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I remember a funny thing a colleague had up in his office to remind him to keep it simple. some joke where the java programmer wrote a huge complex mess of interfaces etc, just to handle some string
@CatPlusPlus I'm glad my venting managed to entertain you, to a degree
As a corollary I offer a video of a dog on drugs:
i second this
> Things like cache lines and multicore CPU etc. will come to life and play their role. I call this the run-time space.
Why the fuck did I just write this... @LucDanton, maybe you can tell me.
brb vidya gaems
No idiot these things don't matter in ~proper~ software design
@LucDanton No fleeing!
If you think about the computer you're doing it wrong
@LucDanton erm (below):
That's why high-level code is easier, cheaper and faster to write than low-level code
2013-02-17 23:20:49 [INFO] [Minecraft] There are 0/20 players online:
2013-02-17 23:20:49 [INFO] [Minecraft]
2013-02-20 02:01:16 [INFO] [Minecraft] There are 0/20 players online:
2013-02-20 02:01:16 [INFO] [Minecraft]
And end up being much better 99% of the time
@CatPlusPlus meh
Think about control flow
i still think it's important to know how to think like a computer
Data flow
@Cicada Beep boop
In computer science, denotational semantics (initially known as mathematical semantics or Scott–Strachey semantics) is an approach of formalizing the meanings of programming languages by constructing mathematical objects (called denotations) which describe the meanings of expressions from the languages. Other approaches to providing a formal semantics of programming languages include axiomatic semantics and operational semantics. Broadly speaking, denotational semantics is concerned with finding mathematical objects called domains that represent what programs do. For example, programs (or...
no idea how "java joke" brought that up
Let me show you hooow
It's done
@doug65536 See, now it is funny
You can write bug-free code that's easy to reason about and not think about the computer at all
@CatPlusPlus bug free yes
efficient i'm not too sure (unless you have infinitely powerful machines)
I think I'll just hit the sack and wonder why I wrote that code in my dreams...
So, g'night.
@Cicada lol
I should become a real computer scientist and only deal with theory and not waste my time reading posts like that
My uni's waiting for you
Eh set theory isn't that interesting
hmm, I'm debugging in Visual Studio, and hit the "pause" button about... half an hour ago. It's still not paused. Should I be concerned?
Now type theory
@CatPlusPlus no shit
@MooingDuck You didn't hit it multiple times in the interim?
> I understand that this definition may not look like OO at all. Where is polymorphism? Where is encapsulation? Where is inheritance? Well, that's the material we use – the cables and membranes. A good definition of OOS must be beyond that.
@DeadMG I... might have
> Let’s use, once more, the familiar Shape example to explain why the definition above is aligned with Object Oriented Structures, while other structures tend not to comply with it. Say that we have a set of shapes: Circle, Polygon, perhaps some specialized polygons like Square and Triangle, etc.
Ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha he actually unironically defends shape classes as proper OOP
@MooingDuck I think it's a bug, someone else mentioned that issue the other day
Holy crap
@CatPlusPlus we also had type theory btw
and lambda calculus and what not
@Cicada We didn't.
> OOP is a scam. It doesn’t work. Let’s move en masse to FP. Wait, what is a Functional Structure again?
might have had lambda calculus but I was too busy doing important things.
A product type you scrub
well at some point we created a functional language, it was nice
and super simple actually!
2 / 255
much simpler than imperative
> No, absolutely. Smalltalk aimed at something bigger than this. In a sense, Smalltalk tried to apply the same rule to the language itself, in a sort of reflective way.
I have no idea what this article is about
@Cicada It's just graph reduction
I was typing that
It's not tied to any machines
> For those of you more familiar with my work on the Physics of Software, here is a bonus :-) definition based on the notion of entanglement:
> An Object Oriented Structure is a construction of centers carrying mostly */D and */C entanglement between the decision space and the artifact space. When */U entanglement is carried, the size of the involved artifacts is probabilistically minimized.
wtf are you reading
> An OOS reacts to enumerative variation in the problem space by creating an isomorphic set of centers (often, classes) in the artifact space. This is strongly related to the enumeration law.
@melak47 A guy named Carlos talking about his love for object oriented programming.
I heard it's being made into a movie.
@CatPlusPlus I think he doesn't care about irony. He just wants to hear him self expositioning
Let's go back to the other bad posts
@ddoomen That article is seriously TL;DR (5kword+2k in replies). Convinces me that the author knows a lot, but doesn't convey understanding.
Can we move onto something else please
@Cicada Propose a subject
> What about Objective Caml?
Ok, so I found QUEX for the lexical phase of compilation. Are there good parsers?
