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Traffic mishaps are a very big deal here compared to any of these videos from other countries.
Ahahah, I love this guy ramming them. I'd crash into every one of those pricks who cut me off. How much of an entitled asshole do you have to be to try something like that?
I'd go buy myself something nice. It would be equivalent to paying for the repairs anyway.
Well, the bus isn't yours.
Oh, it's a bus? All I read was "guy ramming them" and thought I knew what you were talking about.
@SteveJobs We send our regards.
There are people trying to shove him off the road, whereas someone would pull their tail between the legs, this guy rams them off the street like a baws.
Q: Determine if input is a palindrome in C

user2023041I'm fairly new to C and I'm having a little bit of a problem. I have to write a program that takes user input and determines if the input is a palindrome. I've got the program to reverse the input, but I'm having trouble getting the strings to compare. All input comes out as not being a palindrom...

Homework everywhere
@Telkitty Not worht the blood money they'll draw from your veins, IMO.
I'm going to write a palindrome function just to see how we'll I'd do if I were actually a CS student given silly little assignments
Do it in Haskell.
I'm going to call sleep soon. But first shower.cleanse(body). Damn, it's 5:15 am. Must. Stop. Working. Late.
@DogPlusPlus 6:15 here. I woke up at 4 PM yesterday, so I don't think I'll be sleeping any time soon
@chris Okay
Oh good golly what is this syntax
Haskell for teh win.
It's absolutely glorious. I can't get over it since I finally started looking into it.
And the prime example, the quicksort, is amazing.
now that I look at it more clearly, it seems that this language is perfect for mathematics
Well, that's disappointing. It seems my laptop is suicidal.
@DogPlusPlus But if you didn't work at night, how would anything ever get done?
The power cord got caught on the door handle as I went downstairs and almost made me trip.
@chris That sounds more like you're the suicidal one.
@JerryCoffin No, it just wants to take me down with it.
Haskell is starting to remind me of Ruby
Or at least, the interactive tutorials are almost identical
@ThePhD lol I used to work for a options trading firm, it is not that stressful. But it is not the most flexible place I have been to either. With that said I have worked at way worse places.
loool. sort "moe" = "emo"
@DogPlusPlus admit it, you love us, you just don't want to leave us ;)
@Magtheridon96 Haskell is (much) more strict about everything being purely functional, but you can use Ruby in about as functional a style as you want (and many tutorials do).
Aww, damnit.
DogPlusPlus is going to sleep. :c
I was gonna bother him about rendering shit.
@ThePhD Shit, rendered in smellovision!
Algo trading is male dominated, hard core software development is male dominated, startups are male dominated. Recently I started to question myself why I am always hang round with a bunch of boys, maybe there is something wrong with me. Then me spirit kicked in - nah, nothing wrong with me, it is YOU!
and I love the chicken in my avatar <3 <3 <3
@JerryCoffin Now with HD Tessellation and realistic 3d texture atlases modeled after the true essence of feces!
@Telkitty I somewhat know how you feel.
are you a girl too?
I am a testicle bearer, so no. :D
... Checks.
Yeah, I've got a penis. Pretty sure it's a penis.
Like, 98% sure.
@ThePhD This is why girls are non-existent in programming.
Can't be too sure.
the 2%, what about the 2% :p
But, uh. In my case, it's because my perspective is that the industry is very asian/white male dominated.
Pff, false. There are no girls on the internet. It's a fact.
Whereas I myself am a minority.
@Telkitty You do what you do. They do what they do. Why does there have to be something wrong with it?
While I was interning at Microsoft, one of the people there who'd been working in CS for like some 20+ years just told me upfront: "Yeah I don't see people that look like you ever. I haven't seen one in my whole career."
"In fact, you're the first."
And I was like
<______> Wat.
@ThePhD What /do/ you look like?
@Magtheridon96 A mess.
I should shower.
lol, ever since Flexo/awoodland became moderator, I've been getting a steady stream of upvotes on my dumbest answer.
This is hilarious...
@JerryCoffin true, then again I am one of the elitest trolls. Probably 1 in a million. So that kind of makes it okay :p
@Telkitty I don't think you should be admitting that you're a troll.
Even though it's quite obvious to all the regulars already.
@Mysticial I think missed a word?
@Mysticial It's fine to admit that you're a troll (though doing so means you're not much of a troll).
@ThePhD yeah, I dropped a packet...
@JerryCoffin well in doing so I make sure people who get trolled by me are just asking for it :p
But, uh, seriously. I just wish CS was more diverse. =[
We managed to get Asians in there.
And there's plenty of heterosexual white meat in there.
Am I the only (ethnic) Asian who hangs out here?
..... o_O
@ThePhD Who exactly is the "we" who managed that? I, for one, think I'd be lying if I tried to take any credit for it.
Nintendo at GDC.
@JerryCoffin but you are right, the rest of the cowards got me plonked. They know they will take my baits if they don't. You people are the brave ones ^_^
@JerryCoffin I was referring to humanity in general, I think.
.. I think. Not too sure.
At PS4 dev talk. Platform is 64-bit x86. Dev environment is Win7 64-bit VS2010, LLVM/Clang with C++11 support. Wow, yes please. #gdc
C++11 compatible PS4?
With LLVM / Clang COMPILER?!
Also really?
Cmon, VS2012.
Support the latest, damnit. :c
I think they mean either VS2010 or Clang
@Telkitty I'm not brave -- I'm just too lazy to plonk anybody most of the time. Besides, after 20 years or so on Usenet, I know better than to believe that anybody here really qualifies as even a low-level troll.
but yeah lol VS2010.
I use VS2010 ;.;
@Magtheridon96 You make me sick. :c
@JerryCoffin the chat would be very boring without elite trolls. We are the entertainment :p
A: What are the differences between pointer variable and reference variable in C++?

