(LuaMT a) >>= f =
rs <- LuaMT $ do
s <- lift get
let sm = runStateT (runExceptT a) s -- :: m (Either Err a, EC)
(rs, s') <- lift . lift $ sm
lift $ put s'
return rs
case rs of
Left s -> throwError s
Right v -> f v
I'm not sure, of course (that would never reach me) but at the very least chances are ery good that it does. Because, why would they pay for our s/w if it didn't serve their purpose :)
@JakubDaniel Sure, you can write all the instances by hand. But you don't want to (and will probably mess one up), thus GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving. — CirdecSep 14 '15 at 19:51
@Gizmo Before thinking about cost, just think about possibility: would you think any government would allow its citizens to launch rockets with a range higher than cruise missiles like that?
Strictly speaking, it's quite difficult to outright prove that we went to the moon. The best you can do is the whole laser reflector thing but unless you have all the kit yourself, there is still scope for massive conspiracy.
NB I'm not saying there was one
and thank goodness for "five sigma is good enough" :)
Still, until I see it with my own eyes, I'm not going to call anybody stupid for holding an opposing viewpoint
Strictly speaking, it's difficult to achieve any kind of cognition. However, I highly doubt that the USA spent billions of dollars on a rocket that never actually did a job worth the money
> N1-L3 was underfunded and rushed, starting development in October 1965, almost four years after the Saturn V. The project was badly derailed by the death of its chief designer Sergei Korolev in 1966. Each of the four attempts to launch an N1 failed; during the second launch attempt the N1 rocket crashed back onto its launch pad shortly after liftoff and exploded, resulting in one of the largest artificial non-nuclear explosions in human history.
@Columbo Yeah. Meaning if they become commercially viable, that would impose some measure of market restrictions, moving it more into the realm of "conventional" economy.
Until that time, don't forget that market differentiation already skews the notion of "value" in the upper 1% markets. A 20k$ hotel night is not "worth" that much more. Value is very relative even three
@BoundaryImposition Well, I did a group project last term that involved large scale scraping from Amazon for which I used public proxy lists, and unfortunately my work wasn't included in the final client version, since it's kinda illicit
@Rerito It's a lost cause, because motivated reasoning will make you constantly make up wilder and wilder explanations to reject any and all evidence that would contradict your idea.
"Oh, there's pictures of the Earth from space showing it's round" => fake.
@Morwenn One of my preferred "go-to"s against "the earth is only 6000 years old" people is the link between carbon dating and the existence of nuclear power stations
though that's fairly tenuous if you truly grok either of them, and if you don't then it's unconvincing anyway
small brain: bug in your code
big brain: bug in the compiler
cosmic brain: bug in the cpu's on-chip recompiler… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/855445075341398017
According to Charlie Demerjian, the Project Denver CPU may internally translate the ARM instructions to an internal instruction set, using firmware in the CPU.
that's normal, we all feel the same ... although some are more autistic than others so we don't feel the hate as much, like we just don't care, so we stayed
Always avoid getting into a discussion with Olaf. Flag a moderator to get rid of the noise, no need to keep anything by the looks of it. — Hans Passant17 hours ago
Okay, you prefer to try to make debating points. There's nothing to discuss. — Pete Becker3 mins ago
this was kind of fun
and it didn't spiral out of control (relatively speaking)
still wonder what he wanted
like that kid who comes into the shop and starts screaming at you incoherently, then acts all pissed off when you have no idea what they're trying to accomplish, and storms out even more incensed than they started. and you're left standing there like... lol?!
@BoundaryImposition What he wanted should be pretty obvious: that where you talk about Object o; you describe it as a definition, not just a declaration. Yes, a definition also acts as a declaration, but your description is about like calling water hydrogen. Yes, water contains hydrogen, but that doesn't mean that calling it hydrogen is a really an accurate description.
@Lesyeuxsansvisage Well, yes, it actually does. In particular, a declaration that's just a declaration wouldn't have involved "calling the default constructor" as he said. The fact that this is a definition, not just a declaration is completely relevant to question under discussion.
@Lesyeuxsansvisage Largely because beginners are often confused about the difference between a declaration and a definition already--and given question asked here, it's pretty clear they're already a bit confused about it. An answer that reinforces their confusion rather than correcting it is actively harmful to the world.
The only thing that could have made LRiO's idiocy funnier here would have been if he'd quoted to Pete the part of the standard where it actually says a definition is also a declaration. Then Pete could have given the obvious reply: "I wrote the part of the standard you're quoting." (and yes, he probably did write the relevant parts of the standard--he was the editor for a long time).
@BartekBanachewicz It'll work for real keys, but only if you have two keys that share a common factor, which shouldn't happen. Then again, it's sort of true that random number generation has (for decades) been an Achilles heel of a lot of crypto-systems.
@Ell I changed my monad to include it in the VM state
type EvalContext = (Context, Closure)
newtype LuaMT m a = LuaMT (ExceptT String (StateT EvalContext m) a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadError String)
I could've done that without refactoring it like that but eh
this gives me much more control over what eval functions can do
also can't beat that
- argVs <- map head <$> mapM (\a -> eval a cls) args
+ argVs <- map head <$> mapM eval args
ok here comes first tricky part where the closure is actually modified
> what i want the program to do is ask the user to enter p, n, or q depending on what a car did if they enter p the car paid to go through the tollbooth so the program will add one car to the amount of cars that went through the tollbooth and it will also add 50 cents to the total that was paid and n doesnt add 50 cents to the money because that car didnt pay but it adds to the number of cars that
> went through the tollbooth and q ends the question process if you want to call it that and outputs the amount of cars that went through the tollbooth and the amount paid the programs outputs that but the values are both at 0 so i dont think the functions are linking or the logic in the functions are wrong i just need help figuring out what it is thanks!
If two parties want to have it out over some C++ question, they can come to the Lounge. And the party that is wrong will be appropriately flamed, out-pedanted, and humiliated. — Mysticial6 secs ago
@Horttanainen Perhaps just recycle some old ones. If you're talking natural languages, let's revive Aramaic. If you mean programming languages, I think Algol 68 would be a worthy target.