I propose Windows 8/Metro. Or were we going to try for something positive?
Why can't we specialize a template method in C++ if the class isn't specialized itself?
ah, curses, I killed the program I was debugging, but VS is frozen. so I have to reboot it. Which takes ~30 minutes on my machine. Guess I'll just go home?
@Cicada We can't? Oh wait, of course.
@MooingDuck Have you tried killing vshost
@MooingDuck Probably best.
@MooingDuck You need a new PC.
@doug65536 Java and Boobs! Can it get any better?
@Rapptz agreed
@CatPlusPlus forgot to mention. For C++
Then no
(Spirit maybe)
Or just Bison
I also still haven't eaten anything in a long time. ._.
Unless you have OCD and will sperg about the C interface
@sehe So why is that. Well I guess I'll never have an answer? :)
@CatPlusPlus What about it (we used OCaml for all our grammar parsers)
Jan 24 at 10:41, by sehe
Har har! I've been registered as official pilot user for our new corporate desktop standard (i5 + Win7 32). That may not sound great, but I'm thrilled (currently on Pentium E5300 XPSP2)
^ You might be one of the few who understands how I might not be afraid to be guinea pig
@Cicada It's uninteresting
@Borgleader Partially. It couldn't handle all my clicking.
I think the final thing I need to do is handle IME's and unicode input from a window.
Also has these plain weird design decisions
After that, I shall be done. Forever and for all eternity.
Soon I'll take step beyond Haskell and play with dependent typing
@Cicada Because it's just a function, GOTW gotw.ca/publications/mill17.htm
@CatPlusPlus You do realize the author of Bison has pretty openly stated that it's basically beta software that stays in use only because GNU promotes it? The real, finished version (by the same author) is byacc (but GNU won't promote that, because its license isn't restrictive enough for them to call it "free").
@CatPlusPlus wtf someone actually tried mixing quantum mechanical concepts with software engineering.
@Insilico He's crazy and :catdrugs:
@JerryCoffin I don't know I don't use Bison
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: An Object Oriented Structure is a construction of centers carrying mostly */D and */C entanglement between the decision space and the artifact space. When */U entanglement is carried, the size of the involved artifacts is probabilistically minimized. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [no-helpdesk]
@sehe wot?
@JerryCoffin I decided I'm gonna try boost::spirit. I'm hoping it'll play nice with QUEX
@LucDanton Just showing you relevant logs. In slightly accusing fashion :) Also, this
@Borgleader Good for you
I should stop being on Internet
@sehe Well I have been playing a lot. Other games though.
I should change profession
@LucDanton xD
@sehe Sarcasm? =/
@doug65536 Repost
@Borgleader Nope. I can see how that was unclear, though
Jun 22 '12 at 15:19, by Cicada
I'd marry the one who makes a language as fast as C, powerful as C++, and goodlooking as C#
^ are we close to having a winner, yet?
@sehe Oh is that why everyone is making a language around here?
@Borgleader Obviously. Well, not me
homework? New computer science/engineering assignment - make a new language
If you wanted to get at the little Directional Pad on Xbox 360 and PS3 controllers, what property / method would you want to call?
xinput? or what
My own API.
I'm asking for namign suggestions.
the term they use in XInput is DPad. good for familiarity anyway
Currently, I have int32 RawDPadAngle(), float DPadAngle() and DirectionalPad DPad().
@ThePhD MaxiPad
MaxiPad.... well, okay.
Strangely enough, I think XInput treats the DPad as buttons
rather than as an actual Hat or Directional pad
@ThePhD RawDPadAngle() returns an int32? Not a radians?
I have a question about swedish. Anyone here know swedish? (or similar?)
@MooingDuck The raw measurement 100 x the angle.
in degrees.
That's the way Microsoft decided to handle it.
@ThePhD so it should return a microangle
DPadAngle is going to return radians.
Because it returns a float.
@ThePhD I think that's more flexible. I had a dpad where it was possible to push all directions at the same time (pressing the whole thing down)
... I don't know how I'd read all that from it, but I'll give it a try. @__@
they are buttons. it probably makes the most sense to treat the dpad as buttons
man, I make the strangest typos sometimes
@ThePhD what? No, I mean, treat them as individual buttons. That allows all, some, or none to be pressed at once.
Though I'm not sure what RawDPadAngle returns in the all/none cases.
I'm not sure either, that's why I'm confused. :c
@sehe > win7 32
I need to write "You are very strong" in French
@melak47 yeah, ...
and that's being a guinea pig? ._.
