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> And so too were complex/imaginary numbers. Gerolamo Cardano in his book "Ars Magna" calls the square root of negative numbers as a completely useless object.
arse magna
grr at extraneous "as", though
Yeah, Math.se scares me.
@Mysticial Why?
It's all the math I've been afraid of in one site.
Browse other tags
Q: How do we solve the system of equations?18-1-2013

Hồ Hoàng ViệtGiải hệ phương trình: (Editor's note: This translates to "Solve a system of equations:") $$ \begin{cases}\sqrt[4]{x}\left(\dfrac{1}{4}+\dfrac{2\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}}{x+y}\right)=2 \\[8pt] \sqrt[4]{y}\left(\dfrac{1}{4}-\dfrac{2\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}}{x+y}\right) =1\end{cases} $$

is this scary to you
That one isn't.
The chat's formatting scares me.
But most of the ones that show up on the multicollider do.
lol well to be fair, anything in the multicollider is bound to be weird
Q: Just found out my daughter might be gay. Now what?

JCI recently came across a photo on my 14 year old daughter's iPod of a letter from a girl friend of hers that expressed her feelings for my daughter. Words like "I do melt in your eyes" and "I can't stop thinking about you" were in the letter and I was quite shocked. I thought the time they were...

oh, yeah... I can see how that would be popular.
or the one about the store owner being cheated on and wanting to fire the guy
Holy shit it's still there
The coworker sleeping with Wife one was pretty good as well.
@Mysticial Best ever.
wow 245 votes
that's a lot for a beta site
52,378 views too
Ah, the Pi question finally fell off the multicollider.
It was hanging in there for like 5 days.
was this linked to reddit?
Initially it made 150 on the multicollider.
That's where I got the initial burst of votes.
Then it eventually fell off a day later.
But Bill the Lizard found it, and went ahead and reddited it.
It eventually made Hacker News as well.
The votes coming from those, put it pretty high back on the multicollider.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Is this what you are talking about? stacked-crooked.com/view?id=145e5f6821da7f0e97e5ccb4fd13193c
It seems like Bitbucket can only have a max of 8 people on a team.
Although I hope that I'm not upsetting too many of the avid users on SO. Because I do seem to be getting a disproportionately large number of popular answers.
I wonder if there's a way to make it unlimited...
@ThePhD I mentioned this like, 12 hours ago dude.
Without paying, of course.
@Rapptz I know, I'm self-recapping.
Gotta do dat memory boostin', man.
;_; you good at C#?
@Rapptz Stack overflow... .. for parenting.
@Rapptz I'm amazing at C#.
And by Amazing I mean not-so-terrible.
Can you help me with something
I can try :D
I have a function, executeWithDelay(Action, TimeSpan Delay)
Damnit, Assembla is no longer free.
What a shitstorm.
@Rapptz Okay. And?
@Rapptz VCS frontend. Used to be able to do Subversion, though not Mercurial.
uh it throws an exception
so I want to replace it with something else
I only call it twice
@Rapptz The Pi question was the first of my posts that got reddited long after the initial wave. So it actually has a slightly more interesting vote-graph.
I thought C# was supposed to be cool
You guys lied to me :(
Stop trusting Internet strangers and listening to promises.
You never set
@Pubby that is not a fair test
Is it a NullReferenceException?
@Pubby: You've resized in different increments for the resize than for the push_back, and the allocations usually function on the basis of a multiplier
You never set DispatchTimer.Tag. That's probably null.
oh shit
@Pubby: This is the real testcase. :)
I forgot to do timer.Tag = action;
how the hell did you catch that ;_;
I've been scratching my head over it for like, 15 35 minutes
onto issue #2.
You're welcome.
omg the 15 second comment limit pisses me off grrrrrrrrrrr
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Ah, I see.
I wouldn't mind a size limit but damn, there is no way to get an unlimited collaborators repo for free.
@ThePhD It's free if it's public yo
An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

