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Saying how things are rated is a waste of time overrated.
Q: c++ segfault: char pointers

meandreRunning a very simple code example #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> char* last_char(char* s){ char* last = s; while (*last) ++last; return last; } char* in_place_reverse(char* s) { char* left = s; char* right = last_char(s); char temp; while( left < right )...

lol, 4 different duplicates already :) this must be a new record.
@DomagojPandža I might need context on that one.
Opposing the hivemind is useless.
@CatPlusPlus Nothing is useless. FIGHT! FOR FREEDOM!
@rubenvb I don't need inability, my OS prevents me from doing that.
Fück yeah! I already had the final close vote on two questions today. :D
@StackedCrooked wubwubwub
Dubstep is boring.
I can't shake the feeling that every single one of those songs have exactly the same background.
@CatPlusPlus Intro + drop + wob wob wob.
@RadekdaknokSlupik -1
@CatPlusPlus wubwubwub
@Drise -1 yourself.
segfaults for C strings are awesome, because you can explain the difference between char* and char[]. (No, they are not the same.)
720 GB of RAM! Wants it.
The Game is a mental game where the objective is to avoid thinking about The Game itself. Thinking about The Game constitutes a loss, which, according to the rules of The Game, must be announced each time it occurs. It is impossible to win most versions of The Game; players can only attempt to avoid losing for as long as they possibly can. The Game has been variously described as pointless and infuriating, or as challenging and fun to play. Gameplay Rules There are three commonly reported rules to The Game: # Everyone in the world is playing The Game. (Sometimes narrowed to: "Everyb...
What the fuck?
I lost
@RadekdaknokSlupik I lost :(
You lost it.
And I hate @RadekdaknokSlupik now
@RadekdaknokSlupik I agree that the novelty wears off quickly.
I don't play. I'm a robot.
> As of 2010, The Game is played by millions worldwide, although in theory, the whole world is playing it.
@Drise Dubstep does suck. Listen to dub instead.
@CatPlusPlus Her. She's hot.
Korn's latest album was also really fucked up because of the wubwubwub.
Skrillex is incredibly untalented.
> The idea behind The Game is similar to Douglas Hofstadter's number P, the number of minutes per month a person thinks about the number P.
That reminds me, I need to read more Hofstadter.
@RadekdaknokSlupik What exactly is wubwubwub?
Lol what, wubwub in Korn?
@EtiennedeMartel At least he has a talent for making money :p
Strange loops considered harmful.
@FredOverflow dubstep
I have no idea what that means.
@CatPlusPlus Korn + Skrillex and KTN. Worst album ever.
Loops considered harmful.
@CatPlusPlus We all have to pay our bills at one point.
@FredOverflow It's a genre of "music".
Use map and foldr instead of loops.
C418 is a good artist.
@RadekdaknokSlupik It's music. Just not good.
Nah, I'm kidding, there's good dubstep. But most of what you hear on the radio is crap.
@Fanael map can trivially be implemented with foldr, can it not?
@FredOverflow That's right.
@CatPlusPlus Hey, that combination of violin and dubstep is nicely done!
> If you hacked into my LinkedIn account, could you PLEASE make it stop sending me email? Thanks in advance. — Tim Post
@StackedCrooked She's awesome.
@FredOverflow But map is more readable when you want to map.
There is a genre of music where the music is generated by the computer with aid of a random number generator, but I forgot how that was called.
Something with "beats".
@Fanael map f xs = foldr (\x ys -> f x : ys) [] xs or something?
Of all the LinkedIn jokes circulating on twitter, so far this^ one is my favorite.
map f = foldr (uncurry (:) . (f *** id)) []?
@RMartinhoFernandes Did you just have a conversation with lambdabot?
Nope. I can come up with those things on my own.
I usually don't like music that isn't rock music, but C418 and SMK are awesome.
Watch out, we're going functional :)
@RMartinhoFernandes I envy you. (In a nerd way.)
I still don't understand monads. ):
Once you go functional, there's no going back.
Are they types or functions or what?
@RadekdaknokSlupik There's links on the wiki.
Monad is a type with two core operations — bind and unit.
Monads are just monoids in the category of endofunctors
@RadekdaknokSlupik Monads are types that lie in the Monad type class.
That follow some laws.
I hate perforce so much. I select five (massive) files I want to check out. I right click on one. It opens all five files. Several minutes later when I finally close all the programs....
@FredOverflow @RMartinhoFernandes has the pointless plugin built-in.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Wait, there aren't..
@CatPlusPlus I went functional and I legged it back real quick :)
@jalf Okey cool =) thanks!
@CatPlusPlus Okay, thanks. Knowing that they are types can at least help me in understanding them. I always thought they were functions.
@RMartinhoFernandes I'll take a look.
In Haskell unit is called return, and bind is called >>=.
@Fanael Btw, that thing above was wrong: add enough operators and no one notices.
map f = foldr ((:) . f) [] should suffice.
@CatPlusPlus These "names" must seem so weird to non Haskel programmers :)
Try implementing Writer monad.
@RMartinhoFernandes "720 GB of RAM waiting to be installed at Stack Exchange." — Joel Spolsky
@RMartinhoFernandes lol
What guide (preferably online) would you guys recommend for an experienced Java/C#/HTML etc programmer who is interested in learning C++.
It's simple, but not completely trivial.
Like Maybe.
@CatPlusPlus They should get rid of return, make Monad a subclass of Applicative and use pure everywhere.
@Boude This guide is pretty good:
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are released every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a good C++ book...

