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std::auto_ptr might have the same behaviour: 'Therefore, no two auto_ptr objects should own the same element, since both would try to destruct them at some point. When an assignment operation takes place between two auto_ptr objects, ownership is transferred, which means that the object losing ownership is reset to no longer point to the element (it is set to the null pointer).'
@CatPlusPlus Why the fuck are you using Access?
@R.MartinhoFernandes His customer has him at gunpoint.
Shoot him first.
@LucDanton you mean, in the global namespace in a header.
what's wrong with access?
@TonyTheLion Well, next time you're in Berlin, say something.
isn't access just like sqlite?
@Ell I've used it.
Is there a Google Translate plugin for Firefox, kinda like what Chrome has built-in?
@Ell no, Access is a Microsoft RAD tool for database maintenance apps, with a silly database. You can however use Access to access e.g. sqlite database.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Hey, clients of a header may also include library writers in those namespaces :(
access is kinda like sqlite + a built in gui. except for that part about sql being kinda bolted on afterward
@R.MartinhoFernandes Uni assignments, what else
@R.MartinhoFernandes addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/… Something like this?
@cHao ...and its built-in sqlite being more like sqlstupid.
@cHao My experience with Access is that everything is bolted on. Don't ask what they're bolted on to.
that too
@Ell Everything.
i'm pretty sure jet doesn't support transactions either, but don't quote me on that
@LucDanton well what to put there is harder to make rules for than what to not put in the global namespace. my namespace in my header is mine, so to speak: i decide what it contains. if i decide, for example, that it should contain something called distance, then client code that don't want name collision with their own distance must simply deal with it -- which they can't if I put that in the global namespace.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The core of Access is like the old line about LA: When you get there, there's no there there.
@cHao I think it does.
@cHao Early versions didn't. They did eventually add them -- about the same time even Microsoft admitted the whole idea was bad, and deprecated Jet as a whole.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Yes, yes lesser evil and all that. Still evil!
I put nothing in my non-detail namespaces that isn't part of the actual API.
    namespace detail {
        using namespace std;

        // ...
Find all "using namespace std", Match case, Whole word, Subfolders, "Entire Solution"
Matching lines: 495 Matching files: 478 Total files searched: 6644
@R.MartinhoFernandes aka. Boosting them into a detail namespace.
using namespace x; statement take scope into account yes?
I've started to use different names for the detail namespaces, one for each header. I can't remember what the issue was, but I do remember discussing with @Luc some nasty that is not desirable.
It's somewhere in the transcript.
@MooingDuck I think your earlier reaction was the right one: Run away! Quickly! Erase all logs showing you ever looked. Get really drunk in the hopes that you'll actually forget...
@JerryCoffin What if log deletion is logged?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nuke the site from space! It's the only way to be sure!
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've hit the problem when I used a name, e.g. store in one header, and inadvertently used it again in another one for a similar but subtly different purpose. Which would have meant a conflict if the two headers were included together.
Tbh it also helps when you read error messages and foo_detail::bar is mentioned.
Oh, yeah, that was it. One tends to be careless about naming in detail namespaces.
On the other hand things of the style libfoo::long_fixture_name_detail::quxbar are a bit long. Can't have everything.
posted on October 23, 2012 by Scott Meyers

On Saturday, June 2, Facebook sponsored a one-day C++ conference and asked me (and others) to give a presentation.  I chose an abridged and updated version of a talk from C++ and Beyond 2011, "Adventures in Perfect Forwarding."  Judging by the dates on the comments below the video, it's been available since July, but I found out about it being online only today. (Apparently I don't

@LucDanton Maybe I'm just stupid, but I always put the detail namespace inside the namespace for whatever's visible, so it would be foo::detail::whatever.
@JerryCoffin What's a detail namespace used for?
@JerryCoffin Things like my variant and unique_function are in the same namespaces, much like boost::variant and boost::function.
@JerryCoffin Yes, but now you have to track all detail names across all headers and make sure they don't collide.
foo::header1_detail::whatever saves you from that.