But I don't want to use the masculiney strength adjectives, I need to use the strong-in-willpower adjectives
@EtiennedeMartel SAVE ME.
I beleive I have a virus on my machine

My antivirus can't find it

what is the DEEPEST virus scanner for download?
I dont care how long it takes
@melak47 Sure. It'll beat the crap out of our current XP 32bits
@JABFreeware Uhh.. what antivirus to you have?
@Collin Avast!
@JABFreeware good luck with that
fort is strong in french, but...
...Grr. I want to say you have great determination, resolve.
@sehe why do you say that?
What makes you think you have a virus?
Blah, whatever.
forte it is.
@JABFreeware Because it is rather conspicuously silly to barge into a C++ chat room with that unfounded claim, and expect sympathy. Also, if the claim is founded, best to reinstall like everyone has suggested. Anitvirii are for prevention, mostly.
@ThePhD résolu, déterminé, obstiné
@Collin well, my cursor skips sometimes (no its not hardware) the system is getting slower and slower. Tried defrag. All my browsers have gotten really slow, and some weird things are happening to my reg entries
oh man it feels good to remember the "exe24" times (07-2009 - 09-2011) ;d
@JABFreeware are they all "<3"
that kind of hang could be I/O related, like failing hard drive
@sehe Maybe. I thought about determine but.... meh.
@JABFreeware I agree with them 'format.exe'
@sehe not looking for antivrius looking for a program that specializes in fixing them
Meeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh forte.
I want those times back
@JABFreeware yawn
@Collin sigh
any geek c++ programmer made a time machine which allows me to travel to the past? ; p
@JABFreeware There is google, there is Super User etc.
@sehe okay thanks
@JABFreeware Man, turns out none of us are windows sysadmin people, surprise!
@Collin yeah just realized that
@Collin Speak for yourself :) (Still not interested, though)
@JABFreeware Please come again. Maybe with C++ stuff :-P
@sehe I was under the impression you were linux only
@Collin I was windows only until ~2002. And since then I prefer linux. But I worked on AIX, Windows (all brands and flavours), OpenVMS, Tru64, Solaris, and sometimes linux
Cool cool. I use windows and would consider myself a 'power user' of sorts, but it's been a long time since I worried about viruses
you know you've become a true nerd when you remove the entire GUI and multitask with screen in remote SSH session
@Collin I never have.
@doug65536 That's what I do. At work too (windows only)
I just love the peace and quiet of a pitch black desktop and a patient cursor
I tend to get lost in screen, but I am getting better at keeping track of emacs buffers, so maybe I should give it more of a shot
And upgrade to vim in the process
@sehe patient cursor? isn't it passive-aggressively going blink, blink, blink at you all the time?
It's low frequency. It's just unintrusively letting me know where it's at. I can look away when I'm blocked
blink...are you gonna input something already?...blink...
Nope. I don't have that response. It's like a heartbeat.
Quietly reassuring me that the system is responsive and eagerly awaiting my commands
Why doesn't this room refresh??!
It does
Not if you don't use it for 5 mins or so
Sure it does. Slay the cookiemonster. Buy a better browser. Switch to the next internet
Maybe it was killed by too many a kitten
Let's see if it refreshes
Maybe my PC is hacked
Sorry about that Collin. I handn't noticed you posted a kitten
@Telkitty You could totally join JABFreeware
@sehe I'll get over it :-P
@Telkitty try installing another browser and testing it
I am on firefox
the other choices are :IE & Chrome
maybe it's the adblock
I run adblock on everything
But yeah, try Chrome
Do you go through a proxy that could be misconfigured?
I have not changed anything on my browser
Are you blocking javascript? like using noscript?
This room was working fine & I have not installed any addon other than adblock
there were issues with malware/virus which I got rid off using bootscan
my goodness how do you guys get yourself into these situations
@Collin what situation?
Aahh. You use adblock. So the kittens don't _actually show up_ on your end.
Now I understand
@Telkitty Are you sure bootscan is not the virus
@Telkitty That oblivious situation wherein you ask "What situation"
It is safe I am sure :P but it could be collecting info from this PC
I am using Avast anti-virus
what with the ...
I am not a newblet
just someone who trot into 'dangerous' territory every now and then :x
try clicking in the scrolling area and pressing End on the keyboard
Doesn't seem to work
I can always do a refresh every time I am not in front of my PC for more than 20 mins
will try in 30 mins :x
@ThePhD What
@EtiennedeMartel It's too late, I already wrote my terrible french and sent it off.
@Telkitty That.. that makes you a newblet
@ThePhD I was busy killing shit at Serious Sam 3.
