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@sehe it's on my ext4 disk that I cannot read without crashing my windows 7 :( — Johannes Schaub - litb 24 mins ago
^ isn't that lovely
@R.MartinhoFernandes ur rud :(
Happy Friday! Whatever you do, just don't think about Jar Jar singing Rebecca Black's "Friday". Have a great day!
Does anyone know how to pass options to the linker using /link?
Right now I'm trying to do: cl blah blah /link /MANIFESTUAC:"level='requireAdministrator'"
And the linker is not getting that command.
@Mysticial using /link is correct, dunno about the rest
If I do it Visual Studio, it had a separate box for linker options. If I set it there, it works fine.
But I'm trying to one-line compile the whole program without a separate linking step.
Or am I'm completely approaching the problem the wrong way?
maybe you have to write `/MANIFESTUAC:UAC "leve ..."
So I'm missing quotes?
gimme a sec to try it
no, just maybe the three letters UAC
It was copy-paste from the VisualStudio linker command linkes.
you can use #pragma comment(linker, "...")
/MANIFESTUAC[:{NO|UAC fragment}]
@Abyx That can do anywhere in the program?
@Mysticial yep
lemme try it
> x64 AVX - Windows ~ Hina.obj : warning LNK4229: invalid directive '/MANIFESTUAC:level='requireAdministrator'' encountered; ignored
I bet I miscopied.
Is hiding implementation details encapsulation?
Or abstraction?
try #pragma comment(linker, "/MANIFESTUAC:\"level='requireAdministrator'\"")
abstraction is about providing a concept for the underlying mechanism
it's not a swengr specific idea
Here's what I just tried: #pragma comment(linker, "/MANIFESTUAC:\"level='requireAdministrator'\"")
it sounds to me like encapsulation i an implementation technique
while abstraction is the result of creating an interface (i.e hiding implementation details)
it's not just about that though
for me, abstraction is about providing a different mental model to the user
#pragma comment(linker, "/MANIFESTUAC:level='requireAdministrator'")
didn't seem to work either
Yeah, you woildnt call access modifiers to do with abstraction
Or use single quote?
If you don't have encapsulation you tend to have leaky abstractions
Manifestuac sounds like some portuguese classical novel character
Guess I'll try that. Since nothing has worked so far.
@JohannesSchaub-litb u carnt typ
our late king Olav was a dyslexic. people loved him
he used to take the tram and talk with whatever people he encountered
That's what I would expect from a leader
Even though I don't know what kind of power he used to have
mostly just formal head of state, and giving new-years speech
Like UK's queen?
yep, but not as rich
heh :)
There's a guy in France who claims the Crown.
ah, the current king of france
@Mysticial, actually cl t.cpp /link /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" works for me
Rather surprising considering our habit of beheading them
am I completely nuts for wanting to make a "random number generator" that simply uses the numbers I want so that I can use std::normal_distribution to calculate distributions rather than actually generating random numbers?
"Louis XX, King of France, etc."
Here's what I sorted tried earlier. Perhaps I have the options in the wrong order:
cl "../../Build/Source/x64 AVX - Windows ~ Hina.cpp" /o"../../y-cruncher/Binaries/x64 AVX ~ Hina.exe" /O2 /Oi /Ot /Oy /GF /FD /fp:fast /nologo /GS- /Gy /EHsc /FAs /Gs999999 /arch:AVX advapi32.lib /link /MANIFESTUAC:"level='requireAdministrator' uiAccess='false'"
Maybe I have to move it before the advapi32.lib
yep, .lib is a linker option
@MooingDuck What do you want exactly?
hope this works
@JohanLundberg calculate P(X) for a normal distribution with mean u and deviation o.
btw, why don't you just use a .bat file?
@kbok More than one I would think? Bourbons against Orleans again. Also there are Bonapartists.
Nope, didn't work:
cl "../../Build/Source/x64 AVX - Windows ~ Hina.cpp" /o"../../y-cruncher/Binaries/x64 AVX ~ Hina.exe" /O2 /Oi /Ot /Oy /GF /FD /fp:fast /nologo /GS- /Gy /EHsc /FAs /Gs999999 /arch:AVX /link /MANIFESTUAC:"level='requireAdministrator' uiAccess='false'" advapi32.lib
that's basically just exp(x*x) ...
@Abyx Batch file for what?
with some factors
@LucDanton Yeah, I don't know how it works, but there's probably an official rule about how to sort this out
Not that it makes any difference anyway
Mmm bourbons
lemme try it a simpler program to make sure there isn't any other shit going on.
@Mysticial for separate cl and link invocations
@kbok Well the rule is anyone is free to claim anything really. For instance I'm also a legitimate heir to the throne of France of course.
Is this a thought experiment or real quest to solve something?
@Mysticial try /link advapi32.lib /MANIFESTUAC:"level='requireAdministrator' uiAccess='false'" btw
@LucDanton So am I? Cool.
@Abyx I've never learned how to seperate compile and link on Windows. I've done in Linux. But not on Windows.
But I suppose it isn't too hard to learn.
55 mins ago, by Mooing Duck
If I want to estimate rolling N D-sided dice and keeping the highest K (for large N), what should be my approach? If N==K, I can use a normal distribution, but that K thing screws it up big time.
@Mysticial ow, just copy command lines from MSVS
@JohanLundberg It's code I'm actually writing, as a thought experiment.
You can's use the normal distribution, for sure. This is discrete
@kbok You are right, the situation is a bit complex.
@Abyx I'll try that next.
if you want it correct
@JohanLundberg At this point I'm more concerned about speed than accuracy
...running cl /? helps as well ;)
@JohanLundberg for N<64 I actually calculate all the rolls. But for N>64 I want to approximate.
