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2:00 PM
I want a pet gorilla. :$
@Potatoswatter Just because YOU asked everyone to ignore her/him doesn't mean everyone will ignore him/her
And werediggles gonna weredig.
I fucking hate making typos when insulting stupid people
@Als No, her behaviour does, though.
Ok Bad bye
2:00 PM
@Als I think most people here now were here then, and know what profit ignoring now will bring.
@MichelleSmith See ya. Nah, kidding, I don't want to see you again.
Ignore -> ?? -> Profit
@Als Your troll-o-meter is down?
@rubenvb Not all share the same sentiment
2:01 PM
There, scared her off. I'm awesome.
Fuuuuck offf she's back.
Stop mentioning my name you fool it shows me in notification
lol @EtiennedeMartel. Stay calm dude.
@EtiennedeMartel fuck do I care? The ignore system works
@EtiennedeMartel What do you expect of a so called rep-whore who's sole aim in being here is going after the so called imaginary votes?
Oh that thing is back.
2:02 PM
@Als What, you're still angry about that?
Butthurt detected.
@MichelleSmith Cry me a river.
@EtiennedeMartel It should be obvious, or is it not?
It seems someone's e-penis got squashed when he put it on the table to be measured.
@Als Still feels like you're overreacting.
2:04 PM
@EtiennedeMartel Please don't draw me to a conversation, i don't intend to converse.
I'm in a chat room to not chat
Damn, is it me of am I attracting conflict wherever I go?
@rubenvb I'm on a boat.
2:07 PM
@RMartinhoFernandes Motherfucker.
@EtiennedeMartel It must be your nationality.
@rubenvb people don't like Canadians ??
Conflict is for people with < 16384 MB of RAM.
23 hours ago, by sbi
> Oh shame, you got offended by a post on the internet? You must be new here... idiot. — Debbie Howard
I can store all of your conflicts into main memory and play Battlefield 3 on top of it.
RAM brings peace.
And virtual violence.
2:09 PM
@Scottymac Especially the French-speaking ones. Our latin side makes us aggressive unlike the more phlegmatic Anglophones.
@sbi Hmm
@Scottymac Don't take me too seriously. I'm in: I-don't-care-what-people-think-of-what-I-say mode
Wooo! I'm being defended by @sbi!
@rubenvb It's the only viable approach for the internet :P
@sbi: Since, When did you start taking sides?
2:10 PM
All the corners were already taken.
I am starting to see where:

I will not post answers again
I feel disappointed with the recent happenings and I don't feel it is worth my time and effort any more.

came from.
@EtiennedeMartel as a anglophone and a Canadian... I'm not sure i agree... however, given the student protests in Quebec... i can see a certain level of aggression :-)
@Als And, no, I won't add any smiley to this. So someone said something you didn't like? OMG! Well, you have had your time of being grump, now act like you're grown up and get over it.
Says the grumpy ape <3
2:11 PM
Fact: this room doesn't like whining.
@EtiennedeMartel I am not defending you at all. You obviously have hurt someone I value, so you seem to have been an asshole here. All I want is for @Als to stop whining about things past.
Fact: starting a sentence with "Fact:" makes you sound believable.
@sbi Indeed, I was the asshole. I have apologized for that. I think.
@sbi Why the hell anyone cares me being grumpy? Did I say anything bad to anyone at all?
And if I haven't, well, I apologize for my behavior.
2:13 PM
8 mins ago, by Als
@EtiennedeMartel Please don't draw me to a conversation, i don't intend to converse.
@EtiennedeMartel Well, there's nothing more you can do, after that.
That's whiner for "Fuck off".
@Als Yep, you poisoned the room's mood. That's bad. For something that's past and been apologized for. That's pathetic.
Reallocate the character "h" in whining for another "n" and formulate "winning"
Let's now be happy.
@EtiennedeMartel And You should. I didn't see any apology before. I have never been bad to anyone I don't expect being treated that way.
2:14 PM
@sbi Yeah, I'm a bit like that.
