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for (auto i : std::numeric_range<uint64_t>(argc)) someday...
@rubenvb std::vector<std::string> args(argv, argv+argc) // look ma no loops.
@Griwes oh yes, because they handle unicode on windows without using wprogram_options, which again doesn't work on non-windows.
So, how is string_ref coming?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I need it to work the other way around.
@BartekBanachewicz What does this even do?
or would do rather.
@rubenvb What do you mean other way around?
@Rapptz iterate from value-initialized T (in this case, uint64_t), to T(argc). Or zero initialized, doesn't matter
@EtiennedeMartel The proposal seems good.
@rubenvb Yes, Kai responded. But I believe he is wrong. And having that discussion around a monster post is going to be challenging. Are he and I the only people who work with asm?
@Rapptz It's boost::irange, I guess.
So you want for(int i : range(end))?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I get wchar_t** from Win32 API. I convert it to UTF-8 using Win32 API. Then I need to return that without the need to call delete[] on the strings I just conjured up. The char** is API requirement for optionparser.sourceforge.net
@rubenvb A bunch of #defines should do just fine.
@DavidWohlferd pretty much. asm is old school ;)
@rubenvb Oh. That.
@Griwes not getting into that.
@Rapptz oh it can be irange(0, argc) whatever
ignore me.
...dropping silly "wide strings" support is saner, though (even if it handicaps windows version of application - blame the idiotic API).
@rubenvb Ewww. Your prettiness is out the window. Just bite the bullet.
@rubenvb That's what I figured. Well, I'll reply to his post and suggest he and I take the discussion offline. No need to clog up the list with something most people don't care about.
:8539711 I realised I needed to be clear about the target of that :)
How odd. That doesn't ping me.
I guess it's because my previous message is removed.
It's a reply to the deleted message.
Sounds like a bug to me.
@DavidWohlferd well, better the discussion is public. Just make sure you prove you're right. MSDN or MSVC results are both options.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hmm, still. delete[]is a big step even from prettiness out the window :(
@Xeo There's a string_ref proposal?
So hardcore. Fixed it. I just love fucking around with data protection.
What's it for?
Have I mentionned how I hate angles?
@EtiennedeMartel Use radians.
@EtiennedeMartel Euler~ ~
@Rapptz Turns? :D
@rubenvb I guess a vector<char*> and a vector<string> would do.
(optionally replace latter with vector<unique_ptr<char[]>>)
@R.MartinhoFernandes hmm yeah, I pulled that storage-in-another-container-trick elsewhere.
@R.MartinhoFernandes How would that work?
@rubenvb Really? Ok then. But I'm going to break down the discussion at take it by section. Until he and I come to some common ground about how the asm statement works, the rest of the discussion is pointless. And I think I can make my case just fine using gcc.
How come students with math degrees doing CS are always being picked first for positions and interviews ?
wouldn't the vector<unique_ptr<char[]>> be usable as a char**?
@SteveJobs Because CS is shit and mathematics and/or physics are actually useful.
@Rapptz The first vector holds pointers to the data in the second (through either string::data or unique_ptr::get).
@R.MartinhoFernandes damn. Damn those C cruds
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh I meant the [] thing.
I just tried it and it compiled..
@ThePhD string references.
@Rapptz It uses delete[] and provides an array-like interface (not op-> or op*, but op[] instead).
@DogPlusPlus really ? wow. what math courses would you say are the most useful for computer science ? so far i found no use in knowing calculus and multi-variable calculus.
So you use it like unique_ptr<char[]>(new char[whatever]).
pff. Maybe this ain't the right way for me here.
Maybe I'll learn some Boost.Spirit anyways while doing this.
@Rapptz It's a lot like a non-resizable vector<char>.
@SteveJobs If you can't find a use for various fields of mathematics, you either don't understand them or don't understand them.
@SteveJobs You find the rules of simple calculus useless?
There's nothing in between.
too bad you can't create a namespace inside a class
@BartekBanachewicz You can. But the compiler will disagree. But you can agree to disagree.
@SteveJobs You're also very experienced, so that you have found no use for it is quite an important data point.
@DogPlusPlus static nested class?
@MartinJames i meant so far in terms of programming i haven't really needed the use of calculus, linear algebra, yes, i've used in my programs to analyze multi-dem arrays.
I'm gonna go play a game. =[
every detail static method would need to take this as first parameter
Because I can't figure deferred rendering out.
Ugh, multi-dimensional arrays.
it would be really ugly
@SteveJobs I suppose it depends on your line/s of business.
