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@melak47 heh
did mine run out already?
@Xeo I thought so
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you should no better
At least format newb rules nicely ... technical term would be "more user friendly"? Current one looks like a high school assignment made in word 95
@thecoshman I know no better
I looked at newb rules and I went "this is not going to turn newbs away from C++ lounge, this is going to turn newbs off reading the rules"
C# in Depth:
Guys, say you have a vector, and in the vector you have an array of objects, those objects have a string called name. Now, you want sort them in lexicographical order. How would you do that, overloading the > operator in the objects being compared, to make it so that they are sorted in the order of their names. You wish to do this, because you want to neatly sort them using one line of code from std::sort() ?
> The C++ standards committee has recognized that constraints are still useful, though, and they will be present in C++0x (the next version of C++) under the name of concepts.
^ SkeetFail.
Oh fuck i am so screwed
@BartekBanachewicz : Great to see you again bar! :D
Better screwed than skewered.
no it isn;t great at all
Did you delete all your files? :D
@Zoidberg Eh, how old is the book?
@Xeo let me see.
@Zoidberg ?
@GamesBrainiac do you want to sort the vector's elements or the arrayses elementses
@Xeo 2010
@Zoidberg ZoidFail
@melak47 : The Vector's elements
@GamesBrainiac so you want to compare whole arrays at a time?
@Zoidberg : I think he spilled coffee on his pants
@GamesBrainiac std::sort( contacts.begin(), contacts.end(), []( contact const &lhs, contact const &rhs ){ return lhs.name < rhs.name; } );
@Zoidberg Still ZoidFail.
@Telkitty but by the time they know that, they've read it!
@Potatoswatter : Will try that and get back to you. But isnt what you are doing simply a lambda function?
@GamesBrainiac you have a vector, and in the vector you have an array of objects, those objects have a string called name. Now, you want sort them in lexicographical order. How would you do that, overloading the > operator in the objects being compared, to make it so that they are sorted in the order of their names. You wish to do this, because you want to neatly sort them using one line of code from std::sort() ?
syntax for running one command as root via su, su - root CMD?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The first sentence?
su then password or sudo
@thecoshman sudo
not a sudo er
Then su -c "stuff", I think
$ man su
@R.MartinhoFernandes tl;dr
@Zoidberg worse
@BartekBanachewicz Come on, don't be so secretive, we want to laugh at you!
@thecoshman su -c 'blabla'
@LightnessRacesinOrbit speaking from experience that's all ^_^
ergh... this shit aint set up for ease of use
@GamesBrainiac vector<array<object, N>>is what your description sounded like to me. what exactly do you want to sort here? the arrays in the vector, the objects in the arrays, or both?!
@Xeo I missed focal with my boss because I made a mistake in yesterday's email, and said that will be at 14:00 today.
He scheduled it for 14:30-15 today
@BartekBanachewicz Fail.
@melak47 : Its more like this vector<someObject> and this object has a varible, which is a string, called name
and needless to say, I showed up 15:01 today
@Xeo ikr
What were the implications?
@GamesBrainiac ..so there is no vector of arrays of objects ~_~
@Xeo Gets thrown into the snake pit.
@Cicada no, you dirty grrl
@melak47 : Sorry to disappoint you?
@Cicada What, we can spank you? Why thank you, I'll certainly make use of that if we ever meet.
@Xeo Well, he moved it to tomorrow, but he certainly isn't happy; duh :/ That can change the assesment outcome, obviously.
Wrong focal length. Now you have bifocals.
@BartekBanachewicz What, because of a simple mistake?
@Xeo It looks bad.
do you guys prefer languages with keywords or not
If he were serious about holding the meeting, he would have instant-messaged you.
@Cicada are there ones without?
@BartekBanachewicz 14:30-15?
@BartekBanachewicz there's more and less
vi makes me cry :'(
do you prefer more or less
what is a "focal" anyway and why are you being assessed? And why does typoing an email impact your score?
@Cicada any reasonable number is ok
define reasonable
vi only makes newbs cry
@Cicada up to 30.
@BartekBanachewicz Pffft.
@Cicada enough to get stuff done, not so many I can't get stuff done
YIL that vi inserting bullshit into my documents when you press an arrow key is in fact not a terminal oddity on 25% of the machines I use, but expected behaviour made surprising by 75% of the machines I use secretly aliasing vi to vim.
Can anyone tell me why package managers do EVERYTHING sequentially??
@Cicada anyway, what's the reason behind that questioning
@BartekBanachewicz it's a secret
@LightnessRacesinOrbit because I've missed an appointment
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, and there are a variety of such languages.
@Cicada Why should they not?
@BartekBanachewicz That doesn't really answer the question though?
@Potatoswatter : pastie.org/6242204 I tried it. But it gives me this error : unresolved external symbol
@Cicada wow. I like secrets. You can tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone
Presumably the assessment is about your job performance, not your admin diligence.
@BartekBanachewicz Secret: @Cicada is actually a guy.
At heart, anyways.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it is
@GamesBrainiac that's because you wrote it in a .cpp file, which you shall not do for definitions of template hings
@Xeo that's not a secret anymore
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :7827560 because it's retarded? consider the time spent downloading and unpacking. those two tasks could be interleaved
@BartekBanachewicz so your entire job performance rating will suffer because you missed one meeting?
@GamesBrainiac you removed std::, and you didn't tell me what symbol was not resolved.
@BartekBanachewicz why weren't you in the office at 14:30pm? It is way after lunch
@Cicada Sure, they could. But, why? You vastly complicate the process and the code... and for what?
And outlook (I assume you are using it) has reminders
Because seriously it's slow
@Cicada Why do you need an extra 0.3s when you install packages?
@Cicada Why are linkers sequential? Because dependencies fuck them over.
@Potatoswatter : Put it back in there, still does not work. I did declare using namespace std though
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Uh. I am angry at myself, and maybe a bit overreacting; it's just that if that happened say a week ago, no prob; what matters is the fact that the last time he remembers about me is not showing up on a meeting
@BartekBanachewicz yeah I'm not saying it's a good impression :P
@BartekBanachewicz but I would hope that it wouldn't impact an assessment that's based on not that
@Telkitty Various reasons
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you poor little thing, you don't realize that while I download that 15 MB package I have the time to unpack at least 30
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I hope that too.
@BartekBanachewicz if it is, then your boss is not separating his personal feelings from objective concerns and is a bad boss
@Cicada why is everyone in such a rush
@Xeo well, dependency graphs exist... that's a non problem !
@GamesBrainiac Didn't the other guys just say not to do that? Anyway, where does retrievedItem come from?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit why are you such a slug
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Nah, he is a cool guy. I am sure you understand my concern, though.
@BartekBanachewicz don't worry about it then.
@GamesBrainiac I already told you the problem
@BartekBanachewicz I do
@Cicada a what?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit a slug.
@Cicada a what?
@Cicada ok.
aaah, you meant slug.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit : Where?
you're so fucking exciteable this week
@GamesBrainiac scroll up
@LightnessRacesinOrbit look who's speaking
@LightnessRacesinOrbit : From the looks of things, you just copied and pasted my question again
@Cicada fix it
@Cicada I'm precisely as exciteable as I ever was, ma'am.
@GamesBrainiac Scroll up less far.
let's rage on the n00b or something
@GamesBrainiac Look at all the lines beginning "@GamesBrainiac"
5 mins ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
@GamesBrainiac that's because you wrote it in a .cpp file, which you shall not do for definitions of template hings
By the way
binarybeast.com/xBW1302181 <- I am playing first match at 16 today :P
@LightnessRacesinOrbit : Template things?
Also the cpp file shouldn't be wrapped in #ifndef … #endif… that's called a header guard.
@GamesBrainiac class templates, function templates
@GamesBrainiac Which book are you using?
Jumping into C++ and C++ plus Data structures by nell dale
never heard of it
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are released every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a good C++ book...

