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Seems OS vendors really like to tell customers to fuck off.
they're dicks
by the way, robot
I came to an interesting new realization with my SHA-2 solver
namely that two equivalent boolean formulae are, in fact, not at all equivalent.
@DeadMG You mean, you had a bug?
no, I mean, I actually discovered a new source of information
consider the three totally equivalent boolean formulae: a xor (a and b) = a and (a xor b) = a and not b
these all yield the same result for the same values of a and b
except you don't get the same result, if some outside process has already yielded values for, say, a xor b.
if a xor b = 0, then the middle formula's output can be decided, but the other two can't
@R.MartinhoFernandes Awesome. And Apple sucks balls. The whole “duplicate” stuff is so much horse shit that it’s hard to imagine how they could have come up with it
also consider what happens if an external process has yielded a value for b.
the middle formula can't be decided for any value, the rightmost one can be decided for b = 1, though.
I don't follow.
so all three representations can yield answers in different scenarios
All of them can be decided for b = 1.
@KonradRudolph What's funnier is that there will be people defending this, because HOLY APPLE IS MASTER OF UIS AND ARE NEVER WRONG.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The leftmost one can't.
(Despite repeatedly coming up with UI crap that's only annoying.)
if b = 1, then ... congratulations? You can't even decide a and b with that.
@DeadMG Ah, you mean you can't with a dumb program.
well, my whole point is that a smart program could take advantage of all three forms to utilize all the available information.
(a and true) = a. a xor a = false.
I also never considered that.
wrote it into my constant solver, but didn't consider what happened if that situation appeared dynamically
@CatPlusPlus To be honest, I like their idea of auto-save: saving should be automatic. It’s a ridiculous anachronism that I’m forced to save manually. But they botched the mechanism for this badly.
you certainly can't solve the leftmost if you only know the result and a xor b.
but you can solve the middle one (for some values) with that
@KonradRudolph "Save as" is orthogonal to autosave.
You can with the right smarts.
describe said smarts
a xor b => a and b = false.
This can be derived from the definition of a xor b.
yeah, I can see that
I imagine such a solver would work only with 'and' and 'or'.
Possibly only with CNF or DNF.
but a xor false would only produce a, not a solution
IMO 'xor' only serves to complicate matters.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not viable.
for one, solving a CNF formula in and-or is NP-complete
Right, and with xor it isn't?
not exactly.
I don't pretend to understand it myself, but consider this
a || b || c obviously has a relatively simple equivalent in xor, not, and and
so if you ran 3SAT but converted each clause, you'd end up with xor, not, and and
in a polynomially-sized formula.
so unless I've just proved P = NP with the most obvious reduction ever, then normalizing XORSAT formulae is NP-complete.
Normalizing is NP-complete? WTF.
else, I can write a trivial solver that solves 3SAT in P time.
just convert each clause to XORSAT, then normalize to CNF, then gaussian eliminate to solve in P time.
You can normalize in linear time if you give up some guarantees.
Can't remember details of that, sorry, but I remember that from class.
I actually couldn't find much information on, well, pretty much everything on boolean formulae involving xor instead of or
it seems to be a relatively little-studied field
Probably because everyone just expands the xors.
with the complexity over 10^40, that's not so viable.
@CatPlusPlus But if you’re Apple, all you see is “abolish ‘save’. Dur hur”
10^40? That's O(1)!
@LucDanton It has an exponent. It's clearly exponential.
Just like 2^0.
the point is
since I almost certainly did not prove P = NP with the most obvious reduction ever, there are obviously some non-intuitive NP-complete actions lying in wait
and I would be better off solving in the non-normalized form. It's the only real guarantee I have.
AFAICS you need to put in a bunch of equivalences to improve your handling of the formulas. From what I see, your solver is dumb :P
@Xeo damn that's complicated. I gave you a challenge, didn't I ;)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah. I didn't account for the possibility that stuff like a && a might occur dynamically, rather than statically.
@rubenvb Yeah, and forget what I said about the templated classes, that should work aswell thanks to inheriting from the class type
which means a simple derived-to-base conversion is needed to match the operators, which is allowed
The only real problem are final classes
Still think alias/using and my typedef trump everything you would/could come up with.
@Xeo Why the EnableIf?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd rather have the error outside of the strong class
@Xeo I'd rather have a static_assert instead of an overload resolution fail.
Nah? Seriously, overload resolution failures are the worst kind of errors.
I don't think so. "can't convert" is a great error
@Xeo But it's not can't convert.
It's "cannot resolve call, here are the candidates:" follows long list of all the operator<< overloads ever in existence.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, that's what you want, if you have overloads
otherwise operator<< wouldn't work at all
@Xeo The way to get "can't convert" is with a static_assert.
@ecatmur I don't see why it wouldn't.
@R.MartinhoFernandes sorry, my bad.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, I see now what you meant. Misunderstood you at first.
With both cases strong using my_int = int; my_int x{17}; std::cout << x; won't compile. One will present you a pages long essay on operator<< signatures. The other will say "cannot convert from my_int to int" (well, not quite, because we can't build custom string literals :(.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm still exploring Requires<foo<T>> and so on. Well I would be, but I'm still in the middle of moving.
Remind me what case the templated operator T()s are for again?
@ecatmur conversion to anything
Anyway, how does it help that strong<int> has an implicit conversion to int?
(Or am I missing something? I admit I didn't look closely at the code.)
I thought the use case of strong<int> was exactly so you could not pass it where ints are expected, and vice-versa.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The presented usecase was overloadability
@Xeo hmm, that was one thing though. Then I left chat :)
I meant something like a user-defined char32_t by strongly typedefing it as int32_t
I don't really know what other properties it would need besides being able to be overloaded on (which is the only obvious one for me)
@rubenvb char32_t is unsigned, btw.
And it is implicitly convertible to int, so well, I guess what Xeo got there is it.
It's becoming more and more clear that Templates can fix any shortcomings of the core C++ language.
@rubenvb polymorphic lambdas
No, they can't.
Now you can fix the typename disambiguator crap, but you still can't fix the ::template one.
This should be closed:
Q: stat() in mingw works incorrectly