@BartekBanachewicz That sounds like regular member functions. What are you trying to do?
1 min ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
too bad you can't create a namespace inside a class
Yeah, not sure what you want.
right now I have foo_detail functions
you can create structs :P
I'll make a pastie for you.
@BartekBanachewicz I saw you linked my console app to someone
Prolly better, yeah.
@BartekBanachewicz you said I "made" it
@nightcracker @rubenvb
With those structs even deriving from the outer class.
I think
@nightcracker you didn't?
@BartekBanachewicz TBH, it's little more than a mod of Console2 with some additions
@Xeo Pretty sure, yes.
Console2 is kewl.
@nightcracker oh lol. I'll just use Console2 then (once I get actual code written)
@R.MartinhoFernandes OK, I just looked it up. It's about 30 years too late to do much about Windows console shell, (if you can call it that).
ignore DumpStack it's just for debug
@BartekBanachewicz Oooh, maybe I should introduce you to this EXPAND trick.
@R.MartinhoFernandes remember how bad at C++ I am
@nightcracker hehe, I read This is a quake-style... and thought it was a game.
is it some sort of for_each on template pack?
Args&&... and std::forward
@CatPlusPlus oh! right.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Which one are you talking about?
@Xeo init lists.
<heart />
@CatPlusPlus should the _detail function also use it?
Recursive variant test went from not compiling to not terminating compilation. Again.
@BartekBanachewicz Yes
Shit. I just broke my echo.
Damn metacomputations not being lazy enough!
Just need to remove the eyes as well.
Yeah, GCC does that.
@EtiennedeMartel lol
@R.MartinhoFernandes that uses a macro. I am scared
@EtiennedeMartel I need new eyes now. Mine are now ruined.
Oh well, good ole initializer_list works... coliru.stacked-crooked.com/…
No output if using char[] instead? Wut?
The one above should work right, but fuck GCC.
@R.MartinhoFernandes now I am scared even more
Also.. uh, I don't know how to say that
@BartekBanachewicz It saves you from writing the recursive bits yourself.
Oh yeah it does work as well. Part of the reason my ANNEX_EXPAND does that atm, too.
Can I ask for a solution not using initializer_list?
@Borgleader How do you expect to make a career in software development if you can't stand seeing ugly shit?
@BartekBanachewicz Well, the first one I posted, if GCC got it right :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes why the void()?
@MooingDuck Safety pin against overloaded comma ops.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh., let em burn
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's going in reverse order, right?
apparently I can't edit coliru with my iPad :|
@R.MartinhoFernandes now I am terrified totally
@TonyTheLion yeah :/
@StackedCrooked Can you do something for us iPad users? Pretty please?
@BartekBanachewicz kinda annoying. Wonder why that doesn't work?
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, but inside {} they should be sequenced as written :(
@EtiennedeMartel Are you talking about code, or the employees?
@Borgleader Code, of course.
@LucDanton whistles
So many lovely ladies in the games industry.
@R.MartinhoFernandes void(a), b meh.
@TonyTheLion custom editor doesn't pop up the keyboard
@EtiennedeMartel Many? must not be talking about the same industry
@Xeo -Wold-style-cast!
(No idea if that would actually trigger it, I don't use that.)
@EtiennedeMartel I know only of Jade Raymond. And she's married with children. :(
@BartekBanachewicz Well, you could send me and iPad so that I can test with that :D
@DogPlusPlus She's at Ubi Toronto, now.
@StackedCrooked haha. There are some browser emulators prolly. The problem is that keyboard doesn't pop up.
@Xeo That interacts poorly with some warning settings. Also, I secretly hope for operator void.
meh, also the room seems to scroll everytime a message is posted on the iPad
@R.MartinhoFernandes ...
FUUUCK I need a new mouse.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What.
@StackedCrooked you can hack it by clicking on the cmd line field, which is proper textfield, but then it will only output to it, still no way to actually type code
maybe this mobile site works better
I need a meta-computation that is ill-formed when instantiated.
@EtiennedeMartel Gets called if a value gets discarded.
Not terribly useful.
Something like std::result_of<int(double, double)> except that implementation is SFINAE-friendly nowaways.
@LucDanton Don't we all?
@LucDanton static_assert(Bool<false, T>(), "...") in the body?
Little less compilation, little more action, plx.
@Xeo That's a statement, not a type.
Oh, you mean writing one. But I'm lazy!