user2218369If any one like to know the Basic of C++ pointers ,Please check below link. Awesome tutorials. You will get Solid understanding about pointers. It helped me a lot. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2_aWCzGMAwLZp6LMUKI3cc7pgGsasm2_ Keep Learning & Sharing :-)

^^ That's the second low-quality late answer to a big question I've seen today.
And the second question I'm protecting today as a result.
@ThePhD I'm too lazy to get VS2012 anyway
@Telkitty I guess I'll have to take your word for that. I'm certainly to lazy to entertain anybody but myself.
@Mysticial Thanks for the link -- that's the first time in quite a while I've had a good excuse to flag anything.
Most of the trolls I know from school ran into issues in life.
@Magtheridon96 Long-term laziness dictates getting VS 2012 as soon as possible.
@JerryCoffin But it's already 2013
I wouldn't mind waiting until the v110 toolset has better C++11 support before downloading.
But I already depend on C++11 so much and I couldn't imagine writing C++ again with the November CTP.
@Magtheridon96 Yup -- but I doubt the next (major) version of VS will come out this year.
I know I shouldn't be making serious client code with the CTP but I pretty much only compile with the CTP nowadays.
@JerryCoffin I guess. Would it be possible for me to open a VS2010 solution in VS2012? I think most of their files are either XML or text files, so I believe it would.
VS2012 is perfectly compatible with VS2010 projects and solutions, and will automatically upgrade them for you (like VS2008 and VS2010 did for you).
@ThePhD Most of the changes are almost certainly in the parser, so if something compiles, the chances of seeing strange bugs from code generation, or something on that order, are pretty slim.
@JerryCoffin Except when it comes to weird moves and stuff. :D
@ThePhD Even there, I wouldn't really expect it, though I suppose it's possible.
Because man, the codegen for std::move and r-value based constructors and assignments on any kind of class/struct suck. :c
Especialllly the one the compiler generates.
It's braindead, I swear. :c
bool IsPalindrome(std::string str) {
if (str.length() <= 1) return true;
return (str[0] == str[str.length() - 1] && IsPalindrome(str.substr(1, str.length() - 2)));
Now let's see what that would look like in Haskell
I forgot how to get my user id. :c
@ThePhD, Go to your profile.
@Zachrip Hai
A: Why does microsoft use so many macros in their C++ code?

