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6:00 PM
then -11 months from now
negative 11 months ? link then :P
Hi, "Mark".
Oh I was actually talking about the repo containing the source code of the game, but oh well.
6:01 PM
cock you, bitbucket
Who's Mark?
@RadekSlupik @DeadMG, probably.
@DeadMG You implemented your own octtree ? Neat.
oh lol. cool :P
6:02 PM
@RadekSlupik first version of DeadMG's source was posted by "[email protected]"
@MooingDuck I saw that.
now they're all commited by "DeadMG".
That's what you get for not configuring your hg username.
@RMartinhoFernandes I didn't even realize hg had a username. Fucking thing.
Well, at least your family name isn't there.
6:04 PM
Hey, we still don't know:
1) What your family name is
2) Where you live
3) What you look like
Your identity is still safe. For now.
@EtiennedeMartel He looks cute: gravatar.com/avatar/…
it's not so much that I mind a ton, it's more that it did it without asking
1) Something that starts with the letter G?
2) UK
3) A dog
@RadekSlupik Why would you say it ends with the letter G?
6:05 PM
@RMartinhoFernandes He's got a sexy shoulder
@EtiennedeMartel Wrist.
@DeadMG G dog.
@DeadMG Oh bullcrap. That's your wrist?
@EtiennedeMartel G dog?
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah.
@DeadMG Meh "starts". I thought because of MG in your name.
@DeadMG Has a "G" in it. Is related to dogs.
6:06 PM
@RadekSlupik No, that's orthogonal.
@EtiennedeMartel Right.
actually, that shot was taken when the puppy in question was really a puppy- almost small enough to be held in one hand
so it's no wonder my wrist looks huge in comparson
My pic is taken when I'm full grown
@MooingDuck Weren't you pink yesterday?
@EtiennedeMartel temporarily. I got over it
6:08 PM
@RMartinhoFernandes seen it
That's awesome.
Oh finally, Populist is in. 15 gold badgers, woot.
@RMartinhoFernandes lol
> Men will kill themselves for points.
@RMartinhoFernandes Mushroom, mushroom.
no wonder I've only got 2 gold badges, I don't farm them
6:13 PM
@DeadMG Hey, I didn't farm anything.
I was expecting my answer to be accepted. Populist was an accident because the OP picked another one.
oh hey
another page on how <insert specific software package Y> handles internationalization
thanks very much Mr Lecturer
pity I have no use whatsoever for most, if not all, of the software packages you've gone over
I don't see a problem if it's presented as an example or case study.
@DeadMG Don't you mean "... package T ..."?
I mean, we are occasionally talking about c++ around here.
we are? since when?
C++ is like kung fu. Your C++ can be good. Your C++ can be bad. But in all cases it is something you can never fully master.
6:22 PM
@RMartinhoFernandes It's interesting. Doing a quick count, I'd have about three times as many gold badges if other answers had been accepted instead of mine.
@rubenvb And just as you think you master it, it kicks your ass all over again.
really? I'm feelin pretty masterful of it
@rubenvb It's more like quantum mechanics: when/if you think you understand it, it's clear that you really don't at all.
Woa, that's a lot of work that went on that doc.
@EtiennedeMartel Not really. It's mostly "Other people propose ideas, I respond with the thoughts I've already had on it and crush them with the sheer weight of my brilliance".
@JerryCoffin C++ has too much defined behavior to compare to QM. QM is basically just fancy statistics. C++ is not.
@RMartinhoFernandes :P
@rubenvb They both have an awful lot of behavior both defined and undefined.
@rubenvb wouldn't you consider the numerous 'interpretations' of QM to be major implementation details?
It's a real pain in the arse to solve some problems in wave mechanics, for example - and that's just undergrad stuff
@TomW hmm... I don't consider QM to be completely the fundamental "bottom line", so no.
6:28 PM
I suppose you COULD do it, if you wanted to
I'm wearing a bin on my head
That was random.
