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@R.MartinhoFernandes Why do I need to learn LINQ, when I already know SQL?
You can use SQL, but for searching an in memory dataset, you don't want to use SQL, SQL is only useful for querying a SQL database, and that is just complicated
LINQ is more functional than declarative.
you can do it easier with LINQ
And SQL is terrible.
That too
Android callstacks are terrible, too.
@CatPlusPlus oh, Java.
Why do you give me fucking zygotes and other useless native code I don't care about or don't even have access to.
@SamDeHaan SQL is for making database queries. LINQ can do lots more than that.
@LucDanton It does, insofar as you cannot return a lambda by its true type in C++
@KonradRudolph You can! auto foo = []{}; decltype(foo) f() { return foo; } // :P yeah, I know what you mean
@R.MartinhoFernandes Now do a lambda that captures a local variable :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes isn't decltype(foo) illegal?
@Flexo foo is not a lambda expression, so no.
Why would it be illegal?
there are quite a few rules that amounted to "thou shalt not know the type of a lambda" in my mind
@Flexo Well, you don’t know the type here, you’re just using it
@Flexo The real rule is easier to remember: no lambda expression as unevaluated operand.
That's it.
@Flexo decltype([]{}) would be
@Flexo it’s like typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t
@Flexo decltype([]{}), if legal would be useless (it gets you the type of lambdas of which no instance exists nor can ever be made). But decltype(some_variable_with_a_lambda) is fine.
@R.MartinhoFernandes auto l = []{ return []{}; }; auto ll = l();
07-30 16:10:39.156: E/AndroidRuntime(32345): java.lang.NullPointerException: println needs a message
@KonradRudolph Normally I'd answer that I'd fight tooth and nail to do anything but return an std::function, but I don't usually face that decision so I'm not sure.
I think the committee only introduced lambdas so that the syntax []{}() would finally be legal C++
@CatPlusPlus I thought you were doing iOS.
I finished that one.
You mean ++++++++++++++++[](){}().
I'm back to Android crapp.
@KonradRudolph That's why we need polymorphic lambdas, so we can write [](){}<>.
No time for that right now.
@ecatmur ffffffuuuuuu
@ecatmur polymorphic lambdas would most likely use the new auto nameless template parameters that I have yet to propose
I'm curious about the new proposals people have made, though. Too bad the next list is only coming out sometime in september
A Wide variety of brackets.
I think Wide settled for () almost everywhere.
Types are just another parameter in Wide
@Xeo What are you waiting for?
@R.MartinhoFernandes For the same thing as with my yet-to-be-proposed deduced return type for all functions
that is, nothing, actually
I'm just too lazy
I learned that Java 7 allows <> syntax when generic params can be deduced...pretty much only on an assignment where the params are already defined on the lhs. Wow, impressive. :(
@KeithLayne It's really stupid.
They went with that crap instead of full inference.
What's really stupid is that Java 7 is bytecode-incompatible with Java 6.
@CatPlusPlus They added a new opcode.
They're incompetent hacks.
But Java code can't produce that opcode ever.
Are you sure it's not compatible?
You can't compile new syntax features without setting compatibility to 7.
AFAIK, the only things that break are some features that require new stuff in the standard library, like AutoCloseable.
I don't know, maybe that's not bytecode-related, but it's still stupid.
> Classfile compatibility must be equal or greater than source compatibility.
I have no idea what that means.
It means you can't have 1.7 source that produces 1.6 classfiles.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I used it somewhere, just for fun.
setting target=1.6 will not work with oracles javac-1.7
how about openJava?
They might want to hack something together.
oh, you just said that.
Why are you discussing Java in here :(
If Android could run it.
I tend to put Java-bashing comments all over my source to show how Java is lacking so that hopefully one day when I'm free of that crap somebody will turn from the dark side.
@CatPlusPlus WTF.
They broke it on purpose.
Because they're incompetent hacks.
The new opcode is invokedynamic, which no Java language feature ever produces.
> The class file version for Java SE 7 is 51, as per the JVM Specification, because of the invokedynamic byte code introduced by JSR 292. Version 51 class files produced by the Java SE 7 compiler cannot be used in Java SE 6.
They should have adopted kernel language approach.
What does that mean?
Only c :)
Can ranges completely replace iterators as a concept?
They should have allowed the compiler to generate version 50 class files from Java 7 source code.
That they desugar new syntactic features into smaller core language.
Like Haskell.
@CatPlusPlus There are no new syntactic features that need desugaring involved.
Either way they're incompetent.
@CatPlusPlus That already desugars to compatible stuff.
@CatPlusPlus c'mon..."Haskell" can't be the answer to every question!
Except it doesn't work.
It is his answer to all of life's questions.
@CatPlusPlus That one would need extensive manual changes on the standard library.
If cat wrote for South Park, there would be a "Haskell already did it" episode.
Because they're incompetent.
Sorry I started this. I was just making fun of Java. Didn't mean to start a war.
Haskell is the answer to most language problems, because it's a beautiful language.
@CatPlusPlus If you write a compiler that produces version 50 classfiles from Java 7 source code, you could use all new features exception for try-with-resources.
Made by actual smart people.
@CatPlusPlus who's incontinent?
funny ^
Not really, no.
Try-with-resources could be made to work with special handling for the standard library.
No, what's funny is today's Daily WTF.
Or funnyish, at least.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It should have called already-existing .close().
If they desugared, there's no reason for new interface.
Q: return *this; in binary, member, operator=?

