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2:01 PM
thanks @edorian . This looks interesting, will read it once I finish of my API docs
any tips for php security? i mean is it necessary to watch what you code or just avoid a few silly mistakes in security..?
@tereško I've worked with PG and as their community is VERY vocal about mysqls shortcomings I'd say I'm quite aware of what a real database can and should do different. But I don't do stuff just for the sake of it and it's not like I'd be able to switch between databases anyways
i guess thats an acceptable point
after skimming through the adapter. I dont think I have done anything like it. What I have done is more like an ORM , to give you an example, here's my Dbh::insertInto() :
 * insertInto given table name and data inserts  single row into the table.
 * Optional third argument $stripTblName will strip the table name in
 * prefixes of column names in the array of insert data $valFromClm. The
 * return value is int corresponding to the Index Key of row inserted in the
 * table, 0 if no Key/non-integer Key
 * @param string $tblName name of the table (XXX:will not be sanitized)
 * @param array $valFromClm associative array of column => value mapping
 * @param bool $stripTblName to strip $valFromClm array keys i.e. column
Oh my
2:05 PM
@anonymouslyanonymous , what do you mean ? Is there a list of common stupid mistakes in php ? Yes , there is, and it is way too long to be written where
@tereško wrong ping/post?
i think it scrolled up as i clicked
@Sudhi this is actually physically painful to look at
@Sudhi You have written half a book worth of documentation but table is abbreviated into tbl.
@edorian how bad is my attempt ?
no i meant, even with securing your php code with those common mistakes thing...would there be a high chance of attacks on servers by any chance...basically is php safe to work with flexibly without worrying too much ?
2:08 PM
@edorian thats because I use Systems Hungarian , and another documentation has all the prefixes documented
@Sudhi sprintf please. and i agree with @edorian on the tbl and clm naming
//@Gordon how do I sprintf following ?:
$stmt = "INSERT INTO $tblName (" . implode(', ', array_keys($valFromClm)) . ')' . PHP_EOL
          . 'VALUES(:' . implode(', :', array_keys($valFromClm)) . ')';
@anonymouslyanonymous No absolutely not. PHP does not protect you from doing things wrong. Most sample codes you find contain security issues and it's not easy to get everything right.
@anonymouslyanonymous , exploits directed at language are rare , as rare as exploits which target the any other server-side software which is involved in running your website
@Gordon can I plead Systems Hungarian in my defence ? (pretty please :D )
2:11 PM
Oh i read this wrong. Yes PHP + Webserver its self is secure enough if you stay current. Getting your code right is the more pressing problem.
@Sudhi you just replace all the parts where you concat with %s
@Sudhi no. And it's HngrnNtn :)
@Sudhi Nope. It's $table not $tbl. No excuses :)
@Sudhi , hungarian naming convention in loosely typed language makes no sense , and $tbl doesnt even have anything to do with it
and $valFromClm doesn't make any semantic sense there (not sure what CLM is .. :) )
@edorian CommandLineManager for sure
2:14 PM
@tereško 'Systems' Hungarian an be nice. I've seen it help junior devs a lot in the past
Just typing isn't all that nice but can be of some use to as a "works in $type context"
hello :)
.. you say it as if i have ever been nice to people