lol I'm awful. :(
@Rapptz Kyrostat doesn't want to be public.
@Rapptz Where from?
string url = reply.Substring(start, reply.IndexOf("</original>") - start); hm
That's an API thing though, I doubt you'd catch it
Aww... somebody removed the C++ tag from the Pi question. Oh well. There really wasn't any C++ in it anyway.
Add it back :D
What's the value of start?
Nah, it really didn't have anything to do with C++.
I'll let Jerry reclaim his #3 spot.
@ThePhD It's my mistake, they completely changed the way URLs are handled from API v2 to API v3
Well, okay.
Hey, wait a second.
If one of us fakes being a student,
we can get an upgrade to a free Micro plan
@Mysticial Does it do that (reduce your points in the tag, because the tag was removed ex post facto, so to speak)?
And that means we get unlimited collaborators on a single private repository.
@JerryCoffin Yes
It'll be git-based, but it's still Unlimited.
@ThePhD I know this is silly, but uh.. You're a student? So is the Cat and almost everyone in your team.
Also thanks again.
In this case it was probably for the better anyways. It would've been the 3rd highest voted non-wiki answer in C++ - and it doesn't even have anything to do with C++.
@Rapptz Well, usually you save it for something that matters. Like actually being a student. Remember, you only get one private repo. :P
Oh for Github..?
@Mysticial Hmm...interesting. I think I need to re-tag some of the questions James and Johannes have answered... :-)
When did I sign up for Github?
I've NEVER used github. Who the fuck has my e-mail address?!
You get unlimited free private repos on bitbucket
@Rapptz But with a maximum of 5-8 users.
The Lounge is a bit bigger than that.
make your own repository host
What tag went away?
Repository... host?
@ThePhD I don't know what the hell to call it..
@Rapptz You mean, make my own 'Github' ?
No necessary, just got a free student account.
No questions asked.
That was awfully quick.
for one private repository
Yes, Kyrostat
with Unlimited Free Collaborators
Which means I can invite the whole Lounge and not care
bitbucket be damned
@ThePhD What's the project all about?
they don't even want my money
I can't find plans anywhere
Github is, fo course, only for Git though.
I don't know if Melak and thecoshman want to settle in with Git.
dude seriously, where is it?
I'm not sure I want to either. I've grown extremely fond of Mercurial.
I wanted to see how cheap it is
@Rapptz PLans for Bitbucket?
I'm genuinely impressed. Everyone's always up in your face about their plans, and I can't even find the page for Bitbucket's plans.
markdown sucks
Get owned.
The thing about their plans is that they don't scale with Repositories.
They scale with the Number of Users.
it's a better model than github's imho
Yeah, number of people usually reflects how serious the thing is.
A giant company can use maybe 4, 5 repos at max.
Hm, bitbucket seems to have an academic thingy too
Maybe it's just me, but isn't it just a little strange to spend a lot of time and effort finding a central server to run a distributed version control system? Would it really be that difficult to just keep it...distributed among those working on it?
"When you sign up with your academic email address, we will automatically convert your account to an unlimited academic plan."
@melak47 Do they?
@melak47 Can I abuse it?
SVN ftw
need nothing else
I like poop .-.
@JerryCoffin If I understand Git, it's not distributed automatically. It would better be termed a distributable or amorphous VCS.
Q: Formula still doesn't work, can anyone pm me to help on my website?

Jerry Xiong <?php include('config.php'); include('header.php'); $current = mysql_escape_string($_POST['current']); $desired = mysql_escape_string($_POST['desired']); $username = mysql_escape_string($_POST['username']); $password = mysql_escape_string($_POST['passwo...