paleywienerByte& operator=(const Byte& right) { // Handle self-assignment: if(this == &right) return *this; b = right.b; return *this; } return *this; 'this' is a pointer to the object itself eg: x = y; x.operator=(y) 'this' contains the address of 'x', therefore *this is the v...

How's it going peeps?
@Xeo The OP has yet to figure out references. Why link?
@LucDanton I mainly meant the first sentence
It's just so... confuse
I'm tired.
Then get some sleep. Or take amphetamines.
Imagine that, a sleepy cat.
I'm a poet.
A sleepy silly cat.
@CatPlusPlus But it's not .close() everywhere.
Yes, it's all terrible.
I know that.
@Xeo I wanted to fix it (I don't have that much trouble figuring out what the OP is saying), but there's too much minor editing e.g. punctuation and whatnots. Tedious work with no reward.
sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays
Why is there both a AutoCloseable and a Closeable interface?
They couldn't reuse the same interface?
The title really showcases the ballistic approach that the OP has taken with commas.
@EtiennedeMartel Checked exceptions.
Well, shit.
Closeable.close() throws IOException, which is not fine for a general interface.
AutoCloseable.close() throws Exception.
AutoCloseable looks like such a bodge
@LucDanton Oh god. Shotgun commas.
Such, a shame.
He fell on a comma grenade to save you.
But commas save lives.
I always read a comma as a pause, so when there's many commas in a sentence, I pause a lot.
Is it bad that I abuse the comma operator all the time to make ifs and fors into one-liners?
Yahoo! should rebrand to Yahoo, - perhaps that would help make them less irrelevant
Yes. It is bad and you should feel bad.
@LucDanton For the amount of commas he used in the title, there are surprisingly low occurences of it in the body... like, one.
@Xeo Well, he's all out of commas.
@EtiennedeMartel lol
I got a sack of them for sale.
And bridges too, if anyone's interested.
is a barrel of comma blood useful?
@KeithLayne vampires might think it is
@KeithLayne lol, is that a reference to my question on Arqade?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why do you have bridges?
I'm kind of a fan of for(...;...;this,that,the_other);
@EtiennedeMartel For sale.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you linked it here, I'm not staking.
@KeithLayne Ugh, old-school for loops.
what, as opposed to range-based?
If it can be one line, it will be one line, dammit.
Anything you can do with a for, you can do it with a range.
Explicit loops are boilerplate.
Higher-order functions FTW.
@EtiennedeMartel teh suck is mostly when there is a clunky interface and it's not worth, you know, typing more than one line.
C++ needs container comprehensions.
Or maybe just ranges.
@CatPlusPlus needs a drink.
You know what's funny? ICU has three different behaviours for isUppercase and isLowercase: one according to Unicode; another according to POSIX, but with modifications; and another according to Java, which was supposed to be according to Unicode, but they got the spec buggy. And now they fixed this in Java 7, making ICU's hack to be compatible with a buggy spec obsolete.
That's not funny, that's tragic.
The second one is a hybrid of POSIX and Unicode. I have no idea why anyone would want that.
I could understand it being exactly like POSIX, as that might be useful to replicate the behaviour. But having a hybrid that doesn't exist anywhere is pretty much the definition of worthless.
IOW, ICU never stops surprising me.
Maybe something for OS interaction?
@rubenvb With which OS?
No OS I know of uses ICU's special brand of POSIX/Unicode hybrid casing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes POSIX OSes!
@rubenvb Wouldn't you want exact POSIX behaviour on that?
Isn't the hack more general than only letter case?
Letter case is one place where they have that.
I bet there's some more uses elsewhere. Maybe Solaris or something.
or old BSDs.
Maybe even mac.
@rubenvb It's a ICU-specific hybrid. No one uses those rules except ICU.
"try haskell" is a cool way to get an introduction to a language.
They made them up themselves.
@R.MartinhoFernandes How could Java get isUppercase wrong? Don't you just check the category?
@ecatmur Haha, you wish.
I though isUppercase is meaningless for most unicode code points?
There's Letter, Uppercase and Other, Uppercase categories.
They forgot to include the latter.
I guess I was thinking more like toUppercase.
@KeithLayne It's false for most.
How is everything passed around in Haskell? Fancy reference handling, or tightly optimized low-level constructs you would code manually in c++?
As function arguments.
and if they don't fit in registers?
Oh oh, the CEO's doing a speech this morning.

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