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how I wish today was friday
@CatPlusPlus Yo Cat, buy Undertale.
@AlexM. Are you missing Rebecca again?
@AlexM. I took friday off, so today is friday.
In French we say "jeudredi" for that.
What would be a good English equivalent?
today is friday
@JerryCoffin I want the weekend
I'm so tired
I want to go to sleep and not care when I wake up :<
just go to sleep wake up when hungry order food and do fun stuff all day
livin the life
@AlexM. I want to be rich enough that I can do that all the time. If you're gonna dream, dream big.
@Puppy Yeah but it lacks the pun-itive factor.
most puns aren't going to translate effectively I fele
Yeah, that's a shame
@JerryCoffin nah I like going to work
but towards the end of the week I want a pause every week
@AlexM. Being rich enough that you don't have to go to work doesn't prevent you from doing some work when you want to (especially if you're rich enough that you own the company, so nobody can fire you for showing up late or skipping a day if you feel lazy).
PowerShell doesn't append a path separator on tab.
so fucking annoying
Today, a 'multithreaded' lol: http://stackoverflow.com/a/33423325/758133

An answer is accepted that cannot possibly work at all, ever:
This is busy waiting!!! — Mr. E 21 mins ago
@MartinJames Depends on how you define "work". Write the specification to include "deadlocks itself immediately upon startup", and you're practically done (for sufficiently loose definitions of "immediately"...)
do { /* ... */ } while();
@JerryCoffin Well, you may also have to add 'both threads raising E_illegal_unlock' exceptions' is valid behaviour.
@MartinJames Sure--point is, development is much easier if you write the specification after the code, and just require whatever it happens to do.
@JerryCoffin I always try to follow that philosophy, yes, though sometimes my customers have a hard time understanding it:)
@MartinJames It's also much easier if you don't have to put up with customers.
Last achievement on Hotline Miami
@Jefffrey slow claps
No no, you don't understand
fast clap
lotsa claps
I just got the 12x combo achievement
It's fucking crazy
@AnalPhabet :D
Is this an alright way of doing comments with Boost.PropertyTree?
What is, then?
lol anal phabet
@Pigman168 You talkin' shit, mate?
Does a char* allocated with 'new' and passed to the constructor of a std::string is leaked ?
no I liek ur neym
@Michele Yes
is copied then ?
@Michele Don't use new
new is called the "memory leak operator" for a reason.
I should change my name to "HansGuckInDieScreen"
Never use new.
whatcha think? @AnalPhabet
@Pigman168 No, you should leave
@Pigman168 Rot in hell
i need an char* of unknown size
No, you don't
@Michele Use std::string
char* always has a known size.
sizeof(char*) is an ICE.
satans a cool guy though
its god thats being a dick
dont use std::unique_ptr<something[]> sp(new something[count]); ?
@milleniumbug int i/*uninit*/; char*c=new char[i];
@doug65536 No, use std::vector<something>.
@doug65536 No
Also use Haskell.
@AnalPhabet suckage
std::vector<int, std::allocator<char>>
All these help vampires concentrated in three minutes' time
something dont need to be movable in my code though
thx anyway
what about mutex - I find myself needing to store things like mutex
@doug65536 auto sp = std::make_unique<something[]>(count); even if you need std::unique_ptr (you probably don't though)
@milleniumbug that's c++14 though right?
@doug65536 Yes, it's C++
yeah, but it's trivially-writable in C++11
also, so what
There's C++14 and old C++
@Borgleader It's not called odd-even for nothing :p
There's C++17 and old C++.
C++17 doesn't yet exist
I currently stick to old C++.
@Morwenn tugs beard
@JerryCoffin I still consider myself a Kotlin noob, but sure, shoot.
@AnalPhabet It's become harder and harder for me :D
Richard Stallman, July 2002: I don’t know how to make a screenshot, because I normally use my computer in text-mode. I have X and GNOME installed, but I use them only occasionally.
@fredoverflow Code was linked immediately following (not mine--something on CodeReview.SE--but I doubt there are many others there with a lot of Kotlin experience either).
@fredoverflow wow I just watched that yesterday
he mixes up the order of his slides right?
@doug65536 left.
Go away
@JerryCoffin Why would I review the code of some guy I don't know?
@doug65536 You watched what yesterday?
a video of that stallman presentation you quoted
Good night guyz
@fredoverflow n00b can't pipe the content of his terminal text buffer into a file
:D :P
@doug65536 I didn't quote a Stallman presentation, I copy/pasted text from some blog.
I'm gonna sleep soon.
tomorrow maybe
@Elyse With whom?
