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@JerryCoffin I presume that works better because a dedicated fab company can then fab chips for many customers thereby spreading out the economic cost of the fabs themselves. As opposed to making your fabs for your own specialized purpose. (Intel)
@Mysticial Right.They also frequently build a single wafer with several different kinds of chips on it. Chips are square, but wafers are round, so adding some small chips around the edges to fill in those gaps lets you build those (almost) for free.
Though that doesn't prevent Intel from offering general fab services to non-competing companies.
@Mysticial In theory, no. Most of what prevents that is that Intel generally keeps their fabs pretty busy building their own designs. I believe they used to fab stuff for other people in their older fabs, but I'm not at all sure they do that any more either.
@JerryCoffin Ah, that's a good idea.
@Mysticial There are limits, of course--they all need to use the same processing--but most customers don't object to the idea of getting a higher-tech process as long as the price doesn't go up too much.
@JerryCoffin as I recall, the time when there were several companies competing against each other was known as the fab four era
@LucDanton Not a phrase I've heard, but that doesn't mean much.
@LucDanton There are currently a lot more than 4 pure-play semiconductor foundries, but TSMC dominates--pretty sure they make more than all the others put together.
In this case, "pure play" means all they do is fab semiconductors for others. TI, for example, wouldn't count--they make chips they sell directly as TI products, and fab chips for quite a few other people (e.g., pretty sure they still fab most Oracle SPARC chips).
@LucDanton Hmm....I think I may have heard of them before.
hey guys
i can't sleep
thought i'd come here, chat for a while
it’s eerie, the sun’s supposed to be on the other side of the Earth right now but I can see clear as day outside
Most people think birds molt and humans don't. That's because birds have feathers and humans have hairs. But humans do molt. We shed hairs and skin cells.
we molt.
2 hours later…
Hi guys, is someone using Visual Studio?
Hi guys, is someone using Visual Studio?
@user4447655 Absolutely not. Well, not at this exact moment, anyway.
@user4447655 we don't use anything visual because we all work on back end stuff
I was just wondering, when I create a folder with subsequent files in IDE, no files are being added to project folder. Any ideas, why? I googled, but google questions refer to when you create files in file system directly, not in ide
check for settings or environmental variables where files/folder created are saved?
@user4447655 VS does the "Boost stutter". IOW, if you create a project named foo, the project directory will be named foo, and the source files will be in foo/foo.
2 hours later…
Morning everyone
Yeah we get it, you're a speshul snoflek
@jerry we wonder what you have been doing out side lounge, why are there strange guys coming in the lounge looking for you ...
@Telkitty You mean Jonathan Guthrie? Way back in the early 1990's, we both hung out on the Fidonet C_ECHO (in fact, at different times we were both moderators there).
@JerryCoffin He seems to have quite a good sense of humor by the way
@Rerito One of the rules in the C_ECHO (at least when I was moderator, and I think when Jon was as well) was that humor was always considered topical.
that's generally true on most no serious internet forums
I think he should consider joining space.stackexchange.com if he has not already ... with that big rocket ... rofl
something something about eternal love between a man and a crocodile ...
@Telkitty It varied widely on Fidonet--some parts took themselves pretty seriously.
void setOnCreateContextMenuListener (View.OnCreateContextMenuListener l)
void setOnDragListener (View.OnDragListener l)
void setOnFocusChangeListener (View.OnFocusChangeListener l)
l for all parameter names
although, «L» stands for «listener», it's a terrible variable name, ew
was being sarcastic :p
@Telkitty separated by bulletproof plexiglass...
it's a forbidden love as well
1 hour later…
I'm just thinking that OKLM would be an excellent name for a programming language.