@Collin No, it is called curiosity >_<
Well, as long as many things were killed, it's all good.
Also, TIL: The Controller pad for DS3 controllers are not allowed.
No POV Hat / DPAD when trying to connect to the PS3 controller. q_q
I remember using joyGetPos(Ex?) and everything working. all I cared about was xbox controller for windows
been a while though
@ScottW I love you too.
@Telkitty The not newblet version would have created a VM disconnected from the rest of your computer to check it out
@Telkitty Why are you posting pictures of your lunch in the lounge?
@Collin it's called bootscan - scan before hte system is booted up? Maybe I should unplug the battery on the motherboard just to be sure :x
@Borgleader Nah, I don't eat food raw :p
@doug65536 I'm doing PS3.
It's okay, though.
I got Rumble on my PS3 controllers now too.
And DPad support.
So, fuck DirectInput and XInput and Microsoft's sneaky lame 'By Design' shit.
Has one seen this, it is pretty disgusting ...
@ThePhD DirectInput is deprecated and XInput is only recommended on the 360.
@EtiennedeMartel Yes, so that leaves you with nothing but RawInput or bastardizations of both DirectInput and XInput together. :3c
@ThePhD Yeah, well, using the message loop kinda makes sense.
Although I agree that it's a pain for anything other than a mouse or a keyboard.
Doesn't matter, though.
Although, one could argue that a mouse and a keyboard are the superior input method for a game.
I can rumble all the joysticks.
@EtiennedeMartel They are.
Hand-over-fist in all multiplayer tests, Mouse Keyboard / PC users smashed Controller / Console users.
You know what we should do
Kyrostat post mortem
It's not dead yet.
It's been dead for months
Granted I do not know what direction we are taking, I am just doing underlying bacon stuff.
I am learning a lot about OpenGL.
It's cool that you're contributing, but it's a failure of the original team and there's no point sidestepping about
@CatPlusPlus It wouldn't be long.
I can say what went wrong, though: the project was doomed from the start.
I've been watching TEDx talks and getting all inspired to do shit
Yes, it was
We had no real direction.
From my POV
@EtiennedeMartel This.
No project management
Overly broad scope
The only one who was really into it was Dom. So when he left, it all fell appart.
That's very unfortunate.
No time commitment
Still, though, evne reading Kyrostat's docs,
It was supposed to be a 3D space RTS
And we started with FUCKING WINDOWING CODE IN C++
I can't see like, what the game is meant to materialize into. I know the 3D RTS bit
It was "3D RTS"
That's it
Oh, and the setting was space
We argued about one feature for like 8 hours
And then started doing this thing from scratch
@CatPlusPlus The puppy had a bunch of ideas.
But ideas are just that: ideas.
It takes a lot of work to turn them into features.
Although I'm pretty sure he had a pretty clear idea of what the game would look or feel like.
He was the closest thing we had to a lead designer.
He had gameplay ideas
It was gonna have SPACE and FEATURES and BUTTONS and UNITS and things
But we had no framework to put gameplay ideas in
That's not really an issue.
You have to start with gameplay ideas, then build the tech that supports it.
No, I know
But what I'm saying is we should've started with a simplest possible prototype
Not "let's make a C++ engine"
I think we needed a benevolent dictator
Puppy was one
Until someone started bitching about his ideas being rejected
And then there was nobody
Can I bazooka that person?
benevolent might be a stretch :-P
yes (although I have no idea who we're talking about)
I don't remember who
Doesn't matter
Well, I got all this openGL contexting stuff that doesn't quite work that I haven't fully committed to the repo yet.
What Dead should have done was yell "shut the fuck up" though
So while I am eager to work on kyrostat, my code doesn't pin my legs to the project either.
But yes, we needed to have something usable, but we're all pedantic bastards who wanted to make everything 'right'
Personally, deep in my heart, I have a project I would love for everyone in the Lounge to work on
If you want to prototype a game use a ready made engine like UDK or CryEngine
Yes, I said that
I remember saying it
But people were more interested in making an engine than a game
And we wrote Window class
And that was the end
(Oh no, sorry, there was Game class, too)
(It was horribly designed and empty)
and some stupid platform crap
I want to make a game engine. My teacher did and now I want to 1up him. But I will do that during the summer.
it could find config files anywhere!
When I'm not working on 2 different games
I want to make a game
Any game
I want to make fucking Tetris
Do it.
In 1D
I need to finally finish something
it's just points that stack up
I was going to suggest you make it in HTML5 but, I have a feeling you'll tell me to fuck off xD
No, I'm going to
(Use HTML5 that is)
I'm getting hit with 7-second delays now

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