I can talk about reference invalidation just as validly as pointer invalidation, right?
@Borgleader It's a convention for private implementation details that have to go in headers for any reason.
Keeping in mind those features are generic and hence templates and hence header-only.
@DeadMG Yes. The usual wording is 'references becoming stale' though.
Except perhaps in the context of iterators, I think the Standard speaks of invalidated references. Checking!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmm...you're talking about a foo that's big enough it has multiple headers?
@JerryCoffin Yes.
> no swap() function invalidates any references, pointers, or iterators referring to the elements of the containers being swapped.
that's a fail right there, IMO
There you go, precedent.
each header should be one logical unit
It's easier to only care about the details on a header-by-header basis.
@DeadMG If you write a library, then there's one namespace per module but no namespace across all of them?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, I guess in that case it makes sense. I've rarely run into the situation, but if you have that problem, it seems like a reasonable solution.
@ThePhD Only used it slightly
@JerryCoffin that reminds me of the BF lanugage
@LucDanton I put each feature in a separate subnamespace, usually.
Wide::Memory::Arena, Wide::Compiler::Lexer
And Wide::Compiler has nothing else other than the Lexer?
no, it's probably got Parser and Token and shit in it
So what if the Lexer needs some detail types?
Where do you put that?
All three in the same header?
I rarely need detail types and headers, but when I do, I put them in the implementation source file
@MooingDuck Hm...there may be a bit of similarity there, now that you mention it.
not such a solid strategy for templated code, I guess
inb4 image macro
@Cicada I read through your essay about college last night. To me, it really comes down to one thing: there are really two separate disciplines: software engineering, and computer science. Unfortunately, almost nobody uses those names. It seems pretty clear that what you really want is software engineering -- applying known science to solve real problems. Other pure sciences are basically about theory/research, and CS probably should be too.
For better or worse, however, a lot of jobs are written assuming that CS and SE are the same, and require CS degrees, even though what they really want done is basically SE.
damn cat is up and down the curtains like a crazy!
@JerryCoffin I wanted to write something similar when I read the rant, but then I said "meh, screw it".
Omg, I just added an authenticator to my GW2 account and now I can't log in. Wut.
@Cicada Working as intended.
@JerryCoffin Yeah, the problem is I don't know of any SE school here in frantce
@EtiennedeMartel Is that in Infinite as well?
@Cicada lol!
@LucDanton Nah. Obama blasted Romney during yesterday's debate with a cutting remark about horses and bayonets. The twittosphere answered with macros.
is an SE degree seen as un-academic?
@Ell What do you mean by that?
> twittosphere
my eyes
@JerryCoffin For what it's worth, I did a CS degree. Some of my colleagues did CS, others did SE, we all end up doing the exact same work in the end: solving problems.
Except you suck more than them (SE here, obviously).
@EtiennedeMartel well for example a maths degree is very academic, a media studies degree is laughed at when talking about the "academicness"
Should we Munroeize that the same way blogosphere became blagosphere?
@Ell I couldn't really find anything about SE degrees.
I swear there is a software engineering degree o.O
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did you get a lot of courses about paperwork management?
@EtiennedeMartel No.
@Ell 'Media Studies' heh - they wouldn't have any media if it wasn't for the engineers.
@EtiennedeMartel Would that be SE or CS?
@CaptainGiraffe SE. At least, here.
There's this joke that CS is maths in disguise, while SE is management in disguise.
@EtiennedeMartel There was one economics and one cost analysis class. Not more management-y stuff.
You only really learn how to write code once you actually start working.
Hmm it appears there is "computing" and "maths & computer science"
The thing is, CS is all very nice, but out here you have to, like, deliver stuff.
@EtiennedeMartel CS is in sweden both used for computing science(:knuth) as well as computer science(:with administration, think IT managerial stuff).
@EtiennedeMartel I'm laughing with a small pang.
I clicked on reset password.