ohhh please. I have those prefix documented as well !!! come on guys, I did it because I wanted to try Systems Hungarian. And in the spirit of the concept behind it, I feel that 'tbl' as prefix for all vars/conts related to Tables makes sense. And right now $varFromClm is an array, I might as well replace it with an object but still have that name. Which allows me to have a sense of consistency filled with numerous variables/constants with (almost) same names. (How about tableFoo.id) ?
@Sudhi sounds like a lot more work than necessary ;)
@tereško on the contrary, I believe it makes a lot of sense to use SH in language like PHP, where $var can be anything that you can assign
2:18 PM
what is symstems hungarian?
@Sudhi thats the point. it can be everything, so the instant someone changes your $strFoo to an integer, its misnamed. and that can easily happen given that return values of functions often return multiple types
or, you could do something outrageous like...i dunno...knowing what the hell you're coding.
$oUser , $sName ... what sort of stuff , @NikiC
I don't want to look up some piece of documentation to figure out how to read the name of a variable name.
@tereško UGLY!
2:19 PM
@Gordon it is, but its work that I can simply read like a novel/story. And when I am extending/modifying it, I know for sure that $valFromClm[$column] = $value is much more right and accurate in a foreach($varFromClm as $column => $var) loop
Hungarian notation is an identifier naming convention in computer programming, in which the name of a variable or function indicates its type or intended use. There are two types of Hungarian notation: Systems Hungarian notation and Apps Hungarian notation. Hungarian notation was designed to be language-independent, and found its first major use with the BCPL programming language. Because BCPL has no data types other than the machine word, nothing in the language itself helps a programmer remember variables' types. Hungarian notation aims to remedy this by providing the programmer with e...
"systems hungarian" == prefixing variables with the system-type (like 's' for strings, 'i' for ints, etc)
just imagines a novel story where all characters are named chrJohn, chrJane and so on
i guess we are venturing in to the territory of style and taste ... you do not argue about taste , you either have it or you don't
@cHao thats exactly NOT what the true concept of SH is !
2:20 PM
@Sudhi Apart from that the docs are to much to read so I wouldn't bother usually and the method does to much. In 95% of the cases I don't care for the lastInsertId and fetchting it takes time. Also the third parameter seems unnecarry and only there to remove clutter introduced somewhere else
chrJohn takes itmFlowers and cbGifts them to chrJane
@Sudhi ummm...yeah, it is. that's exactly what systems hungarian is.
you're probably thinking of apps hungarian.
@Gordon its not for the data-type, but for the type of , ermm how do I say this, the data-structure its representing. Sure, my $valFromClm can be anything, an int or string or even a DateTime , but I know that whatever it is, it's the value of that column
@Sudhi how about $intPos = strpos(blah). Right or wrong?
what I know/understand of System Hungarian is right from here . I am sure most of you have read it
2:23 PM
@Sudhi , so its not only hungarian , but hebrew too
@Gordon I don't have str, or int as prefix, that doesn't make sense in PHP !
@Sudhi nothing makes sense in PHP :)
> Apps Hungarian had very useful, meaningful prefixes like “ix” to mean an index into an array, “c” to mean a count, “d” to mean the difference between two numbers (for example “dx” meant “width”), and so forth.

