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Will all dicks please stand up and vacate the room immediately?
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's one of the best responses I've seen all day.
@R.MartinhoFernandes search is really excruciatingly slow. First time search, time-to-display ~8 seconds
Aug 31 at 2:45, by ApprenticeHacker
Entered the room with faith in humanity. Found that the most starred comment is about dick sizes. Faith lost.
@sehe I think that @sbi tried to attack me when he saw the moderator answer, I understand, but I can't stand with a lie accusation
this situation is a real mess
@Fred Get over it. This is the internets. You will run into misunderstandings and even random hostility.
@Fred You don't need us. You need your account unblocked? We can't do that anyway
@sehe What's worse: you adapt the search phrase, hit enter, and are greeted by the "You can try this again in 1sec" message! That always gets me enraged.
@sbi lol.
@Fred yes you can. You never have to look at @sbi again, so who cares what he thinks?
There was a lady on TV and she had 70 cats. ಠ_ಠ
@sbi I'd give an arm (not really) to be able to get results order by date, descending by default. Always takes me the extra hit (99% of the time) and, yes, I get the throttling responses first.
If I said "you are a liar", would you then keep pestering me indefinitely, until you got an apology? How many years of your life would you be willing to spend on that?
@daknøk Your TV set is too large
@daknøk My former landlord had 22 dogs. She was a bit of a nutcase.
@jalf I do tolerate you guys keeping talking to him, but please stop pinging me about it.
Can two servers on the same machine listen on the same port (without a bind/accept) and then get into a race condition about who will get the port?
@sehe Here's a hint: You have to modify the search term in the URL. :-/
@daknøk Karma everywhere
I never really understood why people like cats so much.
Fish are much better pets.
because they're awesome
Or, you know, humans.
Fish suck
@sehe How the fuck dare you call my Camel Fred! It's name is Frank! I am going to fucking rip your head off and ram it up your arse! (may have taken it a bit far)
also cats eat fish
cats are more awesomsauce
@TonyTheLion let’s put your cat in the water together with my hungry shark.
@thecoshman sounds like fun :P
@daknøk you have a shark? Yea right!
@StackedCrooked I had a 'hospita' like that. Amazing I survived the 1.5 years I lived there. She was also a Yehova's witness and she had me interrogated by police officers. Turned out she accused one of the 'elders' of her church of attempted rape. Those were strange times
@jalf you got a point, I just find it awesome however, when I am trusted where I go, as I should lol
@TonyTheLion oh yeah of course you like cats. :P
@Fred then the best you can do is to act trustworthy, instead of raising a giant shitstorm whenever people fail to trust you. :)
@sehe how does one even get entangled in these strange situations??!
@daknøk wow, took you a while to realize
@thecoshman And here I thought all camels are called Hans.
@TonyTheLion yeah, I am rather traag van begrip today.
@sbi ¬_¬ 'Germans'
@daknøk dense is the right English word for that
@thecoshman Camels called "Germans"?
Today is such a busy day.
very busy, since you've been chatting here most of the day
Haskell Curry was born 112 years ago, I finally got to eat some bacon after a while, elections, and whatnot.
@TonyTheLion dense as in something that has a relatively high mass for a given volume, or stupid?
@sbi you know of memes right?
@thecoshman Taking much time before realizing something.
@daknøk Ha, I can actually understand that. Interesting that you also use a word meaning grabbing with your hands for "understanding". Makes "understanding women" a p/funny phrase, doesn't it?
@daknøk indeed, stupid :P
@thecoshman Yeah, I read Snowcrash.
@sbi traag = slow, begrip = understanding
Grabbing with your hands is “grip”, not “begrip”.
@daknøk Did I mention I actually understood this right away?
@daknøk "träge", "begreifen" — The latter isn't used for grabbing with your hands anymore in German, but, once pointed out, everybody will understand the original meaning.
