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@DeadMG seems to be an expert in these things =P
@EtiennedeMartel No, that's when you don't inflict it. The feeling you get from just being a bystander.
hate it when that happens
@EtiennedeMartel where did i hear that word recently
@Mehrdad Knowing the definition of the words is quite different to being an expert in it
Also sadism needn't be sexual in nature.
pleasure derived from another person's misfortune
o rly? I thought that if it was non-sexual, that was simply being psychotic
@DeadMG: I'm joking lol
I have used it in common conversation so I hope it isn't inherently sexual
Meanings can have overlap.
@Ell: I don't think it has to be, it has both meanings I think
I think so too
sadism |ˈsāˌdizəm|
the tendency to derive pleasure, esp. sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.
• (in general use) deliberate cruelty.
sadist noun
ORIGIN late 19th cent.: from French sadisme, from the name of the Marquis de Sade, Comte de.
^ Merriam Webster
@Ell Eh. BDSM isn't really a taboo
Just to give you an idea...
@deadmg I don't think its taboo at all, but it would have been as innapropriate as talking about any kind of sex IIRC
@StackedCrooked Wait, the Comte de Marquis de Sade? wtf
@Mysticial: Dang, that's... impressive lol
@LucDanton Apparently :P
is schadenfreude sexual?
@Ell no. I can't even think of an example of how it could be sexual.
"sha den froy der"
@StackedCrooked So apparently he was both Comte and Marquis but none of those were nobility titles, so it doesn't matter.
if you enjoy watching another women being whipped by a woman?
Plus, the Revolution and all that.
Where did this schadenfreude word come from
I never heard it until like this year, now everyone says it
if watching people having pain inflicted upon them from someone other than you, or just them in pain
'Shaden' and 'Freude'.
freude? like "food" with an R?
schadenfreude |ˈSHädənˌfroidə|
pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.
ORIGIN German Schadenfreude, from Schaden ‘harm’ + Freude ‘joy.’
Uh, no, not like that. But I think I don't know what you mean.
I love my dictionary app :)
but I mean, how did it fall into popular use so much recently
like someone used it in an Oprah book club book or what
It is commonly used in Dutch media. Don't hear it so often used in English.
wikipedia pronunciation says "sha den froy der"
i think it's just because some think it sounds esoteric
^ me too
how do I say "freude"? to me I would say "food" but "frood"
like floyd
pink froid
@Ell It's borrowed from German, where 'eu' isn't pronounced like so.
@GGG The final 'e' is not silent though.
Just add a schwa.
ahh so it is like qikiwpdia pronunciation?
meh stupid quaybored
ahh I get it
is it a noun? like "sadist" or is it like "sadism"?
it says "pleases felt from..."
so do I say "i am having scahdenfreude"?
It's a noun.
"I'm experiencing shadenfreude."
I derive schadenfreude.
right Kk
when I say "Klein" what first comes to mind?
or star
meh I ought to use the next two hours for sleep before I have to get up :(
@Mysticial When I get attacked by an angry mob, and the mods help the haters, I logically conclude that the problem is not me, but the haters, and the mods.
nighty night guys
@GGG That's Kleene!
@LucDanton I know but it's almost a homophone
it was the second thing that came to mind
I don't know what else it means =/
@curiousguy judging from the language in the deleted answer, i think a main problem is a reliance on (negative) value judgements. you can still be attacked by mobs without doing that. but less often and severe, i would think.
@curiousguy: The problem with your logic here is that you're assuming they're "haters". So by definition, the problem would be with them. There isn't anything we can tell you unless you forego that assumption.
Btw, if his page says his account is suspended, how did he post on chat?
@curiousguy If you get "attacked" by an "angry mob", did you ever consider that maybe it's because you attacked first? Food for thought.
I'm guessing he can't reply because of his account... not sure how he commented though (bug in SO?)
Maybe just took a while to propagate... chat has an ignore feature anyway =p
@Mehrdad Chat is on a different server. So there's probably a slight delay before it propagates.
> This user is suspended on the parent site and cannot chat for 89 days.
I bet he's making another account right now
He'll still need 20 rep to post here. And we'll troll his face away.
^ let's be a little more constructive :\
Is it only 20?
@Mehrdad Oh fuck no.
Maybe you can rehabilitate him
Maybe... I'll give it a try if I remember in... 90 days? lol
@EtiennedeMartel He's like the mother who sees her son in the parade, but notices that he's out of step with the rest of the band. Does she admit he's out of step? NO! "Look, the whole band is out of step except my Johny!"
@MohamedAhmedNabil Note that studying computer science does not equal learning programming languages. When I was studying computer science, it was 20% programming, 20% formal basics, 20% technical basics, 20% math and 20% social impact.
"20% social impact" - lol
Also, once you know how to program, learning additional languages isn't quite as hard as it may seem to you.
@Mysticial Well, actually it was called "Computer science, humans, and society", roughly translated :)
@Mysticial Let me guess, you studied 99% low-level optimization, right? ;)
@FredOverflow The other way around.
believe it or not
I never took any programming class beyond basic C++, Java, and data structures.
Ah well, you don't learn the interesting stuff at University, anyways.
I also took intro to 16-bit x86 and Scheme. I don't count those as real languages.
I've also never taken a single class on performance either.
I used to do inline x86 in Pascal :) You know, the mov ax, 13h; int 10h stuff :)
I have taken a few hardware classes. But aside from that, I'm all self-taught.
@JohannesSchaub-litb You can enter proposals into C++, but I doubt he's ready for that :)
And by proposal, I do not mean "C++, will you marry me?" :) Rather, "C++, Y U NO Language Integrated Query?"
c++ y u no c#
but there IS
can't remember who posted link just two weeks ago or so, but lemme google it
^ Dunno how general it is or whether it works with standard C++, but check it out?
That said, I think people shouldn't do C++. They should do web-dusign. It much moar æsthetica11y pleezin.
Q: Is there a LINQ library for C++?

