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You could type qqzfatjq to include j in the macro too — CodingTales 1 hour ago
@CodingTales erm... that was already in the answer since Oct 24 '11 :) — sehe 34 secs ago
Lol?! ^
@BartekBanachewicz It has to be
@BartekBanachewicz It is, see
@sehe Maybe he left a tab open and didn't refresh.
vector& operator=(vector&& x);
Anything else would be blatant oversight by the committee
@R.MartinhoFernandes ROFL
@Xeo thanks /cc @FredOverflow
@Xeo like not having std::make_unique? ;)
@R.MartinhoFernandes You should totally leave that as a comment on that answer :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is that a bar joke?
@R.MartinhoFernandes My god. I'm still choking from laughing
@Xeo only one more close vote...
@StackedCrooked Well, just good for, I don't need ad-blockers. i just totally don't see ads. To the point where I can't see information on crappy websites, because everything is auto-ignored by my brain.
@FredOverflow done
if I have y = xz; where both x and z are variables, is it still a linear equation?
@sehe Ooops, I hope that doesn't mean I got too close to a weaponisable joke.
@DeadMG No.
@DeadMG it's f(x,z) = y
No term can include the product of two variables. (That means, however, that y = x + z is a linear equation)
@R.MartinhoFernandes it gives a 3D surface as a result -.-
It's a plane.
Chrome, y u no have beuarocracy as a word?
I always misspell it and you never show me the correct spelling
@R.MartinhoFernandes Are you sure it's not Superman?
Because that's not correct?
@DeadMG bureaucracy
@R.MartinhoFernandes But it should show me the real spelling in the auto correct and it doesn't :(
How often do you need the word bureaucracy?
Not often enough to learn how to spell it, it seems.
thank goodness.
@DeadMG Did you get your passport already?
@FredOverflow by the way, can you link me to the standard page? I can't find the proper one on open-std.org
@BartekBanachewicz See my profile.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The YT comment:
> They had to make it nonsense or the german speaking audience would have died
A: Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents?

Loki AstariOnline versions of the standard can be found: Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++ All the following are freely downloadable 2012-02-28: N3376 2012-01-16: N3337 Essentially C++11 with minor errors and typos corrected This version requires Authentication 2011-04-05: N3291 C++...

N3376 is the latest, which you would have found here, by the way.
why would you have to pay for ISO pdf's? o.O
Why not?
Needs more upvotes:
Maybe he left a tab open and didn't refresh. — R. Martinho Fernandes 15 mins ago
@FredOverflow I don't know, I thought ISO is funded in some other way
The C++ standardization committee works for free on their own time. You even have to pay more than a thousand dollars to become a member :) I guess that makes sure that only people with true dedication to C++ are on the committee.
@FredOverflow True dedication and money.
1200 dollars isn't that much if you're employed, is it?
Don't you have to pay for the trips too?
@sbi I sent you an e-mail.
@FredOverflow Well, you could spend it on hookers and blackjack
@R.MartinhoFernandes no
had to tell Oracle that I had to re-arrange for the end of October
Did/does anybody here use boost.Program_options? I'm looking for something like that and wonder whether this library is any good. It seems no longer supported.
Ok, why the heck do I have a tab open on the press release page of the National Pig Association?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Because you got linked. And you are a robot. Look here's how it works:
you were planning to poison all the pigs
Ah, Alf linked it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes This guy can't be totally confused: codingtales.com/2011/12/19/…
does anyone know a good reading source about sparse matrices ?
@angryInsomniac isn't it a bit too localized? A book about data structures seems sensible.
@angryInsomniac Blitz++, Eigen, uBlas? You mean mathematical reading? No clue
Yup , it is a bit localized but I am trying to come up with a solution fast and I have no ready access to data structure books right now :P
@angryInsomniac you're in the exam or what?
@BartekBanachewicz hehehe , not really , its just 5 AM here and I wanna sleep, but I wanna solve this problem beforeI do
@angryInsomniac How about sleeping first?
that's the spirit
@StackedCrooked refer to the name :D
I'm not one to judge :)
@StackedCrooked The real pickle is that my storage is really optimized , but printing this bitch is a nightmare !
( a nightmare I would be having if I was sleeping right now)
Printing a sparse matrix?
What paper format? A4?
Yeah. why would you print a sparse matrix. How large? what format? What reason?
Ohey @Stacked. Started Saya no Uta yesterday. :)
I can see how you'd visualize one. Or serialize.
@Xeo Great :D
@Xeo You Wicca practicioners
@sehe The "game" is mostly pressing enter. And occasionally choosing between dialog options.
@StackedCrooked Oh. it's a game. I assumed manga/anime
umm , its like this I have the x and y 's of all the places where my 1's are (its just 1's and 0's) but the order is all fudged , so I might print out