@BartekBanachewicz Anyway, what's wrong with just making those private?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Unlike youuuuu.
@DogPlusPlus now I will listen to Elvis for next hour :/
std::enable_if<false, T>::type? :v
@R.MartinhoFernandes Intellisense, mostly
@Zoidberg That's soft. He wants something hard.
That's what she said.
@BartekBanachewicz Put detail up leading in the name instead of trailing?
Wow MSVC is broken, again: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\math.h(131): error C2061: syntax error : identifier '_locale_t' [C:\Users\Ruben\Development\UnixToolsForWindows-msvc-x64\echo.vcxproj]
da fuq
@R.MartinhoFernandes yea, I think that's the only option
I mean seriously.
@rubenvb <cmath>?
@BartekBanachewicz I don't know. I think it's somewhere in Boost.
I dunno, looks like my meta stuff is properly lazy.
cmath just includes math.h
> thank you so much Tumblr for teaching me more about what it means to be a feminist
Today I rediscovered C++ sucks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've realized that _details are actually variadic versions of push.
Time to wrap output into some print function thingie.
Abraham Linkitty badumtss
Dat rim shot.
@EtiennedeMartel It's fun to see these things.
Also, lol
lol wtf
@Rapptz How is that unmanly?
dammit, I have to register for beta websites to get all the dependencies Derpstorm here managed to catch on. :P
Is that a sport for you, like catching stray cats? :P
Register for what.
@DogPlusPlus You say that like they're diseases.
That's why I supply dependencies myself
on linux it's no problem
More GG, more skill.
but on windows you have to visit a few different sites, navigate to download, get the zips, unzip
set the paths
@R.MartinhoFernandes MSVC11-supporting FBX SDK, 2014.0. Derpstorm couldn't be bothered to write his own loader. :Đ
@DogPlusPlus I'm genuinely impressed.
Non-windows implementation:
template<typename T>
  void print(const T& stuff)
    std::cout << stuff;
Windows implementation... lots of conversions and stuffs.
@DogPlusPlus Assimp is better
@nightcracker Wait, where's the source?
FBX is fucking gigantic
around 60MBs
@EtiennedeMartel of what?
that's why I am not using it anymore
@nightcracker The thing I replied to?
@EtiennedeMartel not sure what you are talking about
template<typename Functor>
void SetErrorFunction (Functor f) {
    errorFunc = std::move(f);
this ok? ^
@EtiennedeMartel haven't been following the discussion
@nightcracker qcon.
@BartekBanachewicz Why not forward it?
@nightcracker Just follow the reply...
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was told that I should copy in the interface Q_Q
tell me more.
@EtiennedeMartel it's basically an autohotkey script (which has the the source as the .ahk file in the repo) and console2 configurated in a certain way (so the config file is the "source")
@BartekBanachewicz I do that when I know the types. Otherwise I just forward shit.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oooookkeeey.
So I should grab &&, right?
Makes my code completely transparent.
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, universal reference.
thin privilege is being able to not HAVE to pick the water park over the amusement park.
@Rapptz ^
So, is Microsoft getting their shit together soon or are we going to get C++11 support when C++14 gets out?
@R.MartinhoFernandes "I am learning so much thanks." For real.
@DogPlusPlus What I want to know is.... when theyll announce xbox 720
Srsly, chatting here teached me more than entire school experience
Nowadays, when they announce consoles, they don't show consoles at all.
@Borgleader XBox 361!
Xbox = no OpenGL = meh.
Pi looks like a retarded n. :(
A straightened-out n.
Or XBox τ for those that think math is hard with twos.
@Borgleader Durrraannnggoooo
@DogPlusPlus Default chat font sucks (I think it's Verdana)
My guess is: it's gonna be about as good as the PS4.
If I say 100 % speedup, then the thing took half the time to completion, right?
I'd interpret that as 2x the original speed, so yeah.
Everytime someone says it's been almost 7 years since PS3, I cringe.
So goddamn old, I am.
Stupid forum software that won't let you see what you are replying to when you press "reply". Who the hell thought this was good UX?
Hey could someone help my out, I need to cast a character pointer to an integer in C
(T)x is the cast syntax in C. Next question.
Well, Borderlands 2's level cap increase will be free with the season pass.
do you mean you want to turn a string into an integer
> (There are packages that allow Lua to call any C function, but they are neither portable nor robust.)
Awww yeah
@EtiennedeMartel fuck. seasons. passes.
Yes i want to turn a string into an integer, ofcourse i am using c not c++

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