@RadekdaknokSlupik Functions are monads (I think). See the Reader monad.
@RMartinhoFernandes I actually find that more readable than my lambda version.
Reader is environment monad.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Just remember: Haskell is like quantum mechanics. The minute you start to feel like you're understanding it, you know you've gone complete off the rails.
It threads read-only data along the call chain.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Thanks
If I can understand this stuff, everyone can.
And thanks to you too.
Wait, I'll first download the Haskell platform. Might be a good idea before extending my Haskell knowledge.
Yes, sigfpe's post is the post about monads.
@RMartinhoFernandes Thanks. I'll check it out.
Hmm, I don't think I've written more than 100 lines of Haskell and yet I don't consider myself a complete noob anymore
@Pubby Haskell is so concise you'd have to be crazy to write more than 100 lines of it.
Expressiveness of Haskell is amazing.
I have written an application in Haskell once for a homework assignment, and it was the only thing that I've ever done in Haskell.
I did a dozen or so Project Euler questions with Haskell.
PE is boring.
When I started with Haskell, Monads were giving me a hard time.
>>= ((
Monad porn
Do monads add control flow?
Monads do whatever you want them to do.
Flow control, you mean?
@FredOverflow Ah, monads are slaves.
@CatPlusPlus However that's called.
There's Error monad that does exception handling.
@CatPlusPlus For executable file formats, "boring" is a compliment.
There's continuation monad, too.
Don't go there.
hi nubbles
I'm still trying to figure out FRP.
anyone know what language "PAS fpc" is? It's mentioned on codechef.com frequently, as it seems to have speeds in the area of C/C++, but keeps ranking higher since it defaults to using far less stack space.
Guaranteed stars in this channel: Admit you suck.
Pascal, FreePascal dialect.
"Free Pascal Compiler"
@ScarletAmaranth Nice try.
@RMartinhoFernandes ah, alright.
Or maybe just compiled with FPC.
@ScarletAmaranth I'm resisting...
I loved Pascal in the 90s. It was a nice language for beginners imho.
I've started with Pascal.
It was nice.
Didn't @RMartinhoFernandes start with Pascal too?
I'm just going to say this: Charles Aznavour is badass.
Q: is the name of an array an rvalue?

ologn Possible Duplicate: Is array name a pointer in C? #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { char *b=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*50); b=(char*)"hello world"; // works char a[50]; a=(char*)"hello world"; //doesn't work. why? I thought arra...

> I thought array names are just pointers that point to the first element of the array
sigh, where do people learn this lie?
I started with BASIC in 1996ish, then moved to C++ in 2002ish.
@FredOverflow Books, possibly.
@FredOverflow College.
I started with shitty 'Game Maker'
I tried to do something with GM once, I think.
@CatPlusPlus Head First C indeed says something to that extent :( What exactly does K&R say about it?
@FredOverflow school
And I thought that was true; is it not?
But it was all shareware and weird so.
@Pubby Hey, I used that. It was cool.
@Drise No, arrays are not pointers.
And pointers are not arrays.
@Drise No, for example, sizeof will yield different results for arrays and pointers.
Q: How do I use arrays in C++?

FredOverflowC++ inherited arrays from C where they are used virtually everywhere. C++ provides abstractions that are easier to use and less error-prone (std::vector<T> since C++98 and std::array<T, n> since C++11), so the need for arrays does not arise quite as often as it does in C. However, whe...