Page not found
JsSrv3/6253001.16765 Instance/14.371072092
@Cicada Ceci est très drôle.
Oh oui, je me pisse dessus
@EtiennedeMartel My SE degree had a lot more engineering stuffs (real engineering stuffs, not software related) than management.
hmmm "Type Systems for Programming Languages" is in the 4th year o.O that seems odd
that eror message sounds ominous
Good afternoon, my friends.
^ corrected the speling
Hello friend
@Cicada I knew a guy who (I think) went to EPITA. He was good, but would have been good regardless of where he went, so I don't really know how good a school it is.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, so you learned how to build bridges?
@EtiennedeMartel lol, no.
@Ell Why so? Sounds like a more theoretical approach, not possible before you have encountered a lot of coding.
@Cicada I sense rage...
@CaptainGiraffe but you learn about types much earlier than after 4 years of programmin
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did you learn how to bust budgets and deliver brown envelopes to political parties?
@thecoshman Google translate indicated more of a medical problem =)
@EtiennedeMartel There was something about budgets, yes. I think it was in the cost analysis class.
@Cicada Ça pourrait devenir problématique.
I didn't really learn much there, since those classes were of the "be a human abacus" kind.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, you're a robot.
@Ell Well different paradigms has very different approaches to type systems.
@JerryCoffin I've heard that EPITA is good indeed. But very expensive.
damn French people with their French
@MartinJames Unfortunately although both terms are used, exactly how they're applied varies widely. SE does often mean more management than actual engineering. At other schools, CS has little (if anything) to do with research/pure science instead of engineering.
@Ell Also you will quite likely encounter historical accounts too.
@WTP'-- College level information technology?
@thecoshman Yeah, where are the Romands and Walloons!
Is it possible to debug release builds in MSVC? I keep turning off more and more optimizations, but the variables keep changing randomly as I step through.
@CaptainGiraffe I guess, but I learned about types within 3 years and I just did it occasionally as a hobby :O
@thecoshman Learn French then. Easy.
@MooingDuck u can debug but it can have a hard time tracking source code. because there isn't any longer a simple relationship to the machine code everywhere.
@Cicada Ah, I didn't realize that. Unfortunately, it's the only one of which I'm even aware. Is going out of the country prohibitively expensive? ETH Zurich (for one example) certainly has an excellent reputation (but keep in mind that Niklaus Wirth taught there for decades, so his languages tend to be favored).
@sehe thanks.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I disabled inlining, so I can step through, but the locals/autos are still useless.
@EtiennedeMartel have you not noticed how bad I am at typing my native language?
The education system is terrible.
@WTP'-- I'm not an authority on this. Just what i'd make up as I go. :) end disclaimer
@Ell I have a course in theory of programming languages where we have very good discussions on how the type system affects different languages. You might be pleasantly surprised. Look at the course plan which I'm sure you have online at your university.
@MooingDuck i think a simple solution is a debug build, yes? :-)
@sehe ohlol.
@MooingDuck Possible, but not necessarily easy.
Well I’ll at least note it’s a bachelor degree.
@thecoshman Good. Then people won't care when you mess up the ridicously complex verb tenses.
Not that any decent employer would care.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf cannot replicate the crash in debug
oh. maybe resort to old-fashioned trace statements and so on.
@JerryCoffin So they teach Oberon and Modula? sheepish grin
@Cheersandhth.-Alf That's a better idea than anything else I've had the last two days.
@Cicada u even get to use Lilith machines <g>
@Cicada Today? Surprising. Anyway, beats prolog for most porpoises
French has ridiculously complex verb tenses?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes. They're also ridiculously powerful.
@R.MartinhoFernandes More like many exceptions, but yeah.
Well I think that if you know Latin, then you're good to go.
@sehe Why would you beat prolog with cetaceans?