@Morwenn Yeah, OKML, the hip new language of the CaML family
@Rerito Yep :D
> Orléans: le maire multiplie son indemnité par 4
@EdgyAlpaca OKLM
@EdgyAlpaca lol
2 hours later…
Okay guys, I need help
My school is sending me for a competition where we're allowed to use Turbo C++ only
And I have no idea if any of the stuff I know will even compile in that rotten old thing
@BartekBanachewicz Don't have a choice. Principal specifically asked to send me since I'm one of the best in tech
do you know the version you're gonna be using?
get the compiler in that version and see what works and what doesn't
@BartekBanachewicz I don't think it's mentioned, let me check
@Rahul2001 Tell him that you're good at tech, not at drinking sewage water with your nostrils.
only submit C
@Morwenn Cannot, I have an obligation to go. Don't want to, but have to.
@Rahul2001 That's doesn't prevent from telling him :p
@Rahul2001 Try to shit on a principals desk, so he'll get the message.
Also, she's likely to never let me participate in any competitions if I back out, and cancel the ethical-hacking event I host at the annual computer fest
And I love hosting that
then you have to accept the consequences, which imply using Turbo C++ for a little
@login_not_failed Yeah, I also appear to have an obligation to win -_-
for those algorithmic competitions you don't need much anyway
you typically can preallocate all memory beforehand for the biggest dataset anticipated
and if it is algorithmic they probably want to avoid having to grade C++14 template-hell solution
I'd also suggest to accept the consequences. Cancel the ethical-hacking event. You cannot in good conscience host something that has "ethical" in its name when it involves turbo c++.
@ratchetfreak if it's algorithmic then they don't rate sources
@nwp lol, the ethical hacking event doesn't use turbo c++, I think you misunderstood ^
you're only expected to compute results as fast as possible
@Rahul2001 I know, but apparently using turbo c++ in that competition is a requirement to be allowed to host it. In that case refuse to host it.
@nwp nonono. There's competition(A), where I need to participate using Turbo. There is a separate competition (B), which is unrelated, which I will not be allowed to host if I back out of (A)
@BartekBanachewicz unless they also want to add limitations on what you are allowed to use from the standard lib
then they need to look at the source to disqualify invalid solutions
haven't heard of that ever
@Rahul2001 And I'm saying back out of (A) because you value your education and sanity and sacrifice (B). No competition is worth your education and sanity.
@Rahul2001 but you don't know for sure that she will block (B) if you back out of (A)?
@nwp using pure C for a day isn't that bad to ruin your relationship with school authorities for the rest of your education, because Turbo C++ smells bad
@ratchetfreak The computer teacher says that she probably will
sounds like blackmail...
it is
but I think having a stress-free school is good because they won't shit on you later
> How many practical, modern use cases does Cpp have at this point for those of us who don't work in a few very specific verticals like finance or game dev? Even in those aforementioned industries, C++ is reserved for niche roles / use cases.
once you done with it, remember the experience and never let yourself be vulnerable for blackmailing
@login_not_failed I don't understand. Are you arguing for or against letting yourself being blackmailed?
> never let yourself be vulnerable for blackmailing
I don't think "I'll let myself get blackmailed just this once" is a viable strategy
@nwp you probably don't know what ruined education looks like
go straight the the principle and ask straight up what the deal is and whether you getting to host your B event rests on participation in the A event
if no then there is no concequence, if yes then call it out for the blackmail it is and bring it to the ethics board (if any)
school authorities can mess with your grades, lowering them, thus lowering your chances for a good uni in a future; not to mention they can kick out students for whatever
and school is pretty important, because uni people will look at your school diploma later
@login_not_failed Blackmailing is never fun. When you later get into the situation where you either do that unpaid side job for your boss or get fired and don't know how to feed your children it will be much worse than not getting to host some competition. If you don't have the spine now you will probably not have it later either.
@EdgyAlpaca That dude sure wants to feel special
@nwp it is a good point, but I think those potential situations are too far in the future for the guy; if the current scenario teaches him that blackmailing is bad, it will be good, even though he only uses pure C for a day
I have worked on code written by a C programmer who thought he was a C++ programmer
pure C wrapped in C++ structure
that was when I was a newb
e.g., doing something that is not right, while you know it's not right, may teach you a lesson for the rest of your life (source: my military service experience), esp. in a pretty young age
Doing something that is not right while you know it's not right makes you a terrible person.
it's all relative
@nwp What about doing something that's not right while not knowing it's not right?
