweak it to my needs
That tends to make very ugly, very shaky code
@Truth that not AT ALL what TB is
@hakre even comment in code is correct Checks if a variable is the same as another one (=== in PHP)
Which will break at the slightest change
@markustharkun Do enlighten me than. I'm willing to learn
@hakre but on website it describes something else. IMO.
But their website at github doesn't explain much
@Truth look, it seems you and hakre both haven't worked with TB, so just go and try it before you bash it as something it isn't. it's a framework, with 'libraries' you can use or not use at your own will
@markustharkun I don't currently have projects I can try to incorporate it into, but I'll give it at try when I can.
@Truth I'll be glad to discuss it's strenghs and shortcomings further when you've seen it
@Eugene Yes and no ;/)( ;) - Maybe something could be added on the website like: That's what you know as === in PHP or something like that.
@hakre sounds good. Would be less confusing.
@Eugene Patch it ;)
By the way, to html developers out there. Is there a way to make a container, that would conceal edges of the picture if it is bigger then allowed?
@hakre Shouldn't the php5 tag contain the fact that it is for 5 specific question in the excerpt?
@Eugene overflow: hidden on a div will do that
@Eugene You can hide parts of an image with overflow:hidden but I recommend to crop the image server side
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Which question do you think is PHP 5 specific in specific?
@hakre the autoload function for example :)
There are no PHP 5 specific questions
@Zundrium uhm, it's common for PHP 4 as well that non-existant functions do not work.
There are questions about PHP and there are questions about super old and obsolete versions oh PHP
please answer
Q: Multiple objects of UIImagePickercontroller

user804817How Can make multiple object of image picker controller .Actually i want to display 4 image picker controller in same view but in different frames when i trying to do this it display on only one camera view while others are blank. how can i show camera view on all 4 frames. currently i am adding ...

@user804817 so, this is the PHP chat room, your question has nothing to do with PHP, why do you post it here?
many php guys nows objective c too
6 messages moved to bin
and you WANT a quick answer, wow, do you know that this is considered rude in our cultural environment, to say I WANT
@user804817 No
@user804817: I ping you.
Many PHP guys are too arrogant to learn an iPhone-only technology
@user804817 Can you take a look here, too? stackoverflow.com/questions/10920821/…
@user804817 Can you carry out the trash for me?
@user804817 Come on, I know you can do that. Please help me.
you go to .....
@ircmaxell Can you get rid of it?
Please do.
@ircmaxell thx
:-) do I, you already went to my ignore hell :)
I hate ignoring people
I want them to be banned alrogether
@NikiC once is fine. He can post the question, as long as he's not abusing the room
Otherwise conversation starts to not make sense anymore
@NikiC yeah I have this problem... sometimes ppl talk to ghosts, it's annyoing
@ircmaxell It's still off topic though. And I don't like him.
Which IDE do you guys use BTW?
@Zundrium phpstorm
mainly PhpStorm
@Zundrium PhpStorm
yes, it is off topic, but it's a SO question somewhat on topic (programming related). Let him post the question. If it tries to derail the convo too much I'll move it, but for now I think it's ok
@Zundrium Netbeans
@ircmaxell whew, I'm not the only one hehe.
@hakre e.g. for bugs specific to php5
Yay. IDE war!
@Zundrium editplus
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Specific to 5.0 bugs or specific to bugs in the whole >=5 branch?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa PHP 5? I mean, that's a lot of many versions. I doubt that a tag can be a good choice to reflect that.
@Zundrium definitely phpStorm
@RepWhoringPeeHaa yay!!!!!!
EditPlus, I use that, too ;) I even own a license gg
I used to use phpDesigner
Which was also awesome
@Znarkus I think app/ could be a logical choice. My tutorials are not finished and I've tried to keep it very simplified for now.
When I was using CBM116, there was no IDE at all ^^
phpStorm vs. EditPlus vs. NetBeans!

