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Anyone have idea why this fails? If I change the constructor initializer list of bar to use parentheses instead of braces, it compiles
the initializer list is supposed to be () not {} afaik...
@Praetorian because you're using a deleted copy constructor?
@Borgleader Might be different in C++11. I don't know how far you can go with that new brace initialization thing.
@Borgleader you can in C++11
@MooingDuck But I'm not, I'm only initializing a reference
@MooingDuck Why would it work with parentheses then?
@Praetorian I missed that
You're right it's legal now. Taken from Wiki:
struct AltStruct {
AltStruct(int x, double y) : x_{x}, y_{y} {}
@MooingDuck But obviously, the compiler thinks that's exactly what I'm doing. It has something to do with that stupid uniform initialization syntax
What does this do exactly? "foo( foo const& ) = delete;" I've never seen this syntax before
I'm bad at this understanding people thing
@Borgleader deletes teh copy constructor
backticks for code like this
@Praetorian I have no idea
Ah I see. I usually make the copy constructor private when I don't want it to exist
@Borgleader it's like providing only a declaration for the constructor and making it private
@Borgleader Isn't such a perfect solution, for various reasons.
@DeadMG So this whole a(a const& b) = delete;­­­­ thing is right way of doing it?
if you have a C++11 compiler which supports it
then yes
Ok and pre-C++11?
private declaration is the usual way to go
Good, this means I've been doing it right so far :)
Oh the irony: everyone picks *distributed* source control, but everyone also picks the same DDOSable host for it?
Awesome observation ^. Easily refuted, of course
@sehe Unfortunately I cannot use the suggested workaround. I have to use CRTP instead. It works but I do not really understand how and why (-: See the update2 in my question. — Nikki Chumakov 1 hour ago
^ someone is taking the "awesome answer - it doesn't work for me" route here. What am I missing?
See my responses there, if you care to follow my logic.
Found a bug report for the issue
@DeadMG That's one hell of a creative way to pass the my_class instance to mah_func
@sehe Thanks.
@Praetorian o.O A compiler bug... wow that's not something you see everyday...
it's also totally hideous, of course
@DeadMG That's the fun
@daknøk I find it amusing how a properly chosen font will display click handler so close to dick handler
Is there any logic to this name? InternalFrameInternalFrameTitlePaneInternalFrameTitlePaneMaximizeButtonPainter http://javadoc.bugaco.com/com/sun/java/swing/plaf/nimbus/InternalFrameInternalFrameTitlePaneInternalFrameTitlePaneMaximizeButtonPainter.html
@Borgleader No, not a bug after all. It conforms to C++11, but there's a defect report from later that proposes a fix to the issue
@Praetorian Sooo, it wasn't supposed to work in the first place?
I dare you, i double dare you say InternalFrameInternalFrameTitlePaneInternalFrameTitlePaneMaximizeButtonPainter again!
Is that even under 80 collumns?
AbstractRegionPainter.PaintContext paintContext =  InternalFrameInternalFrameTitlePaneInternalFrameTitlePaneMaximizeButtonPainter.getPaintContext()
Thats just proper naming in Java world.
@Borgleader From what I understand, the wording implies a temporary must be created when a lvalue is stuck into a braced initializer list, which causes the call to the deleted copy constructor in my original example. The defect report somehow addresses this issue, haven't looked at it yet
Anyone who makes class names that long should be shot... I mean seriously? This is fucking ridiculous
Unix style it would be struct ififtpiftpcbp
@Borgleader Generated code
> I've got a pizza.py as well, so this caught my attention
^how many times can one say that?
I didn't think having a pizza.py was very common
someone on Facebook posted a picture: "6-1x0+2/2 = ?"
and one commenter (who is not alone in this answer) wrote: "6 minus 1 is 5 x 0 is still 5 plus 2 is 7 divided by 2 is 3.5 ???????"
@Pubby I don't think that particular brand/epoch of UNIX naming style applies to OO. So it would be void ififtpiftpcbp_dopaint(FILE* graphics2s, void* comp, int width, int height, ...)
@MooingDuck they obviously all trolls
@sehe I'm less certain
@MooingDuck I like the 5 x 0 is still 5 part the most
@sehe about 3% have that answer
I didn't say I'm certain
It's my coping strategy. Worth it
@MooingDuck Crazy, right. I'm just wondering whatever the hell x0 means :)
@sehe Reverse hexadecimal notation?
Also 1% says 4, about 8% says 5.
@Pubby Obviously
@MooingDuck Stochastic distribution, or poisson even?
@sehe I'm counting the last 100 commenters
Mostly 1 and 7. Alright, mostly 1.
Wait, you don't have a life? You're married! Get in bed.
I'm staying late at work to facebook, wife is in class tonight
though I will go home now, GW2 awaits
@sehe West Coast America
oh, ok
@MooingDuck So? You're still married. Newly wed even
@sehe it's not close to bed time still :/
Absolutely missing the point
It's always close to sexy time
Sounds a little bit Borat to me. Turnoff
@sehe Poisson & chips
Enough bats/French/food/StupidlyLongNamesForClassesAndMemberVariables, going to bed...
@MartinJames yay. Cheers
I edited the post to make it less verbose. Actually this is what a real SSCCE would have looked like (24 lines) — sehe 3 mins ago
^ Especially nice to compare with the original code by the OP. A reduction by a factor ~10
@sehe What does it do? I don't get any output on LWS
@Borgleader It demonstrates an issue the OP had: see the // ERROR: line :) So, in my reduced 24 lines I included a FIX as well as the line of comment stating as much :)
My answer is just an elaborated explanation of how I got there - and how he could have done the same. But showing (ugly, verbose) names and code from his original post
I see, I'm just not familiar with boost so I have no idea what any of the types do.
@Borgleader Just upvote it :) It's a good answer
@Borgleader I spent waaaaay to much time cutting through all the crap and then teaching him not only how to debug his own shit but how to reduce his /crap/ :)
Don't wee all :P
@Borgleader Yup. I'm off to bed now, 3:36am here
good evening/morning/afternoon :)
slow night...
so it seems :)
@MooingDuck 6-0 + 1 = 7?
Q: What functional language approach most readily transfers to Boost Phoenix?