and then realize that the second 0 in that thing was actually a 1

so it needs to become


I've come up with like 4 ways of doing this , but none of them seem perfect
@sehe Also :p
sorry about that wall ! I didnt realize that it would be that big
@StackedCrooked The problem was that I started at 1am before going to sleep, and I reached the scene were Ozumi (?) is entering Fuminori's house. :s
@angryInsomniac Stack Overflow?
@Xeo Scary :P
@sehe Why did you assume the two were mutually exclusive?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I didn't. I just didn't assume 'game'
Playing scary games at any time other than before going to sleep is for wusses (and it's less fun).
@StackedCrooked Nitro+ really does know how to set up the scene
Yeah, I think the tension buildup is masterfully done.
It's called C/C++, isn't that enough? — Bartek Banachewicz 12 secs ago
by the way, take a look at HP spectre one. Way to go to show Apple middle finger
Hello. When to uses extern keyword?
@ErBnAcharya did you look at StackOverflow.com?
@StackedCrooked One other problem might be that I don't want to find out what Saya really looks like. :P
@BartekBanachewicz sorry. I just need simple concept so I am here
@ErBnAcharya you're just being lazy.
@Xeo You haven't continued since the scene with Ozumi?
i have a program with
extern "c" {
Nah, was close to sleepy time anyways. :)
I watched an episode of Ichigo Mashimaro to get rid of this anxious feeling and went to sleep after that
Q: Why do we need extern "C"{ #include <foo.h> } in C++?

LandonSpecifically: When should we use it? What is happening at the compiler/linker level that requires us to use it? How in terms of compilation/linking does this solve the problems which require us to use it?