ThePhDIn Ye Olden C days (MS-DOS), far and near were pointer keywords. Many of these libraries were written in C to start with: therefore, instead of re-inventing the whole standard library from scratch, they just used something that already worked, and already worked reasonably well. Also, Windows is...

Apparently this one is the one that scores highest for me.
I have a question, it's irrelevant to C++ but I don't really care if it get's answered or not
I was mostly ripping off what @sbi said in another answer I had seen just moments before (but I couldn't find it (and still can't find it) in my browser history... )
My top one is 0.14 and second top is 0.07.
I knew something was up with it. The top one happens to be my most-voted answer.
m.zachrip.net/p if you go there and play a song, if you notice next to the handle on the slider that there is a white outline sometimes. Anyone know what that is?
@Rapptz Bleh, javascript.
Javascript isn't bad but C++11 SUPPORT?! :ccc
@ThePhD What did you expect from "Web Framework"? C++?
what? haha
@Rapptz I don't mind the web framework, but is the C++ dev support still there or will it cost me an arm and a leg?
It's obviously still there lol
It's just another option to make development "easy"
@JerryCoffin lol, nice
@JerryCoffin That's just unfair. :c
@ThePhD When you have 6000 answers, some of them are bound to be like that.
@Rapptz So I have to either use Unity (C# or Javascript) or The Nintendo Web Framework (javascript) to indie-dev for the WiiU?
@Mysticial In this case, brevity is the soul of...high scores.
@Zachrip, nice songs
@Mysticial The worst part is, I had to upvote it. ;~;
A: why is string not declared in scope

RapptzYou have to use std::string since it's in the std namespace.