> Systems Hungarian had far less useful prefixes like “l” for long and “ul” for “unsigned long” and “dw” for double word, which is, actually, uh, an unsigned long. In Systems Hungarian, the only thing that the prefix told you was the actual data type of the variable.
Guys, I 'm not sure if "systems" or "apps" is the right terminology
but Sudhi advocates cbLength, not intLength
@cHao: Apps Hungarian it is then :)
that's what i said. :)
2:26 PM
@cHao: yup
@cHao then my mistake, its Apps Hungarian and not Systems Hungarian . But I never thought of Hungarian Notation like that before. I always took it for Apps
@Gordon well, I don't know about PHP , but I do care a lot if my code make sense to me when I read it or not
@Jon bingo !
@Sudhi it doesnt make sense to me if it uses weird abbreviations
rwPosition isnt clear. I'd assume readwriteposition but it means rowposition. So why not just name it rowPosition then?
usName means american name to me, not unsafe name
@Gordon they are weird to you, sure, because you have seen it just once w/o documentation. How about following DocBlock :
 * XXX: *NOT* a variable but a constant mapping of of subscription
 * information and column names in the database. The name is styled in
 * "System Hungarian" meaning:
 * _ private
 * s subscription
 * Clm column
 * From
 * Var subscription variable name
 * i.e. given variable name as key it returns name of the column
 * @var array $_pClmFromVar
private static $_sClmFromVar = array(
    'id' => 'sms_subscriptiondaily.id',
    'product' => 'sms_subscriptiondaily.product',
    'member' => 'sms_subscriptiondaily.member',
@Sudhi: I don't agree with Gordon all the way, but $_pClmFromVar seems atrocious to me
if you need a dictionary to read it, that's kinda the opposite of self-documenting.
2:30 PM
@Sudhi instead of writing a glossary for me and force me to read each and every docblock, why not just scrap the docblock and use the full names I understand. Dont make me learn abbreviations.
hungarian notation used to be good
still can be. but not everywhere.
when you didn't have a helpful editor that remembered the data type for you.
no, systems hungarian was never good.
@cHao I dont have 100s of prefixes , but just a handful, most commonly used. And I never use them in method names
2:31 PM
as well as when the language you used had a thousand different types of strings
@cHao you think? Ever coded in c/c++?
no, i just hang out in the c++ room for kicks
@Jon that was me determined to write a use case for SH , thats all. Even I wont write that kind of stuff again, I know.
@cHao kicks indeed :D
anyway, i've never had a need for systems hungarian
2:33 PM
doesn't make sense to see 5 lines of code to change a personName to a sanePersonName because some intelligent_guy decided there should be 2 different types of strings used in the same set of API.
in fact, it's only ever annoyed the hell out of me.
@cHao Well, 6th form used to teach hungarian notation. If it's scholarly, it must be useful, in some warp of the universe. :P
Oh wait, they still teach hungarian notation.
eh. if it's scholarly, in my experience, it's usually the opposite of useful. :)
@cHao Not in Malta! Our 6 very different IT-related university courses produce the best programmers in the world. </sarcasm>
and hungarian notation has its place. apps hungarian does, anyway. systems hungarian is an abomination, and it never should have existed.
2:36 PM
@cHao ohhk, I still keep confusing what you are saying with Apps Hungarian. I need to re-learn my vocab for Apps Hungarian .
Did I mention I'm helping this guy finish his thesis which involves writing multithreaded code in java? Did I also mention I've never been to university? :D
@ChristianSciberras thats cool ! I did my Masters in Chemistry, and didn't do any coding (till ~4months ago) . So I know what you are saying
@ChristianSciberras: That reminded me of when I had to learn how to implement basic multithread sync in Java
Good Morning
2:38 PM
I had learned multithreading the hard way on Windows first
@Sudhi Masters in Chemistry? I'm talking about Bachelor in IA FFS.
then after reading the docs I call up my mate who had some Java experience and ask him
"so basically I just write synchronized and everything is automatic?"
How is it possible that a student pursuing such a degree doesn't know scheduling from multithreading, on his final year?
Java: letting programmers write multithreaded code without learning the basics FTW
cause java classes don't really teach the good stuff?
2:41 PM
@ircmaxell morning
incidentally, my colleague today came with a problem of concurrency/threading in Java to me . I just talked about defensive programming for a bit and redirected him to google Java Best Practices
@ChristianSciberras a search for Bachelor in IA FFS didn't yield anything useful. I am from India and I have never heard about FFS , what is it ?
FFS == for fuck's sake
@ircmaxell Soup!
@ircmaxell howdy !
2:42 PM
@edorian: tag soup?
@edorian nice
@ircmaxell <sup>Sup</sup>
"Bachelor in IA FFS" That is some funny stuff right there
@cHao and the IA stands for ? LOL !
It's early
2:44 PM
@ircmaxell Nothing much, tereško dug up another framework that isn't all that horrible when you ignore the fact that it's a massive monolithic static mess. It doesn't even say MVC, fast or flexible on the front page laravel.com
/me wonders if framework bashing is a common topic here :-S
@Sudhi easy prey
bash any framework you want as long as it isn't Yii ^^
Yii sucks!
2:46 PM
How long do I have to wait for my copper Troll badge?
oh btw
how do you style messages in the chat to appear "tag-like"?
Ohhk, thank you guys, I had some good discussion on the Hungarian Notation today. Will keep in mind to prefix it with Apps :D . Time to go ! bbye !
@Gordon Now everyone thinks you are making a joke. Nice :)
@Jon [tag:name]
@edorian: thx :)
and thanks @edorian :)
2:48 PM
@Sudhi bye
@Jon , now i got that urge to flag
@Sudhi Artificial Intelligence
@edorian: here's the phploc of the code I reviewed yesterday
Directories:                                         48
Files:                                              316