@GamesBrainiac Why don't you read a good book instead?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit : Need to follow the book of my course :(
How many codes have you written so far
Keep in mind that anything you learn from that book, you might have to work even harder to forget it later.
@Cicada a zillion
@GamesBrainiac No. That's bullshit.
@Potatoswatter ugh... singletons...
@GamesBrainiac What are they going to do, search your apartment/dormitory and arrest you for having banned C++ literature?
@GamesBrainiac: No, you don't need to. Or at least you don't need to follow only that book. The more you read, the better.
@AndyProwl : The more I read, the more confused I seem to get
@LightnessRacesinOrbit stop linking to that
@Cicada ten
@GamesBrainiac: That's part of learning. No doubts, no knowledge.
@AndyProwl : Barek recommended this, en.cppreference.com, and its been good so far
@GamesBrainiac it will become clearer as your acquire experience
the last reference site i used (from google search) had errors in it
@GamesBrainiac I will add that to the list of my name typed with errors
Barket is the best one so far
Object oriented programming languages are all interconnected
If a book makes you confused, stop reading it and get another one on the same subject.
... with the exception of objective c
eh no
or define "all interconnected"
Is it really so hard, lol? Take regular "Bart" and add "eek" to it, just with one "e"
@Telkitty Huh? That's a direct descendent of Smalltalk, no?
Thought it branched off C - it is the apple's objective oriented programming language
gah, one of the IDXGIKeyedMutex::ReleaseSync calls fails with DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL, which isn't even an error it should return according to msdn, and the debug runtime doesn't even notice...
@Cicada the 4 principles of OOP, containers (despite names)
@BartekBanachewicz: How about "Bark"? :-)
@BartekBanachewicz We will be going to Barket to muy mreakfast.
@thecoshman ʬʬʬWhy?
I should rename my profile to "The North Pole", seriously.
Cat can be the south one
@thecoshman The whole point of that canonical FAQ question is for situations like this. What problem do you have with it?
@Bartek And what about me? :(
@Telkitty Apple inherited it from NeXT. And it's just C with Smalltalk messages tacked on.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ummm... Left one? xD
Chat still didn't refresh it
I always find it funny what C++ call map, it is called hashmap in Java, dictionary in Objective C
Cicada got flagged by some flaggot
where that
I invalidated that flag
I bet it was tomalak again
@Telkitty No
@LightnessRacesinOrbit sure
@Cicada message from like 6 hours ago
@Collin ?
What C++ calls map would be TreeMap in Java, not sure how Objective C dicts are implemented
@Collin Assuming they followed Smalltalk on this point (probably did), as hash tables.
blergh...why does mutex11->ReleaseSync(0) fail in release x86 and debug x64? ._.
@Telkitty std::unordered_map would be more like hashmap and (most likely) dictionary
apparently I should now talk a lot
@Potatoswatter : It worked!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :P
Thank you so much man
does anyone know anything about the algorithm for shifting gears in automatic gearshift cars?
@TonyTheLion what vintage?
@Potatoswatter what do you mean by that?
@Xeo you said yesterday my problem sounded like UB, where is the UB in mutex11->ReleaseSync(0) ? ._. it fails with DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL: "The application provided invalid parameter data" - why does 0 become invalid in release x86 and debug x64? :/
@TonyTheLion It wasn't always computer controlled
@Collin I'm talking about the computerized algorithm
I'm just curious as to how that would work
phew, i just im-ed my today's opponent
I can see it getting more complicated than it looks at first blush
apparently he too didn't play SC1 for a few years
that will be an epic game, no doubt
Deceleration is pretty easy, just hit a low set-point on the RPMs and then downshift
@TonyTheLion what do you mean?
@TonyTheLion it was described in Havok manual, in the vehicles section
but acceleration would be a little trickier, you'd have to take the gas pedal position into account and move the shift point higher as the driver pushes the pedal down further
The mechanical way worked pretty well, though. I think complications would mainly be a result of perfectionism.
it's an mechanical linkage...
… The "kickdown cable" going from the throttle to the gearbox
@thecoshman nowadays it's computer controlled as to when a gear should be down/up shifted. I wondered if anyone knew anything about the algorithm employed
or it was, before the days of computers.
@TonyTheLion Basically you have to take maximum power car can output and align the shifts to it in an ideal scenario, then add some slack
Run out of power => downshift.
@thecoshman Older ones were mostly based on engine vacuum.