@Cicada I've never even visited there, so I can't say with certainty, but I'd expect to see a lot more of them than, say, C++.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I believe they map pretty well to Portuguese tenses
@R.MartinhoFernandes :)
Lilith is the name of custom built workstation using the AMD 2901 bit-slice processor by the group of Niklaus Wirth at ETH Zürich. The project started in 1977 and by 1984 several hundred workstations were in use. It had a high resolution full page display, a mouse, a laser printer interface, and a network interface. Its software was written completely in Modula-2 and included a relational database program called Lidas. Citing from Sven Erik Knudsen's contribution to "The Art of Simplicity": "Lilith's clock speed was around 7 MHz and enabled Lilith to execute between 1 and 2 million instr...
@Cicada We don't have anything like "passé composé", but I think the rest are pretty similar, yeah.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I believe I read that they'd retired all the Liliths a few years ago (which obviously leaves room for some bright people to design and implement a replacement).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Had to wiki cetaceans, was not disappointed.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm certain you have. If it's like in spanish, you just don't use it.
@JerryCoffin oh :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes In French passé composé "j'ai fait" is in Spanish "he hecho" (which we never say), we use the preterit instead ("hice")
@Cicada Nope. If you do that kind of composition, it means something else.
@Cicada It would become "tenho feito" in Portuguese, but that means "I have been doing" not "I have done".
@R.MartinhoFernandes There's no way to say "I have done"?
Trying to do maps between Romance languages via a Germanic language bends my mind.
@Cicada You just use the past tense form, "fiz".
@R.MartinhoFernandes Which maps to pretérito in Spanish and passé simple in French. No way you guys could have lost a tense?
Tonight, Trois Brasseurs. Gonna drink some crappy beer because FUCK OFF.
@EtiennedeMartel Hey, that exists here too!
@LucDanton Slashdot spoke of a live voice translation system Japanese <-> English, a few days ago. Good luck with that.
@Cicada It was created in France.
@Cicada Seems so. I know I found it weird that you guys needed passé composé at all.
life will become interesting in a few years
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well we use it like your past tense
google cars driving everywhere doing weird things
@Cheersandhth.-Alf It already is.
We are already living in interesting times.
@CaptainGiraffe Oh god, let's hope no one makes a voice version of translationparty.
people getting advice via auto-translation systems on their phones
doing more weird things
@Cicada Yeah, I know.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hoard your domain-names now. prices are going up =)
Alf will stop complaining about the future, doing even more weird things.
i think it's just silly to complain about the past because one can't change that. so better to complain about the future. i'm training...
> Bâti sur un frame de poulet.
i will change the future
right here and now
You can't change the future.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf There is also the option of not complaining, about neither the past nor the future ;)
@Cheersandhth.-Alf The other option is to suggest improvements for the future.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf It’s silly to complain about the future too, since you don’t know what will happen.
But you can change your wardrobe. Next best thing.
You can make your predictions be wrong, but I don't think that counts as changing the future.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd rather make positive predictions, then make them right.
I don't think that counts either.
Oh god, they're everywhere...
@Cheersandhth.-Alf make use of time dilation and troll us all!
that is an idea, yes
@Borgleader Dear fuck, @Cicada is so gonna explode.
1 min ago, by WTP'--
@Cheersandhth.-Alf make use of time dilation and troll us all!
@WTP'-- He was at CERN before they created the time loop.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf dedication
49 secs ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@WTP'-- Wut?
@EtiennedeMartel Too late I can't erase it T_T
> Dear customer, your search results could not be stored internally. Please start a new search by clicking
WTF, I don't want you to store my search results, I want you to display them.
That interesting discussion prompted me to brush up on grammatical tenses and aspects. Seems like a constructed language that wanted to be exhaustive about those would make for a lot of 'fun'.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did you try rebooting?
@LucDanton There was a proposal for adding relativity-aware tenses to Lojban.
@CaptainGiraffe The webserver, presumably
@R.MartinhoFernandes I would think it would be simpler for the discussion to settle on an observer. Or is that the proposal?
