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Anyway, I'm acting like an Apple fanboy at this point.
Time to hit the sack.
@exitc0de yesh?
@Puppy build-essential
@Jefffrey sweet dreams bb
@exitc0de except, it's not a project and it wasn't good. Consider adding input error handling. Consider not abusing C-style code. Considering removing repetition of code. Consider using other functions, outside of main.
@nick Because of bad internets.
Nov 6 '14 at 17:39, by exitc0de
Like pairs and auto etc.
lol indeed
@exitc0de Look here: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/ffb229293a8dad7c. It has all these things I just mentioned.
Ugh... put my head down for an hour - 7 hours later :(
that feeling makes me so angry
it pisses me off so much
@AlexM. Eh, I'll make some mapping tool
@AlexM. Maybe because there's a lot of compression and not a lot to download (this update was like 12MB download)
@cv_and_he interestingly, you can use _val(ctx).size() < get<_n>(ctx) :) (Funny that clang and gcc disagree here) — sehe 1 min ago
@Rapptz what feeling?
I didn't get Jon's message then
it throws off my entire day
I have the opposite problem, I wake up all the time and I end up undersleeping so I'm always tired :(
I suppose if you "oversleep" 6 hours, that practically takes the sleep for 3 nights :)
mind you - does mean I can prep a few emails and then work through the flag queue
how much are they paying you for this
it's voluntary :p
@nick About as much as I'm being paid to endorse Bing™.
I think microsoft does pay you for using Bing
@nick I was doing a lot of stuff like this on SO anyway each day - having "escalated privileges" helps now and then
God dammit, I even get @nick s pings in here too
@nick <3
At one stage earlier this year, I slept 9 hours a day every second day for about a month. I love eating, I love sleeping, but I am no pig because I love exercise and making useful things too (that's not bacon).
@Nick Easy. Change nick.
2 hours ago, by sehe
By the way, Exifode is a nice nick
Your ideas suck
your nick sucks :0
your dick sucks
<tilts head/>
nick is best nick
I do love nick
A bucket full of nicks
I should go to bed
Cheers :)
@sehe sleep well matey
@sehe night
@sehe sweet dreams
wet dreams
I'm not even gonna fix that typo
Once I wished someone 'sweat dream', the person seemed to be offended
This is great
I love School of Life
no but this sounds interesting
@sehe How are you ?
@Nick lol
In D creating an object seems to always require the new keywords. A a = new A(3);
Such a syntax is not very inviting to C++ developers.
@nick It is interesting.
@Ell It is one of m favorites channels as well.
We should set up another game jam.
@Ell Meh
I search for c++ developer. 1500 e/month / 2-3 hours/day
he's going to be mad reading this so better edit
404 not found.
curl facebook.com returns nothing
how strange
probably means facebook is down
Daisy Ridley is a '92
I feel old
which means the world is going to end
@Jefffrey tell me about it
John Boyega too
@StackedCrooked Because it's a redirect
@Puppy I had forgotten how much the llvm examples were a cesspool of constantly mutated global variables. ffs. I just want to get the jit working (and have it execute functions, but it cant find main which should be the only one in there)
well bed time
@Ell that looks a lot like a powerpoint i saw in a video from siggraph a few months back
@Borgleader its SIGGRAPH Asia
I think its recent
No new info anyway
Buy TIL the bundles WSI will only support Vista and above on windows gasp
fenwick trees are so cool
solved another problem with 'em
A: Algorithm for O(1) weighted random selection with removal

orlpI'm not aware of an O(1) algorithm (highly doubting it's possible), but it's easy to do in log(N)2 search and log(N) update. This can likely be improved upon with a more specific algorithm. Put your elements in a Fenwick tree, with their probabilities as their values. Also when changing elements...

