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Yes they decrease compile times 9999%
decrease? :P
You saw nothing!
gah I still can't do graphs in code :(
@Ell: Tri-graphs ?
mathematical graphs
Looks to me like she took money for her disabled son and spent it on a palace, instead. And now he's dead, she's been caught out.
env option:
    let x = foo
    let y = bar
    return x + "qux"
# translates to:
option.Bind(foo, { x | option.Bind(bar, { y | option.Return((x + 'qux')) }) })
# success!
@Luc @Xeo
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I think if you were having a hard time financially, using a bit of that money on yourself is not completely unethical
@Neil £450,000? You can buy a house for two people for £120,000.
What sense would it be for him to live to 10, only to freeze to death under a bridge?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Houses are expensive :P
@Ell do you want to generate it from a dataset or from a function?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well I don't know the whole story, so I can't pretend she was 100% responsible with that money
@rightfold a function
But I can partially understand her, that's all I meant
I can do bits of it, but now I'm getting loads of duplicated edges
because I'm retarded.
You can do a lot with disabled people : nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/…
I don't know how to feel : impressed or disgusted by this
@ereOn It always surprises me to read about stories of rich people going through incredible lengths to save small amounts of money
what, disgusted at the positive discrimination?
@Neil They're not saving money. They're spending it.
It's time they're saving
@LightnessRacesinOrbit They could have bought a VIP pass, it was written
It costs more though.. but seeing how money is no issue..
@Neil But they do not give you instant access to rides.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit My mistake then.. they were clearly in the right then
@Neil Never said that
Cannot infer generic arguments for method 'OptionEnv.Bind[of T, U]... Dammit.
I don't want to implement type inference myself :(
Hold on.
We are not having this discussion again.
Nobody was even being mad.
So, who likes soccer?
Stop fucking moving everything to the fucking bin
Not me :P
but football on the other hand
...well I'm not much for that either
It's a complete abuse!
A non-American calling it soccer?!
@Rapptz There's a story behind it :S I was quoting an American.
You forgot to use quotation marks.
He said that once as a desperate attempt to change conversation topic.
I introduce tabs vs spaces to change conversation topic
We were talking about killing babies.
Which is similar to tabs vs spaces.
And now so are you -- which means that he failed! Sort of
Why did he want to kill babies, anyway?
What kind of promotion is this?!
@Rapptz Cue McBurgerLovin'
I don't know anyone with burger in their name.
Hmm, lack of unit type makes things messy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes void should be a unit type. =[
close enough :)
return void; should also automatically align itself to return;
"Too mathematical" they'll say.
and func( arg, void, arg ); should elide itself to func( arg, arg );
Now you're pushing it.
So that you can do cool things like func( get1(), somework(), getother() );
No, that's not cool.
@Rapptz Do you have any doubts about that?
Which, depending on how you define argument passing order, just results in somework(); func( get1(), getother() );
No, not cool.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh cmon it is cool. D:
There's no reason to discard values passed to functions.
It was a tongue-in-cheek reply to ereOn
It only adds silly exceptions that will help you once in your lifetime and fuck you over the rest of your life.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I meant if it was a void type.
@ThePhD A unit type has one value.
If it's a void type then the return has no side effects.
There's no reason to discard it.
If I pass three arguments to a function, I want it to take three arguments, not two.
Well then leave it in or put it to the side, as long as it gets executed in the proper order with everything else.
@ThePhD It's not about the goddamn order.
There's no reason to put crap in function call arguments that you do not want to pass to that function.
It's only obfuscates the code and makes everything harder to write and mistakes to slip by compiled.
@ThePhD could it be that you have gotten addicted to obfuscation? :)
You already have (somework(), func(get1(), getother())) if you want that sillyness.
@FredOverflow You like them?
Principle of Least Astonishment.
I'm just saying the void return type is something that should/could be potentially elided as an actual value in the function's call, since it can be proven to have no side effects (except for, maybe, overload resolution / selection)
I dunno. D:
@ThePhD and @R.MartinhoFernandes your gravatars look really similar
@TonyTheLion You're really blind. :D
What use is a void-returning function without side-effects?
@ThePhD the colors are similar enough
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nononono, I meant like, the actual returned void.
The unit-type void itself can be elided.
@ThePhD Erm, values don't have side-effects. Functions do.
how can you return void???
@TonyTheLion We're talking in our fantasy ideal C++-spinoff.
@ThePhD Why_
ohhhh fantasy
@R.MartinhoFernandes void hot_sleep() { while (true); }
I can't think of a real example :)
oh come on Lundi room was frozen
a spin-lock that hung
@BartekBanachewicz because no one used it?
@TonyTheLion yeah. kbok was kinda away lately
Hows minicraft going?