Sorry For that. @BartekBanachewicz But I am running out of time
I found that by searching for [c++] extern "c".
And I basically stopped where Ozumi threw open the door and wondered about who is in there
@ErBnAcharya Who cares? (<-- not a rhetorical question)
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's the spirit. Thanks
Thanks @R.MartinhoFernandes .I really think i was lazy..
@Xeo There are a few of those moments in the game.
Guessed as much
Having a good comedy anime handy should help in the worst case, though. :P
I should probably play the other routes but I kind of lose motivation after having played the major route.
@sehe othed?
@sehe > I should probably play the othed routes but I kind of lose motivation after having player the major route.
@sehe Thanks. Almost missed that.
@Xeo Haha. I knew it. I looked twice, still missed it
> I should probably play the othed routes but I kind of lose motivation afted having played the major route.
I cant get it..
@ErBnAcharya Yes you can. Otherwise, we can't help it either
@sehe You didn't use g!
@R.MartinhoFernandes I didn't say I was using vim. But yeah, your markdown fail was spot on as well
(just hoping there exists any regex based editing tool that automatically substitutes multiple matches in a line... :))
I have a funny urge to eat a Manwich sandwich
I just had sandwiches!
Thanks for that @sehe
I realized I'm hungry
How could you not want to eat that?
Are those onions?
most of the people I spoke to haven't gotten back to me
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's a sandwich. Saaaaandwiiiiiiiiiiich
and I had to delay my trip to Oracle
last week every'fuckin'thing was happening and this week nothing is happening :9
@Neil Yes, but does it include onions? (it looks like it does)
@DeadMG Pick one: #1 make shit happen; #2 take a rest.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I actually don't know. It is promoted to have a lot of vegetable nutrient value
So yes, probably
Then, there you go. I wouldn't want to eat that.
@Neil Because it is hard to do while resisting the vomiting reflex?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah? Well you're a robot
@sehe It so makes you want to eat that, that even when you're vomiting, you want to eat it
@sehe But that thing looks delicious (if you take out the onions).
That thing didn't even scroll off the screen fast enough
@R.MartinhoFernandes Plenty of good stuff with onions
@LuchianGrigore thanks. Now time will show if good answer will get over "just working" answers
Never had a phili cheese steak sandwich?
@R.MartinhoFernandes It would make you love onions
I doubt that.
@BartekBanachewicz IME, it does.
Wots a phili? Some sort of chilli pepper?
Onions don't taste particularly good, and their texture is awful.
I like onions. In food.
This is a phily cheese steak
I could probably stand them if it wasn't for the texture.
One of the best inventions made by man
> Jarva Script
Stop it already - this is disgusting. Remember, we're at work :)
:5498443 What's the green thing?
so gonna apply for that
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm a big fan of onions.
they're the bestest
@DeadMG Gas forming as well
I've got plenty of that
:) Hence the link
@DeadMG Don't worry, I don't hate you for that.
Meh, I'll just go for mature cheddar on thick-cut rye with chopped jalapenos.
not for that, eh? :P
man, some of these job listings are terrible
"PROGRAMMER, salary NEGOTIABLE". Well, thanks for telling me so much about the vacancy
That's it?
@DeadMG Sounds normal.
> You must demonstrate Application development and support using C and C
Command & Conquer?
Sounds fun.
@DeadMG application support using C and C? Just CC your boss on every support ticket?
presumably, they meant C++ but some idiot failed
Or + is filtered out.
@StackedCrooked I so hate that when search engines (especially on jobs) do that
@Xeo I've recently seen a job "X++" programmer
probably a typo -.-
The ones I find the most annoying are those that seek fresh graduates with several years of experience.
^^ I hope to be one in a few years
@R.MartinhoFernandes Inowatumean
@R.MartinhoFernandes Haha..ha...haaaa.....
although I'd certainly be qualified for a lot more of these if I was a graduate
@sbi Maybe the wings of the shuttle help lifting the plane.
Looking for C++ source code but it's .fs files all the way down.
@StackedCrooked yea, its funny
aww fuckery
government y u put sessionids in job links?
how am I gonna revisit them later?
ohai puppy
Omitting ctor init list default-inits every member, right?
I'm realising I haven't written any C++ in months.
@CatPlusPlus Yes
And for built-in members, that means uninitialized
And default-inited primitives are pretty much uninitialised?
@DeadMG search by id?
Right. I'm remembering this silly language correctly.
@StackedCrooked There is a bootstrapping compiler in the lib/ folder. It's self-hosting.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Interesting how all that is from 2 years ago
I think you a word ^
I think I didn't
Interesting how all that is what is??
c++ is
yo momma is
@TonyTheLion I missed a message link :)
@Xeo The source has been available before it seems. I only found out now.
I wonder how many people will actually use F#.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe it was private before?
@TonyTheLion wewf
