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> James Gosling, who created the Java programming language in 1994, and Bill Joy, a co-founder of Sun Microsystems, the originator of Java, called C# an "imitation" of Java; Gosling further claimed that "[C# is] sort of Java with reliability, productivity and security deleted."
Dafuq is wrong with these people.
yeup, some really is that fucking inbred. To store latitude, they have stored it as a positive value and then an additional 'north or south' value
@Zoidberg C# was an imitation of Java. Gosling is just 🍌🍌, though.
I'm much more productive in C# than in Java.
@Zoidberg they created java. That's wrong.
@Zoidberg Have you looked at the dates?
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh lol :P oops
@Zoidberg FWIW, Sun refused to add Microsoft's "delegates" to Java (which they had as an extension in their own implementation). Sometime later C# popped up and it was a lot like "Java with delegates". Do the math.
heh :P
I like C# because it's not made by people who assume programmers are morons.
Erik Meijer FTW :D
Rx is awesome.
Did I mention it is available for C++?
@Zoidberg I forgot atm why I dislike C#.
I need to make a list of all my proposals
the ones I intend to carry forward, anyway
@DeadMG github?
@R.MartinhoFernandes write a tutorial please :D
Unicode, hash extensions, thunks, type deduction override
@NoSenseEtAl Never tried the C++ version. I only messed around with it in C#.
A: Reactive Extensions: Throttle/Sample with varying interval

R. Martinho FernandesMany hours later, and with some sleep on it, I got it. public static IObservable<T> Sample<T>(this IObservable<T> source, Func<T, TimeSpan> intervalSelector) { return source.TimeInterval() .Scan(Tuple.Create(TimeSpan.Zero, false, default(T)), (acc, v)...

vector<int> some_primes(size_t howMany)
       auto xs = from(int_range(0, INT_MAX))
       return xs.to_vector();
             // or: vector<int>(begin(xs), end(xs));
maybe herb can slip it into ISO, like look what i have for you folks :D
@BartekBanachewicz That's Ix++, (or some other LINQ-y range thing) no?
Rx is not about "ranges", though.
@BartekBanachewicz there are many impls of C++ LINQ you talking about MS one ?
It's about events.
@Bartek be grateful you don't write it can haz yet. not yet.
@R.MartinhoFernandes okay, I might have clicked the wrong search result
@StephaneRolland ah. that one. You could've linked to original statement
@BartekBanachewicz dunno how to link on the chat yet
@BartekBanachewicz i'll look at it
@R.MartinhoFernandes my exam session is starting soon. You have no mercy.
@StephaneRolland mouseover a message, the last arrow. on the right
@BartekBanachewicz ok I have found
@BartekBanachewicz I have starred it instead :-)
@StephaneRolland ohnoes :)
Ooooh, 339 unresolved externals.
By the way, I am going to see SOAD!!! Got the tickets today
@DeadMG how did you start desigining wide? did you start with the grammar?
I started by cutting out all the stuff I hated, and then adding new cool things in
from c++?
Q: Cannot capture static member in nested lambda function

chhenningI have a problem with a nested lambda function which cannot see a static class member. Visual Studio 2010 gives me a C2065 ( undeclared identifier ) for reasons I cannot understand. Here is simple case that highlights my problem: #include <algorithm> #include <vector> using namespa...

close votes
@BartekBanachewicz Do want.
@BartekBanachewicz Simple Object Access Drotocol?
@Xeo They started to sell them 10:00AM today, so maybe there's still some left
@melak47 SOAP sucks.
Where, anyways?
@BartekBanachewicz and SOAD doesn't :)
@Ell No, I started with PROLOG.
Jan 14 at 14:33, by Bartek Banachewicz
@thecoshman (english page version )http://www.livenation.pl/event/384605/system-of-a-down-tickets
@BartekBanachewicz Listen to melak: he knows what sucks because he keeps it in his music library rated 1 :P
@DeadMG ...and there was something left after you removed everything you didn't like? :o
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, he's the guy rating his music. I keep forgetting.
@BartekBanachewicz That may be a bit far from my general position on that day...
@CatPlusPlus uh. Piotr.something.something
Also hi.
@Xeo oh, come on!
Nevermind the 2D arrays. This is betterer.
Q: Cant find the bug

Ashotmain.cpp #include <QApplication> #include <QtGui> #include "mythread.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); MyThread thread1; thread1.run(); return app.exec(); } mythread.h #ifndef QTHREAD_H #define QTHREAD_H #include <QThread>...

