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@R.MartinhoFernandes So you think it's helpful.
@EtiennedeMartel That’s different, that doesn’t allow me to write value x = value::Foo
but yes, I could get that of course.
@StackedCrooked The truth is that there are indeed different concepts expressed with && and it is nice to different terms for them.
posted on January 18, 2013 by Eric Battalio

I was a professional developer for years, working initially with C in labs and an engineering firm before moving on to other languages and stints as an enterprise developer and consultant. Other languages and tool were more in demand for the projects I worked on so I gradually moved away from native development and lost touch with the C++ story. It has been years since I developed anything in C

@KonradRudolph Yeah, you can't have your cake and eat it
Pity there aren't different ways of expressing the two in the language.
:7261528 why do you need the typedef? couldn't you just have for e.g.
namespace CompassDirection {
    enum values { ... };
> Tu peux pas avoir le beurre, l'argent du beurre et le cul de la crémière.
@EtiennedeMartel But there’s really no good reason that I cannot, right?
@EtiennedeMartel Haha.
@Ell And how do you declare a variable of that type?
@KonradRudolph auto and STFU :P
@KonradRudolph I'd have to do some checking back through the papers (and their dates) to be sure, but my recollection is that they were proposed after the committee said the next meeting was going to be the cut-off for adding new features, so I think what got proposed was pretty much the bare minimum necessary to at least reduce the embarrassment a little.
(I know it does not solve all instances of the problem)
@R.MartinhoFernandes CompassDirection::values duh
Ok, time to go. Later.
Q: Why does my program crash if I don't give command line arguments to it?

Tiivi TaaviI made a simple test program to play around with C++11 threads. #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <thread> using namespace std; void tee(int civ) { for(int loop=0; loop<19; loop++, civ++) { civ = civ%19; cout << loop << "\t...

Why does everyone here think argv[1] is NULL when no cmdline args are given?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Repost.
Sup noobs
Surely argv[1] doesn't exist
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh yeah
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Why does it hurt when I hit myself with a hammer?
@TonyTheLion Not much, nerd
@LightnessRacesinOrbit argv[argc] is guaranteed to be a null pointer.
Because :stackoverflow:
@ThePhD I don't doubt it
@JerryCoffin Why?
What Jerry said.
Isn't that in the standard somewhere?
@EtiennedeMartel Yes (at least in C standard; I've never looked for it in the C++ standard).
C Standard eh
3.6.1/2 says it
OK, because [C++11: 3.6.1/2] says: The value of argv[argc] shall be 0.. Note then, OP, that this does not mean that argv[2] and so on will also be NULL. — Lightness Races in Orbit 12 secs ago
I think the latter part of that comment is important. Every other comment/answer on the page implies that accessing an element of a char*[] that's out-of-bounds will safely result in NULL.
@TonyTheLion haha
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hmmm?
Q: Lifetime extension and the conditional operator

FredOverflowlocal lvalue references-to-const and rvalue references can extend the lifetime of temporaries: const std::string& a = std::string("hello"); std::string&& b = std::string("world"); Does that also work when the initializer is not a simple expression, but uses the conditional operator...

@FredOverflow cheat ;p
@EtiennedeMartel ?
I don't recall seeing any comment or answer that implies that.
anyone know a good tutorial/explanation for template programming?
@EtiennedeMartel: They all say "argv[1] will be null", without qualification. argv[1] is the only argv element the OP is trying to use. My English comprehension is telling me that this does not sufficiently explain that only argv[1] will be null
It reads like "the only argv element you are trying to access, as an element that does not exist, will therefore be NULL"
No, it reads like "argv[1] will be null"
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are released every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a good C++ book...