^ mine
@Jueecy I don't even listen to most of them, just grabbed whatever I had and threw it on the server.
@ThePhD same
^ Mine. 6. Just like my penis.
@Zachrip, I'm pretty sure they are copyrighted, right?
@ThePhD and their C++ dev kit too
@Jueecy I mostly use Spotify :3 also, that's the mobile version. Also, that site is a private site so I should be fine, personal use only.
@Magtheridon96 This isn't highest total score -- it's highest score per character, as shown by the query @Mysticial posted up a ways.
@Rapptz Which still costs like 2K+ USD, right?
Or does the Unity Packages and the Javascript Packages also cost 2K+ USD (is it all one bundle? Or do you pay for them individually?)
@Magtheridon96 So, you're highest score by this measure is:
I know something is free. I forgot what.
@Zachrip, that's so personal that I can hear it from the central.
@JerryCoffin Ooh, I remember that one
Hm. The web framework is probably free, since you have to send it to Nintendo for Approval.
@JerryCoffin The other guy beat me by a good 50 seconds
@Jueecy I'm actually thinking about implementing a login so even if I share it with someone now, they won't be able to see it after I add the login
Both Unity and the Web Framework are free.
@Rapptz On the Wii? Agony is free (and abundant for developers).
@JerryCoffin Wii U
Charts and shit
@Zachrip, I'm afraid I'll have to report on that, sir.
@Jueecy what do you mean?
@Zachrip, I'll have to fill out a complaint.
@Jueecy Why?
@Magtheridon96 Yup. Kind of a pointless one in this case (at least IMO). "No substantial difference" would have covered it pretty well.
@Zachrip, because I'm from the police.
Oy.. that's pretty cool.
@Jueecy funny.
@Rapptz Hm. Sounds like fun, but I still don't like either Unity or Javascript.
@JerryCoffin He did it for the upvotes man
I want my C++11 WiiU and PS4 and Xbox 920. :c
@ThePhD but freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
@Rapptz Free means the market gets filled with shit fast.
Approval process.
Well, hopefully Nintendo's as scrutinous as ever...
Nintendo's always been an asshole with approving so
@Zachrip, fk
@Jueecy do you have any works I can see?
Well, hopefully that'll keep the shit out. :D
But still, FFFFFFFUUUUUU PS4 C++11 <3333
I'm so happy because that means all my OpenGL C++11 dev will mean something for later. <3
@Zachrip, fk -> fuck. I was kidding
Hopefully Xbox 720 follows suit.
I didn't know how to proceed from there
@Jueecy I know what you meant, I was literally asking if you have anything I can see, like any programs or websites? I'm just curious haha
They didn't announce the dev kit price for PS4.
Hopefully it's not going to be horribly high.
And even then.... C++11 support!
Not even doing MSVC. It's going to use Clang.
@Zachrip, No, me and finishing projects don't like each other very much...
I wonder if Clang's std::regex support is there or not...
They didn't mention what clang version
@Jueecy I feel you. Instead of actually working on a project that I'm being paid for, I kinda spent some time making that music player..
@Zachrip, I'm sorry for that joke. It was really lame, I thought I would come up with something better ...
@Jueecy Alright haha well I'm goin to sleep it's 12, I gotta get up at 6 :l
@Zachrip, that's nice though, the music player...
I can't find anything on std::regex for Clang...
@Jueecy Thanks. I'll have to work more on it tomorrow. See ya
@ThePhD Only on Mac
@Zachrip, bye
@Rapptz Well, it looks like Clang supports it.
GCC is still a fish out of water with its Regex support.
Which perplexes me, because Regex has so many implementation in free Unix utilities.
On libc++
Why don't they just rip off one of those?
C++ exam in 8 hours guys...
Not on libstdc++ :C
@Rapptz So again, why don't they just steal it?
One of the few things I like about C is FILE*,fread,fwrite and friends
It's not like GNU or the FSF is going to throw a hissy fit.
@Magtheridon96 std::fstream
@ThePhD Licensing?
I could have sworn there was a limit on characters in a string literal before concatenation. Maybe it was just a specific compiler.
I know. I don't really like <fstream>. I don't know why.
@Rapptz Well, there's still sed and a bunch of other RE programs.
@Magtheridon96 Sounds like a personal problem.
All I see in the standard is 65536 after concatenation.
@Rapptz It most likely is
At least three dozen RE projects exists. Many of them are open-source or just plain Public Domain.
It wouldn't take that much effort to take those authors and tell them to write up a std::regex that works.
@chris Almost any compiler will have some limit. The standard has (IIRC) some recommendation about the smallest value that limit should be, but I'm pretty sure does not impose an upper limit.
:C night everybody
@JerryCoffin Oh, you're right. It's a recommended minimum.
I should have noticed, seeing as how I've been into this part of the standard before.
I like fstream.
@ThePhD I've considered doing it (you're right, it's not really all that difficult), but I'm pretty sure they'd only accept it with some license with "GPL" in its name. While I may at times be a repwhore, an asshole or a liar, there are still some depths to which I won't stoop.
Would they turn their nose up at a Public Domain one, though?
Like, one that's Public Domain that gets sucked into their code base?
'Cause if I get a class that says "implement something for an open source project somewhere", I'm tempted to make it my project to "write basic std::regex and std::wregex support".
A: Is gcc4.7 buggy about regular expressions?

Jonathan WakelyIt is not implemented - did you even bother trying to search before asking your question? Searching Google for "gcc regex" answers the question. Edit Since people keep complaining on SO about libstdc++'s <regex> code, here's an explanation of why it's in the state it is: That prototype &...