@DomagojPandža "wnining"?
@EtiennedeMartel Actually, I mis-referred in that. It's now fixed.
@Als He apologized before.
So, any TV series that have already been aired that are worth... getting? besides the one that was suggested earlier?
Not really a fan of Sherlock
@Als I remember saying that I went too far. But I might have forgotten to tell you specifically.
Argh, char search sucks.
2:16 PM
@rubenvb What kind are you into?
@rubenvb Do you like Mentalist ? (If so, check out Psych, old, but overlooked.)
@Als So he did aplologize, and just in case he didn't (which the robot says is false), he did again. Can you two guys now please buy each other a beer and get over this?
@rubenvb Suggested when?
@DeadMG From Star Trek Enterprise over Game of Thrones to the Big Bang Theory
But rather not a sit-com
If anyone's got a show that has

a) starships
b) spaceships
c) spacecrafts
Let me know, please. :Đ
2:16 PM
@sbi Beeeeeeer solves everything.
I still have two seasons of BBT to watch
@DomagojPandža Firefly?
And I should get me How we I met your mother or whatchemacallit
@sbi I didn't see any apologies before.Now i do. I will be straight if the insulting words are going to be etched here forever, so should be the apology.
ARrahgh. Chat search Y U NO gimme my result?
2:17 PM
@rubenvb Pity, because Community rocks
I am fast today :)
@EtiennedeMartel Seen Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek: TNG, DS9, TOS, VOY, ENT, TAS...
That said, Doctor Who?
I need something new :$
2:17 PM
@DomagojPandža What's Firefly?
Well, it's settled then. Watch Firefly.
It's a cowboyish space show.
If you like sci-fi, you'll love this.
@DomagojPandža Try Jericho. There's no spaceflight, but it's still awesome.
oh series about that movie
2:18 PM
Jericho is great as well. But, alas, it was too good to last.
Jericho is on the list.
So is 4400
yesterday, by R. Martinho Fernandes
user image
But I'm not sure I'd like them.
I win. Fuck you chat search.
@RMartinhoFernandes Let's just star that to make sure it's not missed.
2:19 PM
2 mins ago, by Als
@sbi I didn't see any apologies before.Now i do. I will be straight if the insulting words are going to be etched here forever, so should be the apology.
Makes sense?
Wait, what?
@Als No, not really.
@rubenvb ??
Internet never forgets.
So, wait, you missed the message when I wrote it yesterday, and now you're arguing that it's my fault that you missed it?
2:20 PM
@Als I'm just setting the facts straight in a Swiss kind of way.
@EtiennedeMartel Well i will repeat again "if the insulting words are going to be etched here in chat forever, so should be the apology." and no i didn't see any of your comments.
@Als You asked: "Makes sense?" I answer: "No, Not really." truthfully. Makes sense?
@rubenvb No, Not really
Damn it, now it's like you're fighting to saveguard your ego.
I give up.
2:22 PM
Guys you're getting riled up over an apology now.
@Als The words are going to be etched here in forever because you're whining about something that he had already apologized for. I'm sorry man but that's what it looks like from where I'm standing.
@EtiennedeMartel Not ego. But respect and Yes it was hurt.
That's like, really stupid.
Now kiss.
2:23 PM
I would love to, but he's a bit far.
webcam kiss shots.
Transpacific kiss.
so we can BAM duck hunt in the C++ lounge
Then you need to wait for the new version of kiss, Kiss 2.0 alias The Extended Length Kiss (TELK)
Suffice it to say, if Etienne were Cicada, he'd be all over you, Als. Now, can we get a new troll in here to clear the air? Pretty please?
2:26 PM
@EtiennedeMartel It was/is not my intention to make this any worse than it was, but it felt bad and I expressed it. I am willing to let it pass and behind us if you meant the apology.
Hello, I'm Michelle Smith, wife of John Smith, and I'm here to troll the life out of you. Just wait until we have kids.