Sergey  LebedevI created a simple code: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct stat eStat; int result; struct stat eStat2; int result2; result = stat("g:/temp/dvd", &eStat); printf("result=%d | eStat.st_mode=%d | S_IFMT=%d | S_IFDIR=%d\n",result,eStat.st_mode,S_IFMT,S_IFDIR); ...

There's absolutely no useful information in that question.
And the problem was fixed by the OP reinstalling his toolchain (he messed it up himself)
Oh, the irony.
A: calculate age from date in textbox in C#

user1528573Answers should be downvoted only if it doesnt provide the solution.

Also, the accepted answer is wrong.
Actually, the whole page is a cesspool of fail.
@R.MartinhoFernandes nuked
Damn, that thing cost me "a lot" of rep.
@R.MartinhoFernandes close as duplicate?
anyone fancy coming to the Haskell room to help me out?
wrote my first Amazon review in ages – for a product which isn’t working. Venting frustration sure feels good
WOw. Syncing my phone with MS Exchange (and granting it device permissions like wiping the phone) actually wiped the phone.
stupid custom rom.
@rubenvb what phone/rom?
it was a hacked together Sense 2.1+ ROM for the HTC Legend.
(someone else hacked it together though, not me)
I'm now on an Android 2.2 rom. The market was really a lot faster than the bloated Play store.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Calculate age from date? o.O
@R.MartinhoFernandes You've been offline all weekend, we have missed you
He was once away for a whole week.
We all thought he was dead.
When I was gone for the weekend, nobody even noticed. :(
Welcome to the 99%.
@CatPlusPlus Who are you again?
@CatPlusPlus poor you, mistaking 'noticing' for 'caring'. it's tragic really
This is a pretty interesting read
Q: Why can't the IT industry deliver large, faultless projects quickly as in other industries?

MainMaAfter watching National Geographic MegaStructures series, I was surprised how fast large projects are done. Once the preliminary work (design, specifications, etc.) is done on paper, the realization itself of huge projects take just a few years or sometimes a few months. For example, Airbus A380...