I really like NetBeans so far, been using it for 1.5 year now or so.
@Zundrium Then stay with it.
@Zundrium I've used Netbeans and PhpStorm a lot. I lean towards PhpStorm.
@Zundrium let's not do the war thingy... if you're happy, stay with what you are, if you're not happy, try PhpStorm and decide for yourself
@markustharkun Why? If we can discuss with arguments instead of emotion we can only learn from it, right?
my general feeling towards PphpStorm could be described as "burning hatred"
@hakre I already imagene the comments :)
@Zundrium One thing that sold me on PhpStorm was that they used about 50% of the memory that Netbeans did on my machines. I'm not sure if that's a Netbeans generic issue or problems directly related to my hardware. In any case, I was regularly having to restart Netbeans and have never had to do so with PhpStorm. If you don't have memory issues, then that shouldn't influence you at all.
@Zundrium Hey, this room is full of programmers. You can not expect much "discuss with arguments" here. You will only get different opinions that's all.
@tereško Perfect example of not how to discuss, thanks.
@Zundrium no, because it will always be heavily biased, unless someone uses them parallely with the same intensity
@Zundrium use notepad++ for the same its also good editer
@Sparkx Notepad++ isn't an IDE.
3 mins ago, by Zundrium
phpStorm vs. EditPlus vs. NetBeans!

I really like NetBeans so far, been using it for 1.5 year now or so.
this statement contained only feeling and force of habit
ping me when the IDE discussion is over :P
why do you expect "facts" ?
@Zundrium notepad++ is source code editor
@Zundrium Sure it is, see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_development_environment - just add some plugins and you have a IDE
@tereško You know what I mean man. Features, like the navigator and ctrl + click in Netbeans.
that's available in most of IDEs
@Zundrium I've also done a lot of code refactoring in both Netbeans and PhpStorm. In Netbeans, I experienced this annoying bug but have had no issues with it in PhpStorm.
@LeviMorrison Memory usage isn't a reason for me to switch IDE.
there is actually one more option , you can try out, @Zundrium : Aptana Studio ( i used if for ~3 years .. not anymore, switched to SublimeText )
@LeviMorrison Such esoteric bugs show that there something is really broken with NetBeans.
@LeviMorrison Never had that, ever.
And then there is Komodo IDE
@tereško What is the reason for you to use SublimeText?
simple editor , nice UI , good autocomplete
PhpStorm's JavaScript support is superior to Netbeans. Its auto-complete is better, and the code structure panel understands the overall structure better.
@LeviMorrison , i have tried it .. javascript support is crap
at least if you write functional code , not just the "hello jquery" level of code
1 feature i miss in NetBeans is code shortcuts like "fori" and "sout" in Java. Really shows that the editor is made for Java and PHP is just a large plugin.
@Zundrium Regardless which IDE you use, you will miss something and something does not work etc. pp.
What I like about PHPStorm is, I report a bug and normally it get's fixed quite fast.
@tereško Interesting. I don't do "hello jquery" coding, but I'm not doing large-scale JS apps either. Is Netbeans any better for you?
So they concentrate on their code and I on my code. But phar support is a mess in PHPStorm.
@LeviMorrison , most of my JS is closures inside closures which return objects containing closures
IDEs fail
@LeviMorrison , no , they all such
@tereško does sublimetext have integrated SVN/Git support?
yes , some , but i use command line tools anyway
it is an editor , not an IDE .. different level of expectations
@tereško I see. I like the intuitive navigator though.
@markustharkun ping
I will give PHPStorm and Sublimetext a try :) And Indeed guess it ends here.
@markustharkun well then, what do you want to talk about?
@Zundrium Sublimetext is ugly
@Sparkx Are you a designer or a programmer?
@Zundrium programmer
@CarrieKendall hi
@Zundrium I tell you which IDE is best if you answer this question and it gets accepted: stackoverflow.com/questions/10897186/…
@hakre huh?
@hakre there is no best, only difference.
The SQL room is kind of dead, if you can help with SQL then, stackoverflow.com/questions/10922940/…
@hakre htmlentities()?
@hakre and it's a php5 :(
Hi everyone
@Sam Greetings!
Hows your work going @Hakre?
I noticed that we recently only got one @Sam :(
My dispute of the day! What is your preferred code editor?
@NikiC Whats happened to pink Sam?
@Sam Don't ask, today sucks big time. Maintenance work with an application that was originally written with PHP 3.
@hakre Oh, that really existed?
But I will have a great dinner in the evenning.
I was here earlier when you mentioned, it sounds like a pain in the ass if you ask me
@NikiC argh! Yes, and the application partially benefitted from the PHP 4 object model in PHP (cough).
@hakre Fillet steak and onion rings... With some barbecue sauce... And some chips.... mmmm
@hakre hehe
And as I see the code today, you want to literally rip it apart and change everything. But you should not do that, just maintenance. Strict, dumb code the same way, just fix / extend - done.
@hakre make a php3 to php5 parser :D
@Sam No asparagus just pulled out of earth.
@Zundrium Not helpful. And not funny. Argh ;)
I know that feeling, ive been working with an old site, done entirely in tables, inline styles and inline javascript, all with a backend of visual basic
@Sam Wow that has some coolness factor at least.
Its for a large company as well, you think they would do a rebuild, but the site is so large it would cost too much
And yeah, I know why I like CSS, because it made things simpler. The problem is: The app is that old even I did not use CSS much.
why rebuild? it sounds super amazing
I don't want to rebuild. I can't rebuild. It's not worth to rebuild. It only needs some maintenance.
The app will go out of live at the end of the year.
@hakre what does it do anyway?
@Zundrium Well it's that sort of PHP + MySQL thingy: Some data managed. You can create a website out of it later.
You could say a CMS especially for book publishers.
user image
@Sam Why does he first throw it into the trash and then sits in front of it again?
He bought a new one?
Wrong way round lol, start from when he is sat down
Seems he cant get rid of it, just like you and your PHP3 app bwahaha.
irritating movie
Definitely going up now
More gifs!
less gifs
almost out
More educational contentz.
half gone
one up +1
function getGif() {
@markustharkun please also think about the people with a bigger screen
one up +1
@RepWhoringPeeHaa still bigger screen now?
eh, what about moving it to bin? or what about disabling animations in your browser?
I can't move stuff to bin, can I?
disable images while your at it.
only ircmaxell and gordon can do that
@markustharkun it's gone :)
@RepWhoringPeeHaa liar liar liar
I started to flag it. Maybe if we all flag it, it will disappear automatically.
@hakre I counterflagged :P
It's off my screen so I don't care :P
I cant delete my own comments o.O?
@NikiC Okay, let's have some fun. I starred it! Ha!
@hakre Okay!
@hakre Remove it with firebug?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Can you create a feature in cv-pls plugin please?
@hakre And port to FF please!
@hakre sure
@markustharkun can do what?
move messages to bin :)
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Disable gif animations in chat.
Enable on click ;)
@NikiC I'm still looking for some conclusive documentation :( It seems there are two ways to create an addon. And most resources are telling different things or are outdated in some way
@hakre Nice feature
@markustharkun want me to move it?
yes to FF and beyond!
na, it was just banter, I felt irritated by the animated gif so I started moving it up by writing stuff and someone suggested moving it to bin instead and I said that only you and ircmaxell can do that, nothing serious really
@CarrieKendall beyond is an active-x IE plugin? ;)
@markustharkun ok
hm, was me ;)
@RepWhoringPeeHaa nah, i was thinking opera (aka @tereško, i think he is the only person to use that browser ) ;]
@Gordon I wasn't even pinging you on purpose, just writing your name... do you have a personal chat parser? :)
@CarrieKendall me is opera user, too
i have my reasons =P
ooo, enough to start a group :P hehehehe
but me is having three browser opened at once minimal normally.
across three different computers
argh! today is such a pain!
i realize this isnt the SQL room but SQL doesn't seem to be heavily reported anywhere else....