The sad story of two friends not able to play Terraria together :(
your mom
so sad
tomorrow i'll be out
@Elyse Thread.sleep throws a checked exception :(
why would it ever throw an exception
how can sleeping fail
why does it not retry
Java sucks at sleeping
it's that weird model where Java people expected one could interrupt a thread
but nobody implements correct reaction to interrupting, so it's useless
Didn't know yankees where that picky about anchormen
Thread interruption is terrible.
@Elyse Insomnia
@StackedCrooked ExceptionErupted
@AnalPhabet it's the only way if you must retain on roundtrip
Q: How to finish the implementation of this function

Edgar Johnsonvoid StrType::Search(StrType pattern, int& pos, bool& error) //Function: Searches for the first occurrence of a pattern in self. If it is found, pos indicates its starting position in self. //Precondition: self and pattern have been initialized. //Postcondition: found = (pattern was found in s...

quality overflow
@fredoverflow For fun (and those valuable internet points!)
i got an invitation to apply to Microsoft
high time, I guess?
Email me the exact date of your graduation
the guy's up for some disappointment
why high time does your workplace suck
@AlexM. no, but I'd expect MS to find me earlier than this
Google started emailing me years ago
it's not like all companies look for the same things
it also depends on specific recruiters and what they reach
It would be pretty nice to work at MS R&D center admittedly
with SPJ, doing research on Haskell
but a) that'd be hard af to get into b) London
microsoft doing haskell?
@AlexM. well yeah?
@AlexM. they wrote Bond in Haskell iirc
didn't you hear of the new Office product, MS Haskell
@Michele new something[rand()%777]
well if the job says haskell go for it
@milleniumbug lol
just be aware of the fact that research positions at microsoft list PhDs as requirements
@AlexM. meh it's more like "apply for some open positions and we'll put you in some intern pit"
if you're good you probably don't need it just like normal degrees
just mentioning it
@AlexM. yeah, fuck that
also be careful so you don't end up like mysticial at google
IDGI how I'm gonna graduate really
doing exactly what you don't like
They probably assume that people who know how to code in Haskell will be decent in pretty much everything else.
I can code in Haskell yet I am horrible at pretty much everything
I can't code in Haskell and I suck at pretty much everything else.
well we have the sucking at stuff in common, yey
@Columbo *off?
@Elyse indeed. Except on MSVC, where it's likely an ICE instead
@Jefffrey yeah
“Add an extra layer of security to your account. Add your phone number.” Sure LinkedIn. That’s like giving a serial killer my home address.
The silence...
People are having lives?
no, don't think so
Vulnerability descriptions for the programming language C
aka Why you still have problems TR
@sehe do you know by any chance whether it's possible to schedule tasks with Boost.Asio with priorities such that higher priority tasks are executed first?
@TonyTheLion I done productive all day.
@Elyse Yes. See the priority queue example\
@Nican :)
It'd be nice to do GC while every coroutine is waiting for I/O.
@TonyTheLion I know that feel:
@sehe yea I remember.
@sehe Thanks.
I remember it being quite convoluted. Is it simple enough for you?
Yeah seems quite simple.
Don't need it straight away though.
@TonyTheLion I'm doing haskull assignment
@Ell Sounds like fun :P
@Morwenn My friends were very enthusiastic about Muse. Ten years ago.
@Puppy What are they enthusiastic about now?
dunno, I haven't seen them for seven.
holy fuckshitballs I am so old.
What are you enthusiastic about, then? :(
@TonyTheLion I just noticed I ate so many words out of the sentence, since I sow my co-worker looking over at my screen.
@Nican I got the idea though
Just noticed the last achievement I'm trying to get is called "Get A Life"
I just finished watching youtube.com/watch?v=vak_NNOwYTo . Now I feel like I am turning from a nerd to a geek.
@Morwenn Stuff
I guess that's actually a good advice
It's probably a pun as well
@Puppy I was kind of expecting such an answer.
what the fuck is going on
I run g++ -std=c++14 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic src/main.cpp -I..\lua\include -L..\lua -llua53, lua53.dll is in ..\lua\lua53.dll, and I get "undefined reference to luaL_newstate()"
@sehe Cheers
@Elyse Is the symbol in the dll with a leading-underscore?
How can I tell?
nm, objdump
@Elyse F3 with Total Commander
I've landed a contract
that sounds weird
@BartekBanachewicz I never knew contracts flied!
@sehe that doesn't sound like "I'm doing things to graduate" at all does it
> objdump.exe -t ..\lua\lua53.dll | grep luaL_newstate
[730](sec  1)(fl 0x00)(ty  20)(scl   2) (nx 0) 0x0000000000017930 luaL_newstate
@BartekBanachewicz it sounds way to context free
dunno a nice guy emailed me and asked for help
with some graphics code
I also tried -c, then link separately, same error.