@Als Did you ever notice that there's other ways to apologize than by saying "I apologize."
@Als Do you seriously think I didn't?
@RMartinhoFernandes my, you have such plastic skin!
It's too late to apologize. :'(
2:27 PM
@EtiennedeMartel Honestly, I didn't think you mean it. but thats just me maybe I am wrong
@RMartinhoFernandes I crushed her resolve with a barrage of insults and snide remarks.
I suggest @Als apologizes for not taking @EtiennedeMartel seriously when he apologized. That's just cruel.
Have you gone completely bananas ? He apologized and yet you're going to be questioning the validity of his apology ? Whaat ? Just, oh ...
John Smith also demanded to be acknowledged.
@rubenvb I suggest we all move on and talk about sex or something.
2:28 PM
@EtiennedeMartel Tony is coming.
I tried.
2 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Hello, I'm Michelle Smith, wife of John Smith, and I'm here to troll the life out of you. Just wait until we have kids.
You all are just making it worse than it is.I just said putting it behind
I gave up.
Warning, incoming Lion
2:29 PM
I'm a black-and-white buddha
@DomagojPandža Poor thing, sending out SYNs and not a single ACK incoming.
Bring on the zoo!!
I demand an apology for the unacknowledgement of the apology for the insult of honor.
is Firefly any good?
I liked Serenity, didn't know there was a TV show
@rubenvb No. Yes. Potatoes.
2:29 PM
@rubenvb Serenity can be seen as the final Firefly episode.
It's great, I enjoyed watching it even though I'm a hardcore Star Trek bright future fan.
Honestly, I'd say Firefly is enjoyable.
It's worth your while.
@EtiennedeMartel: I hold nothing against you.I hope you too.Are we good?
OK. Legally getting it in a country that doesn't sell it as we speak.
1 min ago, by Als
You all are just making it worse than it is.I just said putting it behind
2:30 PM
@Als I hold nothing against anyone. Bearing grudges is for pussies.
And mommy bears. Wait, maybe those are pussies too.
Hey, we don't have a bear.
Delicious tears.
@sbi That's what she said.
Someone get a bear. Like @ScarletAmaranth or another computer generated avatar user
2:31 PM
We have a gorilla, next best thing.
@RMartinhoFernandes Bear pussies. Ow.
@rubenvb We have a polar one.
someone unstar any and all fuckin starred messages about apologies
@RMartinhoFernandes ah yes, I forgot
good thanks
2:32 PM
@rubenvb I don't know how to change the sodding thing! :( :)
@Als And me? We cool?
@DomagojPandža Hey, that's my line.
@ScarletAmaranth gravatar.com sign up, upload pic, prosper.
@Neil Yes.
2:33 PM
What's that?
@rubenvb How do I sign up for something that SE had already signed me up for.
It's a game.
oh, google introduced "SafeSearch" - only SFW results
That's the most awesome textured block I've ever seen.
@ScarletAmaranth No clue. click "forgot password"?
2:33 PM
@ScarletAmaranth No, you're not signed up for it.
@Abyx It's been available for years.
@Als Excellent. I have successfully taken advantage of this position of weakness. Muahahaha!
Man, you're soooo not on the bleeding edge.
@RMartinhoFernandes Then how come I have this very same gravatar on blogger and here and everywhere ?
That's why you get an identicon instead of a proper avatar.
2:33 PM
Anyway, gotta go and spend the evening having one of my sons' teacher talking to me (and the other parents), rather than watching Germany beating the shit out of NL. :) I suspect I'll be the only father in school tonight, the other ones will all have volunteered to watch the kids while the mothers are at school.
@EtiennedeMartel it's been active by default for years
@Neil I think so, You are allowed this one time :)
@ScarletAmaranth Because you registered with teh same e-mail address.
Yeah, I always turn it off at work because I like to live dangerously.
@EtiennedeMartel lol, you devil.
2:34 PM
@sbi Shame, I'm sure Germany will do quite a performance.