Robert GouldAre there any Platform agnostic (not CLI) movements to get LINQ going for C++ in some fashion? I mean a great part of server frameworks around the world run on flavors of UNIX and having access to LINQ for C++ on UNIX would probably make lots of people happy!

^ 4 year old though
1 hour later…
@curiousguy When suddenly everybody is driving the wrong lane, usually it is wise to question your own judgment of right vs. wrong lane, rather than to assume that all the others are wrong. (If everybody driving the wrong lane isn't a sudden surprise, but a constant experience, I'd suggest therapy.)
@sbi Some would go so far as to say that you're wrong merely because majority of people are flowing in the opposite direction
Which is flawed reasoning, but it gets applied often all the same to the rules of society
@Neil Well, I wouldn't, but I consider everybody going into the opposite direction a very good motive to reevaluate my own judgments. If the result is that you think they are all wrong — then by all means bang your head against the rest of the world until your forehead is a bloody mess. But unreflected complaining that everybody has an opinion opposite to you and whining that therefore they are all wrong is childish. At best.
Oh good. Morning welcome flags!
@Mehrdad Yes please /cc @EtiennedeMartel
I don't think trying to be constructive in this room is constructive at all.
Whoa. My brain just used a longjmp to escape from infinite recursion there
@sbi I agree, but within limits. We would have no great scientists, artists, musicians if we all went with the flow
I can't seem to find the quote, but Mark Twain said something along the lines of changing one's view when it tended to coincide with the views of everyone else
@Neil "If the result is that you think they are all wrong — then by all means bang your head against the rest of the world."
morning all
Anyone willing to grant me another bronze badge by adding an upvote to this? I am trying to stay ahead of the robot... :)
@sehe Uh oh. Executing a longjmp your brain has skipped over all the necessary destructor calls and now you've probably leaked lots of resources. Have you looked for a puddle of resources under your chair?
@sbi ¬_¬ fine... post a good answer that deserves up votes why don't you
@thecoshman I already linked to one!
Oh, thanks!
Ha, now the robot has to give another Nice Answer to catch up with me!
@sbi And what are you going to do the next time he gets another one? :P
Wait, I don't get it. You're still ahead of the robot by more than 1 bronze badge.
@Mysticial Usually, I do nothing nowadays, and rely on old merits to rake in rep. Once in a while, though (where "a while" roughly relates to "a fortnight"), I answer a question that seems worth of my attention.
@Mysticial Last he looked (once I had the golden C++ one, I never really looked at my badges), I was a dozen bronze ones ahead of him. Curiously, him mentioning trying to catch has triggered some interest in me in trying to stay ahead of him.
@sehe: Howdy, what's up?
@sbi careful of the altitude up there atop your ivory tower
It's funny how you only need 1k answers to keep constant stream of rep flowing your way. Like Jabba the Hut or something.
@BartekBanachewicz All it takes a couple of highly googleable answers to give you a constant stream of rep.
Most of the FAQ questions fall in that category.
@Mysticial which means C#, HTLM and JS
@thecoshman Ach, I rarely bother looking out of the windows these days, so there's very little danger.
Apr 20 at 10:12, by sbi
Are there whore badges for badge whores?
@BartekBanachewicz Not necessarily in those languages. C++ has quite a few of them.
@Mysticial Yeah, the operator overloading FAQ is a constant source of reven... reputation for me.
Even if a question is not highly googleable, a sheer large number of votes on the question will bring in a stream of residuals. That's the case for my top 3 right now.
@BartekBanachewicz I just googled for "c++ operator overloading", and the SO FAQ is the 6th hit google threw at me. I consider this quite an achievement of mine.
@sbi I just hope I'll find my niche someday.
@sbi o_0 altitude sickness doesn't work like that... though I do wonder if your grossly swollen head would affect how likely you are to suffer from it
Wow, looks like my number of questions are getting closer to reaching my number of answers...
Is that a bad thing? lol
@thecoshman What's swollen about my body isn't the head, but the belly. Makes for a good stance.
@Mehrdad Who cares. Your questions are fine. So keep them coming.
@Mysticial Haha ok
@sbi ah, so you just crush 'lesser' beings beneath your excessive girth?
and who the hell decided to spell girth with and 'i'
@Mehrdad Just the usual :) At work
¬_¬ I feel I may have taken this a shade too far...
@Mehrdad If anything, the site needs more good questions. Nowadays I find myself starving for something good to answer.
> The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it. — Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment /cc @Mehrdad
@Mysticial That's great to hear! thanks :)
@thecoshman I have better merits than my girth to crush you lesser beings with.
@sehe @sbi lol I'm not sure why I'm getting @pinged here xD
I wanted 'of butter milk yellow' not 'milky custard yellow'
@Mehrdad Yeah, you can get pinged through a onebox.
@sbi <must not mention the war, must not mention the war>