I like the idea of mainstream Windows programming language being a functional one but I think it is unrealistic given how uninterested and/or dumb most coders are.
@Xeo Nope, it's been available on fsharppowerpack.codeplex.com.
The GitHub repo contains the 2.0 sources, btw, not the just released 3.0.
...in private sector. :)
@wilx wait. wat
What wat?
using an uninitialized primitive in C++ is UB ?
@TonyTheLion: Reading from it, yes.
not undefined, just indeterminate (see Initializers, dcl.init) — phresnel 3 mins ago
so what the hell does this guy mean then?
"I'm uninformed/stupid/both"
The value is indeterminate and the behaviour of your code is undefined then? :)
and WTF is undetermined behaviour ??
this guy is somewhat weird
@TonyTheLion Nothing.
presumably, unspecified behaviour would be the cloest thing
@R.MartinhoFernandes so that second answer is wrong
@wilx Yes
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't have a copy of the standard here
Almost all answers ignore the while(an_int != a_float)
should be while(fabs(an_int - a_float) < eps) with an appropriate eps
While this may be technically correct, it has nothing to do with the problem at hand. — Pete Becker 1 min ago
@TonyTheLion Well, fixing the UB doesn't fix the behaviour, because of the float comparision
@Xeo that too, but with UB this isn't gonna resolve the issue
Really, the standard should've just left out the == and != for floating point types. :/
@Xeo probably would been helpful
@Xeo we would have to deal with shitload of questions about "why there is no == for float"
@sehe you misunderstood the code.
@BartekBanachewicz at least they'd ask the question.
@Xeo and what would you then do when you actually needed exact comparison?
@jalf define eps as 0! :)
no wait
@R.MartinhoFernandes Seen it. Deleted
I had already closed the tab :)
how can the effects of UB be considered benign?!
Oh I've got UB, but the effects are minimal, therefore let's just not pay much attention to it
@TonyTheLion - try it. Does the problem go away if b is initialized? Undefined behavior doesn't mean that bad things must happen. It means only what it says: the language definition does not tell you what happens. In this case, the effect is benign. — Pete Becker 1 min ago
@jalf You use the int std::numeric_limits<T>::representational_compare(T,T) ?
@TonyTheLion If the compiler decides to just read an uninitialized value, it's not problematic (it will be overwritten in the first pass). It's only problematic if the compiler does some assumptions for optimization.
@sehe so intuitive :3
@R.MartinhoFernandes right. Nevertheless, that's not a reason to ignore it.
@BartekBanachewicz Hint: it doesn't exist. But it might if you didn't have ? operator==(float, float)
@sehe And what's the point, then?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I answered this? I mean: imagine a standard without XXX, seems fair enough to expect it to have YYY instead then as well
So out of all the countless pitfalls and traps and "we assume you know wtf you're doing" instances of C++, you pick this particular one to object to, and claim that they should've just removed from the language?
epic, indeed
But all you're doing is provide the same functionality through more verbose means.
@jalf Who's 'you'? Are you switching into burninate gear?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm not. I'm just playing along.
Gosh, I'd give this another down vote for the new edit. Yes, adding an artificial definition of equality might make the symptoms go away, but it doesn't fix the underlying incorrect assumption. There's nothing inherently wrong with comparing a floating-point value with an integral value, so switching to nearly equal must be part of an overall design, not a hack to work around a misunderstanding. — Pete Becker 2 mins ago
the fuck
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if all crap tutorials started including "C++ does not have a == for floats, so you need to use representation_compare" or "C++ does not have a == for floats, so you need to read this dense article everyone links to" or "C++ does not have a == for floats, so you need to use epsilons".
I don't think any of those are good.
@sehe I just think it's a silly thing to complain about. Exact FP comparison is a pretty essential operation for some things, and forcing you to jump through hoops involving template traits and function calls just to do that would've been pretty suicidal
Besides, making non-trivial stuff more verbose has been considered successful design policy in more than 1 modern language, ICBWT
@Xeo I don't know what's the best solution, but I agree with him that it should not be "throw epsilons at it".
Yes, people screw up floats all the time. They also screw up pointers, integer overflow, sequence points and a million other things
@jalf <cough> Perhaps we just need operator=== then </cough>
@R.MartinhoFernandes Meh, that's how I learned it. What's wrong?
@sehe heh
@Xeo Right tool for the job.
Erm, how's it not the right tool?
so how would you solve it then?
"How do I compare two floats for equality?" "#1: don't stop thinking".
I fail to see that guys logic. I may be stupid, but hey, can't know everything.
@TonyTheLion I don't know what result the OP wants for 132.54.
Maybe floating points shouldn't exist and we should use a pair of integers to represent the number as a fraction.
If they want 132.54, they need to re-think everything.

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