'express event as past for speaker, but future for some third party'?
typedef WINAPI void (*DebugFuncPtrA)(LPCSTR lpOutputString);
error C2059: syntax error : 'type'
@R.MartinhoFernandes Dear customer, our cache is fucked, please wait while we panic and hire more incompetent developers.
@sehe That would make an extremely poor joke. If he can reboot the webserver - he has root. And with root he can just select the damn query from the shell.
@CaptainGiraffe Wut. This is stringed together of too many assumptions to be accepted as a nerd joke
@MooingDuck maybe the WINAPI needs to go into the parenthesis or something
@LucDanton I don't recall all the details, but yeah, something like that.
For the curious, link lojban.org/files/papers/4thtense
i seem to recall a syntactical oddity there
it is a language extension after all
@Cheersandhth.-Alf good thought
@sehe I apologize, again, for any silliness in past and future posts.
@CaptainGiraffe Hehe
@Cheersandhth.-Alf good call, you found it exactly
Crap! Does Jon Skeet have all badges?
@LuchianGrigore No, I have some of them too
@sehe do you have any that he doesn't?
@MooingDuck Protip: typedef a function type first, and making a function pointer becomes typedefed_function_type*.
@LuchianGrigore Not likely, but that's another question
@LuchianGrigore Don't ruin the moment Luchian.
@R.MartinhoFernandes not related to the issue, but as general advice?
@LuchianGrigore I do: gold c++?
@MooingDuck Yes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm surprised he doesn't... He meets the votes threshold, but doesn't have enough answers.
Bonus points if you call it something like DebugFun.
Oh, yay, that means I do too :D
Doesn't the Skeet do c++? That seems like a careless omission.
Nothing he can't fix over a weekend, though
90+4′ Jordi Alba OH JOY!!!!!!
@LuchianGrigore As do I, thanks for pointing out the answer to your own question to me
@R.MartinhoFernandes What else
@LuchianGrigore Star trek?
@LuchianGrigore Not a Celtic fan, obviously..
@MartinJames I've been a Barca fan since I was 5yo. Nothing against Celtic.
Here, have a c with cedilla: ç
@LuchianGrigore, oh well, Jon doesn't even have a badge. Putting him on my ignore list now
@LuchianGrigore Don't really care - Chelski lost in Ukraine:))
@LuchianGrigore TBH, I do feel a bit sad, Celtic held Messi etc. 1-1 for ages.
Q: Is it legal to use side-effects in exceptions thrown by constexpr?

Philipp ClaßenNormally, constexpr must be free of side-effects. However, I just discovered that it is possible to use side-effects in the constructors of thrown exceptions. That technique can be used to emulate assert() for constexpr functions, as it is demonstrated in the following program. #include <iost...

@R.MartinhoFernandes Apparently passé composé displacing passé simple is indeed somewhat of an oddity amongst Romance languages.
It's legal to throw inside constexpr? That doesn't sound right.
@Pubby "I tested it with g++ 4.7.2 and clang++ 3.1."
@Pubby If anything, I'd expect a requirement that the exception be a literal type.
It is as long as it's only potentially evaluated, and that it doesn't appear during the substitution process.
@Pubby I actually think it's a compiler bug
Wait, that requirement already exists: you can't invoke the ctor of the exception if it's not constexpr.
So in other words it's not really allowed. Well for constant expressions that is.
Goddamn constexpr functions.
If I got it right then that means the answer to the OP's question is 'yes'.
It's time for me to go to bed. I know this because I started dabbling in again...
throwing inside a constexpr, sounds like a case in the (java)Error hierachy. ThreadDead, JVMMalfunction etc.
@LuchianGrigore bed already?
What time is it over there?
@LucDanton Are you saying that I can have return false? (std::cout << "haha", 17) : 42; in a constexpr function?
@LuchianGrigore that's early...
I have to get up early tomorrow, pick up my car from the service before going to work
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm about to check. I'm fairly sure you can have throw expression though.