@TonyTheLion No, but they have the name "burger" in their name. Well, kinda.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Mainly for the purposes of passing things VIA arguments, really. func1( get1(), somevoidfunc(), getother() ), in my head, should behave like func1( get1(), getother() ), with somevoidfunc() being executed in the proper order like the other function's parameters, but it's return-value (void) discarded.
@StackedCrooked In class we made use of a function bang :: a -> () in Haskell (i.e. a pure functions that returns the equivalent of void).
It would only happen for void, since it's a unit type.
@ThePhD Why should it behave like that?
@FredOverflow yea kinda
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's the point of a pure function returning void? :)
@ThePhD There's no point in having it then, if you cannot pass the unit value as argument.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hey, you keep doing _ instead of ? but they're nowhere close to each other in the keyboard.
@Rapptz DE-de keyboard layout?
@Rapptz Maybe in your keyboard layout.
Or maybe it's... ... SP?
I don't know.
@DeadMG Hence why I asked!
@Rapptz Happens if I just came from a code window.
His finger's are still in Vim mode. :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hm. Well then maybe I just want a "almost-unit-type void", then...
@ThePhD That's what you have.
I really don't get what you want.
You seem to want "the ability to put random crap in the middle of function arguments".
I hope I don't have to explain how stupid that is.
yeaah, but it C++ I can't do func1( get1(), somevoidfunc(), getother() ). D: It'll error. D:
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, yes, it sounds silly, but...
9 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
It's only obfuscates the code and makes everything harder to write and mistakes to slip by compiled.
See last bit.
@ThePhD ... but it is way worse than silly.
Okay, maybe a better qualifier, then.
If the function takes no arguments, then having void-returning functions in the parameter list are not an error.
@R.MartinhoFernandes can't we template that?
@BartekBanachewicz Template what?
@ThePhD Erm.
Why don't you go write Perl?
"If a function takes no arguments, passing it arguments is an error" seems like the only sane alternative to me.
template<typename stuff, enable_if<is_from<stuff, @ThePhD>::value>::value> struct bullshit;
Why would you want to pass arguments to a function that takes none?
tbh my only complaint is that I can't do this
@Rapptz urgh what :/
why the fuck should you be able to do it? :?
Well, only because in this case it's a simple void function.
i.e. all it does is modify a single value
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's really just for compositions , e.g. f( g() ); <-- if g is void and f takes void, I would like for it not to error. Or something.
It's a very minor complaint though, can't say I care.
@BartekBanachewicz He wants the function to be treated as int f(int& a) { return a = 5; }.
@Rapptz what should be pushed to that vector
@ThePhD f takes nothing.
read above
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's as retarded as I might only imagine, right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes But the only nothing type is void.
void means no parameters
@ThePhD You are trying to pass something to it.
That's what I'm trying to get at. In my fantasy-land C++, void is the unit type and you can always pass the unit type to something that takes nothing (AKA the unit type, aka void).
oh wait, I should read.
3 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Why would you want to pass arguments to a function that takes none?
I am passing something to it, but...!
Still! You know!
The thing! With the doodleybob!
@ThePhD No, there is a difference between taking a unit argument and taking none.
And, blah.
@BartekBanachewicz I don't think so. I don't see how it could be spec'ed in a general manner (i.e. very likely not), but it doesn't sound as ridiculous as ThePhD's idea.
Yeah it'll never happen and putting it in its own line isn't really hard
so can't say I care
Hello boys and girls!
No girls on the Internet
@ThePhD Point is: you cannot pass anything to it.
That's what she said.
And the unit value is still a value.
If you special case that so that is a value sometimes and sometimes it isn't, you will get more special case crap like you have for arrays, function pointers, etc.
Special case crap is bad.
@ThePhD struct Void {}; Void foo() { /*stuff*/ return {}; }
@R.MartinhoFernandes he could just use comma operator, no?
@BartekBanachewicz That's pretty much how it should be. Not magically disappearing.
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah.
struct Void {};
#define void Void
I don't even...
It won't work
@ThePhD Yes, and that doesn't give you what you want.
It gives you what I want.
AFAIK you can't redefine keywords
I know
It was just one of those things
@ThePhD Why can't you use comma operator again?
I'm gonna put it on my list of awesome UB things~
@ThePhD you misplaced ~. "awesome~"
@ThePhD Just call it unit
You can't just redefine the keyword and expect all void functions to work with this anyway
So I got this today
confused by earlier errors, bailing out
@Ell You choose a range for x, loop over that range and calculate y = f(x) for each x. Then you have your points and you draw lines between them et voilà.
@ThePhD Are you so empty that you need void? :P
(I am bad, and I should feel bad)
@ThePhD Will fail to build if you don't return {}; everywhere. Oh wait, you're ThePhD, you don't enable warnings.