What about this? Mijn vriend had een tragisch ongeluk.
Ik snap er helemaal niks van.
A German that understands a dialect of German. Whoa.
@StackedCrooked nieuweling
Fries > Deutsch
Grasping can mean understanding or grabbing.
@StackedCrooked Ah, you're right! I hadn't thought of that.
@Fanael Dutch is not a dialect of German. ಠ_ಠ
@Fanael If Dutch is a dialect of German, then so is English. Rather than that, they are all West Germanic languages. similar, but distinct.
@daknøk Mein Freund hat einen tragischer Unfall (my attempt at German)
well, grasp/grasping is to get a hold of, which can be used to mean you have 'got a hold of the understanding'
English is also influenced by French.
@StackedCrooked at least it isn’t influenced by PHP.
@StackedCrooked Half of English is French.
All languages are dialects of something.
@TonyTheLion "einen Unfall"
@sbi ugh, I knew I'd mess up the grammar
@TonyTheLion Mr Freaud's hat earns triggers unfalling?
@thecoshman lol
@TonyTheLion epic noun capitalization fail.
My friend had a tragic accident
@TonyTheLion My friend has one tragic? thingy?
@thecoshman Freund != Freud
@thecoshman The crooked person made a fraudian slip.
@TonyTheLion Woot.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :)
@sbi I know German, what you on about!
@TonyTheLion epic sentence fail............................................................................‌​.................................................................................‌​...........
@sbi And Freaud != Freud!
@daknøk shush you, I'd like to see you do better
@TonyTheLion Mijn vriend had een tragisch ongeluk.
Dutch is better than German.
Compare Haskell is better than PHP.
@StackedCrooked And North Germanic. And Latin. In fact, English is a mess.
I prefer German over Dutch
though my German is worse then my Dutch (obviously)
In that case we differ opinions.
English is the PHP of natural languages.
Ik ben een übernationalist.
@daknøk blijkbaar
@Fanael Rather the C++ of natural languages with all its ambiguities.
Or well, I’d say Dutch is more ambiguous than English.
American English is a very expressive language IMO. I prefer it over any other language.
American English is strange with their football in which you actually hold the ball with your hands most of the time.
Also softball is funny. The ball isn’t very soft at all, rather hard as stone.
@daknøk I see this more as a cultural problem, than a linguistic one. (Not that this would make it any better...)
@sbi Well, some German dialects are more similar to Dutch than to standard German.
@StackedCrooked American English?
Okay, okay.
Languages suck.
lol, Wikipedia has separate pages for Serbian and Croatian.
Wikipedia has separate editions for Dutch, Fries, Limburgs and Nedersaksisch.
@thecoshman Merkin, yes.
@Fanael Yeah, Eastern Frisian.
1 min ago, by sbi
@daknøk I see this more as a cultural problem, than a linguistic one. (Not that this would make it any better...)
Applies there, too.
Are there really that many people who speak Nedersaksisch?
@StackedCrooked Actually it's mainly a sloppy language.
@daknøk For what little it's worth, a softball is (marginally) softer than a baseball.
@JerryCoffin Doesn’t make it soft. :P
Some asshole once threw a softball to my head.
And I can say that those things are not very soft. xD
@JerryCoffin Didn't you go to bed only 5 hours ago?
@sbi Weak typing FTW :)
@daknøk That explains a lot.
What does it explain?
That I have a head.
@sbi Yeah, about that. I'm just up and eating breakfast right now. Have to take the kids to school in 15 minutes or so.
@sbi Bells.
@daknøk At least it wasn't a hardball at 160 km/h. (Been watching too much Baseball anime lately...)
It was still like a relatively soft stone.
@StackedCrooked Ne need to refer to anime. They just released from the hospital that baseball player who recently had his head fractured by a ball hitting him.
If we get a language-agnostic homework assignment, I’m going to do it in Haskell just to troll the teacher.
@daknøk not esoteric enough
Right so I've asked a dumb question on Serverfault
Q: Can multiple servers listen on the same port when no Bind/Accept has occured