Casey James BasichisI am looking to learn functional programming with an am to integrate Boost.phoenix into my project. What language is most similar so that I can find books that will illustrate functional programming concepts in a way that can be readily applies in that context... Are haskell and ocaml similar? ...

^ the guy who composes music on the show Adventure Time asked that
@Rapptz I got this result as well.
2 hours later…
Anyone awake?
@jozefg Not really
Well thats a shame.
No one to share my excitement over latest project with sigh
@jozefg Post it and they will read (ignore) it when they wake up.
Thanks for the advice haha
@Pubby May I ask some advice quickly?
@jozefg Ok
I'm supposed to declare which courses Im taking next semester already, what do you think, should I go with CS courses and high level math or just CS
I see pros and cons either way
@jozefg What's the high-level math you speak of?
Graph Theory and other kinds of discrete math. Im finishing up multivariable and vector calculus this semester.
I guess its worth mentioning that Im 16 so currently university is free (paid for by the state)
@jozefg Not familiar with college so I'm probably not the person to ask
@Pubby Alright thanks anyways
@jozefg Have you tried asking your peers and/or academic advisor?
Surely they know more about the program than any of us do.
High level math seems more useful as you'll pick up the CS you need while programming anywayss
@Insilico Im a 16 year old so I don't live on campus. I know 0 people there outside of classes. Mostly just wondering what people who actually work in industry find useful.
@jozefg Well, just sitting around talking to strangers on chat.stackoverflow.com at home certainly won't help with that.
@Insilico It seemed more informative than asking random people on the street. I could always go back to that if you think it's more appropriate.
2 hours later…
Colonel-in-Chief Sir Nils Olav is a King Penguin living in Edinburgh Zoo, Scotland. He is the mascot and Colonel-in-Chief of the Norwegian Royal Guard. Nils was visited by soldiers from the Norwegian Royal Guard on 15 August 2008 and awarded a knighthood. The honour was approved by the king of Norway, King Harald V. During the ceremony a crowd of several hundred people joined the 130 guardsmen at the zoo to hear a citation from King Harald the Fifth of Norway read out, which described Nils as a penguin "in every way qualified to receive the honour and dignity of knighthood". The name 'Ni...
Norway knighted a Penguin ^
@jozefg you are at university and you're only 16?
Ohh Norway, how awesome you are
@Ell Minnesota has a program that lets me do so, its quite nice
That awkward moment when bubble sort seems to be out performing std::sort by 25%
Are you sorting a set of 10 elements or something?
@Abyx Don't put things out of context. Read the flow of discussion. The OP was worried that using a std::vector instead of a (big) stack allocated array would cause performance loss.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I figured it out, next_permutation was returning a bunch of things that sucked for quick sort but were great for bubble sort, switched to random_shuffle and std::sort is 206 millis vs bubble sort's 3042 millis. All is right in the world again
std::sort is not quicksort.
What is it implemented as then? @R.MartinhoFernandes It's certainly behaving like quicksort
@jozefg Normally as Introsort -- which is quicksort, unless recursion gets too deep, in which case it switches to using something else (typically heapsort).
@jozefg It cannot be quicksort because quicksort is not O(N log N).
std::sort cannot have a worst case O(N^2).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah I know, It seems though that even introsort (or whichever algo is used std::sort) is slower then a naive bubble sort when the input is of length 500000 and almost sorted. Interesting..
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's where that came from.
Oh, almost sorted.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Haha yeah, I was stupid and used next_permutation to get the next test input
I'm not even gonna say anything
@TonyTheLion It's proof that dogs are better than cats. :P
"claims himself addicted to reddit and couldn't stop himself"
what an idiot
> Now there's a dude who looks like an "internet troll."
lol, he's trying to blame it on reddit "oh they let me do it, so I just had to"
at least he's fairly honest 'I pissed people off and I liked it'
lol, he's not a little person
What's this exception shit on the starboard.
he's a fucking moron
@TonyTheLion I think he wins internet dumbass of the month
something like that, and if the trophy was real, he'd probably collect it too. Proving the point entirely.
@kbok The starboard is for framing the shit we find interesting. :)
@Mysticial Well, fair enough, but what is it for ? What's the context ? What is the problem ?
I didn't mean to be dismissive.
@kbok beats me...
@kbok Don't beat up, Mystical, capisce?
I'll just investigate myself then.
@Neil ?
@kbok "@kbok beats me..."
meh, typoing a two-letter sentence.
Q: Does Functional Programming Replace GoF Design Patterns?