Because idiots. It's very simple.
becuase people think they can just change designs last minute with software, I'd like to see the Burj Khalifa stay standing when some numpty decides they want it to be moved ten meters to the left
See above.
@CatPlusPlus see above in particular
facebook are really taking liberties now, I open one tab with facebook, and now I can't close it
Does the person on the second picture on this page look like a girl or a guy to you?
-1, sloppy code. It should be immediately obvious that the output differs from what’s expected, even assuming the code had no further errors (but it does). — Konrad Rudolph 40 secs ago
@StackedCrooked guy. Definitely. Why?
Some people are just … incorrigible
Wait. Second or third picture?
cause the third is a manly chick.
the first is the T shirt logo, the second is a guy, the third is a manly chick.
@StackedCrooked You mean the third, right? anyway, look at the forearms and hands. Looks distinctly like a dude
guys... it's a chick.
@rubenvb sure?
it has boobies.
and hot pants
and it says "girly" above when you click on the picture.
Guys can be girly.
girls can be guyy
It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world..
I said second picture, while I meant so say the second person, so perhaps that explains why they consider me offensive.
no they know what you're talking about.
@rubenvb Okay, I take that back – obviously it’a self-identified girl. Which is all that matters, I guess
@KonradRudolph what is that supposed to mean?
@rubenvb Hmm. That the person in the picture is a girl, but that physiognomic clues leave me to think that the person was born male
I may of course be mistaken
I just wanted to clarify my confusion above
@KonradRudolph not at all. Not all chicks are born with godly looks. Where do guys hang out anyways?
@rubenvb I’m not talking about “godly looks”. I actually think the girl doesn’t look bad. But the hands do look like guy’s hands, and the arms even more so. It’s very (!) rare to see a girl with this fat/muscle proportion
@KonradRudolph Hmm. I'm probably just to laid back to even notice those kinds of things...
look at Olympic athletes, even there you won’t find such slim, muscular upper arms
@rubenvb Well, we were specifically asked to look for this
Maybe her veins were temporarily swollen.
hmm, the veins may simply be a sign of high blood pressure
oh christ, just took a look at the picture your on about. that is one butch girl :O
Lambdas are handy for initializing function-local statics.
Statics. :.
What does that symbol mean again?
It's an emoticon. Use the imagination.
:. Mickey mouse tilting its head?
@thecoshman exactly my sentiment...
@TomAnderson Cords, impossible without GC? Nonsense. How do you even get the idea? Note, there are domains where GC comes in really handy. Lisp-style list processing comes to mind. And upward funargs can be implemented easily and efficiently via GC. But even there it’s not necessary (see C++11 lambdas and std::function). — Konrad Rudolph 1 min ago
No trollbait, I really have no idea what he means, by the way.
> Homework for strong C++ developers learning Java
@KonradRudolph Lockfree algorithms are soooooo much easier with a GC around.
This title is so funny.
Cords are just binary edit trees, and as all trees they can be implemented trivially with containers (but unfortunately not STL containers)
@CatPlusPlus Where's that from ?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, much better example, didn’t think of concurrent programming
1 min ago, by Cat Plus Plus
This title is so funny.
I do wonder...
36 hours for Java is funny, too.
@R.MartinhoFernandes prefer a boost my self
If you need more than an hour to learn Java, you suck.
@KonradRudolph std::function doesn't really help with that.
And lol reading Java books and homework.
@CatPlusPlus I learned something new in java the other day static import
It's not that useful.
@CatPlusPlus don't be ignorant. There are endless stupid things in Java you need to learn about in order to not constantly cock up. If you try to simply treat it as C++, you will fail horribly
Another workaround for "we don't do free functions" nonsense.
@thecoshman What things? The language is primitive and holds your hand 99% of the time.
foo.new Bar() // valid Java
@CatPlusPlus this seems to be about free constants
I never read anything about Java, just started writing code.
@thecoshman i used about 2 days to learn the language (on-project), back in late 1990's. i never learned any high percentage of the library...