I remember that @Xeo got pinged when I oneboxed a post that had "@Xeo" in it.
@Mysticial The hunt begins.
@sbi oh, you have large feet as well do you?
wow, looks like lotsa people are joining
@BartekBanachewicz It's not that the overall quality of questions has gone down. It's just that the threshold for a question that's "worth my time" has gone up significantly in the past 6 months.
@Mehrdad I mentioned you because I can't reply with a manually created quote.
@sbi Ahh haha I see, no worries :)
@thecoshman Which war? Except on Usenet, I have never been involved in any wars.
@thecoshman Yeah, those tend to come with great weight. :(
@Mysticial Franky, I seriously doubt that.
@Mysticial Well, I guess I'm in better position here. I think my answers have rather upper than lower cap. I think it's good however; you leave some place for next people to "evolve"
@sbi Faulty towers, watch it an 'lol'
10 hours ago, by Radek Slupik
@Mystical WHY
@Mysticial Did you just get pinged?
It isn't even spelled right.
@Mysticial Damn. Grins.
@Mysticial ping :)
Another try:
8 mins ago, by Mehrdad
@Mysticial Haha ok
Did that just ping you?
(was supposed to be a pun on @Mysticial pink :P)
They seem to have changed it then.
@sbi as dose an inflated sense of self worth, me thinks :P
@Mysticial Frankly, I doubt that. I can't remember that ever being the case.
@LucDanton I counter your monty python with mine:
@Mehrdad if you just followed the reply-to links you'd know. Unlike, for that matter, your own message which fail to link to the replied-to message... Using @name doesn't show which specific message was replied to
@thecoshman I fail to be able to parse that.
@Neil Well that's not going to work.
Jan 26 at 20:49, by Xeo
@Mysticial lol, I even got pinged by that
@sehe Well, this time @Mehrdad got pinged because I did mention him. :-/ As I said, you cannot make a quote refer to a message.
@sehe lol sorry I was being a little ambiguous... I didn't mean "I don't know why the computer is pinging me" but rather "I'm not sure why I was pinged, is there something I should respond to?" :) but if I wasn't meant to respond to anything then no worries obviously.
@sbi perhaps I used dose where I should have used does... but I don't think so, and maybe self worth should be one word, or hyphenated. Apart from that, I think it is all sound
@Mysticial Frankly, I doubt that.
@sbi So you're doubting @Xeo and not me. That makes me feel better. :D
@thecoshman There was no "dose" nor "self worth" in the message I replied to.
@Mysticial I have learned to doubt anyone and anything. (I reserve the right to not to exercise my suspicion, though.)
"doubt ALL the things!"
@Mehrdad I was drawing attention to the fact that I answered to your question. So basically: you started it :)
@sehe Haha yeah that was in response to this, which was the source of my confusion =P
@sehe but I later noticed the reply-to link beside it
Oh. I vote for constructivity in chat too. Is all.
Yeah I saw the link to my previous message afterwards, I didn't notice it originally, my bad
@Mehrdad Will you learn to refer to messages, rather than users, when you are replying to messages, rather than pinging users?!
@sbi sure, I just did :) is there a way to do it with the keyboard instead of having to click?
@sbi ¬_¬ helps if I check what you are responding too
@sbi and 'an' => 'and'
@Mehrdad yea, type the colon, and message ID. How you are gonna get it? Dunno, I guess custom JS showing these at the left of the message would be nice.
Or just custom JS allowing to select the interesting message from keyboard; I'm not expert at these, it' just a suggestion.
@BartekBanachewicz I can't believe SO hasn't implemented this o.o
kinda ridiculous to have to use the mouse every time
@thecoshman So that would make it "Faulty towers, watch it and 'lol." I still can't parse that. (Is Faulty Towers some TV show? That would explain my incomprehension, because I have no TV.)
@Mehrdad I personally don't find it that hard, actually. + maybe they did want the discussions on chat viable to the community, not just two folks pinging themselves thus using it as a private chat.
@Mehrdad I remember there being at least one user script to do that with the keyboard.
hmm interesting
@BartekBanachewicz In a room as crowded as this one, message-linking is essential for being able to follow any of the several discussion threads that sometimes are happening in parallel.
@sbi I know, I just meant it not to be overused, which might more likely happen with more easy to use link.
If the message is viable to community, you could just post it.
@sbi it's a very old show, 80's or early 90's I think. I think even non-English people will find it funny
I used to watch Red Dwarf because my older brother was really into it
@sbi but I assume you are still partial to downloading stuff to watch through?
It was better in the beginning
@Neil that and it is epic
@thecoshman I stopped watching TV at the beginning of the 90s. I didn't have access to foreign TV before that.
@thecoshman Not necessarily TV shows. There's a reason I never owned a TV.
k I'm leaving, toodles
@sbi too cheap to pay for the license? too scared to not have one?
I stopped watching TV when I started using the internet
back when the internet was not yet cool ;)
Okey-dokey, Debian testing is just installing. If it doesn't get me to 4.7, I will sell my family and buy ICC
Can an rvalue be a const?
Q: int foo() or const int foo()?