@ThePhD I don't know. I'll see if I can get it without creating a new account..
Agh, shit.
@Crowz You would never be starred for that.
Bitbucket's academic licensing is so much more fucking involved.
Jesus christ.
Fuck this shit. And the academic plan doesn't even seem to be worth it either.
Tch. Can I force Github to use Mercurial?
@ThePhD huh?
@MarkGarcia I'm never starred for anything :(
it's called "github" not "mercurialhub"
@Rapptz Hey, I have to try. :c
@Crowz pats
@melak47 There's an application for your university, detailed information.
@Crowz Now you have. Congrats!
@ThePhD where? what? huh?
@Potatoswatter Unless there's something in Git of which I'm completely unaware, I don't think it's automatic -- but I'm not sure that makes a difference. I don't think distribution from Github would be automatic either, would it? I.e., you'd still have to push your changes, and others would still have to pull them, right?
is there a way to get imgur to not spit out these shitty urls.
@Rapptz ...say what
you wan't pretty random urls? :p
@Rapptz I've noticed some pretty...risque pictures there, but spitting shit goes a little beyond any I've seen (for which I'm thankful).
@melak47 "{\"data\":{\"id\":\"tL4MQ\",\"deletehash\":\"9s4DG5YJm3VeZhQ\",\"link\":\"http:\\/\\/‌​i.imgur.com\\/tL4MQ.png\"},\"success\":true,\"status\":200}"
I can't parse this for shit
You suck.
looks like escaped JSON
why is this in JSON and not xml
@ThePhD seems you don't need to fill out that application
You suck.
@LucDanton Yeah I know.
I just added my academic email address, set it as primary, and now I can have unlimited number of users working on stuff with me
@melak47 :O
@melak47 lol
Hit me up, yo.
ThePhD suckage +1
@Rapptz Quiet, I made mine work on Git. :c
at least you're not having trouble with this
@ThePhD I don't think I can "hit you up", I'd have to own the clounge project or something for it to apply...idk
@melak47 Can you create a new Kyrostat Master?
I suppose I could do that, but we should probably talk to the guys about that. Right now I think the repos are owned by clounge
Also @thecoshman Looks like we might be able to have unlimited collaborators after all using the academic plan. There might have to be some finagling with Ownership, as I don't think the clounge team itself can be made academic (or can it?). We'll have to find out when you get here, so get here soon!
"What is a team?
Teams foster collaboration by allowing multiple Bitbucket users to share an account plan."
Can we link your account to clounge, and will it upgrade the Team account from Free to Academic?
I have no idea :)
whooooo I got it to work
Maybe I could make a LoungeC account really quick.
With my academic address.
I <3 SEGVs - wish all bugs were this easy to fix...
guise. School starts in 5 days. What do
@Crowz go back to school :p
@melak47 Who owns the clounge account? As in, who signed up for it and does everyone have the password?
@ThePhD maybe @CatPlusPlus
you can also convert your account to a team o.O
I have to keep my account as is, but it seems like Cat owns it.
@CatPlusPlus See chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/7246182#7246182 << Can we make the clounge account academic and bump its member count up to unlimited? I've got an academic e-mail ready, and so does @melak47 . If we change the primary e-mail address to an academic one we can party-hardy (maybe) with unlimited collaborators. /cc @thecoshman @DeadMG
ping ALL the peeps
Dingity Dingity Ding.
This is a clounge account for what?
@Potatoswatter For the party in my pants.
@ThePhD Would that not make it all our pants?
@Potatoswatter A communal pants for all our parties. :D
Is it bitbucket?
It is the bucket of bitting.
@ThePhD Why do we want this?
A bucket with two leg-holes?
@Potatoswatter With 2 * Lounge leg holes. :D
I would really like someone's opinion on my elaborate template thing it took me too long to create: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/20665/…
@Omnifarious It's not for everyone. So I don't really know. :D
@Omnifarious so that the clounge team isn't limited to 5 users working on stuff
@melak47 Working on stuff? I didn't know that anybody in the lounge collaborated with each other on code.
@Rapptz Very sexy.
@Omnifarious We don't.
@Rapptz Congrats!
thank you.
@ThePhD No I'm even more confused.
We collaborate a few times.
but it's a secret!
+1 for "not just to look at NSFW pics." — Mysticial 42 secs ago
@Omnifarious nice semantics: auto func2 = defer(a_function2).until(func1);
means defer the execution of a_function2 until func1 is complete?
@kfmfe04 Yep.
I like
That's cool.
And pass the return value as the argument.
@Rapptz What did you get to work?
@Borgleader Well, from the picture my program successfully "capturedAndUploadedCurrentWindow()"
oh gratz
@Mysticial lol
@Omnifarious so the intention is to chain together a bunch of dependencies which will be executed in correct succession with easy-to-read symantics and no waste of CPU-cycles/waiting? v.nice
Q: Have anyone tried to break a bit even smaller?