I'm going to attempt to understand geometric algebra and Dirac algebra next.
which makes it different to pogramming languages, in which some programs will be genuinely impossible to make work under certain implementations
6:29 PM
I actually realized I could balance it by leaning the bottom against my headphones
so it wasn't that unstable
How bored are you, really?
a friend of mine played a bin as percussion at a students union once
I think @DeadMG is trying to ignore physics talk.
how come I can't post my Android's crash logcat to the xda dev forums
Physics suck and nobody likes them and also they smell. #sinkingthroughfloors
I need 10 posts. I hate that prejudice
6:30 PM
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm studying "How to do half-arsed Unicode in software tools I don't give a shit about"?
@rubenvb probably to deflect the deluge of Y NO WORK PLEES HELP??
FFS. Get some mods on that and just delete all posts. Scare noobs away.
clang is a bit better than gcc in language features, but gcc still has the most library features (i wonder if iostream move semantics are in the gcc 4.7 libstdc++)
That's what SO does.
@moshbear huh? libc++ is feature complete. libstdc++ is missing regex last i checked.
6:31 PM
I wish I'd done more QM and told labs where to go
@moshbear Doesn't clang just use libstdc++?
well, i s/g++/clang/ in my buiold script and configure died on missing <mutex>
@moshbear Do you have 3.1?
@rubenvb No, it isn't.
6:33 PM
@moshbear try compiling with -v and see where it expects your headers to be.
It turns out, academic careers in physics are, for the first decade or so, about fixing broken turbopumps. Since I didn't want an academic career in physics, I should have done more of the brainy stuff that trains you for jobs which make money.
It says so on their website, btw.
But nobody wants to talk about that anymore
@DeadMG Amazing.
6:34 PM
@RMartinhoFernandes 1) that's old. 2) ` The only major missing piece of C++'0x support is <atomic> `
At least it isn't missing a major part like a friggin' complete header (implementation).
@RMartinhoFernandes has anyone had that working on linux?
@RMartinhoFernandes <atomic> is now (almost) completely implemented.
I need crap to post on xda.
Anyone have ideas?
@rubenvb the works of Shakespeare?
@RadekSlupik So?
"Feature complete" doesn't mean "almost feature complete".
6:35 PM
@RMartinhoFernandes So that chart is obsolete.
In that chart, most of atomic isn't implemented. In reality, most of atomic isn't unimplemented.
I sense a lot of clang/libc++ fanboyism around here. We can be objective when talking about compilers.
@RMartinhoFernandes Have you checked for yourself what's missing?
lemme pastebin the errors of what happens when clang -stdlib=libstdc++ tries to parse gcc-4.6's <mutex>
6:37 PM
@RMartinhoFernandes I doubt it
the killer is mostly <chrono>
@DeadMG Crazy chinese.
I don't have a mac, so I can't check
@RMartinhoFernandes wern't you referring to MSVC as VisualFail++ or something just yesterday?
@moshbear I run into the same things trying to use std::thread with clang
6:38 PM
Just running the tests would get you a list of things not working. The test suite is written against the standard itself, point by point.
@Collin: such as pastie.org/4081637 ?
T minus 2 posts to 10 posts, so I can help the ICS for legend Devs
@moshbear something like those, I haven't mucked with it in a while
> Requests to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann) include .porn, .ninja, and .ferrari.
can you imagine?
maybe gcc-4.7's headers will compile more cleanly
6:40 PM
@moshbear Don't think so
@MooingDuck It's objective that their C++11 support sucks.
Some dev on the mailing list/bugtracker said he wanted libstd++ in GCC 4.7 compatibility for Clang 3.1.
Don't know if he non-failed.
@rubenvb Yes. FTR, <chrono> is lacking constexprs.
@RMartinhoFernandes patches welcome I'd say. Not the hardest thing to write...