Run low on revs => downshift.
@BartekBanachewicz hmmm
> BalaGuru Samy is the best book to learn C++.
@TonyTheLion Please also note that there's hardly one best way; for example, Audi A6 features D and S gears, S usually puts you one below D
That gives you better acceleration
Steady state => upshift if current power output can be maintained in next gear.
@Potatoswatter Umm...did you mean downshift? Upshifting will reduce engine RPMs.
> Hi... Herbert Schildt is good book to read. According to me it is not easy to read instead try Balagurusamy or yashvant khanetar. I prefer Balagurusamy is easy understandable to know each and every concepts about OOPS. After Completed Balagurusamy you prefer yashvant khanetar because in this book full of problems and solutions only given. Without knowing basics u cant enter into problems. Thatswhy I told. Being a IT student im preferring you this genuine infrn.....
@BartekBanachewicz link?
@TonyTheLion that's the problem; I don't think you can just download it without havok dev account, but give me a second
> Being a IT student im preferring you this genuine infrn.....
@BartekBanachewicz ah I see
Good morning all.
You guys have time for a conversation about the c++-faq tag?
I think it'd be best if @sbi was to participate.
uh oh
@casperOne Robot is not there
Since he's the original instigator of that, IIRC.
@casperOne you'll need to ask the secretary for an appointment
Actually, that's pretty good idea.
So everyone interested might show up
@BartekBanachewicz I put in 15 more minutes. Redid the linuxification on the develop2.0 branch. Some spurious problems. However, I got minicraft to link. Now, running is somewhat less fortunate (I suspect less-than-ideal error handling on reading of resource(s)?):
sehe@desktop:~/Projects/Bartek/MiniCraft$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../Engine/Engine:~/custom/boost/stage/lib/ ./minicraft
minicraft: /home/sehe/custom/boost/boost/optional/optional.hpp:631: boost::optional<T>::reference_type boost::optional<T>::get() [with T = std::vector<unsigned char>; boost::optional<T>::reference_type = std::vector<unsigned char>&]: Assertion `this->is_initialized()' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
@Potatoswatter lol
@sehe I believe @Ell had the same exact error
@sehe Oh, Ell had that too IIRC.
@casperOne Also, what kind of conversation? :)
Note, this isn't about the c++-tag specifically, but we're seeing knock-offs. The conversation is about how you would be impacted if the faq tag was not to exist.
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, probably just loading a resource from a bad path (like, you know, Windows style?)
Later. Time to rush to flute lessons :)
Kids are a joy!
I want to gather feedback from you guys about how you would be impacted if the tag was removed, and if there aren't alternatives that would help mitigate the lack of the faq tag.
@TonyTheLion Sorry, I forgot my password there -.- You can google for the PDF, and if the emain with new password comes in, I'll get it for you.
knock offs like c✛✛ or c±±?
@casperOne Eh, I think it's an important tag to have, since it lets us mark "authorative" sources of information.
@Xeo That's part of the problem. That kind of information is meta, and tags are not to be meta.
@casperOne The one is about the parashift FAQ, IIRC.
@casperOne Then we need a way to mark questions with meta information - sometimes, it's just important.
@casperOne is there any Meta discussion about that ATM? Maybe that would be a good place too? (I think the tag is needed too, just for the record)
@BartekBanachewicz Consider this a precursor to the meta discussion.
Well, guys from here mark the questions appropriately anyway
Note, I understand that all of you want the tag, and think it's important. However, can you give me specific reasons why it's important, and how it provides value that can't be provided in some other way?
Are the other languages the knock offs or is this about the ?
In any case, I think @sbi would have stronger opinion and ideas on that matter.
> (Note: This is meant to be an entry to Stack Overflow's C++ FAQ. If you want to critique the idea of providing an FAQ in this form, then the posting on meta that started all this would be the place to do that. Answers to that question are monitored in the C++ chatroom, where the FAQ idea started out in the first place, so your answer is very likely to get read by those who came up with the idea.)
@casperOne ^ this
@Potatoswatter See the data query I linked to. There are five others.
@casperOne We have an easy way to look for authorative answers to questions that get asked very frequently
@Potatoswatter hehe
@casperOne Searching would count as one of the more important ones.
The tag also marks them as legitimate in some way
The most critical use is definitely selecting which question to close as dup on.
If you search for a tag, you get only things marked that way.