@LightnessRacesinOrbit My English comprehension (of course not as good as yours considering it's not my first language) is telling me that "argv[1] will be null" means exactly that, and nothing more.
it's subtle, I admit
but particularly since the OP appears clueless I think it's dangerous
@TonyTheLion it's like red bull but not nice
@LightnessRacesinOrbit thanks
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Redbull isn't nice.
There's really nothing subtle about it
our pub had a new manager for a short time and because he thought it was funny he'd order in Pussy instead of Red Bull. really annoying
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh I see. I don't like redbull. But I like pussy. :)
immature little twat
@TonyTheLion that guy looks like Romney
and arghghhh comma abuse!!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit thanks man
@Rapptz :( Don't depress me even further
@TonyTheLion not you! the manager!
he predicated his entire stock ordering logic based on the word "pussy"
TIL: in an std::set or multiset, the supplied comparator is used to check for equality between elements AS WELL AS for sorting them.
despite the fact that practically nobody liked the drink
the guy lasted about two months in that job
@TonyTheLion I saw that!
Who buys energy drinks in a pub?
@AndreiTita Incredible
Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I assumed it was the kind of place where you drink beer.
@CatPlusPlus /s/Incredible/Inconceivable
you drink whatever you want, if the bar is serving it
@DeadMG I'm starting to think you might be a libertarian.
what, you weren't already completely informed of my political views?
Which might explains why you disliked BioShock.
@EtiennedeMartel beer, cider, spirits, coffee...
you mean, where I get to kick those useless Objectivist fucks in the balls?
and with spirits come mixers
if I'm out for 10 hours, the beer is going to bloat me the frak up. so it's vodka instead. usually coke to keep the sugar levels up, but if I'm exhausted only red bull will save the day
er, for example.
I didn't like BioShock because the gameplay sucked gigantic horse balls
nothing to do with any ideology
nor reality, apparently
@DeadMG It was pretty and thought-evoking, though...
@DeadMG you seem to like cock and balls more than I want to imagine.
yes, it evoked the thought of "How could Ken Levine possibly get this so badly wrong?"
And yet you do
@DeadMG IMO BioShock's strength was the plot.
@DeadMG The gameplay issues are more in the engine's play style combined with the interface design...
Having to trudge along with an obnoxiously-controlling character was the result of a slurry of bad control/interface design choices, done because they wanted the game to be more story-driven than gameplay-driven.
@EtiennedeMartel You can only have "Plot" as a strength if, a), your gameplay isn't hideous, and b), if your plot is decent, and BioShock falls on both.
They simply didn't have the time or budget to focus on making gameplay buttery-smooth when they had to get licensing for old music, gather and integrate mass amounts of period-piece visuals and stylistic assets, and develop a plot progression through the level design.
BioShock 2 is awesome imho
@ShotgunNinja That doesn't account for the incredibly repetitive enemies, weapons, plasmids, infinite respawners, etc.
you are insufficiently talking about things that I care about
@DeadMG That doesn't progress the story; it simply sets obstacles in the way of the user as they move through the story.
@DeadMG Ever played EarthBound?
@ShotgunNinja You mean, "the gameplay".
if I wanted nothing but story, I'd watch a film, or read a book.
@EtiennedeMartel No.
@DeadMG Well, it's a terrible game but an awesome experience.
Q: Users breaking policy then bragging about it

rlemonThere is a user who has been creating many new accounts over the past week or so to circumvent the bans being layed on him because he does not meet the SO/SE age requirements. In a chat he spent some time convincing us he is 12 years old. ThiefMaster was in the chat and informed him of the rule...