abcdabcd987In Effective C++ Item 03, Use const whenever possible. class Bigint { int _data[MAXLEN]; //... public: int& operator[](const int index) { return _data[index]; } const int operator[](const int index) const { return _data[index]; } //... }; const int operator[] does make difference...

@thecoshman I sometimes try to watch TV when I am visiting my mother, and I find it very hard to put up with the crap they throw at people.
@Mysticial const int f () { return 1; } I strongly believe the "f()" is const rvalue.
every one be quite for a while, I am having to restart and don't want to miss anything or have to catch up later.
@Mysticial I'd like to ask something different - does it really make sense to create functions with f(const int param). It's by value, after all...
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, if you want to make sure you don't modify the parameter inside the function.
meh, it's more like a message to the caller to let him know it is to be treated strictly as an input
Since it can result in subtle bugs if you expect a parameter to stay constant.
it's kind of meta data I guess you could say
it'd be like naming const local variables inside your functions, except for parameters rather than local variables
quit quite quietly quiesceing
*quiescing - en_US
But it isn't a bad practice if I don'y use the const, even if I don't want to modify the parameter?
@Neil const is always mereley a compiler annotation
My intuition tells me that the question I just linked has a good chance of going 100+. So if anyone is able and willing to answer it. Go for it. Now.
Is it normal that chickens start to appear in our garden. Just like weeds start growing automatically?
@sehe I meant that as far as I know, it's only meant to keep programmers from doing stupid things
Or to pass information to method callers
@Mysticial too late?
@Neil it's also theoretically an optimizer hint, although pointer aliasing (and to a lesser extent, threading) poses serious limitations there
@BartekBanachewicz Not really, the answers don't have a lot of votes yet. Anyone who can put forth a good convincing answer will rise to the top.
@sehe True, but I doubt it would provide a level of optimization you'd really have to worry about unless you were writing drivers
Wohooo got a new monitor to replace my "stolen" one
Then, that's subjective
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
what did I say?!
¬_¬ rhetorical
Q: SE Chat Modifications -- Keyboard navigation and commands for chat

Tim Stone Screenshot Use /command shortcuts to perform common chat tasks: See message history inline: Easily preview replied-to messages: And much, much more... About Legends tell of a prolific Meta Stack Overflow chatter who despised using their mouse above all things. In an effort to keep t...