@BartekBanachewicz All due respect, providing legitimacy is not a purpose that's appropriate for a tag.
It becomes a matter of who provides the legitimacy, and there's a whole non-constructive slew there.
Do you really think so
@casperOne Just read that in Joe Pesci voice :)
@casperOne Well then, as Xeo said we need a way to mark questions with meta information. The site provided tags, so we used them
@casperOne C++, as a language that is so old, and so widespread, that has evolved so much and that is taught to such varying levels of quality and accuracy, requires centralised sources of authoritative information more so than for other languages.
@Potatoswatter I'm 1/4 Italian, and from the Bronx. Consider that =)
Most of these questions have answers thoroughly scrutinized by members of the C++ community, so using them for answering recurring questions guarantees that the answer will always be correct
@casperOne That is, IMO, although usually the notion of "we are experts and we are right and you are wrong" would smell, but in the case of C++, we do need to be able to say "no, these are the only peer-reviewed good books, and any other is going to be of suspect quality". The c++-faq gives us the ability to plonk this data on SO, find it, and link to it, easily.
@casperOne Removing it just because the tag isn't the same as other tags seems to be removing value for no reason. That's how I see it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit How does the faq tag facilitate this? And who's to say the C++ community on SO should be that authority?
@casperOne What is the suggestive alternative way to group/classify/categorise the FAQ posts?
Why do you want to remove that tag anyway
@Cicada Scroll up, we have knock offs popping up.
@casperOne Well it was Jeff Atwood who said the site should adapt to the community :)
@casperOne So?
@BartekBanachewicz You'd have to make a general argument for the existence of meta tags. Can you do that?
who cares about knock-offs, this is the internet :)
And while C++ community isn't the only one, is certainly big
@casperOne As I said, usually there are problems when one group says "we are the authority". But at some level there does have to be a group that it seen as knowing what they're talking about, and it just is the case that that group exists on SO, and that the information on the FAQ tag is accurate, useful and of high benefit to those who perhaps haven't learned from the best institutions.
Other folks have decided that they also need a FAQ tag or the same reasons the C++ folks did, sounds like a feature is missing
@casperOne No I think if the proposal is to declassify what 60 questions? Then there needs to be an argument against the existence of meta tags
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Look on Meta Stack Overflow, that's been done to death already in many various forums.
@casperOne Hmm. We have tags serving different purpose on meta (). Why not here?
@BartekBanachewicz The main site is not meta. Meta serves a distinctly different purpose than the main site.
@casperOne Please link to the argument on meta that concludes the c++-faq tag should not exist.
@casperOne I for one don't know how to search Meta for this, i.e. what to look for, so a more particular link would be useful.
7 mins ago, by casperOne
@BartekBanachewicz Consider this a precursor to the meta discussion.
Well I can't speak for the other languages FAQ, but losing would really be a mess
@BartekBanachewicz Yes - my question was largely rhetorical. I've been told that the discussion has been had many times already. So where is it?
I think losing the C++-faq tag is like saying "we don't want to help the SO community improve quality on answering questions"
@BartekBanachewicz And Jeff also said "1. 90% of all community feedback is crap."
The real problem is all the people that didn't follow C++ evolution and who are still convinced their way is the only one that is effective "in the real life". When you show them a F.A.Q, as well written as it may be, they simply think it was written by some out-of-college guy that has never worked in the industry.
@casperOne Still, the tags are used for different purpose there with great success. I'll ask differently: What's essentially wrong with meta-tags?
I can understand the problem of assuming legitimacy and authority on questions in the FAQ tag. I don't see why that's more of a problem on the FAQ tag than for any other question on SO. And I don't see a reason to delete unless someone can demonstrate to me that it's causing harm in some other way than "it shouldn't be there".
And since those same guys are often considered experts by management, they are usually in charge of transmitting their knowledge to the newcomers.
Well I can see the problem of knockoffs
But heh
@BartekBanachewicz Done to death on meta.
@casperOne Link please.
^ this
I have to go, unfortunately.
Robot and sbi should also be able to say something anyway
Q: Please kill some meta tags