Press F5. Duh.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I do, but every so often, it sneaks the fuck back in to piss me off
At that time, there were 3 competing variants of JNI, and it was "interesting" to try to make that work.
Memorising the library is a waste of time anyway.
As always, for anything programming, hard facts and clear information was difficult to come by.
indeed, but being aware of it is a vital skill for any language
You can be not aware of the standard library?
How does that work?
@CatPlusPlus Exhibit A: Bad C++ coders.
not knowing about what there is available in std:: will waste your time
All C++ coders are bad, unless they know Haskell too.
No, the process of searching for things is: search standard library, search de facto standard libraries, search everywhere else.
@CatPlusPlus Somehow I'm not convinced.
@EtiennedeMartel That's because you don't know Haskell and are terrible.
You silly cat.
functional programming aint all that
NullPointerException, NullPointerException, fuck you Android.
it's just a fancy buzz word you've got swept along with
you need more sinergy
@thecoshman functional programming is not a buzzword.
modulerise your work flow for a lean agile
Agile is a buzzword.
I think he's kidding guys ;)
@R.MartinhoFernandes same effect, functional is no different to oo
I think he doesn't know Haskell.
Or functional programming.
I think Haskell can suck my cock.
@EtiennedeMartel There's an extension for that.
oh I 'get' functional programming, I just don't think it's that hot
Yeah, but sucking dick has lots of side effects. Not very "functional" if you ask me.
@thecoshman That means you don't 'get' it.
@EtiennedeMartel It's a monad.
Oh, now you get the M word out.
Put it away, no-one's impressed.
sure functional languages are good at some things, but the only sensible language is a multi paradigm language. One where you can write just imperative, just OO, just functional, if you so wish or mix them up and release the true power! this needs and anime
@EtiennedeMartel moob?
@CatPlusPlus that's not a very nice thing to say to a chap :)
@thecoshman Who said anything about languages.
@R.MartinhoFernandes me
Purely functional programming brings more benefits to the table than OO ever did.
Anyway, while you Haskell fanboys circle jerk about how great it is, I'm off to work, where I solve practical problems with the decidedly less awesome C# language.
@EtiennedeMartel C# got all its awesomeness from Haskell.
Erik Meijer is great.
If you use LINQ you use monads.
@R.MartinhoFernandes .... what awesomeness?
@thecoshman LINQ, what else?
@R.MartinhoFernandes meh, it's not all that
@thecoshman What else is there that isn't bog-standard?
You say that, and I still don't know what the hell is it supposed to mean.
and to be fair, a shitty run down house with an awesome TV is still a shitty run down house, it just happens to have an awesome TV in it
so, whilst LINQ might be awesome, it's not really an awesome thing about C#, it's just an awesome thing that happens to be stuck in C#
@thecoshman So? By that view, what is awesome about C# then?
@R.MartinhoFernandes what? I was the one asking you what is so awesome about C#
@thecoshman LINQ.
You are the one getting into technicalities.
you came back to me with LINQ, which I quickly proved is not an awesome thing about C#, it's just a shiny nugget of gold stuck in a pile of shit
What is awesome about language X?
Pick a language, any language, and tell me something awesome about it.
It's in C#, so it's an awesome thing about C#.
I will just dismiss it with some shoddy TV metaphor.
Java can support regex, and whilst regex is still great and all, java is still shit
@thecoshman No, Java has strings.
That's not a language feature.
¬_¬ that's my point
LINQ is a language feature.
@thecoshman Clearly you don't know what LINQ is.
I gave it a shoddy investigation when I was forced to suffer C#
There's a reason it stands for Language Integrated Query. I won't spoil it, but I'll give you three guesses.
LINQ has some very useful features
Makes searching/sorting any type of dataset fairly easy, with a nice syntax
Functional approach to things.
I've had to figure out a bit of LINQ lately. It's great, whatever. Why can't I just use SQL?
@SamDeHaan Because you don't understand LINQ.
@SamDeHaan If you reduce LINQ to SQL, you don't get it yet.

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