@Elyse Use forward slashes
i mean why not it's like code mentoring without my throat getting sore from constant talking
@AnalPhabet same error
also my PC sits on 7 gigs of ram
Does ld yell at you for summat else ('cept missing symbols)?
hell time for an upgrade
well the problem is with undefined references
try switching the order of the linked libraries
Removing either liblua53.a or lua53.dll also doesn't help.
@milleniumbug how do you do that?
position -llua53 before src\main.cpp?
there is no order, it is one source file and one library. @Elyse that is the real case, not a stripped down case?
@doug65536 There is, and it matters
Yes, of course.
-llua53, lua53.dll look like two libraries to me
@Elyse I remember having had problems with lua headers not wrapped in extern "C" once.
ok, how likely is the dll to need a symbol from the archive though?
@Morwenn Hey that works, thanks!
@milleniumbug the codeblock ends and begins around the , in that message
oh right
this font
I blame GNU
@milleniumbug lol, there's no difference in bckground on default theme
IIRC there's a lua.hpp header somewhere that does the wrapping but that is in the wrong directory by default.
Both of you stop the name calling and bickering, or I will exercise a kick on the both of you. Thank you very much
fades away
14 messages moved to bin
:26579471 What is this, anyway?
cheese rings
@chmod711telkitty As in actual cheese or American "cheese"?
that you need to ask Jerry
also I suspect Jerry's job is something to do with the military
maybe the navy?
4 messages moved to bin
you guys are really brutal, even towards the semi regulars
fuck's going on here
Hrmmm, messages don't regroup after moving them
doug really was not a question vampire style newbie
why do you not need parentheses with require in Lua?
@Elyse you don't need them with any function
oh ok
@chmod711telkitty Not really. Years ago (long ago) I was in the US Air Force. My current employer does some contract work for the government, but I'm not directly involved in it.
@Elyse ~~~magic~~~
If it has exactly one parameter and it's a table or string you can omit them
esp with tables
functionA { functionB { ... } } etc.
Sounds like a horrible special case
@AnalPhabet it works really well in practice.
print in python is a horrible special case
@BartekBanachewicz How?
Lua does that for every function as a syntactic extension
It requires parens like all other functions
@chmod711telkitty Hey, you can't compare semi-regulars.
@AnalPhabet in 2.x it's not a function
@BartekBanachewicz Python 3 is where it's at
@BartekBanachewicz That's only because you don't import enough from the future.
@Morwenn inb4 economy
@AnalPhabet Yes and if you knew at least a tidbit of python you'd knew I was talking about 2
@BartekBanachewicz Funnily enough I did know
I guess that the implicit question was: why bitching about what has already been fixed in 3?
But, as with C++, I referred to the current language
@ThePhD ♪♫Do you wanna make a contract?♫♪
@jaggedSpire I do :o
so you decided to dwell in your superiority and wank to the fact you can say "I'm cool because I don't use python 2"
@chmod711telkitty We are currently executing a brutal force search for semi-irregular stars. So far only found Betelguese though.
[[expect: happiness]]
@BartekBanachewicz lol
also TIL about debugger in JS
man Chrome Dev Tools are really so freaking good
@jaggedSpire well that would require not being a boy
@jaggedSpire I don't trust creatures that have ears in their ears.
@Morwenn <3
Chrome is the best IDE I've used ever in my life by far
@TonyTheLion ♥ ♥ :3
@Morwenn oh foo, and here I was all about to remove your soul from your body so I could use it for energy. :3
Shamestar? Shamestar.
@Morwenn That has to be nearly a new record. "Engagement!" to "I do" in under 20 minutes. :-) (and no, don't bother with minor facts about: "but they weren't even posted by the same person.")
@jaggedSpire Inefficient
@AnalPhabet you'd think that, but you'd be wrong
@JerryCoffin I didn't specify the terms though.
@TonyTheLion on the contrary stackoverflow.com/a/33426034/85371
@JerryCoffin how long have you been searching for? like 5 minutes?
@JerryCoffin I still don't know where the damn ring is
@jaggedSpire magic entropy reversal doesn't exist
sorry to nuke it on your head
@milleniumbug lies
@jaggedSpire Like I'm so hot you can use me to produce energy?
@jaggedSpire wut you don't even know what is a 'lie'
@Morwenn if you just give me a wish, bby
@Morwenn Well, you are energy in that case
@AnalPhabet It's still not the right time to continue trolling about that. An apology would be more appreciated (I know "fades away" is probably intended as that)
@AnalPhabet Don't you over-pedantize me :o
@AnalPhabet It's actually somewhat useful, it allows you to more-or-less turn Lua into JSON when you need to.
@jaggedSpire I wish my soul isn't separated from my body bby
@Morwenn granted!
@Morwenn Your mom would make for a lot of energy because E=mc^2
@chmod711telkitty "you guys" was really 1 deluded/confused teenager there
Shit happens

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