6:43 PM
when i do -stdlib=libc++, boost #include fails with "missing <vector>", like so: pastie.org/4081652
Yeah, I know that. Still doesn't make it feature complete.
though i do wish gcc's error reporting was like clang's
I actually have that on a TODO.
But I got too much shit on my plate lately.
@moshbear that's because you have no libc++ installed.
6:44 PM
@Cicada If I was your father, you'd behave much better here (and elsewhere), Miss Butterfly.
Well, @Radek, I will now watch yours and my national team hammer at each other. Ger/NL, a classic since, I think, 1974.
lemme compile libcxx and see what the new collection of library errors will be
If my father was in this chatroom holy shit.
@moshbear EDG's error reporting is (easily) the equal of Clang's -- and its conformance easily the equal of gcc's. Its big disadvantage is that the most reasonable way to get it on PCs (Comeau) feeds to something else as the backend, which has to supply its own standard library.
@sbi Germany is going to win.
@RadekSlupik So you keep saying. That's not a given, though.
6:46 PM
Dutch football is meh.
@sbi I hope the Netherlands wins. Nothing against Germany, but if the Netherlands wins, we don't depend on anyone else to pass.
@RadekSlupik What?
@moshbear Are you on a Mac?
no, gentoo
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh, BTW, did you beat the Danes today?
6:47 PM
hence compile
@sbi German football ftw.
The Dutch can't even become WC.
though i should've said "merge", since "emerge" automates the "autogen && configure && make && make install"
@RMartinhoFernandes Oops. Those Danes have it in them, huh? Who'd have thought they'd be hard to beat?
@moshbear Let me know if you get libcxx working, I can't for the life of me get it and the libcxxabi working on Fedora
6:49 PM
Afk, dinner.
@Collin do you need that on Linux? I thought it was Mac specific?
@RadekSlupik The eternal second, huh?
sweet, looks like Denmark are strong - I have them in the work sweepstake
they ain't gonna win
but still
@rubenvb I can build clang, but using gcc's headers and such barfs on <thread>
Maybe I'm just confused about how all that works underneath
@TomW After losing against Portugal, they'd have to beat Germany, though, next weekend (I think), in order to make it through this round.
6:51 PM
@Collin linking issues aplenty; there goes library usability checks in configure
@sbi fingers crossed, but I'm not expecting much
@TomW I am expecting a very interesting match, and nothing less.
Haha, Robben is fighting against his team mates. A very funny situation.
Anyway, I will now concentrate on watching the match and drinking beer.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf: added an edit that hopefully clarifies well enough? — Ben Stott 11 hours ago
Q: 'Freezing' an expression

Ben StottI have a C++ expression that I wish to 'freeze'. By this, I mean I have syntax like the following: take x*x with x in container ... where the ... indicates further (non-useful to this problem) syntax. However, if I attempt to compile this, no matter what preprocessor translations I've used to ...

^ Would be nice if Someone(TM) could explain what the question is
Apple's view of technology: time to learn BGA soldering if you want to do a RAM upgrade
hmm, my mouse is broken. WHen I right click, there's a high chance it will click again (on the top menu item)
6:55 PM
"no user serviceable parts inside"
In perforce, that's "open all files"
@CheersandhthAlf no user serviceable parts, not no neckbeard serviceable parts
wait, lemme look up "neckbeard"
though if i were to learn BGA soldering, i would first try to un-RRoD a few 360s
@CheersandhthAlf slashdot regular :p
6:57 PM
@CheersandhthAlf he wants code such that he can paste "take x*x with x in container" into his C++ code and have it compile and execute.
well but what is it supposed to do?
it's no big deal to make it compile
@CheersandhthAlf I assume it ought to square each element of a container
If you want a small laptop, some pieces are going to have to be microscopic. I loved my PowerBook with a user replaceable CPU (and I replaced it twice), but they just can't make 'em like that any more.

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