@nwp well, judging by your question, you did that unpaid job anyway, so how's you're different than me?
it's literally the same scenario: doing something bad, while you know it is bad
I mean, sometimes you have to do it, but you don't need to tell yourself that you're a bad person…
@Rerito Depends on how irresponsible not knowing was. Not knowing that someone purred oil on the street which made you hit a person can be excused while closing your eyes to not see anyone is not.
@login_not_failed Which question are you referring to?
8 mins ago, by nwp
@login_not_failed Blackmailing is never fun. When you later get into the situation where you either do that unpaid side job for your boss or get fired and don't know how to feed your children it will be much worse than not getting to host some competition. If you don't have the spine now you will probably not have it later either.
I wouldn't go.
Mostly because I don't like competitions.
Maybe it's a doughnut eating competition with some programming on the side
@login_not_failed It was a hypothetical situation, so I can be on the moral high ground without any risk. I'm also confident that I am useful enough to find a better place than that. If the world goes to shit and all my options are bad I will be forced to choose a bad option, but for now I don't have to and don't want to.
but not everyone loves doughnut
@nwp that's a pretty slick way to argue :D, but you are forgetting that the person, that asked for your help is not you and you have to adjust for it
@slaphappy I can't win in an eating competition anyway.
anyway, I'm not against your point of view, and I just don't like seeking trouble, so these situations are far away from me, so there's no point in defending them anyway, I only said they're possible
And I especially don't like to eat too much x)
@Morwenn so you only play when you know you'll win? :P
@slaphappy Well, I don't like to compete anyway, so I generally don't play, even if I can easily win :p
@login_not_failed related
@nwp to clarify: I wouldn't be neither in your hypothetical situation (isn't a possibility), nor in the guy's situation, but I can imagine being in the guy's situation and understanding my options
I'm not arguing to start pleasing random people for their wicked needs, rather, understand their victim's currrent situations more throughly than from your point of view: "I'm in a good tank, so I'll probably cut trough this forest right there, go on, start your motorcycle and do as I said"
the person that you're trying to help probably don't have your tank, thus your advice is pointless for him
I need the highest resolution clock available.
Ah std::chrono::high_resolution_clock coolio.
@rightfold easy, just add a bunch of 0s at the end
The hardest refresh requires both a Mac keyboard and a Windows keyboard as a security measure, like how missile launch systems require two keys to be turned at once.
1 hour later…
Are there other good testing libraries than Catch?
@rightfold If catch will do the things you need, it's clearly the nicest. If it won't, both Google Test and Boost Test are semi-decent. Clumsy compared to catch, but they work nonetheless.
@EtiennedeMartel How about the meta-question: why would anybody care?
@EtiennedeMartel The animations are genius xD
How can I inline code without using the "inline void function_name(param1,...){ ... }" way, I want to just write the code, and have this code included in my C++ file as plaintext at a specific position. Can I use C compiler makros to achieve this? I am looking for something that works like the PHP - require 'filename'; function, but in C++. (I am using g++ std-11 on linux ubuntu 16 LTE).
When i try to do it via the "inline void function_name(param1,...){ ... }" way, I get weird programm behaviour, the code in question is over there:
without inline: cpp.sh/24wpy
with inline: cpp.sh/3qihd
^ Nice talk.
Finally someone who can think clear about programming paradigms :)
youtube.com/watch?v=e-5obm1G_FY - another talk (by Anjana Vakil) about functional programming, quite interesting and easy to understand
Cool, in Fortran you can select a floating-point type depending on how many digits you need.
real(kind=selected_real_kind(15, 307)) :: x declares x as a floating-point number with at least 15 significant digits of precision and an exponent range of at least 307.