Lines of Code (LOC):                              32339
  Cyclomatic Complexity / Lines of Code:           0.08
Comment Lines of Code (CLOC):                     14498
Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC):                17841

Namespaces:                                          47
Interfaces:                                          21
Classes:                                            290
Or, in Maltese "Intelligenza Artificjali"
2:48 PM
@tereško there, fixed that for you :D
because i have had extensive experience with Yii , and it for extremely bad
and not only because of the code
@ircmaxell 1.81 ccn/m isn't all to that bad
It's lasagna code. Completely
@ircmaxell Mmmm. Garfield-style, I bet. Lots of cheese and meat :D
@tereško: I don't know of any support groups for Yii users sorry :P
but seriously, why extremely bad?
2:51 PM
I heard it's called "the bar"
@ircmaxell: With 290 classes, it has to be very OO though. Moar classes = good!
@Jon edzachery
is there such a thing as cyclomatic complexity being too low? seems to me that such code would be too drawn out to be useful
@ircmaxell 10 AML is quite a lot, 5 classes per namespace is a little less. Visibility % just confirms the to long methods.. 16 global constants is 16 to much but not excessive ether ..
2:52 PM
@Jon , a lot of magic , it wants to be different language ( i suspect python of java ) , manuals are 10000 lines of text for each 4 lines of code examples , code comments in core classes does not exist , there is derilict code in said core classes , when you want to extend something , you have to use try & fix method , because there is no documentaton about what methods are used where
All in all the numbers are way better than the code
@tereško: magic is good if it's predictable :)
magic is never good in a framework
I do admit that it has a high learning curve, in part because of some of the other things you mention
2:54 PM
Q: PHP json_encode a debug_backtrace() with resource types

Christian SciberrasCurrently, I have a logger which logs errors together with a backtrace. The logger serializes the backtrace to JSON via json_encode(). Let's look at some hypothetical code... <?php error_reporting(-1); // show all errors function test($b){ echo json_e...

@tereško Agree
@cHao It might hint to getter/setter overload but in general there is no problem with having lots and lots of small methods
some people said it actually works ^
oh , and the "modules" are something that was slapped on later , because in configuration working with modules somehow is under name "controller" , @Jon
2:55 PM
that's true
pdepend="0.10.5" ahh="0.28125" andc="0.6541095890411" calls="1914" ccn="2758" ccn2="2917" cloc="13105" clsa="30" clsc="257" eloc="14752" fanout="651" leafs="241" lloc="8660" loc="32043" maxDIT="8" ncloc="18938" noc="287" nof="14" noi="21" nom="1612" nop="49" roots="12"
@Jon , as i said .. i have had to work with Yii .. its not just looking at the code and saying "Meh"
@ircmaxell Let me rephrase: From the numbers alone I guess I could only say "average small framework code"
@edorian Right, the numbers look decent
but what was writtin is the wtf
but having 15k eloc is manageable and not an excuse for bad design. Nothing broken
2:57 PM
@tereško: anyway I came away with positive feelings after learning some of the more esoteric stuff going on in there
used it in one real project only
used in 3
never again
hotel reservation system (front + back end)
ok .. i will be AFK for 1+ hour
even the fanout 650 vs classes 290 doesn't seem all to bad
plus "master admin" console that lets you spawn instances of said system at will
2:58 PM
132	    protected static function create($name)
133	    {
134	        $name = strtoupper($name);
135	        $class = get_called_class();
137	        if (! isset(self::$_enums[$class]))
138	            self::$_enums[$class] = array();
140	        // enum instances must be unique
141	        if (isset(self::$_enums[$class][$name]))
142	            throw new PhorceException("Enum {$enum} defined twice");
144	        // create enum instance
145	        /* $c = new ReflectionClass($class);
wasn't bad at all
For the "static rocks" stuff that number usually is higher
anyway I 'm going afk as well :)
Sweet! It hurt even before scrolling but he topped it of with a nice eval(); just to show off that he isn't serious. How nice
And he even has the better code commented out! So it's like he realized that it should be riight, then ignored it
3:01 PM
@ircmaxell What is a PhorceException?
@CharlesSprayberry His framework's main exception
he does extend it in most packages, but still
But, yea, the commented out ReflectionClass so he can go down later and eval is pretty damn hilarious.
Just checked: At least with our legacy code base the numbers look so horrid that you just see that something is wrong. So that does make it a "honest" code base doesn't it ? :)
what fw you talking about?
@NikiC The 11 year old legacy inhouse stuff that started in PHP3 at my current company
3:13 PM
no, I mean the framework you were talking about before that
It's one I did a code-review after an interview
the thing ircmaxell showed the numbers from? Thats.. see what he wrote :)
ah, so he didn't get the job?
Well, not sure yet
I thought that you didn't like the code?
3:37 PM
well, it's not that straight forward. But I don't really feel comfortable talking about it here
in a good way
nice :D
Does quantum mechanics apply to programming?
3:56 PM
why not?
I mean things not having a defined state before being accessed (whatever the right term for that is)
I have been using the OB to output pdfs to my screen, and its suddenly stopped working
what changed?
i have tried roling back my code but nothing has changed :/
i found this on the net for looking for problems....
<?php ob_start( );
phpinfo( );
$phpinfo = ob_get_contents( );
ob_end_clean( );