@sbi Hope NL doesn't beat the shit outta Ger though :P
@ScarletAmaranth The sites using gravatar MD5 your e-mail, and request gravatar for the pic of that hash. If you're not registered, you get a graphical rendition of the hash.
I once got porn by googling for "large pear".
Wrap your head around that.
@EtiennedeMartel meh... I noticed it just now, also it's not available for google.ru
Maybe it's because they don't want to upset the child porn rings.
2:35 PM
@EtiennedeMartel pear as in the body shape
@EtiennedeMartel That's nothing. I got porn searching for dental floss
@Abyx In Russia, Google doesn't use SafeSearch to censor results, Russia censors you.
@Als Well, the Dutch have their backs to the wall. Either they win tonight, or they're as good as going home. Should be an interesting game to watch.
@Neil I got porn when i typed Tony!
2:35 PM
@sbi Oh shiiiiit.
@RMartinhoFernandes Oooh, ok, that's ... shiny I guess. So if I bind my email to gravatar now, it will use my own pic instead ?
Though we could have the group end up with 9-3-3-3.
@ScarletAmaranth Yep.
@Als Maybe Tony is the name of some porn star in some distant galaxy far far away.
I don't generrally watch football, but when I do, I root for the Dutch.
@sbi Dutch can be pretty strong. Belgians are laughably weak in comparison. Dutch probably won't win against Germany though :)
2:36 PM
@sbi Though I am sure Germany will win it anyways
@Neil or on earth
@ScarletAmaranth there's thousands of things that use gravatar: Windows 8, Skype, github, SE.com, etc...
Alright, my dearest cunts, I have a challenge. Would it be difficult to organize a little project get-together in order to produce a rather simple game, shove it on github and code away? But exclusively the Lounge<C++> squad?
the willing LC++ squad, at least :Đ
@DomagojPandža What kind of game?
@Als It's my theory that they must be from a foreign planet. Nobody does that in real life. It's like the Bill Cosby Show.
2:37 PM
That might result is overStandardized pedantic template-wankery.
Sex game and the rooms interested
Whatever you guys want, it just has to be simple, we all have real work to do, it can only be a hobby pet project.
A game written by a bunch of internet addicted animals.
@DomagojPandža I'm game. If I get paid in doritos chips, that'll already be twice as good as my current salary.
@DomagojPandža "we all have real work to do" You're funny.
@Neil You get paid in doritos half-chips?
2:38 PM
@DomagojPandža If you don't mind some sub-optimal nonsense brought to you by me, sure ;)
@Neil I prefer cheetos (or, as we call 'em here, "crottes de fromage").
@DomagojPandža I am about to start on a new job in a few days and I dunno If I can spare the time.
@DomagojPandža Sorry, not enough template madness programming for me.
@RMartinhoFernandes I work for glory.
my god it's hot this afternoon
2:40 PM
@thecoshman Your God is hot?
@DomagojPandža Though lets not make it too ambitious. If we get something decent out of it, we can try another project afterwards.
@thecoshman Your god is hot this afternoon ? Kinky ...
@DomagojPandža Funny, cause now that you mention it, I might have a concept or two you can use :P
@EtiennedeMartel He worships Aphrodite.
wrong day for long sleeved back t-shirt
2:41 PM
Yesterday I wore a coat and umbrella.
Let's go for the artsy indie puzzle platformer with lots of physics and featuring a child who loses his innocence in an hostile and unforgiving world.
@Neil Wow, I like how you're already talking about "the next project" :D
@EtiennedeMartel Venus just showed off some shoulder
@ScarletAmaranth It's not a skill evaluation, everyone is very welcome to contribute.
Critics are gonna go nuts.
2:41 PM
@EtiennedeMartel rape?
@RMartinhoFernandes how do you wear an umbrella?
@ScarletAmaranth I said try -.^
I got a somewhat ambitious concept for a game, so I doubt it'll be appropriate here.
2:42 PM
@DomagojPandža I've been told my code is not trash but I have little experience with "real code" ;)
@rubenvb I'm subtle, eh?