I am thinking of jumping the Facebook ship
what do you mean
@nick quitting it innit
I've done it before but its so inconvenient :o
I haven't really been active at all on facebook for the past year or so
will leave my profile up though, as it's the only way I could ever get in touch with some old acquaintances
Facebook is a convenient way to allow family to ruin socializing with friends
too true
How'd you implement operator<= for a pair<int, int>?
`return lhs.first <= lhs.first ? ...and then ?
Or just !(lhs > rhs) ?
I suppose that's easiest.
well, if the pairs are x,y coordinates then you probably want to compare the hypotenuse?
not quite well defined
what does python do?
I've never used Python.
(Which is surprising to me.)
Lexicographical order
lhs.first == rhs.first ? lhs.second <= rhs.second : lhs.first <= rhs.first
argh only three hours of sleep and I can't sleep any more
gonna try again in a bit
Maybe you should try in a byte
@CatPlusPlus this seems like quite a reasonable proposition
you're not gonna sleep, not even in a long word
@StackedCrooked do you have the GSL on coliru? I looked and couldn't find it, but I may just be pulling a dumb.
I don't think I have that.
Oh, the core guidelines.
no sorry :D
aight :)
I should create a mechanism to support github stuff.
yeah like a github login strategy for stack overflow
Q: Add GitHub as a registration/login option

nickI'd like to link GitHub to my Stack Overflow account as another login option. Right now these are the only options: There have been a couple related posts on Meta, such as Login with Github? (posted in 2014) and Authenticate to Stack Exchange using GitHub (from 2012). The reason given was "Git...