@FredOverflow Interwebz.
arraynames point to the start address of the array it names.
My professor said that like, yesterday
GM is absolutely wonderful for rapid prototyping, and the language isn't awful (it's a bad C dialect) but the biggest problem is that it's slow slow slow. IIRC even comments are included in the executable.
Array names decay to pointer to first element in some contexts.
That's why we don't like raw arrays.
But that doesn't make array name a pointer, or array a pointer.
@Drise He might be talking out of his ass.
@CatPlusPlus Anders Heijlsberg once built a Pascal compiler, runtime and editor in 12K :)
Array name is a name of an array.
It has a type T[].
@Drise Your professor is wrong.
Unless it decays.
@EtiennedeMartel He's been programming for 30+ years...
@CatPlusPlus T[N].
@Drise The thing is, an array is not a pointer. It just implicitly decays to a pointer to the first element if you do so much as look at it too hard.
That doesn't make him good.
@RMartinhoFernandes Right.
@Drise Wow. Experience is not proportional to skill.
@Drise Old people can still be wrong about things. There is this superstar at Microsoft who thinks that the null pointer points to the address zero.
To make arrays stay arrays in contexts where they decay, you need references.
And the whole thing gets ugly fast.
So just use std::array.
@CatPlusPlus Ok, sounds sane enough for me. Thanks for clarifying.
@CatPlusPlus That professor will probably never have heard about std::array...
With vartemp make_array thing you don't have to spell the size, either.
@FredOverflow I think you're right since I ask if C++11 is valid to turn in and he gave me a blank stare.
@Drise I hate it when academics don't keep up.
I bet he lived in a cave where there's no such thing as "C++ standard" yet.
@DomagojPandža Animated GIFs are forbidden.
Unless you're sneaky. Har har.
@FredOverflow There's a big difference between "academic" and "academic institution bureaucrat".
You can post them, but please don't onebox them.
apparently, Max Payne 3 is actually kinda good
Watched ZP, too?
@CatPlusPlus I remember learning without a standard library.
It is amazing, animation tech-wise. But the ~30 GB installation is really not my thing.
30GB? That's a lot more than 100MB.
Oh crap, I put my soy milk in the freezer 80 minutes ago...
@DeadMG It looks really good
They have this upward spiral, GTA IV was 16 GB
MP3 is now ~30.
@FredOverflow Oops - all the little soys have freezing toes now. How will you live with yourself?
@ManofOneWay I was a big fan of Max Payne 1 & 2, so
@FredOverflow chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/10/loungec is a vacuum and will suck your brain out, and hand it back a few hours later.
@DeadMG I'm not that surprised.
@DeadMG Is it released yet?
I mean, it's Rockstar, after all.
@ManofOneWay Yes, I'm DLing it from Steam now
@ManofOneWay It came out on the same day as Diablo 3.
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, the people who made GTA3 four times in a row.
Pong is what, 64 bytes?
Eh, I don't trust Rockstar to make good games since GTA4.
Are they using that same face-technique as they used in that other game, where you played a cop?
That crap is boring even with cheats, and only negative friction and resulting shenanigans save it.
@ManofOneWay L.A. Noire?
@EtiennedeMartel Yes
even at 3.9MB/s, it's going to take a while for me to get 30GB
And 30GB is a tad too much for a gimmicky bullet time shooter.
It's usually their bloat in the animation data department.
@DomagojPandža Is the MP3 soundtrack available in MP3?
How can I find a starred post? I cant find it chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/info/10/loungec/?tab=stars
@FredOverflow Depends, if it's the Special Edition or something.
Oh, and, by the way, my boss was pretty cool with me stealing his bamboo stick.
@FredOverflow That's an incredibly bad pun.
@Drise there's a link button just to the left of each text. What are you trying to do?
But still, if I buy a soundtrack, I want it in FLAC.
@EtiennedeMartel I know. Wanna buy an archive full of ZIP codes? ;)
How was L.A. Noire btw?
@ManofOneWay terrible by all accounts
And that face capture technology is pure shit. I don't know what they were thinking, capturing low-framerate data points and generating a lousy depth-lacking mesh with a slap on photograph.
Really? It looked so awesome
I was trying to find "I won't star this starbait! I won't! I… okay." but apparently I didn't star it like I thought I did.
Also, the amount of data that thing requires to work, it's retarded.
And blocked at 30FPS because of the "amazing" facial capture.
@CatPlusPlus I enjoyed MP1 and MP2.
48 mins ago, by Fanael
@JerryCoffin I won't star this starbait! I won't! I… okay.
20 mins ago, by ScarletAmaranth
Guaranteed stars in this channel: Admit you suck.
I was looking for that quote, to reply to @ScarletAmaranth.
Max Payne 1 and 2 were magnificent.
@drise Huh ?
@ScarletAmaranth To your quote, I wanted to reply with @Fanael 's quote.
I loved the noire storytelling and the grim feel to it. It was so depressing and so amazing at the same time and the soundtrack... Oh my god, the soundtrack. So powerful. And the voice narration.
Remedy Entertainment guys were amazing in their era.
I was having issues finding it, because I thought I starred @Fanael 's quote, but it seems I didn't, and couldn't find it by "starred posts in this channel".
Yay! I love killing a room!
M'lady awaits. You fine gentlemen have a mighty productive day!
@Drise This room has survived far worth than the likes of you.
Why naturally enjoy this truly outstanding evening, fine sir.
Anyone know of a quick fix to get chrome to anti alias text? the university must have really fucked up these windows pc's..
Options -> font options ?
He's asking that just to be asking something I guess :P
Was surprised to see Xonotic (a game where a lot of Linux people go) come with its project in the form of a Visual Studio solution file!
@jalf This was the starting point, to which I wrongly replied with that, which spurred this discussion about "ö" vs. "ø", and which of the Scandinavian languages use the latter.
@ScarletAmaranth Nope, still all jagged and unreadable... sigh
It may be rough around the edges but it's good deep inside! So don't JUDGE!
@Drise ___This works, too, BTW.___
@sbi does it?
@Drise Well, yeah, it does. (Unless, of course, it's marked-down as code, so you can see what I've written, rather than the result.)
@sbi but **_hello world_** doesn't work (ie no mix and match)

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