TonyWhen you have a Windows machine (server or home edition) which is running 2 servers, and they are both listening on port 4000, however none have had a request to connect? What happens when a client attempts to connect? Or is 2 things listening on the same port on the same machine not even a pos...

@sbi Didn't read about that.
maybe someone can give me a not so dumb answer
@TonyTheLion Erm, that is a rather dumb question yeah :S
I knew it
I bet you I probably know the answer too.
Assuming you mean TCP (AFAIK "accept" makes no sense for UDP), then you cannot even bind the second one.
@R.MartinhoFernandes though can they both be listening on the same port before a bind even occurs?
@sbi Thanks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't care about UDP
Only first attempt to listen on given port will succeed.
@thecoshman PHP!
You'll never have two programs listening on one port.
@CatPlusPlus fork().
@CatPlusPlus thanks
@TonyTheLion Binding is the operation that starts listening.
Port number is basically the identifier for the application.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ha! I knew I had a confusion
@daknøk A language-agnostic homework assignment will generally mean you get a choice of 4 specified languages instead of being told to use a specific one. Almost inevitably, all four will be badly suited to the question you need to answer: (e.g., "Write a web server. You may use GW-BASIC, APL, Fortran, or Prolog.")
@R.MartinhoFernandes not listen?
@daknøk whitespace of course
@daknøk windows
@daknøk Names vary with APIs. They're all the same.
On POSIX you would first to bind() and then listen().
> The bind system call associates a local network transport address with a socket.
but a socket is an address and port, so WTF?
@daknøk thus you can not listen with out having bound the port
bind sets the address, listen starts listening.
You can bind client sockets, too.
@TonyTheLion yeah, what you quoted makes no sense :P
@TonyTheLion Socket is a socket.
@TonyTheLion a socket is a kind of file.
A socket is a sock for crickets.
@TonyTheLion I'll take your word for it
@CatPlusPlus an socket is a pair of <IP address:Port>
@TonyTheLion address identifies the host, port identifies the application on that host.
@R.MartinhoFernandes no. Bad robot
@TonyTheLion no, that is an address.
@StackedCrooked yes, I know that
@TonyTheLion That identifies an IP endpoint.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yes, and it's called a socket
A socket is a file descriptor obtained with the socket system call.
> A socket address is the combination of an IP address and a port number [From Wikipedia Network Socket]
yeah, I've always known 'scoket' to mean IP + port
@TonyTheLion socket address
@R.MartinhoFernandes IP doesn't have port number IIRC. Ports are only defined at the transport layer.
Yes, UNIX sockets are very much IPs, too.
And ports.
What about protocols that don't use ports?
@CatPlusPlus screw them :P
ICMP has no notion of a port.
@CatPlusPlus ICMP has identifier + seqnum.
IP has no notion of a port.
@StackedCrooked So?
Sockets are just a programmatic interface to NIC.
@CatPlusPlus The serve the same purpose that port numbers do.
@StackedCrooked No.
I think Cat went in No-Mode.
Ok, the ICMP identifier disambiguates the caller. In that respect it is similar to the source port. There is no concept of destination port in ICMP.
TCP has seqnums, too. They're used for queueing and resending, and are orthogonal to ports.
IP identifies the caller. Seqnum is used to determine if there weren't any missed/corrupted packets.
seqnums is the Control part of Transport Control Protocol
IP doesn't identify the caller. I can open two terminal windows and start pinging to the same destination.
among some other bits that verify connection state
@StackedCrooked IP identifies the node
The node?
Ip is the host/network identifier, depending on the subnet mask, different parts of the IP will represent the network part and the host part of the IP address.
not sure if you're talking from the programmer's interface view or the network stack
so glad i'm not in networking
well, it's good to know some of the basics, because you'll bump into them at some point
I once bumped into a NSFW post at work.
the basics are: "Use boost::asio". :P
@StackedCrooked A door post?
@DeadMG You're not in anything :P
@DeadMG lol
@R.MartinhoFernandes burninated
I need to get back to le coding
@DeadMG sometimes your understanding needs to go a bit further than merely your API
maybe writing more tuts or something
@sehe More like a Tony post :P
sorry if I NSFW'd you at work
@TonyTheLion Yep. But hopefully, not for me or networking
@TonyTheLion No, I mean post like the ones that you would post.
    // That's it.
    return result;
@R.MartinhoFernandes A job well done!
@StackedCrooked How did you know Bob's his uncle?
@sehe Lol. What?
@CatPlusPlus UNIX sockets are IPs now? What did you even mean? IP addresses? (no)
I meant __SARCASM__.
Bob's your uncle is an expression of unknown etymology, commonly used in Britain and Commonwealth nations. Typically, someone says it to conclude a set of simple instructions to mean, "And there you have it", or "You're all set". Example: "Put the cake in the fridge and Bob's your uncle". It is sometimes elaborately phrased Robert is your father's brother or similar for joke purpose. P.G. Wodehouse has his Wooster character extend it (in keeping with his often overly flowery language) to "Robert's your father's nearest male relative". Etymology (theories) One theory, which is mentioned...
Ew, I don't remember how to make that.
@CatPlusPlus Make it more implied, so we can detect it :)
@sehe TIL :)
__PRETTY_SARCASM__ gives you more information
@sehe Robert's your father's nearest male relative.
@Neil Robert is your father's brother
but what if your dad is Bob and not your Uncle?
and why not Zoidberg?
@TonyTheLion Because fuck it you only ever see the tip of a Zoidberg
@TonyTheLion Don't ever say "Bob's your father." That means you're screwed
@sehe Now such language is uncalled for!
That or your family has deeply rooted incestual issues
@StackedCrooked You think another language was called for? Like, maybe, Turkish? Or Zimbu?
@Neil Bob's you daddy now bend over.
@Neil Hey, there might even be cycles in the family tree :)
@sehe Precisely. Bob's your uncle and your cousin
Q: Cycles in family tree software

Partick HöseI am the developer of some family tree software (written in C++ and Qt). I had no problems until one of my customers mailed me a bug report. The problem is that he has two children with his own daughter, and, as a result, he can't use my software because of errors. Those errors are the result of...

Android, why do I have to implement fucking popups myself when using WebView. WHY.
Because Android sucks.
Why is there no default implementation dammit.
@CatPlusPlus Because popups are annoying. This is dissuasion strategy. The user will thank you.
That would be too easy.
Stupid Facebook integration needs them.
Because of course Graph API is broken because why not.
@CatPlusPlus Ooo. I'm soo going to use this:
#define gromit commit
#define dammit rollback
@daknøk Hey. Marvelous. A vibrating phone that sucks!
This is technological advancement in it's purest form.
that was a good productive couple of hours
@sehe The ability to vibrate is irrelevant to the quality of an operating system.
iOS proved that.
@daknøk That's not what she said.
@TonyTheLion It would appear both me and my mom were quite keen on me moving out :)
@CatPlusPlus iOS is great. :<
@Neil Oh. A smooth operating system
@sehe No, just a vibrating one.

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