@ThePhD wut
urgh I opened my Ubuntu VM and it lags so damn badly
I think I need Xfce
@BartekBanachewicz i3wm.org
@rightfold is it actually usable?
@BartekBanachewicz IMO it is.
Xmonad :colbert:
You need to get used to it though.
And it will work on Virtualbox allright?
I have no idea.
I don't see why not.
because Gnome 3 lags as fuck
Gnome Soldier
Hmm, delicious water.
Q: Stackoverflow chat proposal

okokplaying with my biggest friends in the javascript chat, came to my mind, but why the chat can not be limited and therefore benefit users who write less using the following logic: Probably this post will take up many downvotes, cause sort of chat's elites do not agree this, but this will ma...

^^ Is there really a 1k message/day limit in chat?
ok I just broke ubuntu
Do you limit the number of words/sentences you speak with coworkers during lunch breaks too? — BoltClock's a Unicorn 3 mins ago
@Rapptz 'nuff said :)
welp, xubuntu, here I come
sehe uses it IIRC
@Rapptz hi
aka you're meant to have a life outside Stack Exchange... — ben is uǝq backwards 3 mins ago
@BoltClock hi
@BartekBanachewicz I use it in a VM
wait, that's not an unreality in this room?
@BoltClock How did you...
@BoltClock You've been away for a long time, pet moderator.
long time no see.
In caps?
@BoltClock ohai
@BoltClock ohai :)
@BoltClock Hello, friendly moderator-person.
@BoltClock ping :)
lol 7 pings
this room just got 20% cooler
We're swapping moderator fluids :P
@Rapptz :D
@Mysticial I'm a unicorn
@DeadMG Sorry
@BartekBanachewicz ohai
@TonyTheLion ohai
49 secs ago, by BoltClock
@Mysticial I'm a unicorn
@Mysticial pong >:(
@BoltClock Does that mean you like MLP?
oh ponies
Urgh I hate software that can't autoupdate itself
@EtiennedeMartel The TPL is a cheap knockoff of the PPL, and it sucks.
Why on earth do I have to get another installer.
I just need deltas.
@EtiennedeMartel I do but I don't think the unicorns on SE have anything to do with it
@DeadMG TPL came first, you know.
+1 for brony team!
And it does not suck. The puppy is outdated.
So the puppy sucks?
Hydrox is the brand name for a creme-filled chocolate sandwich cookie that debuted in 1908 and was manufactured by Sunshine (later Sunshine Biscuits). The similar Oreo—introduced later, in 1912—was inspired by the Hydrox, yet Hydrox suffered from the impression of being the knockoff. Compared to the Oreo, the Hydrox had a "tangy, less-sweet filling" and a crunchier cookie that stood up better in milk. Production Sunshine Biscuits was purchased by Keebler in 1996, and in 1999, Keebler replaced Hydrox with a similar but reformulated product named Droxies. Kellogg's now marke...
@R.MartinhoFernandes His trolling is getting worse.
Anyway, fuck type inference. Enough programming for today.
also it threatened to disable my internet connection
I have posted 2k a day sometimes when I am sick. That does entail being in the room for 24 hours straight. — DeadMG 9 mins ago
dat puppy
Guys, anyone uses CentOS? :/
> Mister Tassiter - maybe you can settle up something for me - do you know the difference between choking and strangulation?
Where can you see that?
You might be looking at "this week"
@Fratyr you mean, like both of CentOS users on the planet?
forget what I said
In your chat profile
this week
last week
per week
159 today
I'm pretty slow today.
This is my 9999th tweet. I might stop here
55 today
556 yesterday
345 per day
this week 2.1k
last week 2.8k
per week 2.8k
no, that's this week, not all weeks maximum.
what's with the flag?
When someone pisses you off, keep calm and count to 10. Then bitchslap them at about 8. They won't expect it.
@Mysticial Some idiot flagging again.
@Mysticial What flag?
@BoltClock Can you tell us who's flagging?
inb4 BoltClock himself.
@EtiennedeMartel Nope :(
#flag-count { display: none !important; }
@rightfold A mod flag on a chat message would remove it and ban the user instantly
Oh. xD
the power of mods
Bartek's comment about 2 CentOS users got 2 flags.
@BoltClock Is there a way for you to know?
@Mysticial I guess those 2 users got offended.
Anyway, time to take a shower.
@EtiennedeMartel I doubt so
@Rapptz yup :)
I'm not familiar with chat moderation, but I've heard it's pretty lacking anyway
Dat music.
It's atrocious
@BoltClock Room owners aren't able to ban people from their rooms, that's about the biggest problem.
@BoltClock Chat seems to have gotten the short end of the stick in SE.
@BoltClock Just like the rest of the chat.

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