@DeadMG Yes; but Irrational was looking for a way to present a cool story they were developing, based on an interactive theater experience they took the company to near their hometown. The problem is, the only media they produce is video games.
@ShotgunNinja Yes, but I don't care what Irrational were trying to do.
Dat name... NSFW ish
what I care about is that BioShock sucked and I expected a lot more from them
Doesn't OpenGL have something like superverbose mode that outputs everything that happens. T_T
@DeadMG If you don't care, then why'd you bring it up?
@ShotgunNinja I didn't bring up what Irrational were trying to do.
@DeadMG Oh, so it's broken expectations then.
@EtiennedeMartel We already went this route. Nobody is expected to live up to SS2, but BioShock fell flat on it's own merits, let alone in comparison.
@DeadMG Well, then I digress. Perhaps I'm the only one who factors in the developers' opinions and intentions into my enjoyment of a game.
I don't play the game they wanted to make; I play the game they made
@DeadMG Also, if you're comparing BioShock to System Shock 2, then of course the game's gonna suck. System Shock 2 is a good game.
Anyway, I enjoyed the game. And I'm looking forward to Infinite.
Also, what's up with the topic? Or should I not dig into it?
No idea
I am very saddest to see this question posted, as it was taken entirely out of context. I also don't think that anyone here recognizes that before the ban, I had answered a lot of questions, and I didn't do any theft of reputation, I had 500. I know have 100 reputation because I also have accounts on other StackExchange sites, which I have a lot of activity on, so I received a +100 reputation bonus even after I got banned. I believe I'm a pretty adequate in coding and I answered many questions: stackoverflow.com/questions/14309353/…. — Dumb Search 1 min ago
@Mysticial god, some people have problems.
Oh, wait, it changed
@ShotgunNinja People kept linking the same story over and over.
I too am very saddest
sadist FTFY
@mikeTheLiar I know the meme, but this is sadly a non-joking matter. (Then again, the anti-joke chicken is my spirit animal!) — Anna Lear 4 mins ago
@CatPlusPlus The very saddest cat.
We can't have 12 year olds running around unshackled
The seriousest of businesses.
aww the question disappeared
Also, in other news, the SimCity beta is going to be between january 25 and 28, and it's going to be a one hour slice.
EA can go fuck themselves.
I'm still gonna buy this on launch day, but it won't be because of their beta.
how dafuq do they expect to get any sort of decent testing in that time
That entire thread was ridiculous
@DeadMG They're not doint it for testing. Betas are a PR operation now.
For anyone who missed it:
@mikeTheLiar, hate to be this pedantic, but can you confirm that that's your way of telling us that you were just kidding, and that the age on your profile is correct? – Jaydles♦ 6 mins ago
Confirm your age citizen or prepare to be shot on sight
Strength in law and order
I think my question about being 6 was legitimate
The point is -- where does it end
Grr, deeply dissatisfied with the state of enums in C++
Where does a joke become not a joke
@LightnessRacesinOrbit At 18.
@Konrad: s/enums in //
@LucDanton In which territory?
Deep in some jungle
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Nah, the rest currently suites my needs
What he said.
@CatPlusPlus :):)
I'm actually not born yet
@Mysticial That has always pissed me off actually.
Posted from my iUterus
> error: base type 'goo::seq::dna' fails to be a struct or class type
“fails to be” – LOL
@KonradRudolph It tries really hard man
but it’s just not good enough
what a loser!
amazing graphics
Minecraft is the shit.
What about old people
If I say I'm 200 will I be banned because I'm supposed to be dead
Fucking ageists
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You're a very bad troll.
@CatPlusPlus Dude, you're a cat.
I'm so bad that I'm not even trolling
Ergh, 9gag.
you want more, E? do you? do you?
user image
ok i'm done
@LightnessRacesinOrbit as a cat I can say that Salmon is awesome!
That's one sexy duck.
@DeadMG To badly go wrong where no man has gone wrong before.
@FredOverflow dat reference
@EtiennedeMartel It's not showing...
@TonyTheLion Hm, weird. It's straight from Wikimedia Commons.
@TonyTheLion Duck's too sexy for the Lounge.
@EtiennedeMartel You're into ducks? :P
you broke wikimedia
@Mysticial Ducks are cool.
Also, I have to say, 90125 is one hell of an album.
@EtiennedeMartel wow, that took minutes to finally show up
@MarcusStuhr depends on the context. for example, in 64-bit programming it migh be too little for some awfully large arrays.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I think your instinct turned out to be correct.
Sigh Facebook always fuck up rollouts
but then, in 32-bit programming size_t is generally too small to represent file positions. so on.
Their entire header toolbar has completely vanished
Dr Dobbs is a horrible website
Don't use it
the “next page” liks don’t work in my browser any more
@CatPlusPlus Well, is there an alternative source for all their articles?
I don't know
@CatPlusPlus i find it unacceptable to have to create an account in order to comment on an article. not to mention to look at (or was it to answer, i don't recall exactly) comments on one's own article. arghj.
@FredOverflow I don't even remember what that instinct was, now
57 mins ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
@FredOverflow My instinct says that the lifetime won't be extended
Oh wait, that's neither right nor wrong :) It won't even compile without a copy or move constructor.
except the answers suggest the opposite
My inner voice tells me C++ is a bad language
@FredOverflow "move constructor"?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Ha, same issue here.
@ShotgunNinja You don't know what a move constructor is? Can someone please explain move semantics to me?
@CatPlusPlus You need an inner voice for that?
No but everyone is talking about talking instincts so
@FredOverflow Whoa, thanks. Totally didn't even know that was possible. Cool.
@CatPlusPlus Did you forget to take your medication again?
@ShotgunNinja Move semantics is (imho) the big new language feature of C++11.
I'm not a drunk like you
My inner Bjarne tells me C++ is an awesome language.
@CatPlusPlus You're a weakling.
"main.c(34):warning *** conditional flow changed by optimizer 'main.c(17)':so sai
d EVELYN the modified DOG" WTF honestly ?
@tigrou What
this is an error message i got from a C compiler (z80 architecture)
This guy seems to know a lot about C++11, should we invite him to the Lounge? :)
he was in yesterday IIRC
@FredOverflow Marc Glisse?
seems i'm not the only one hehe : google.com/…
@EtiennedeMartel He's smooth.
You guys know him?
A: Selecting between two constructors

Cheers and hth. - Alfauto const doSomethingTo = []( Object&& o ) { o.doSomething(); } doSomethingTo( condition? Object() : Object( p1, p2, p3 ) ); Disclaimer: code not touched by compiler.

@FredOverflow No, but we know French.
A quick Google search gives a French researcher by that name.
^ Solution to any CS problem = another layer of indirection.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf If that were true, Java would have solved millions of problems.
that was >NOT FUN<

while translating the parallel merge from Cormen's Intro to Algos, I got killed by a off-by-one bug (iterator::end())

the bug was potent enough to kill gdb (had to resort to std::cerr printouts)
Poor you
@FredOverflow well, it did sound good. :-)
@kfmfe04 Dereferencing end() usually gives very nice error messages in MSVC. What did you use?
@kfmfe04 how can an iterator have an off by one end?
Printouts is how real programmers debug
OpenGL y u no draw triangle.

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