if (strpos($phpinfo, "module_pdf") === FALSE) {
echo "You do not have PDF support in your PHP, sorry.";
} else {
echo "Congratulations, you have PDF support!";
its out putting that i dont have pdf support
4:07 PM
@StephenWolfe Something has changed
@StephenWolfe Are you using shared hosting?
no, this is on my local host
why are you checking it like that? use extension_loaded('pdf')
could the pdf module support be it?
If i tell it to download the file it works fine,
here is my code..
include ("../../includes/auth.php");

$id = $_GET['id'];
$filename ="uploads/";
$filename .= $_GET['filename'];
$filename .= "/".$_GET['filename']."_enquiry_form.pdf";
$filename = str_replace(' ','_', $filename);
//echo $filename;
if (file_exists($filename)) {
//echo "The file $filename exists";

$fileExtension = "pdf";

$sourceFile = $filename;
$outputFile = $sourceFile;

switch( $fileExtension)
case "pdf": $ctype="application/pdf"; break;
case "exe": $ctype="application/octet-stream"; break;
didn't mean to make a massive spam sorryy
4:11 PM
is this some plot to punish us ?
no i am just very confused as to why its stopped working
Oh another observation is that when i output the file for download it is corrupt, but when i access the file via ftp it is fine
have you checked your error logs?
there blank
@ircmaxell dmitry just confirmed that Zend MM indeed adds a 16 byte header to each allocation. So that is another 32 bytes :)
do you have error reporting on high?
4:17 PM
@NikiC Where are the 8?
@NikiC so one more pointer to find
how do i check that @ircmaxell
@LeviMorrison That's the question
@StephenWolfe at the top of the file add error_reporting(-1)
@NikiC I'd really like to know. At some point I hope to rewrite SplFixedArray to actually use an array of zvals, instead of a php array. This stuff helps me know how memory I could save.
4:19 PM
@LeviMorrison Uhm, it already does that ;)
@NikiC It doesn't actually.
It uses a PHP array.
@LeviMorrison no, it does
I am sure that I looked that up in the code
@NikiC As have I.
And I am also very sure that the fixed arrays take a good bit less memory
@LeviMorrison proove it :P
lookups are log n, should be constant.
to opengrok!
4:21 PM
for a fixed array the size thus will be roughly 24 (zval) + 16 (alloc) + 8 (pointer) = 48 per element
instead of the full 144
You are correct
they still use hash lookups, it seems
That confuses me
Maybe in context 'hash' just means index
I'll have to read more.
Seems like it uses 56 per element
so I am again missing some pointer or such ^^
Im going to give up on this error and come back to it later after i have got rid of my cold
4:29 PM
no, that code is assigning the methods ^^
My point is that they are using hash functions on it
not indexing it
log N instead of constant time
so there is no read performance to spl fixed array
only memory
I already said, that code only assigns the methods ^^
the lookup is somewhere else
That is the actual read function
@LeviMorrison correct
and that's the point of it
it only saves on allocation
but you are right about the performance ;) You won't get any improvement there. Too much overhead around it
I've modified that very function to throw different exceptions, lol.
I guess I misunderstood a bunch of PHP ZEND magic.
Not that hard to do :)
4:33 PM
It does a direct memory lookup, but the performance difference is lost in the noise around it ;)
a simple, naive test
generally, they perform the same on lookups
in something sized 200000
I'm not sure HOW
but nevertheless
I think that hash table lookups are simply faster than we think
I mean, a lookup on an int key is basically applying the table mask to the integer, fetching the right bucket, comparing that it really is the bucket and returning the data
It's worse with strings as that requires the hash function to be run and maybe a traversal into linked buckets
5:01 PM
Does anyone here use SPL datastructures?
not really
I might have used fixed arrays, but apart from that ...
and even those I can't remember when I have used them laster
Let me guess, array's can do everything you want anyway, yeah?
@NikiC , interfaces