aaah. ok yes that will work
let me think
What's the option to suppress linking?
@Mysticial You lost me at Windows :P
@Mysticial -c
or /c
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Interesting, because I don't see that in the VC++ commands.
so, 6 sides, n rolls, m highest?
It doesn't suppress linking, and then link separately later?
visual c++ also still accepts option -o to specify output, they haven't yet got around to making the compiler incompatible with other compilers in that respect, but it's reported as deprecated
@JohanLundberg The normal distribution is not the most innacurate part I'm doing :P Anyway, my current problem is that I can't figure out how to calculate the P(X) for a given normal distribution.
@JohanLundberg effectively. It's D sides, but that weighs very little into the actual math.
what is X here. The sum?
@Mysticial it suppresses linking so that you only compile (and produce .obj files)
@Mysticial > /c compile only, no link
@JohanLundberg P(X) is the probability of randomly getting an element of at least X in a normal distribution.
I'm about to try these:
Wikipedia seems to use f(X)
cl "../../Build/Source/x64 AVX - Windows ~ Hina.cpp" /W4 /O2 /Oi /Ot /Oy /GF /FD /fp:fast /nologo /GS- /Gy /EHsc /FAs /Gs999999 /arch:AVX
link /OUT:"../../y-cruncher/Binaries/x64 AVX ~ Hina.exe" /MANIFESTUAC:"level='requireAdministrator' uiAccess='false'" advapi32.lib
ok. then P is not the density function. It's the CDF you need
the cdf is the integral of the distribution (PDF) up to X
so, the sum of all probabilities up to that X
@JohanLundberg er, yes. I even wrote that down in mmy notes somewhere
@JohanLundberg yes
@Mysticial, why don't you use .sln file?
@MooingDuck I think I completely solved the rendering issue you mentioned.
...you can just run msbuild solution.sln
you use erf?
@StackedCrooked I saw that
@Abyx I have a project setup for it. But I have about 8 different code-paths. So I have a script that compiles all of them at the same time from the command line.
LINK : warning LNK4001: no object files specified; libraries used
LINK : warning LNK4068: /MACHINE not specified; defaulting to X64
LINK : fatal error LNK1561: entry point must be defined
@MooingDuck Box-layout ftw. Have to rely on non-standard features to something as simple as that done. CSS is absolute crap.
@JohanLundberg well that looks handy
@Mysticial you don't specify input files for linker
theres really no other way without simulation
Try this again...
I don't get how I can write a 200k+ line program and still not know how to link properly...
@MooingDuck erf from wikipedia is using the same convention as std::erf
x64 AVX - Windows ~ Hina.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_AdjustTokenPrivileges referenced in function ymf_rf0_SetPrivilege
x64 AVX - Windows ~ Hina.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_LookupPrivilegeValueW referenced in function ymf_rf0_SetPrivilege
x64 AVX - Windows ~ Hina.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_OpenProcessToken referenced in function ymf_rf0_enable_permissions
../../y-cruncher/Binaries/x64 AVX ~ Hina.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 3 unresolved externals
getting closer...
@Mysticial Do you even link?
@Borgleader Not outside of the Visual Studio UI.
The program has two compilation modes.
It can be done in multiple compilation units through the VC++ UI.
Or it can compile as a single compilation unit.
@JohanLundberg so somehow I have to figure out how to apply it to a nonstandard normal distribution.
well... you can run two or more instances of msbuild in parallel
The multiple unit mode is only for dev work.
All release builds are done as a single unit.
For a normal distribution of standard deviation = sigma, mean mu, you have F(X) of the probability below X.
Just use the equation for the CDF from wikipedia together with std::erf:
F=0.5 * (1+std::erf((x-mu)/std::sqrt(2*sigma*sigma))
And there's 8 different settings for different target processors.
So that's where I get the parallelism. By compiling all 8 of them in parallel.
Of course right now I'm just trying to get one to work.
{{Probability distribution | name = | type = density | pdf_image = The red curve is the standard normal distribution | cdf_image = | notation = \mathcal{N}(\mu,\,\sigma^2) | parameters = — mean (location) — variance (squared scale) | support = x ∈ R | pdf = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}\,e^{ -\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2} } | cdf = \frac12\left[1 + \operatorname{erf}\left( \frac{x-\mu}{\sqrt{2\sigma^2}}\right)\right] | mean = μ | median = μ | mode = μ | variance = \sigma^2\, | skewness = 0 | kurtosis = 0 ...
@JohanLundberg perfect.
If you wanna see what my build script looks like:
mkdir "y-cruncher/Binaries"
mkdir "Output Files"

xcopy "Add-On Files\Icon.ico" "y-cruncher" /B /H /Y
xcopy "Add-On Files\desktop.ini" "y-cruncher" /B /H /Y
xcopy "Add-On Files\Read Me.txt" "y-cruncher" /B /Y
xcopy "Add-On Files\Username.txt" "y-cruncher" /B /Y
xcopy "Add-On Files\Advanced Swap Mode Documentation.txt" "y-cruncher" /B /Y
xcopy "Add-On Files\Tuning.txt" "y-cruncher/Binaries" /B /Y

cd "Build/Scripts (v0.6.1)"

start cmd.exe /c "Launcher.cmd"
start cmd.exe /c "x86.cmd"
start cmd.exe /c "x86_SSE3.cmd"
thing is, that msbuild solution.sln does exactly same thing as cl /arg /arg /etc
@JohanLundberg oh now I see it, thanks
looks like it compiled this time.
now to see if it actually forces the UAC elevation on Win8
it's an interesting problem...
and no it didn't...
where did I screw up this time...

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