JulietSince I started learning F# and OCaml last year, I've read a huge number of articles which insist that design patterns (especially in Java) are workarounds for the missing features in imperative languages. One article I found makes a fairly strong claim: Most people I've met have read the D...

^ meh GoF
what? How does that question have so many votes?
of course GoF isn't replaced with functional programming. It's a totally different thing.
I bet it was linked somewhere.
> In the new Bond film, “Skyfall” (reviewed here), Heineken has paid to ensure the hero only drinks beer.
@TonyTheLion because it's old, and it mentions a few buzzwords that people have strong opinions about. :)
Actually no it wasn't.
WHY ??
At least not anywhere big.
I don't seen any bursts in upvotes anywhere in the history aside from the first 2 days.
did it get bumped or something? I got 18 upvotes on my answer for it
If it was linked, it would be today. And right now.
Because the question is +13 already for the day.
A James Bond with beeers instead of martinis is not a James Bond. It's a Jakob Bindung at best.
@Mysticial HN
I like the business aspect of HN but technically, it sucks
@jalf sounds like a reasonable explanation
kelloti, Boulder, CO
2.6k 1 7 25
^^ got the publicist badge for that link
It's not even a British beer
> I remember thinking at the time, "Why am I doing this? Surely this is what computers are for?"
^ pretty much my feeling as well
lol yea
Q: Came across the following "gag". Is it true?

Ritwik GIs this true. Does it make absolutely any sense ?

My motto is that programming should be always hard. If something is obvious, trivial and/or repetitive, it should be the machine's work.
yes, cause machines are good at doing boring repetitive things
us humans want something challenging and non boring
well, some of us do anyways
Especially programmers :)
Well, at least some of them.
@jalf At the rate it's going right now, you'll probably enjoy about 100 - 200 votes on it - all on one UTC day. Gotta love the repcap... dammit.
@kbok If you notice, while platforms, libraries, and languages get simpler, we somehow manage to maintain the same level of complexity?
it enables us to write increasingly complicated programs consistent with what the average complexity a programmer can handle
Only thing that has changed in the past 50 years is that we've managed to shoot ourselves in the foot with exceptions rather than null terminated strings
I've shot myself in the foot a few times with c style strings
Yup. Proof large-scale complex projects don't really work out. You can't distribute complexity efficiently.
@TonyTheLion I would be ready to do that for free. It would be my gift to humanity as a whole.
Currently suffering employment endangering low levels of fucks to give
@thecoshman oh I know that feeling...
@akappa Firstly, please watch your language. Secondly, ADL = argument-dependent-lookup. You know, the thing that makes [std::cout << "Hello world" << endl; work... See also: List of C++ name resolution (and overloading) rulessehe 7 secs ago
oh hai polar bear
You too
> Is this true. Does it make absolutely any sense ?
> absolutely any sense
How can you make "absolutely any sense" ?
Can you make any sense, but not absolutely ?
@kbok by not making absolutely no sense
oh gawd
@jalf The contrary would be to make absolutely sense, not absolutely any sense
contemplating looking into moving back to England... might be able to get in with a small company in my home town...
@kbok how do you make "absolutely sense"?
@thecoshman how long have you been on the job you're at now?
@TonyTheLion about 14 months
every one has sucked
so why did you stay that long?
There is nothing else in the area, and I am some what tied to the house
I know that feeling
@jalf Yeah, that makes absolutely no sense.
first steps, contact made!
lets hope it is a developer position they can offer me and they think I shit gold and can't pay me enough :P
oh hai to you too.
Surprising matter, this
though I will settle for a job that doesn't rot my soul
@BrianFargo, Newport Beach
Happy to be back in the Wasteland...Our product strategy? Make good games.
2.4k tweets, 10.7k followers, following 188 users
oh the legend.
@kbok IIRC there is esearch which indexes the lot. ICBWT - I stopped using gentoo ~2004/2005
@kbok Brain Cargo
@sehe I prefer eix, which is more modern.
I'd rather use a binary distribution but my hosting provider only offers ones that suck or that I don't know
But in the end if I'm getting really too alienated by gentoo I'll switch to debian... sigh
Anything planned for christmas ? :D
@sehe what you talking about?
@kbok I saw xmas decorations in a house the other day.
Isn't that a bit early ?
ridiculously early

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