@sbi this is in the scripted logic that runs on the VM for conscious thought and information parsing/classification. It is garbage collected and gets rebooted daily. The reboot script is rather lengthy (taking at least ~4 hours to complete) but it does the job, so I don't feel like refactoring.
@thecoshman How would we know? It's not like we're paying attention to what you say.
@sbi Also, the "soft-boot" process comes with hallucinations that appear exercise the rest of my brain, so there is side-gain
@sehe Uh oh. An automagic garbage collector for your brain. What a scary thought!
@Neil drivers? Ask Mysticial about his Pi (y-cruncher) 'driver' - erm...
@sbi turnip riding, space invading, brain devouring, sexually confused slime-molds!
@Mysticial There it goes. I hope I didn't make any terrible mistake. Care to review?
@Mysticial ?
@thecoshman See, there you have provided another reason for not paying attention to you.
@sbi you're welcome :D
@sbi Only the script logic (acquired thought processes). Not scary at all. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there was actually a physiological division similar to that. IANAN, so ICBWT
I guess I'll state it more formally this time. (with the link)
My intuition tells me that this question has a good chance of going 100+. So if anyone is able and willing to answer it. Go for it. Now.
Q: int foo() or const int foo()?

abcdabcd987In Effective C++ Item 03, Use const whenever possible. class Bigint { int _data[MAXLEN]; //... public: int& operator[](const int index) { return _data[index]; } const int operator[](const int index) const { return _data[index]; } //... }; const int operator[] does make difference...

Now let's wait 24 hours and see how right/wrong I was. I'm not going to make any precise predictions yet. But I suspect that it has a "significantly above average" chance of going 100+.
Normally I'd answer them myself. But in this case, I'm not able to. So I'll leave it to you guys.
clearcase sucks balls
it's wankered up on me... again
@Mysticial what. did you reddit it?
Do you think I should add some examples to my answer?
@sehe no... let's just say that I've been observing voting patterns for a while. And I kinda get a feel for what things get massive upvoted. A lot of it is still chance - which is why I can't make precise predictions.
@Mysticial Oh well. In that case: I think you're wrong :) It will probably get ~20 max. Let's see
@Xeo I don't know, but I just didn't get into this season
@sehe I'm actually predicting 20-30 right now. But depending on the traffic over the next few hours, it could potentially go as high as 100. Not 100 on the question, but 100+ for whoever can give a decisive answer.
@Mysticial mmm
We should start a betting site to predict SO rankings. This could not be gamed in any way, right :)
@sehe It's already #5 on the multicollider... hmm...
@sehe SOB?
@Mysticial multicollider, WTF?
@thecoshman I have yet to hear a programmer say they liked some of the features on clearcase
@sehe The StackExchange™ MultiCollider SuperDropdown™ is the hotlist in the upper left corner of the page.
And now it's #4...
I took a whack(this a word?) at it.
@Mysticial It may be lacking the entertainment factor.
@Neil ¬_¬ it's fucking wedge in here good and proper, aint bugging any time soon by the looks of it
I think some programmer's tools and libraries exist because programmers use it and adore it, then I think there are other tools and libraries that exist because someone like IBM thought it was a great idea
unfortunately upper management can't distinguish the two
What's the number next to the question in the hot questions tab? It's not the no of view or votes...
Am I the only one who thinks "use const whenever possible" is horrible advice?
@LuchianGrigore Number of answers given to the question thus far
@LuchianGrigore Nope. That's why I tried to be descriptive rather than instructive. Let's see if it's good bet for this "100+" ;)
@Neil nope. It says 50
@LuchianGrigore hmm, then it's not what I thought you were referring to
@Neil on the multicollider
@Mysticial is that what you called it?
@thecoshman What I like about these "what would happen if" scenarios is that he never stops at the obvious question
@Neil indeed
I especially enjoyed the one about what would happen if a baseball were thrown to a batter at the speed of light
@Neil That batter would die.
@Mysticial oh but so much more :P
beat me to it, dang
you suck! :P
@thecoshman "The baseball diamond is now a sizable crater, centered a few hundred feet behind the former location of the backstop."
I liked the glass half empty what-if
@thecoshman I wager you like anything you can read instead of work :)
@sehe nah, I would rather work then dabble into the depths of .... oh boy, navana is reached, I can't recall the name of that shite!
shit... twighlight `_¬
@thecoshman So I was right. :)
> A careful reading of official Major League Baseball Rule 6.08(b) suggests that in this situation, the batter would be considered "hit by pitch", and would be eligible to advance to first base.
^^ nice...
@thecoshman oh boy, I fear you might actually mean Nirvana there. This is getting out of hand
@sehe :(
stoopid moden world not just spelling words foneticly
@sehe IRTA "Narnia".
@sbi I read that as?
@thecoshman Yup.
Dang, meeting time. Sigh. Please cross your fingers everybody that I am not falling asleep.
@sbi I know a lullaby.
@sbi Although, who needs a lullaby if you already have a meeting.
Boost 1.51 has a context-switching library. How the hell do you implement that as a library?
I wish I could vote some questions with -10. Srsly... some people put 0 effort in them.
@LuchianGrigore You can. As a community. And that's about right
may be they should let you down vote as much as you want, but each time cost twice as much as the previous time
@thecoshman I can deal with that.
Q: Segmentation fauls