@ScarletAmaranth That's the wrong way to take it. If you do sub-optimal things other people can improve them. Unless you're a complete incompetent, all contributions are good contributions.
What kind of game will it be?
@ScarletAmaranth Protip: as long as you're moving forward, even if you're doing it slowly, it's good.
2:43 PM
Who the fuck is pinging me without reason again?
RTS is a good choice, indeed.
@Cicada you mean plinking?
@Cicada Every reason is good enough to ping you everyday all day (but it wasn't me)).
@Cicada That's because we like you.
@rubenvb I think it's perfectly fine. Maybe @DeadMG (he's a native) can shed light on it?
2:44 PM
And the message was deleted so I don't even know who did
@Cicada because we remember you
Renderer choice? OGL / DX9? If we decide for one platform, it could be Windows? Then we can drop OGL and simplify further.
What kind of RTS?
@DomagojPandža OGL definitely.
@Cicada Maybe because you asked not to be plinked? (Did you?)
2:44 PM
@RMartinhoFernandes I actually don't really know.
@thecoshman plink ping plonk pang bem whatever that makes noise
And many people here are not on Windows.
OGL then it is.
@DomagojPandža Just write an abstraction. We can fill it in for whatever platforms we like later.
@DomagojPandža GL ofc, and use springbok
2:45 PM
@Cicada "plink" == "ping". "plonk" == "ignore".
Abstract it and then allow for further
I'm taking it to English.SE.
@EtiennedeMartel Space.
additions of codepaths
@DeadMG Full 3D like Homeworld?
2:45 PM
the sky is the limit, or the APIs, well.
Full 3D, yes.
A good idea would be to actually drive a toolset behind the idea.
@DomagojPandža Using the sky as the limit is too limiting. Leaves the vastless expanses of space unused.
infact, it's funny, I might have a codebase you can begin with
I've got an idea for a game, though I don't think anyone will go for the idea
There was an old but decent game by Bullfrog called Theme Hospital. I'd play it today if I could. I wish I had seen a 3d version of the game
2:46 PM
@DeadMG You're more than welcome to join us, saying " you can begin with " ... :)
@Neil 'tis a good game alright
@thecoshman Yay, a fellow fan. :)
@Neil what happened to bull frog, to wiki with me!
@Neil here was a newer open source version of the game made (As the original wont run nice on Win7) if you have the original data files..
Bullfrog got eaten by EA i think
@RMartinhoFernandes Can you see who posted this? I can't access the message since it was deleted
2:48 PM
@rb_ Poor bullfrog
> Bullfrog's publisher, acquired the studio in January 1995
oh, shame
can you initializer_list a std::set from an array?
Wasn't bullfrog behind the world's most epic game, Populus, the beginning ?
I remember Populus
or something like that
2:49 PM
Yeah, it was awesome. You could manipulate terrain, was groundbreaking.
@ScarletAmaranth They were responsible for Dungeon Keeper, which is a kick-ass idea for a game
@DomagojPandža We could go with the hard sci-fi approach.
and Syndicate Wars as well
Editing for fabrication of history link.
Don't know about Populus though
2:50 PM
@EtiennedeMartel Nah. Ruins gameplay.
it's better to just say "COOL PEW PEW LASER!"
How come?
I think mass drivers are much cooler than lasers.
Thanks. That creep again
@EtiennedeMartel Mass drivers are the awesomez.
2:51 PM
hard sci-fi is a nice idea, but you must make the game fun first and stick to 'realistic' science second
Yeah. Come to think of it, hard sci-fi would mean no fighters.
@Cicada (We're talking about sbi, aren't we? What a pervert, right?)
in space, no one can here you scream, but it's a lot more fun when they can
Because no way in hell can a human dodge shots from a computer-controlled point defense turret.
@Neil @Cicada is old enough
2:51 PM
I can provide with starship models, base model, high-poly model, normal mapped, specularity maps, even extrapolate displacement data and texture it.
