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11:00 PM
Short hair is kind of nice because no work
I want a beard
my beard isn't growing :(
I almost managed to get rid of mine x)
You need to put more points into it
I wonder what 'beardness' as a stat could do
@TonyTheLion You gotta sleep better
11:01 PM
@набиячлэвэлиь I sleep quite well as it is
Wear a beard wig (worst idea ever).
> If a player rides a saddled pig in a minecart, the minecart will receive a speed boost.
lol this is so awesome
11:03 PM
@CatPlusPlus How did you even...
I Know Things
does using(var foo = new Disposable()) box?
I didn't do anything I wanted to do today
guess it does as it uses the interface
11:04 PM
@TonyTheLion What did you want to do today?
but then maybe not as it is syntax sweetness
Dealing with unboxed values is annoying
@CatPlusPlus Best hat.
@Morwenn I wanted to do work stuff
I have some things I need to finish up
On Saturday I thought was Sunday???
Not worth it
11:05 PM
don't really have time during the week
I ended up spending time with a girl instead
@TonyTheLion Good.
Much better idea
11:06 PM
Of course the best idea would be spending time with us losers instead
@TonyTheLion Youre cheating on me? :(
But still
I spend enough time with you lot <3
@Borgleader sorry bby <3 I still love you <3
wonder what the average iq is in this room, my guess is 140
11:08 PM
So is the average blood alcohol content atm
Answer to both questions is obviously potato.
@GregorMcGregor would agree with you
@JohanLarsson Yes.
Nooblel's IQ is obvs > 9000
11:10 PM
@JohanLarsson I'm about 70
Lol, IQ tests only reveal how good people are at passing IQ tests.
Otherwise it's rather meaningless.
> CastleMiner Z
.@dryvyng @cullend 40k fake followers used to attract investors also equates to fraud.
Steam is full of great original ideas
11:12 PM
@sehe this guy really has it out for dryvyng
@Borgleader is he a troll?
Asher? I dont think so
Also, thanks @Borgleader and @jaggedSpire for all the cute animal pictures earlier today <3
@Borgleader So much garbage there
11:14 PM
@CatPlusPlus Asher or dryvyng?
@Morwenn aww :(
it's not his fault
I havent really followed. It seems like a shitty startup?
No matter how much I convince my family members not to buy Apple products, they still do it.
Their problem
11:16 PM
It's so annoying.
@Nooble if you're rich, why not
my girlfriend has the 2015 MBP :|
My favourite YouTube feature: youtube.com/watch?v=QnYncJdEh64
@VillasV Because there are clearly better alternatives.
11:16 PM
macbook pro
@Rapptz Me too (well, paid for it, pending delivery), which variant tho? :D
@Nooble probably, but people don't think only about tech specs
@ElimGarak whyyyyyyy
That one is great for carrying around
11:18 PM
yeah she's using it for school
@Nooble Seriously not your problem
@Nooble I mean, I do. That's why I use windows phone. Cheap and do the job.
@Rapptz I have the 2006 TP
Apple is unfortunately here to stay and there is no reason why not to tap into its user base.
The only reason I'm upset is because I can't compile for it.
11:20 PM
@CatPlusPlus That is true. But they walk up to me so often asking "what's a good laptop?", and it always end up with absolutely no regard for anything I've said.
@Rapptz That's what you get that shit for
OSX development is annoying
I don't wanna buy a MBP just to compile for OS X :(
You can run a Hackintosh, bby.
Canadian military apologises to Isis. :|
11:21 PM
I have nothing against Apple. It's like Nike and other strong brands. You pay for the product and for the brand.
@ElimGarak So, you bought an MBP to develop for it?
@TonyTheLion this one does
@Nooble I already have OS X El Capitan running on a powerful desktop machine (hackintosh). Bought the MBP to use it for things at work and also it's legit. Because I am pretty sure this monster is not street legal.
@jaggedSpire nice
11:22 PM
@TonyTheLion <3
@Elyse that's so Canadian
anyways, I'm off to bed
@TonyTheLion Night!
@TonyTheLion night
@TonyTheLion Night!
11:23 PM
night <3
@TonyTheLion Generally, real hair wigs tend to use Indian hair.
Also, night :p
Don't miss to watch fnatic win dreamhack twitch.tv/DreamhackCS
@BartekBanachewicz github.com/SFML/SFML/pull/981 finally :P
I have an allergic reaction to everything that contains the word "hack". :(
almost 3 years
11:27 PM
@ElimGarak RIP
> And in the long run, any diet that leaves you hungry is doomed to fail.
I might be the exception here :3
@ElimGarak No wonder radios-hack had to close.
Yeah, it was pretty tragic...
@JohanLarsson A comfortable 23 here. :P
@Nooble MBPs are very good laptops, but they're made for people who can pay for them. And they hold their value, strongly.
Who'd a thought this would be so interesting
unique_lock_prioritizing_shared_mutex is fucking awesome.
11:36 PM
@Elyse uniq_lck_prio_shrd_mtx sounds better.
@Morwenn nq_lck_prrtzng_shrd_mtx
It's ugly that the implementation uses two mutexes though.
@Morwenn bob for short
11:42 PM
@Morwenn :3
Nothing like making 61.3 GB of traffic in 2 hours.
@ElimGarak robot still makes the average 160 :)
> Medical literature contains numerous reports of items retrieved from patients' rectums. Reported objects have included: seven light bulbs; a knife sharpener; two flashlights; a wire spring; a snuff box; an oil can with potato stopper; eleven different forms of fruit, vegetables and other foodstuffs; a jeweler's saw; a frozen pig's tail; a tin cup; a beer glass; and one patient's remarkable ensemble collection consisting of spectacles, a suitcase key, a tobacco pouch and a magazine.
what the fuck
How do you get a magazine up your butt.
11:49 PM
@Elyse Come over and I'll show you, bby
Speaking of bby, @GregorMcGregor where are you, son?
@ScottW My best pickup line is silence, because I havent got one :)
> a jeweler's saw
oh what the fuck
You guys are afraid of exploring your body

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