LeruceI was reading a book regarding to learn more about ASM, and the author happened to commented on bits, the exact quote is: "A bit is the indivisible atom of information. There is no half-a-bit, and no bit-and-a-half. (This has been tried. It works badly. But that didn't stop it from being tried.)...

^^ err...
@Mysticial lol - wtf kind of question is that?
@kfmfe04 Yep. Though it actually explicitly make sure that evaluation order is not promised, just like for ordinary function arguments.
@Mysticial The answer is yes. Arithmetic coding is explicitly about this.
You could say that compression can get down to less than 1 bit per unit of something.
Well, the idea is that a single Bit by itself can't represent more than its single binary state.
What's a kit
Compression takes -multiple- bits and packs them, and while you could argue each bit is worth more information in the group, by itself it's still only worth 1 bit fo information.
A nat (sometimes also nit or nepit) is a logarithmic unit of information or entropy, based on natural logarithms and powers of e, rather than the powers of 2 and base 2 logarithms which define the bit. The nat is the natural unit for information entropy. Physical systems of natural units which normalize Boltzmann's constant to 1 are effectively measuring thermodynamic entropy in nats. When the Shannon entropy is written using a natural logarithm, : H = - \sum_i p_i \ln p_i \!\, it is implicitly giving a number measured in nats. One nat corresponds to about 1.44 bits \left (2^x=e^1\Righ...
In practice, a binary bit in a computer is implemented using a physical circuit designed to maintain a certain number of electrons. Each electron contains a fraction of the bit and when you want to read it, you take a statistical function of the fractional-bits.
I read somewhere that verbal communication is a kind of compression - each word actually represents ideas that have been compressed down to a bunch of characters: semantics is the part of that compression that we haven't been able to encode into language translators, etc...
Storing less than one bit just means being uncertain about a binary quantity. And all your bits are worth, in fact, less than one bit because every machine has a certain error rate due to random processes beyond control.
#define CHAR_BIT 7.99999999999
Have fun all.
@ThePhD lol - it's almost like a tautology
what're some good companies in MA that hire programmers?
@Crowz don't want to go back to school? :p
@melak47 I really don't hah but gotta find an internship for summer
Damn NaNs in my solver!!!!!!!!
Sounds funky.
"Access Granted" by The Algorithm from the album Polymorphic Code
@ThePhD I seem to have lost connection on trillian/astra..
@melak47 Same.
Trillian's derpin'.
so, did the confirmation go through?
@melak47 Try logging into the bitbucket account. It keeps saying the e-mail address is unconfirmed.
@ThePhD oh. maybe I can't confirm it while logged into my bitbucket
Lulz, yeah...
I realized my password for AIM is so old, it's 6 characters
@CatPlusPlus @thecoshman @melak47 The clounge repository now has unlimited users, because @melak47 went ManMode and verified the e-mail himself. No more need for millions of forked repos / removing users before joining new ones!
Fuck yooooou, Github!
lol, I was googling for something and ended up on SO
the question was closed as "too localised" because it would only benefit the OP
Oh how wrong they were ;_;

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