INSERT INTO [MVCNew].[dbo].[CollisionBegin] SELECT * FROM [MVCNew].[dbo].[CollisionBegin] WHERE [UniqueColID]=@UniqueColID;
which reminds me that i need to take some meds
I am trying to duplicate a record BUT have one column be inserted different
@Nadal most people of us also hate microsoft products. just in case your SQL is related to one.
>_> It isnt my choice of what technology I can use
as a programmer it most definitely is your choice ;]
@Nadal Liar, it's always your choice. This is a free world. And if it ain't, you need to fight!
@Nadal It isn't? Sad for you man.
:P LOL its part of work...
where code I am having to fix is 15 year old code
how to correct ms sql : burn with fire
@CarrieKendall So much hate so little time.
@CarrieKendall Wasn't it testing ACID compliance first by pumping actual acid into the server?
@markustharkun no, i just happened to join the room when I saw the message
So, I guess no one is going to try windows 8 on release?
IDE discussion is over, OS discussion now! (Just kidding, sigh)
@markustharkun but a chat parser is a nice idea :)
@Nadal the SQL chat is very slow at times but generally someone will get back to you :] you just have to be patient
@Zundrium i tried the demo they released a few weeks back and think they should rename it to Windows H8
@Gordon yep, would be nice to be alerted to certain topics, etc.
@Gordon LOL!!!
@Gordon Guess it is kind of stupid huh. The thing I most h8 is the swiping to other windows. Which is only possible on the left side. Thanks to apple.
Im sticking with windows 7 when windows 8 comes out, i prefer it
Too focused on tablets methinks
@Zundrium i dont like tiles concept. had to switch out ofit immediately and then it was just boring.
Good morning again
@ircmaxell hello lazy american sleeping til 17:15
well, I'm at the office
so I woke up 2 hours ago
new blog post going live in 45 minutes
@ircmaxell so 45 minutes to go til office hours are over ;)
lol :-D
ok, I'll push it live in 15 minutes
@ircmaxell what is it about?
Abstractions and application architecture
@NikiC I know the Pear Developer license for PhpStorm was renewed. Do you know if it is the same license?
@ircmaxell interesting
it's either going to be epic, or ignored
@ircmaxell I hope the feeds pulls it in :)
feeds will deliver it here, but HN and r/programming are my goals...
And this guy has 23K rep!
@EdwardTanguay: you wont find a library like that. The reason is that it's REALLY hard to do that securely. As in so hard that nobody in the right mind would even try it, as the use case is so narrow. Instead, make a normal model, build your query there, and validate the daylights out of your input... — ircmaxell 1 min ago
Should I be using my database to handle image blobs or should I just store file paths? I've read a little about it but I wanted your guys opinions
@EventHorizon: depends on your use-case. I've done both, and would recommend both depending on what you're trying to do
@ircmaxell For a webstore?
@Event_Horizon I tend to think that I wouldn't like to bloat my db with images, I usually just store the file name and the rest is managed by the app
The SQL antipatterns book claims that blobs are better than links to external files, however while I can see where the author is coming from with that, I still feel that big chunks of binary data belong in a filesystem rather than in the database.
@Event_Horizon I'd like to add that I have not tried the blob way but I wasn't very convinced by the SQL antipattern chapter about it either
The author makes his argument from a purely SQL standpoint, which is fair enough as it's a book on SQL antipatterns, but he doesn't take into account how stuff like images might be being used. If they're being served through apache/IIS/ngnix/whatever then having to load them from the DB can introduce quite a bit of overhead, and you'll have to take heroic action to get proper client side caching (which you'd get for free if you just served the files from disc)
It depends too much on what you're doing. Are you trying to manage them? Or just store references to them? Are you on a single box, or a cluster? Does your application know about a CDN, or not? Are you serving those images directly, or through a processessing script (for access control)?
posted on June 07, 2012 by Anthony Ferrara

