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Though I'm more excited about pew pewing stuff.
It's a common expression used in English language. It's not a logic truth.
And possibly planet interaction.
it merely implies that people might do it in such a way. not that rules or exceptions actually behave that way.
but it does imply
@LucTouraille Clang 3.1 is pretty far along.
@Ell absolutely nothing
It's like that Mitch joke: I used to take drugs. ... I still do, but I used to too.
It mostly depends on your C++ Standard library
hi hellzone
hi man
whats up
good and you?
me too thanks
5 more and I'm marking all as SPAM.
@hellzone please go spam in another room
well, that's one for the ignore list
Don't flag or I'll smack you with a tank.
i am schizophrenic
thats all
One more to the ignore list, where have all the nice new people gone?
who cares
@CatPlusPlus ok ok.
@CatPlusPlus for the sake of wanting to see your tank, I now want to flag
ok ok dont get angry
@DomagojPandža I am here and I shall bring salvation.
@DomagojPandža There are a couple.
@thecoshman Do you really want to be smacked in a face with a tank? It's not pretty.
@CatPlusPlus Man, I've been re-watching Jericho, and the tank is so awesome!
Also, you're distracting me, and I have warpin' to do.
@CatPlusPlus when did I say I wanted to be slapped in the face with a tank, I just want to see yours
@DeadMG Last time I checked, it failed to compile some C++03 code I had that extensively used template metaprogramming, but that was a year or so ago. I guess I'll have to give it another try (hoping it could cut down compilation times...)
@thecoshman Well, that's the only occasion I pull my tank out of my bag.
@hellzone Weak troll, 0/10.
Cat++'s tank makes all the other tanks look like bitchtanks.
@LucTouraille 1 year ago, is Clang 2.9. Check the table. It has come very very far by now.
@DomagojPandža I'm a nice person :D ^>^
@LucTouraille What's equally likely is that it was invalid in the first place and happened to compile on some other compiler because that other compiler wasn't conformant- especially if that other compiler was Visual Studio.
Bitch, please, 400mm Tungsten plates.
Possibly too much commas in there, but I can't really tell.
@CatPlusPlus need's more sex
@thecoshman That's what she said.
@DeadMG I compiled it with Visual and gcc without issues (I know that does not mean it was correct, though!).
Well, Clang did a lot in last year.
most code that can go on both VS and GCC is pretty close to well-defined
but Clang has come miles in the last year
But it didn't suck a year ago
It is stricter
But it does not have dllexport on full C++ classes yet
VS cannot be or'd.
It had a lot of red things in C++ support a year ago.
@CatPlusPlus things C++11. C++03 was fine a year ago.
My bad: it was two years ago! (My, time flies!!)
Clang even existed two years ago?
I think LLVM started early 2000s.
non-const references to temporaries to everyone on the house!
According to Clang site, it is been around since at least 2007.
Two years was ages ago.
Clang has been around for quite a while, now it's funded by Applers.
Because gcc is too mainstream.
@DomagojPandža Because GNU are giant pricks?
@DeadMG That too. :Đ
Recursive acronyms are tools of giant pricks in general.
Mmm. Tools with giant pricks, Pricks with giant tools, it all strangely sounds like false flattery
But there had been a time, before the ships sailed, when GNU stood for something refreshing.
@DomagojPandža Same can be said for Apple.
did you guys hear about that American who was shot?
he was researching for a book called "The Kindness of America"
and some guy just drove up, shot him, and drove away
Poetic freedom.
Well, someone has research material.
Has anyone ever heard of the idea that when you include <algorithm>, you get operator!= for free to use in your classes, so you don't need to implement your own?
Q: Is it possible to include Hardware in C++ ? If so how?

georgeherbyI have been programming in C++ for a few months. And i have had an idea to write a peice of software that warns be before the computer gets too hot and crashes because it is too hot, i just want to stop this by having a warning. I just dont know how to include the the hardware, as my pc has a t...