@DeadMG I don't know if that is sarcastic or not o.O
of course it is
I'd never do anything to PROLOG except burn it
"Cant find the bug wall of code"
Y we no re-add all the members of the clounge account back
@ThePhD ?
@R.MartinhoFernandes have you found it yet? ;p
I think they were removed because they were pretty much inactive :D
Well then shame on all of you. Burn in the deepest hell.
@BartekBanachewicz Yes.
though we can add @R.MartinhoFernandes back, so he can show us how to make progress quickly!
@melak47 You picked the wrong time for that.
@melak47 But then he'll just tell me all my code sucks. ;~;
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm not gonna fall so low to post that comment as an answer. Oh well, juanchopanza didn't have that problem.
I only have free time on weekends now.
@Zoidberg isn't that even more the case with C++?
Or Haskell.
OMG, it builds.
@ThePhD I still have no idea what you're talking about
@melak47 But it's easy: just get me a whip.
@CatPlusPlus Uhh.... the clounge account's e-maill address. It's primary e-mail address looked like it belonged to you.
If not, uh. ... I dunno. Sorry I guess. x3
Y'know, I learned what a human UDP connection looks like here - 2 guys with headphones on trying to communicate across their desks.
I don't know, I didn't make the team and I don't have admin rights
Oh. Well then okay. :D
@Zoidberg hahaha. Let's see what Java has for Code Access Security. Or permission attributes
@Xeo You should have told them there's a thing called IM
C# is easy and good.
Java is difficult and bad. And fucking annoying.
OMG, not only it builds, but it also works.
I tried implementing Hangman in Java today for the lulz.
No matter how I set up these symbolic soft/hard links,
So verbose. ;_;
So, luckily it wasn't a compiler error
Rather, it was a compilation error
my python executable always uses Python 33
And sconcs only likes Python 27.
@ThePhD Oh hey, I had that problem.
I just used $ python-2.7 scons or something, I think.
@ThePhD get python 27 then :p
@melak47 I have python27. It's just not on my PATH, because both have python.exe
Python33 is, though
mklink python27.exe C:/path/to/python27/python.exe?
So I was thinking "let me add a symbolic link python33 and a symbolic link python27 in the pythton33 folder"
Both are in the python33 folder. And it's flippin' out.
You suck.
@Xeo What? :c I DID do the mklink.
It's just not... behaving right.
If it doesn't work, you suck.
How is that my fault? ;~;
wanted to create a Bitbucket repo goo++, silently renamed to goo
well, what did I expect?
@ThePhD might be using the wrong standard lib
@KonradRudolph Why do you think these guys have the clounge?
@ThePhD rename Python27/python.exe to Python27/python27.exe and add Python27 to your path
I think that'll work
@Collin I dun wanna. I'm trying to make it work by mklink'ing the python.exe inside the respective folder.
It will work one day, damnit!
Oct 11 '12 at 21:19, by R. Martinho Fernandes
It all sounds like a self-inflicted problem. The problem with self-inflicted problems is that all solutions are dismissed because they remove the self-inflicted part.
Oh well cmon, that's just not fair. :c
A symlink is supposed to work, so I need to find out why it doesn't work.
I know I can solve it just by doing a rename. But I want to make it work the other way too.
er, heck, don't even rename the python.exe in your python27 folder, just make a link named python27.exe there
@Konrad const-casting (i.e. playing around with the types) is not UB. — R. Martinho Fernandes 58 mins ago
@R.MartinhoFernandes But surely the access of such a cast thingy is UB?
@ThePhD I think it's trying to read the standard library from the folder it's executed from (the python33 folder), that's why it's screwing up
@R.MartinhoFernandes Idiots? No idea. there’s google.com/+
@KonradRudolph Is it a write access?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Does it matter?
That is the point.
Hmm. righty
Wat. Did. I. Just. See.
A: generating all numbers upto n in binary into an array

xsiraulAs I wrote in 1 post: Example: If you need of length 4, then you must have 2^4 = 16 different arrays. You can use this simple Java code to generate all arrays: for (int i=0; i < 16; i++) { System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(i)); } The output of this: 0 1 10 11 100 101 1...

@BartekBanachewicz Deleting...
@R.MartinhoFernandes thanks. I really need to get to 10k -.-
@BartekBanachewicz It's 20k for deleting.
(10k is for viewing)
20k rep for deleting?
Hm, can you take a look at my rep page and tell me WTF is this +15/-15? When I click on it, it shows as accepted. @R.MartinhoFernandes.
@BartekBanachewicz Accepted, unaccepted, accepted?
So, it's a bit cold outside today.
I got out of the house with slightly wet air, and it took roughly 30 seconds before I had frozen hair.
@Xeo But it shows I only got 30 today, so it would be just accepted/unaccepted. But why it does show as accepted when I open the question?
How about, unaccepted -> accepted?
That's sorted by time.
@R.MartinhoFernandes wat
Someone playing around with the accepts. (or just an accident)
@EtiennedeMartel Is an "h" missing on the first one, or an extra "h" on the last one?
Do we... have to use scons for building?
Is it like. Death-necessary?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah, I found it. It was accepted a while ago. Thanks. /cc @Xeo.
... Oh shit I did make that typo. ;~;
@R.MartinhoFernandes Missing h on the first
But still. ... What does scons bring to the table as far as building goes?
@ThePhD It's like make (right?)
@ThePhD It builds stuff?
That makes me less anxious to use it.
Q: How do you reproduce the behavior of const-pointers in Java?

user1990929I have a singleton class containing a bunch of control data that needs to be kept synchronized with the rest of my application. As a result, there are many times which I want another class to be able to read the information but not modify it. Currently, this singleton class has many public vari...

I stopped at the fourth word...
Haha, nice.
@ThePhD I mean, what would you use instead?
So, according to Environment Canada, turns out it's -16°C. -26°C if you count wind chill.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't know. Usually a Project Manager (Visual Studio for Windows, Eclipse/make for Linux, ????? For Mac (XCode?))
Then just have pick up one of those, or VIM / Sublime their way to victory.
@ThePhD That's three not one.
@EtiennedeMartel not so bad in here meteo.icm.edu.pl/um/php/…
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well yeah, one for each major platform: usually that's how it goes (because even if you use a Cross-Platform Project Manager, the paths and syntax in their files are sometimes different and non-compatible between platforms)
And those are also called IDEs.
A: How to backup millions of small files?

salI worked with a server that stored about ~20 million files where 95% are less than 4k in size and about 50% are deleted every 90 days. They use raw disk image for backup. They also create a index file of names, md5 hash and date created via a script and use that to track the contents. The origin...

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