Very often when we look at a class diagram for a new application, it's quite overwhelming. There are tons of classes, all interacting with each other. These interactions are everywhere. It actually resembles a spider web of interaction. Trying to decode this web to figure out what the application is doing can be a lesson in futility for some applications.  How then, can we design an applica

I'm just trying to store the images for reference, on a single server, and to provide them back with paginated SQL data. I'm not experienced enough to know what else would be useful to tell you guys, I'm just going to be using the app I make as training.
@Event_Horizon then do it the way you feel would provide more training for you :)
or try both ways
@EventHorizon Is this an app running through a web server or is it some kind of desktop app communicating with the server?
Its going to be running through a web server, its not a desktop app
If it's the former I'd recommend putting the files on disc and letting the HTTP server handle all the serving/caching headers/etc. If it's the latter then there's probably a stronger case for using BLOBS
Woot, there is a kindle-friendly version of SQL antipatterns after all, they just sell it on their own site instead of through Amazon.
buy the paper version. That way you can open it, turn to a page and hand it to a coworker as see, I'm not crazy
@ircmaxell Lasagne code FTW
I take my kindle everywhere anyway. With my eyesight dead trees is an epic pain in the backside.
A: How to prevent user from selecting and copying text from my webpage

TruthIf you don't want someone copying your text, don't place it on the web. The web is open source, free to read, and to copy. Even with all the CSS, JavaScript or imagary tricks you may pull off, nothing will prevent a user from manually reading and copying your text to a different document/locati...

Is this answer really that bad?
Not sure if my opinion is wrong, or Stack Overflow is filled with morons...
@ircmaxell Easy and solid rules man, I would name the term Dependency Oriented Architecture though.
@Truth you got a +1 from me
@ircmaxell Thanks
Got really worried there for a second
Stupid Question: xdebug can be installed and used on remote server?
@webarto question back, why not?
@Truth agreed. Even though you have different levels of pirates. Some give up easily, some don't.
@Zundrium Do you know the definition of secure information?
@ircmaxell @markustharkun thanks, "it doesn't work", so probably misconfigured, willfix.
Crossbrowser method: Don't write any text. — Lollero 3 hours ago
I lolled
@Truth Apparently not.
don't write anything. Even if it's an image, it can be OCRed pretty easily

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