y this question being closed?
@DeadMG You know, when I google for an image of a giant prick, google finds me a huge cock. SFW, BTW.
@sbi And it's right next to a chicken, too.
@DeadMG 0% accept rate?
Well, I blew up. This ship was crappy anyway.
@sbi clicking that links is a huge leap of faith
@DomagojPandža That's a reason to downvote him or report him on meta or just not write an answer, not close his new questions.
@DeadMG I never heard of "that guy who was shot". AFAIK, there's thousands each year.
@thecoshman I did write it's Safe For Work.
@sbi It's only news because of the irony of the circumstances involved.
@sbi Maybe he works in porn industry.
@CatPlusPlus If so, then it's safe for him, too, no?
@sbi 'huge cock' is rarely safe for work :P
I was going somewhere with that, but I forgot where.
It's a valid question, yes. But probably because he formalizes it inappropriately (including the hardware)
@thecoshman Yeah, that's why I qualified the link.
Can't say, perhaps someone had an itchy finger.
@sbi also, you are European, so your idea of SFW might be a bit too skimpy for Ireland
@thecoshman Ireland is in Europe, you know.
@thecoshman What is this? Don't the Irish consider themselves Europeans, now?
@thecoshman You happy now?
@DeadMG you know exactly what is meant by 'European' in this context
Yay, windows update day.
@sbi Thank you, I was looking for a new Gravatar :)
@sbi I still clicked it man :D
@thecoshman People from the continent of Europe. Which is also Ireland.
@TimPost Oh no! Don't go to the birds, fellow-ape!
Oh my, two apes in one chatroom, that can't be good.
After sex-obsessed lions, bitch puppies, grumpy gorilla's, and a cat, Lounge<C++> finally has: Giant Cocks!
Loading a tank with a potato and shooting a mountain with it.
@DeadMG how is Ireland any more part of continental Europe then Great Britain?
Only on fpsrussia.
@thecoshman Great Britain is in Europe too, you know.
@rubenvb Grumpy gorilla's what?
Great Britain is floating in space, everybody knows that.
well, I'm all out of fucks
at the most basic level, we share a tectonic plate, and thousands of years of shared history
Also, Ireland is GB's bitch.
@sbi face it. you're an old grumpy gorilla. No offense, just flat out unsalted truth.
There's a lot of black avatars today.
haha, Linus Torvalds being a dick, there’s a change
@rubenvb You need to work on your grammar, though: There is one gorilla here, if it was more, they'd be several gorillas. If a single one had something (luck, sickness, a wife), it would be the gorilla's, if all of them have it, it would be the gorillas'.
@StackedCrooked one sec. I'll whiten up the buddhabrot
chat, if I have two Mercurial (Hg) repositories - my project and a third-party library, which file tree is better:
@KonradRudolph I stopped reading after: " erklärt Linus Torvalds " :P
@thecoshman You're out of fucks to give? This doesn't need to be a problem, you know. Send your girlfriend here tonight, this room's full of horny young men.
@sbi figure of speech. I also only see one sex-obsessed lion, and one bitch puppy.
@rubenvb Sigh. You still fail to see where you blew it, don't you?
@ScarletAmaranth To be honest, me too :)
Schlag mich doch, Torvalds has gone bonkers once again.
@sbi oh, the apostrophe
I don't know why I dislike Linus Torvalds so much. He seems like a Chief Executive Cocksucker.
@Abyx I'd go with the first one, but I suppose you could just have the top level ignore the lib directory if you wanted to go with the second
It's my native language that fucks up my sense of apostrophes
@DomagojPandža You probably dislike him because he is a chief cocksucker.
@rubenvb Get yourself some other native language then!
@sbi cocks FTFY
@DomagojPandža There you go, that’s the reason.
how long does it take SO to see a new gravatar?
@Collin I believe I don't need to ignore it in 2nd case, hg should support such layout
rubenvp, "reload" your email information and clear cached browser data.
@Abyx As some sort of sub-repo thing? I haven't used hg in a while
@DomagojPandža you sir, are a hero :)
one less black avatar.
@Collin me too
now it looks like I have wings
hi again guys
I see <insert something to be evaluated according to>.
hi @Ell
@rubenvb Rorschach
Dispencing bullets in the foe's crotch - in slow motion. Only in Max Payne 3.
@thecoshman buddhabrot in black and white. I only changed the outfit. I am still pretending to be your enlightened spiritual master.
hmm I'm not sure how to approach mapping in my game :o
I need a 2d array of tiles. Each tile can be covered by one building at most
Ignore me I'm thinking out loud
should I seperate the market class which contains logic e.g. price of commodities with the placing of the 3d mesh representing that market?
Whenever I'm too impressed with computer graphics, I look out of window.
Real life has bad lighting.
@ScarletAmaranth sacrilege!
should I seperate elements of the game with thier 3d representation? or have them in one class?
@Ell you mean, should you have a class for the simulation and a separate for the rendering?
@Ell free function "draw" overload on every element class
@DomagojPandža We need more lens flare! :D
@rubenvb nah, every element class should implement it's own draw
@ScarletAmaranth lens flare sucks
@thecoshman You don't say :)
basically, in the game, there are markets in which you can trade commodities
and I'm not sure if the Market class should be responsible for placing the mesh on the map, in addition to changing commodity prices etc.
I think i'll just implement it and see what goes wrong
@Ell Id suggest you isolate the rendering code form the simulation code
@thecoshman i was thinking that, but it might just be unnecesary bother for the amount of code I will need
any good tv series I have missed the last couple of months?
@Ell will probably be a lot easier to maintain
optimise for maintenance
I despise lens flares, they're a drawback, an interreflection within the lens system which people spend years to shield from. And then come games and movies, using them like crazy. There's one "legitimate" point of lens flares and that's the Sun and even then, since you're simulating the eye, it should be appropriately shaped as our "aperture" is.
Light information overload, diffraction of light around particles in the path of a light source creating roundish "blooms", that's all great. But lens flares be damned.
@rubenvb BBC Sherlock Holmes ?
@DomagojPandža or if you want the player to be wearing some sort of googlies
Lens flare is slowly getting to the "singleton" level. Still far away from PHP, though.
Star Trek XI's usage of lens flare was the death of it.
JJ Abrams: "I wanted to show the future is so bright, you can't catch it on camera."
Fuck you, JJ Abrams.
JJ Abrams = totally overrated
He's an incompetent cunt. Wrecks every IP in his path.
@KonradRudolph JJ Abrams sucks FTFY
"Our textures suck, let's blind the batshit out of the player with lens flares coming from every possible light source."
I also hate too much dust and smoke, I think it was so in one of the newer FPSes although I dunno which one.
If you're rendering smoke or fog, you need to mathematically justify it. If it's there, it shouldn't be an excuse for culling way too much geometry because your engine can't handle it... It should be a worldly-element, a full part of the lighting pipeline. Luckily, with deferred pipelines, that is no longer a huge problem.
@DomagojPandža You usually can't cull much behind smoke, can you ?
Not smoke, yes.
Smoke is slowly evolving from bloated sprites into something more of an actual simulation.
One thing that is making me batshit crazy is that this year's E3 didn't introduce new consoles. That means developers will still wank around chopping up the gbuffer with imprecise data and cheap techniques and then port it back to the PC.
Yeah, it would be silly to always rerender whatever was supposed to be behind after every change of the smoke.
Oh, btw, the MOST impressive game i've seen / played is "Witcher 2".

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