shameless self promotion because this needs to happen
this is happening
don't even tell me its not worth the effort
@nick don't tempt me
It's not worth the effort, @nick
@jaggedSpire u wot
Wait. Something seems wrong.
@StackedCrooked The present primary implementation is at Microsoft/GSL
lol whyever would anyone need the documents to be installed
@StackedCrooked shiny. Thank you!
You'll need to manually set the include paths in your build command though.
Install it into /usr/local
I lost sight of all the things I put there. I'm scared to add any more..
let me fix it
It's best to just create packages of the things you install manually
Also configuration management
I'm off to bed. Two hours of 'why the fuck won't it link?' only to eventually realise it was private:(
@CatPlusPlus I suck at stuff like that.
@MartinJames I'm doing the same soon, though my mental monologue was more "Why the fuck won't I sleep?" :P
@MartinJames #paidplanproblems
I joined the club a couple days ago. so proud.
@nick :)
@edition beautiful
Didn't know camel-case was bad.
It's not
neither did I, and I still don't understand why. :V
> If you prefer CamelCase, you have to choose among different flavors of camelCase.
@CatPlusPlus Ah.
> Stroustrup: ISO Standard, but with upper case used for your own types and concepts:
I kinda evolved towards snake_case a little bit. And now my code is an inconsistent mess.
but I use camelCase for variables and CamelCase for my own typenames...
I use the common std container conventions like push_back, size, empty, clear. And lower camel case for the other methods. So I end up with a mixture of push_front and getTimestamp..
It's not horrible actually.
hello all
it's my largest complaint about the GSL--if they'd give a reason I could look at and be all, "oh, that makes sense, yeah I'll change" but they're just all "don't use this styling convention." and I'm left wondering why it's bad
I have make c++ application and its running f9 on my pc but when i run on other pc then its giving error
any idea how to make this app cross pc compatible
@jaggedSpire Just a few of those cases can severely damage the credibility of the whole thing.
do they dislike it because with single-word examples you can't tell the difference between camelCase and snake_case? It's a mystery
@StackedCrooked yeah. :\ Most everything else (besides the ???) is a least given some thought though.
"NL.17: Use K&R-derived layout"
Even brace placement.
That's the most controversial topic ever.
I think I'll go with the theory that they're trying to increase code uniformity.
In any case the gsl code doesn't adhere to that one.
They seem to use allman all the way.
well they can't change now, they're in the middle of the project. :V
@StackedCrooked Beh, discussing it is the most pointless bikeshedding ever
Picking one with authority and saying "shut up about it" is the only way to proceed
Use automated tool to format code and stop talking about formatting code
now the fights will be about which K&R-derived style to use.
@CatPlusPlus I'm okay with that.
as long as it matches the style I'm currently using
i am getting this error when i run on other machines
@StackedCrooked lol
the application has failed to install because side by side configuration is incorrect
well, it's time for bed 2: electric boogaloo.
just realised how dumb colouring C++ syntax such as noexcept(noexcept(0)) or requires requires(int i) { ++i; } is
dumb as in ineffective/useless/unhelpful?
Oh. Now I understand why POD allows having an empty base class. It enables you to inherit things like boost::operators<T>.
@jaggedSpire same keyword, different meanings, but same colouration
soon: clang-color
@LucDanton ah
time to waste precious time on learning how to colour that right
it’s the only way
now they’re very slightly different shades of blue, what an improvement
The entire NL section contradicts itself.
one section says "don't use camel case"
one section says "be consistent with what you chose"
another section says "don't use snake_case to distinguish yourself from the standard library types"
I guess I should just ignore all of it
as long as you ignore it consistently
I hate the bracing style it proposes.
If you want them on a separate line at least don't pick and choose where.
dang, broadly speaking colouring in Vim means picking one of three two broad categories for most language constructs (ignoring literals)
@Rapptz with stuff like this gsl is gonna be the flop of the millenium
what do you think the requires in template<typename X> const X& foo(X x) noexcept requires Foo<X>; is most similar to?
> cv-qualifier-seq ref-qualifier exception-specification attribute-specifier-seq requires-clause
roughly speaking all the things that may appear after the ) for a function
They should at least phrase it as "consider moving to K&R style".
const etc. will have to look the same as in int const x = 0;, no luck there (barring clang-color!), so that’s picked for us already
noexcept also looks the same whether in a spec or an expression, too
lol, use the Conditional highlighting group for requires clauses because you make a template conditionally available
makes sense right
what the hell is clang-color
@Rapptz joke referring to clang-complete etc.
@LucDanton time to extend vim's colouring support!
and as a play on the starbord:
requires Sacrifice<Goat>
@sehe halp I’m colouring stuff and I’m knee-deep in regices
Wait until you're neck-deep!
no hexfloat in C++1z is that right?
> error: unable to find numeric literal operator 'operator""e+3'
@LucDanton do you wanna see my C++ syntax highlighting regexen? :^)
not now ._.
it's not that good anyway
@Rapptz fairly sure C++ is not a regular language?
Feels good to point out the obvious.
does Clang have a similar option to GCC’s -fext-numeric-literals to allow the use of reserved UDL identifiers such as 123foo?
wouldn't know
@LucDanton lol
lol can’t suppress those warnings btw
@LucDanton lolz, clang does the same
@Xeo wha? I can’t get it to accept reserved identifiers
I wanted to double check, I’m assuming it is a bug but I don’t know for sure
at the very least it’s an enhancement request or whatever for the warning though
alright not noticing a duplicate, filing
@Xeo but does MSVC?
@LucDanton I un-reserved-ified it
@Xeo oh that avoids a whole nest of hornets, neato
so yeah, both have the same bug even with unreserved ids
because looks like -fext-numeric-literals is really a backdoor for libstdc++ implementers etc. for future suffixes to be standardised, and not for more mortals to just use any identifier they please
fun thing is that Clang complains that you need a space between "" and the UDL name when you do operator""e, even though it doesn't even allow it after that
> Accept imaginary, fixed-point, or machine-defined literal number suffixes as GNU extensions. […]
^doesn’t say anything about arbitrary UDL identifiers
unless, of course, your machine is ballin'
I thought the parsing was choking on the second e though, wtf is happening that even _e triggers it?
I guess parsing is badder than I thought
@Xeo well ""e is a single token isn't it
is that C++14 or C++1z I don’t even know
not for udls, you can do ""_e
Whatever, UDLs are a bad idea anyway.
digit seps are C++14 sez wiki, as well as binary literals
wait I’m not using any exotic feature am I?
> note: use -std=gnu++11 or -fext-numeric-literals to enable more built-in suffixes
oh I get what that note means now
if you ever do "foo"sv it tells you that which is helpful
all the other times… it’s not as much helpful
@Nooble holy crap your name is cool
is that your real name yes?
42s is so much better than s(42), and totally does not complicate lexical syntax and cause implementation bugs.
Icy today, just fell with my bike.
> What's your role on the team?