@thecoshman Definitely. sci-fi is a theme, not a game type
@EtiennedeMartel My intention was that the PD turrets would raep fighters, but the heavier guns wouldn't track fast enough
@EtiennedeMartel slow mechanics, easy to avoid lock
@Neil (Shhh, @sbi is actually my father, but keep that for you)
@DeadMG Could have customizable ships.
2:52 PM
also, because the shields only cover the front of the ship, if you struck from behind or flank with bombers, it wouldn't matter too much what the ship was armed with
@Cicada that was a totally secret message :D
@Cicada What in hell is going on here?
@thecoshman (How the fuck did you get through my parentheses?)
@DeadMG Oh, nice way to encourage micro. Larger ships would have slower turn speed, so that would play against them.
Gameguys, what are your GPUs?
2:53 PM
also, I designed in missile frigates, which are basically big-ass artillery, so if you mass PD-style ships, you'll get owned by missiles
I always wondered what a real life force field would work like.
@Cicada leet haxzors
@DomagojPandža 460GT.
That's good.
@DomagojPandža poor
2:53 PM
@DomagojPandža 5970, you know that already though.
I was hoping to push for a deferred renderer, but we can do both.
I can test if you want. I have a HD6970, Geforce M330something, and an Intel HD3000 thingie
@Cicada (Wait, was that a secret message to me or to thecoshman?)
@Neil (Yes)
2:54 PM
if someone is really outdated, I don't want to push him out with gbuffer trouble
Throwing lights at the problem always resolves it.
also, don't forget that the higher quality we render, the more effort it would take to build art
@Cicada (()
@DeadMG procedurally generate ALL the assets
@DomagojPandža If we're going for OGL, then it's at least 3.1. That limits the available GPUs.
I can help with graphics / math programming and general code. Don't expect me to do ANY art whatsoever though ^^ (Actually, maybe music :))
2:55 PM
Most of us are programmers, not artists.
There is also a choice between one very sexy level (maybe even networking) or multiple still nice levels.
I once dabbled in 3D modelling...
@EtiennedeMartel why not the EGL thing that everyone supports.
I'm game, whatever the road.
@DomagojPandža If we're going in space, levels can be randomly generated.
2:56 PM
True that, even better.
We don't strictly need artists until we want something presentable, though it is always nice to see well-skinned space ships rather than blue polygon shapes
scripting support
@DeadMG +1 Can we get Lua?
@EtiennedeMartel a greenish ball here, big yellow one there, a rocky belt here. done!
I was planning on swapping out the frontend, ingame, and lobby UIs for scripted components in Lua
2:56 PM
Lua is crap.
after testing the game with a basic C++ version
I have experience generating planets procedurally, even skyspheres out of real star data (well, randomly generated)
@Neil ofc lua, what else
@DomagojPandža One level sounds better, since as Etienne said, it's gonna look shit anyway :P
@DeadMG Ideally, only the engine should be in C++. Anything else, scripted.
2:57 PM
I gotta learn Lua now. :/
@EtiennedeMartel You don't need to be that hard.
is it too soon to play the doubting card?
@RMartinhoFernandes I like being hard.
@EtiennedeMartel Only the UI code needs to go in script, really.
@RMartinhoFernandes firm sci-fi?
2:57 PM
You could script the ships themselves.
@Cicada It was deleted because that creep was found to be in a voting ring or something and was burninated.
oh, and maps
my plan was that each map is simply an initialization function, written from script
@DeadMG If we make them random, no need for that.
gaaah, I waste too much time on Codereview.StackExchange
The less art we need to make, the better.
2:58 PM
Unless we're doing some sort of single player campaign, of course.
and it’s friggin’ unrewarding, nobody reads the answers :(
@EtiennedeMartel Not all maps can be random. What are you gonna do about multiplayer balance?
sure, random can be fun, but it's not one-size-fits-all
@DeadMG I don't think we need such thing as multiplayer balance :)
well, it's not
hard to make it balanced

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