So Newegg shipped out my CPU pre-order. But not my motherboard. Dude wtf. How am I supposed to run the CPU without a mobo? lol
@odinthenerd @MaxClerkwell @meetingcpp @arne_mertz @emBOconference It's the gut reaction of a white male. I share i… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/877839193124122624
dammit @sbi , at what point did you become a feminazi racist?
what's up
ah yes, that's surely the best description for that conversation
it's always best to cast away any and all nuance to a discussion--as soon as someone admits to thinking a certain way, even as an initial reaction that they soon override with rational thought, it's best to berate them so they don't do it again.
Hey by the way
What style guide should i use for clang-format?
1 hour later…
@VermillionAzure I disagree with all the predefined ones. I suggest you make a .clang-format file by using the -dump-config parameter and then go over all the options manually or together with your team.
What is the effect called that when 10 people discuss a topic and 9 people agree that the 10th person is obligated to disagree?
The room feels a bit dead today :/
Can somebody remind me what's the current year?
You're welcome.
Me too.
I thought it's 1999.
I wrote a fast strlen for Pentium III.
To be frank, I basically took my Haswell strlen and changed it to use SSE instead of AVX2.
In 1999 I was 8~9yo. I don't think I was optimizing strlen with SSE.
How's it goin everyone?
Compare these:
        sub     rax, -128
        vmovdqa ymm1, YMMWORD PTR [rax]
        vmovdqa ymm0, YMMWORD PTR [rax+32]
        vpminub ymm1, ymm1, YMMWORD PTR [rax+64]
        vpminub ymm0, ymm0, YMMWORD PTR [rax+96]
        vpminub ymm0, ymm0, ymm1
        vpcmpeqb        ymm0, ymm0, ymm2
        vpmovmskb       edx, ymm0
        test    edx, edx
        je      .L195
        add     rax, 32
        movq    mm2, QWORD PTR [rax]
        movq    mm0, QWORD PTR [rax+8]
        pminub  mm2, QWORD PTR [rax+16]
        pminub  mm0, QWORD PTR [rax+24]
        pminub  mm0, mm2
        pcmpeqb mm0, mm1
        pmovmskb        edx, mm0
        test    edx, edx
        je      .L58
The former uses AVX2, the latter SSE only.
oooooooohhh I see SIMD!!!
What are mm registers? (I though SSE used xmm)
@StackedCrooked They're MMX registers.
@Fanael Grats, you managed to lure Mysticial in no time xD
Oh I see. Long time since I heard that term.
@StackedCrooked But trust me, it's SSE, pminub and pmovmskb were introduced in Pentium III and are supported iff the SSE cpuid flag is set.
@Mysticial You see the inner loop of strlen.
@Mysticial The former is for Haswell+, the former is for Katmai (lol, really!).
@Fanael I'm surprised by the lack of SSE4.2, but I guess that's only useful for the last iteration. And even then a movmask + bit-scan would do it.
@Mysticial Trust me, SSE 4.2 is useless for strlen.
All you need is pmovmskb and bsf.
@Mysticial If you interpolate between these two version, you get the SSE2 code that runs on all AMD64 CPUs and outperforms SSE 4.2 shit.
The SSE4.2 string stuff is sooo complicated. I spend quite a bit of time when I was implementing an optimized symbol padder.
@Fanael Yeah, kinda like how (v)addsubpd is pretty useless to anyone who does their memory layout correctly.
As well as the horizontal shit and the dot products. Glad they took that shit out of AVX512.
@Mysticial Glad they finally provide fucking rotations.
No need to vpsll[dq] + vpsrl[dq] + vp(x)or or vpshufb anymore.
ternlog is one of my favorites. Though I don't expect to see much performance gain from it.
The 2-vector permutes are probably the biggest thing for my purposes.
More useful than even the embedded masking.
@Mysticial Horizontal shit is kinda useful for doing the final reduction step if you're (ab)using vectors for multiple accumulators.
But even then you can just pshufd it and it's likely as fast if not faster.
So from all the leaked slides and benchmarks I see, it looks like the full-throughput AVX512 capable chips will double up all the SIMD FP throughput.
Integer add only goes up 30%. Skylake can 3-issue AVX2 integer add. But only 2-issue AVX512 integer add.
@Mysticial You can do twice as many flops in a single instructions, who would've thought?