5:04 PM
@LeviMorrison yeah
I've used SplStack before.
I'm trying to remember why.
I mean, obviously I needed a stack, but why did I need one? Can't remember.
Well, I use stacks quite often, but normally I'll just use n array for that
@LeviMorrison I have
5:22 PM
hm, massif is reporting me strange things
If I interpret the output correctly half of the memory goes into zval allocation and the other half into bucket allocation
which is completely impossible
If all you are have is hammer, everything is look like shell script.
@Neal there is only one valid answer there...
@ircmaxell I know. but the rest of the test is hilarious
it is.
5:30 PM
The test is indeed hilarious
@ircmaxell What have you used them for?
lol there is a jQuery quiz
@LeviMorrison when I've built parsers. Or pretty much any logic that I've needed a stack or queue implementation
I use SplObjectStorage quite a bit
@ircmaxell Any complaints about the Spl?
@ircmaxell And you really used the spl stack for that?
5:33 PM
@NikiC I did in one iteration of it
@LeviMorrison Many
@ircmaxell Write a blog post on it. Or send me a link if you already have :)
that's not a bad idea
@Neal , there was one freelance site with pretty good tests in it
@ircmaxell It would help me out with convincing people that the Spl needs some improvements.
It needs to be thrown out
5:36 PM
.. only i cannot remember the URL , and live.com is down , so i cannot look it up
@ircmaxell lol, write the blog post (or just a list), and then I'll hear your complaints :)
@ircmaxell , i need a consultation
got a moment
or should i wait a bit till you are done stabbing @Levi
@LeviMorrison Quite fair. My list is mostly that it's useful in such a narrow context and not extendable...
but I'll think and write soon on it
@tereško which one?
For example: SplFixedArray only pre-allocates memory, but stores it in a normal hashtable. What I want is a true C style array...
5:38 PM
i will try to guess which it was , @Neal .. uno momento
@ircmaxell It's actually zval **elements; @NikiC looked it up.
@Neal , elance.com
and they use relative scores
@LeviMorrison that's still a hashtable though, no?
It uses a regular array?
5:40 PM
zval **elements is a normal array ;)
Ah ok
@ircmaxell Yep. zval is the type of object PHP uses for everything.
But it still uses zvals :)
@NikiC Unless there is a major language change, that will never change :)
One could introduce typed arrays to optimize that even further
5:41 PM
it would need to use zvals for the values
like js, it has typed arrays too
but I thought it stored the key info in a doubly linked list format...? No?
what who hä?
@tereško hmmm
@tereško what you got?
I go to devops bar last night and manage of score some tail recursion!
5:45 PM
in php ? 70% correct , which ranked me above average , but below top 30%
in other word : i fucking failed
they had DOM/XML task there, which i could not finish on time
but at least i have top 5% score in CSS 2.0
but yeah , tests in that page a quite good
@tereško I'm not signing up to take a test
There was one company putting out tests for Joomla developers. I took it (back when I was the lead dev) and got a 30%, because of so much misinformation. I contacted them and rewrote the test for them. I just can't remember who it was
i took just the general tests , so i cannot guarantee the quality of specific ones
@ircmaxell :D
pff, you simply didn't know your own code :P
5:53 PM
Hey guys, I am trying to scrape a website using cURL but i am getting "Invalid input for this site" error .. How do I find out what is going wrong ? is there a way to debug
ehh .. i have no clue of how bad or good is joomla's source , as i have avoided it like the black plague
I heard bad things about it
I shouldn't say "the' lead dev, I was one of 4 (I was responsible for security and maintenance)
would you use it yourself , given a choice ( in a project which would fit joomla's use-case ) ?
@tereško Depends on what I was doing, but perhaps... I haven't kept up with it in years, so would need to relearn much
does that answer the question?
5:59 PM

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