@ThePhD Yes, I think they would. Too liberal a license means it's not "free" from their viewpoint.
Q: Why are most people here - including moderators - against Indians?

user217076Look, India has 1.3 billion citizens and millions of IT workers...so we will rule the world and we will rule your projects very soon. Why are a lot of people here against Indians? Regular we will receive downvotes and bad comments on our questions. Stackoverflow feels like an unfriendly place ...

Tags it with discussion, tells people to shut up and let their Indian superiors do all the work.
Godwin's law in under 3 minutes. Wow. — Anthony Pegram 2 mins ago
@JerryCoffin That's... ... .. what? ... WHAT?! What's wrong with people? D:
This site is full of racial hate. Indians are the IT jews of the 21th century. — user217076 15 secs ago
^^ wow...
Stop oppressing me@@?
I haven't coded anything in a while.
wow... insta-deleted.
I haven't refreshed yet.
What was it?
I'll screenie
You can copy paste!
That's awful
I guess he is a troll
If you're wondering why I have multiple tabs open.
How would anybody even have a clue of your nationality/heritage/ethnicity unless you specifically tell them? Virtually nobody has a clue of my ethnicity, and I'm sure everybody absolutely loves me! — Jerry Coffin 1 min ago
It's how I can keep everything just in case something gets deleted.
"We will fuck your nerd asses and rape your women"
Indian Trolls: serious business
it's fuck ThePhD.
"the Nazi time"
Jesus! Stay true to the character.
ctrl-shift-t reloads from cache for me, so if I accidentally close it, I'm still good.
@chris Doesn't work for me
@chris Now let's see. Am I allowed to star that?
@Rapptz There, fixed, Mr. Comma Fucker. D:
@Rapptz As far as I'm aware, it's default Chrome behaviour.
I use Chrome too.
I have read every TinTin book
when I was like 9
I never heard of it. Please don't kill me ;.;
@ThePhD Why would you want fixed? Floating or integer FTW.
@JerryCoffin Because of the power of Q!
@Magtheridon96 Never heard or which? Tintin or Chrome?
Ugh. Here goes ThePhD with his Q thing again.
<3333 Q
@JerryCoffin TinTin.
Chrome is my waif
That's disturbing.
Are you accusing me of being a bad husband?
@Magtheridon96 You're overdue for a visit to Belgium, especially Brussels.
I don't mind going anywhere.
As long as there's internet and a quiet place for me to sit down and code
@Magtheridon96 Quite a few of those in Brussels. I recommend Le Hotel Metropole.
I'll likely forget that. I'm an incompetent 16 year old.
@Magtheridon96 Probably not a big loss -- fancy hotels are overrated anyway (IMO).
I'm in my last year of being a lowly teenager.
Next year I'll be a lowly 20-year old.
@chris Why would either be "lowly"? Most people my age wish they were 20 again...
@JerryCoffin Well, people my age are considered lowly by just about every adult in our school board. Apart from that, you start to realize how dumb you seemed to act x years ago. Even if you mature and stay steady, the way a lot of teenagers act these days causes generalizations.
I wish I was 8. (Except, with the same knowledge/intellect I have in my current state)
Prime example: youtube.com/…
@ Mystical Request to provide a sample code how we can do this — venkysmarty 53 secs ago
^^ Does the OP want me to give him code for how to test if a number is zero?
@chris Lol at the top comment
@chris the way other teenagers acts gives you just that much more chance to show your superiority. But yes, I'm afraid school boards everywhere have all too much tendency to look down on students. I suppose I can see why (to at least some extent), but most of it is more of those generalizations.
You're a German Nazi, brother? — user217076 7 mins ago
Sometimes, when adults criticize the way teenagers act, I understand what they're talking about and feel sympathy, but I know that when I'm 20 or 25, I'll look back and see how I was probably worse.
@Mysticial Sounds like it. Or maybe to read his mind and figure out when a number of smaller than could be meaningful for what he's doing.
In real life, I fit in more with people between the ages of 19 and 25 rather than people of the same age.

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