@Mysticial lol
@Fanael Not all of them. The Core i7 Skylake X chips have their port5 FMA disabled. So they only get the same throughput as AVX2.
The status of AVX512 integer multiply is unknown at this point. Especially the vpmulloq.
@Mysticial ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
@Mysticial So we still have to fucking wait for fully capable Skylake chips?
@Fanael That's exactly what forced me to order the $1000 7900X instead of the $600 7820X.
Which shipped out today for my pre-order. But the mobo I ordered still hasn't shipped out.
@Mysticial So i9 has all three FP ALUs, but i7 doesn't?
If this ship that shit from California, I'll be pissed. That means I'm not getting my build together for at least another week.
@Fanael It's complicated. port0 and port1 retain their 256-bit FMA/FPU. When running AVX512, they merge into one. Instead they added a 512-bit FMA onto port5. But this port5 FMA only exists on the Core i9s and some of the Xeon models.
@Mysticial hahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahaha
It's unclear whether a 512-bit instruction going into port0+1 counts as 1 uop or 2 uops.
I like reading you two discuss this. Just wanted to say that.
@Mysticial Intel was always the best at market segmentation.
Every expected Intel to double up the size of port0, 1, and 5. Nope.
So it looks like only two 512-bit pipes exist. (not counting load/store)
But the load/store is believed to be full 64-byte on all models.
The only difference between the "real" models and the "shitty" ones is the existence of the 512-bit FMA on port5.
@Mysticial I expected them to sort out the mess of port numbering by Core 2.
Why the fuck are the ALU ports numbered 0, 1, 5 and 6?
One guy posted on Agner's blog saying that the port5 shuffle will be full 512-bit. But it's unclear how true this is and whether it's the same on the real chips and the crippled ones.
But anyways, we're looking at at most 2-issue for all arithmetic 512-bit instructions.
It's also unclear whether EVEX-encoded 256-bit instructions with all the masking shit will retain their AVX2 throughputs. (2/cycle for floats, 3/cycle for ints)
@Mysticial If they do, it's awesome, because masking is fucking useful.
If they don't, whatever, we're at least saving space on blends.
Not counting loads and stores here ofc.
Not having 3-issue 512-bit integer throughput sounds like it's gonna hurt a lot of the integer routines I have. We'll see. I have a long to-do list once I get this thing running hopefully next week.
@Mysticial Do masked loads/stores cause page faults for the masked off shit?
@Fanael no
That's kind of the whole point.
@Mysticial I'm wet rn.
@Darklighter lol
@Mysticial 2-vector permutes?
@Fanael This is the big selling point of the non-faulting masking:
__m512i index = _mm512_setr_epi64(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
__m512i stop = _mm512_set1_epi64(length);
for (size_t c = 0; c < length; c += 8){
    __mmask8 mask = _mm512_cmplt_pd_mask(index, stop)
    __m512d a = _mm512_maskz_loadu_pd(mask, ptr + c);
    a = _mm512_add_pd(a, value);
    _mm512_mask_storeu_pd(mask, a);
    index = _mm512_add_epi64(index, _mm512_set1_epi64(8));
Of course, more computation than that one line.
@Mysticial So this handles all counts from 0 to infinity just by masking? Awesome.
@Fanael yep
You probably don't want it as a steady-state loop since there's 2 instructions of overhead. But it's fucking useful as a loop terminator.
@Fanael _mm512_permutex2var_pd()
@Fanael I used the wrong compare intrinsic. It should be unsigned 64-bit integer one. But you get the idea.
AVX512 provides VRSQRT14SS.
Intel, you may want to look at the Katmai instruction set.
You already have goddamn fast approximate inverse square root!
KNL has the 28-bit version.
@Mysticial Sure, and that's useful, because it provides more precision while still being a reasonably fast approximation.
But the 14-bit version gives you, like, a single bit over rsqrtss?
If you tell ICC to compiler for KNL and you don't specify precise or strict FP, it will implement _mm512_div_pd() as a call to the 28-bit reciprocal followed by a Newton iteration.