R. M.Running my program I have a segmentation fault error that I really can't see... Someone can help me? /* R. M. 21.08.2012 Exercice 2.9 of Computational Physics, N. Giordano and H. Nakanishi Euler method to solve: d^2x/dt^2 = 0 and dy^2/dt^2 = -g */ #include <iostream> ...

I mean... really? Here's my code, pls debug it. kthxbye
good god man, how do you even breath putting in such little effort?! — thecoshman 25 secs ago
^ always so constructive and to the point. If you sigh, do it in chat?
> Running my program I have a segmentation fault error that I really can't see... Someone can help me
^ I usually love it when the errors that exist are invisible
@sehe why beat about the bush?
ah yes, the elusive invisible error
@thecoshman That's what you are doing. You could just downvote, vote 'not a real question', even
Yes! -5 good good >:) evil laugh
this guy has an interesting way of initialising variables. I know you can do it that way, but it's just unsettling seeing it done
@thecoshman 'it is unsettling' - you mean, you find it to be unsettling
@LuchianGrigore I fear it may be more than just the laugh that is evil :)
But +1 for being outspoken
@sehe no, using that method will actually cause subsidence by damaging your foundations
@thecoshman ? i don't have foundations. but whatever
@sehe ¬_¬ your house does not have foundations? you live in a boat or something?
"is not supposed to be working as expected and not expected to be working as supposed" wtf?
@Neil xD This seems like software I could've written awhile ago
@BartekBanachewicz It's the bane of programmers everywhere, friend.
Good day.
@LuchianGrigore I would want to downvote the top answer for helping such a moron.
@RadekSlupik and up vote mine for actually answering the question?
@RadekSlupik I know what you mean. But it's not a bad answer, so I kept my vote at bay.
@thecoshman Done. :)
+1 should not be a comment but the accepted answer, pinned on the front page of Stack Overflow and upvoted a thousand times. — Radek Slupik 16 secs ago
@RadekSlupik and then go through all my other questions and answer and up vote them all?
@thecoshman nein.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Figuratively.
is it possible to use a .net ddl with C++ ?
I'd be using VS C++
What I cant understand is where would I get he headers ?
You can use C++/CLI (there's some #using thing for that, IIRC).
hey guys check this out
`string word = ("Test");
string space;
for(int i = 0; i<word.size(); i++){
space[i] = " _ ";
it doesnt work? how can i make it work
Aug 12 at 10:41, by Cat Plus Plus
If you are new here, read the code of conduct now. Thank you.
@MohamedAhmedNabil You can't write to a position that isn't there. Hint: look at string constructors.
@ecatmur does the string.reserve function fix that?
@MohamedAhmedNabil No.
where do people learn this 'initialise everything like an object' mentality?
@MohamedAhmedNabil what the heck does it do if it doesn't work? Crash? Drink you orange juice? Flip your screen horizontally?
@BartekBanachewicz error
@MohamedAhmedNabil <facepalm>
@BartekBanachewicz 1 IntelliSense: a value of type "const char *" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "char" c:\users\mohamed\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\hangman\hangman\main.cpp 10

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