Hey Nick, I'll give you an example that shows why am I frustrated haing to deal with soe people.
You ask me to spend more effort understandin why you think the way you think, than arguing with you.
You don't notice those big two problems with this suggestion?
First, that somehow it's better for me to reflect upon what you say than provide you with my understanding of it and how I would refute it.
Second that me arguing is a sign of me not thinking of the reason for downvotes. What if I think I know the reason and disagree?
should i just think more?
because what, because you having more point on stack overflow must be right by defintion?
this is why there is nothing i could say to help this situation
you've got your friends here on this channel, so when I argue about the way things resolved, they will back you up calling what i do a drama
this is a downward spiral, where I try to present how I see things, how I see what you wrote
you react, i react to your reaction, but since we have different attituted
my attitude is that we are equal
and nobody here is in a position to just tell me to read a guide, just tell me I am wrong etc. without proving it
you on the other hand maintain some status in this society which I am no part of
you have relationships with people here
so the social game ensues
in which I lost before I started
but which has nothing to do really with merit of the case
as Puppy wrote, there is nothing wrong with my questions
the thing is Puppy, agreed or disagreed with me, said what he (or she) thinks