GillesA number of meta tags are still present on Stack Overflow. A previous thread identified some (especially Aarobot's answer). Please kill them. examples learning mistakes, common-mistakes coding-practices, patterns-and-practices, programming-practices (seems like a lost fight… What's next? just-l...

I also have little time remaining. But I think my message at 14:56:18 UTC up there ^ basically sums up all feelings I have on the subject
@casperOne thanks
I understand you're worried about knockoffs, but please consider something else than deletion (because that would be a major loss)
Maybe you should use this C++-faq tag as an example and just have one for every major language
A: What tags would be considered "meta-tags"

Shog9Enough with the "meta tag" witch-hunt. At some point, this is going to start doing more harm than good; heck, it's possible we're already there. An inappropriate tag is a red flag for inappropriate questions You think "discussion" is a bad tag because it's meta? Bah. [discussion] is bad because...

Jeff Atwood on August 06, 2010

There are a few tags on Stack Overflow that have bugged me for a long time. Namely:

subjective best-practices beginner

best-practices beginner


But I could never quite articulate what, exactly, was wrong with these tags. It’s been bothering me more and more as time goes on. So much so, that about two months ago, I was compelled to ask on meta: Should we permanently remove the [subjective] tag?

There are some weak arguments in favor of keeping [subjective], but that’s about the best its proponents can muster. The arguments against it are much stronger. I felt Shog9 made the best case: …

I could go on, but I don't want to flood the room.
But meta tags have been done to death, all due respect.
Those are all very general meta-tags. I don't see that that discussion necessarily applies here. Shog's answer that you linked to seems to sum it up nicely.
The simple fact is that the tag continues to provide great value to the SO C++ community and I haven't heard any argument for its deletion other than "some other meta tags were deleted" and "we don't want meta tags"

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