Your team role will be used to describe your involvement on this team. You may consider using your current job title.
wtf is my role here
you can tell it’s parsing-related because 0e1_e*0 is also fine
this almost makes up for the regexen
this sounds so good <3
> Grim Fandango has an original soundtrack that combines orchestral score, South American folk music, jazz, bebop, swing, and big band music.[51] It also has various influences from traditional Russian, Celtic, Mexican, Spanish, and Indian strings culture.
no idea in which this one fits
Q: Trying to get five most common entries from three different dictionaries

zachk23*Alice.txt will be posted at the end import re from collections import Counter hyphen = {} quoted = {} capitalize = {} file1 = open('alice.txt') str1 = 'null' def getHyphenatedWords(line): hyphens = re.findall(r'\w+-\w+',line) for hy in hyphens: if hy in hyphen: hyp...

I can see the spanish influences
wall of text
why does subprocess.Popen not open pipes with stdout/stderr by default?
it's what you want in 90%+ of the cases
and in the other 10% it's a purrformance optimization
@orlp it only does that when the Pope is taking a shit.
one pope, two popen
I likes it
Apparently semigroups are important: dmwit.com/category-extras/dependencies-1.0.2.png
>>> x = b'\x00\x01'
>>> x[0]
>>> x[1]
holy shit
get fucked python2?
I just got bit by this
@Rapptz What is wrong with this?
I like the behaviour
b'\x00\x01' is a byte array that contains the two bytes 0 and 1.
It's just a breaking change.
I support both python2 and python3
terrible python2 for comparison:
>>> x = b'\x00\x01'
>>> x[0]
>>> x[1]
Well, Python 3 breaking changes are good, since Python 2 is shit even more shit than Python 3.
@Rapptz IIRC there was no b'' in python2 until it was backported from python3
it's not the b'' prefix
it's the fact that it returns str in py2 and int in py3 :v
I think b is a no-op in Python 2 like u is a no-op in Python 3.
For compatibility.
Python 2 str ~ Python 3 bytes and Python 2 unicode ~ Python 3 str.
time to add some compat garbage
Make a Python 3 library and make a Python 2 compat layer that uses subprocess and pickle.
The Carolina Reaper, originally named the HP22BNH7, is a cultivar of chili pepper of the Capsicum chinense species. Bred in the Rock Hill, South Carolina greenhouse by Ed Currie, who runs the PuckerButt Pepper Company in Fort Mill, South Carolina, it has been rated as the world's hottest chili pepper by Guinness World Records since August 7, 2013. The original crossbreed was between a ghost pepper (a former world record holder) and a red habanero. The official Guinness World Record heat level is 1,569,300 Scoville Heat Units (SHU), according to tests conducted by Winthrop University in South Carolina...
We should eat this at the next unconference.
> Minimal definition: both unit and counit or both leftAdjunct and rightAdjunct
> Minimal complete definition: Nothing
All in the past 12 hours ... sweet, ~we care about our volunteers, please do more for free~
@Elyse when you come to a next one :P
-checkHealth :: Mole -> Maybe Mole
-checkHealth m | m ^. moleHealth <= 0 = Nothing
-              | otherwise            = Just m
+alive :: Mole -> Bool
+alive m = m ^. moleHealth > 0
Improving code!
so much work to move a shelveset from one branch to another :<
I really miss SVN's patches right now
Team FortresS
Right. Turns out my branchless code was faster than the branchful code because the branches were not predictable.
@StackedCrooked haha I get it, "right turn" "branch"
err ... could it be because people usually put more stuff in branches & the extra code needs time to execute?
@Elyse "the PuckerButt Pepper Company" lol
@Elyse Ah, I get it too now :)
do you guys do passive mouse cleaning
by passive mouse cleaning I mean not drying your hands after washing them
so you give your mouse a nice watery rub
I do that, it keeps it grease free and stuff
@AlexM. I wipe it off my jeans about once a week.
my email address must've gone somewhere wrong because I keep getting spam from 2nd hand romanian commercial sites
I should really make a separate email address to use only for steam and other money-related things
but fuck there's no guarantee the spammers didn't get my email from the just as romanian payment processor for my bills

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