They could just change rsqrtss to use that new 14-bit version.
@Fanael Are you sure it's not the same instruction just extended to 512-bit?
@Mysticial No, it's scalar, and has very different encoding.
So they probably just took the scalar one and made it vector and gave it a new name.
Do these "reduced precision" instruction specify what the "lower bits" should be? If not I can see code becoming non-deterministic across different processors.
Funnily, there's no 512-bit vrsqrtps.
Especially if a non-Intel processor picks it up. Does rsqrtss behave exactly the same on Intel and AMD?
In the lower-order bits.
@Mysticial The instruction set manual gives a link to code that calculates precise value of vrsqrt14ss.
But there's no such guarantee for the older rsqrtss.
@Mysticial I actually don't know.
@Mysticial You have a Ryzen, you can test it.
There are only 2³² possible floats, so it's like a few seconds.
I also have a Piledriver and a Phenom X3 which belongs to a friend but he doesn't want it back.
And a quad Opteron Barcelona back in California.
@Mysticial So basically a combined permute and blend?
@Fanael More than that. You can pull from both vectors at once.
@Mysticial Like, take the first element of first source four times, then the first of second source five times, and fill the rest with the next elements, alternating the sources?
If you want to emulate it using only single-vector permutes, you would need to run the single-vector permute on both operands with the same permute vector. Do a comparison to see which lanes to take from which. Then blend it.
@Fanael No alternating sources. It's full all-to-all.
Each lane of the output can take from any lane from either input.
So this instruction is insane: _mm512_permutex2var_epi8()
@Mysticial What I mean is x0[1], x1[1], x0[2], x1[2] and so on.
We'll get it in Cannonlake. But just think about how much area you need to implemen it.
@Fanael Nope. That one locks you into alternating lanes. The AVX512 permutes lets you pull from anywhere to anywhere.
@Mysticial It seems you actually misunderstand me. I don't ask if that's all it can do, I ask if it can do that.
So if it's anywhere to anywhere, it can do that.
If that instruction is single-cycle latency, it's fucking great.
I doubt it. Single-cycle throughput maybe, but probably won't go under 3 cycle latency.
@Mysticial That's a shame.
Because when I'm doing crypto-related crap, I need weird permutes pretty often.
So I can easily be bottlenecked by permute latency.
@Fanael It requires O(N^2) MUXes to implement. Where N is the of lanes. So with byte-granularity, N is on the order of 64.
With a log(N) critical path. But the routing congestion is probably O(N).
@Mysticial I'm pretty sure Intel would've solved that problem if they gave more money to their engineering department at the expense of marketing drones.
so I plan to build my own dream drone
would turn out to be a nightmare, but you never know when dream is going to turn out to be a nightmare
I just saved 300 LOCs in my library thanks to inline variables /o/
I couldn't get something to work on the top bar so I implemented a similar looking button and put on top and it worked
> 32TB of Windows 10 internal builds, core source code leak online
@rightfold Now we can finally add Aero back.
I only use Chrome, Discord, Spotify and VirtualBox, and they all have custom or no window borders.
And maybe we can figure out how the telemetry works so we can remove that.
@Mysticial Forget removing it--I'll build my own telemetry server (and an ever so slightly modified version of Windows for, say, the Chinese market....)
Gutting out the telemetry and the forced updates along with all the crapware is probably easier than adding back in the Aero.
And if things are the same as when I interned there almost a decade ago, the activation code probably isn't there since that's kept in a super locked down area that's inaccessible to the normal employees.
@Mysticial Just need them to convert to Git, so we can do some cherry picking. And given the stuff they've released for Git, it's a fair guess they're at least using it for some internal stuff (but they're undoubtedly extremely conservative in how they manage the Windows code base).
@JerryCoffin Keep going...
This guy.
Eating a whole pineapple.
Lol he also eats a whole cactus.
@sehe going to work
@JerryCoffin Actually, they're nearly entirely on Git already.
@Mysticial I'm fine with forced updates. I'm not fine with forced updates where the updates are adware.

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