@Mysticial 23:23:23 five seconds ago. I'm heading to bed early today
@LucDanton I hope not, it can't be caught
lol, night
@LucDanton But I think the important bit is not the throw, but the constructor call.
> A conditional-expression is a core constant expression unless it involves one of the following as a potentially evaluated subexpression (3.2), but subexpressions of logical AND (5.14), logical OR (5.15), and condi-tional (5.16) operations that are not evaluated are not considered
See? Fine.
@Mysticial damn, it was 23:28 something on the 23rd anyway. Nah gut, still going !
@R.MartinhoFernandes I disagree.
@MooingDuck Sure it can.
@LucDanton Yeah, was just looking at that.
@LucDanton maybe I need to look up details on constexpr again
@Cheersandhth.-Alf srsly lol
@MooingDuck As I have commented on the OP's question, there are things such as constant expressions and there are constexpr functions. constexpr is a keyword.
Better example of what the OP is doing, even if it's probably not in the spirit of what they want to be doing.
@LucDanton in which case it's evaluated at runtime?
@LucDanton Wait, why does that work?
fun(false) is a constant expression. fun(true) isn't.
Oh, because you swallow the exception.
Nevermind. Was being silly.
Q: C++ *LPCSTR wierd scope(i guess) error

Miguel PI'm currently having a class called TextureObject, and in the creation func i create the texture, and assign a LPCSTR in the class to a parameter given in the function. But when i return that LPCSTR later, it returns in an unexpected manner, code: PS. Some type names and functions are from Direc...

@LucDanton that's bizzare
> Mmm, i just met you, and this is crazy, but... Here's my value. mKay?
@LucDanton Why is LWS rendered horribly in FF 15.0.1? I'm seeing doubles.
Honestly it's C syntax all over again: constexpr T foo(A); doesn't mean 'foo is constexpr'. It means "foo(a) may be constexpr T". You know, like int *p; means "*p is int".
@CaptainGiraffe chrome too, if there's a linewrap
Should I compile all that in an answer? Could be an FAQ if there are more questions of the style 'why can I do non-constexpr stuff in my constexpr function?' in the future.
@CaptainGiraffe The highlights don't linewrap, but the "shadows" do.
@kbok lol:
> Mmm, i just met you, and this is crazy, but... Here's my value. mKay?
Ah. Noticed before
@MooingDuck The hightlighting was the culprit. One might thing that google.prettify might work for LWS, but no lets make another wheel. It will be rounder this time.
@MooingDuck It's not that. Everything is blurry on certain fontsizes (opera). And that doesn't involve wrapping. Just the syntax highlighter
@sehe well, in chrome, the highlights don't wrap and the grey shadows do.
@CaptainGiraffe I suspect they might use it, but chose to overlay their 'gracious fallback/degradation' in ... suboptimal ways
@MooingDuck Nice to know. Did you notice the rest too ?
@sehe no, no blurriness
though the textbox doesn't resize with the window in chrome
now all we need to do is replace the head of the rabbit with tony's avatar and we're done
@deadmg does wide have a GUI in the std lib?
kinda shitty though
Is it consistently ugly across all platforms?
No wait, that's JWT
ask the implementer
aren't you the implementer?
not yet by a long way
especially not for all platforms
who is? o.o
Future DeadMG
well played
//My future self will implement this
wut ^
@TonyTheLion lulz
Warum ist Die Reddit auf Deutsch jetzt?
@LucDanton I copied it mostly verbatuum to an answer, want me to make it community wiki, or just post it with a citation?
why would you prefer 'append()' as a free function to inheriting from "appendable" or whatever
@Ell what if I find that CString doesn't inherit from appendable, but I want to append to it?
@MooingDuck I'm writing an answer lol.
@LucDanton k
I just posted an answer :S
@Ell Dafuq. Why would you want to inherit from appendable?
@R.MartinhoFernandes fight to the death!
@R.MartinhoFernandes GTFO and don't come back.
You guys, I asked if I should write an answer just to avoid that.
@LucDanton I didn't see that :(

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