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@chmod711telkitty Hint: he doesn't care
all sexism, cock gets free stars, pussy gets banning!
Get your shit together seriously...
but it's the truth
@chmod711telkitty I'm not the one confused with it.
Shut up, kitty.
@ElimGarak btw, do you have a blog or something? somewhere where I can look at the pretty pictures you sometimes post here? :p
@ElimGarak I thought larger numbers were better?
Stop trying to stir up shit.
@chmod711telkitty you were personally responsible, I wager
@ThePhD pff, a simple linear ordering would be too simple
nvidia::sort ( ... ) {
     // Complicated as fuck
@ScottW I will cancel any stars on this, because we're not going to stir this up
@ThePhD While their versioning scheme is full retard, currently the triple digit stuff: the first number denotes architecture. 4 and 5 were Fermi, 6 and 7 are Kepler. Skipped 8 and current 9 are Maxwell.
@melak47 That’s why I learned about lattices!
we'll all keep a calm head no doubt
The two digits on the right denote the actual relative power of the card. 770 is to Kepler what 970 is to Maxwell.
@melak47 whoa, just realized you look like @ElimGarak the same way @AlexM looks like @Rapptz
@JonClements :)
you are gravatar bros
I know, it was for the example
@ScottW it's actually his old avatar
Why would we stop now, though? :p
No green words or the mod will clean your CLOCK
@melak47 I actually considered having one, but I often decide to just put in the work that would go into a post right back into the code. I have been working on one, hopefully I'll commit to it this time.
I know that Etienne and Puppy also have blogs, but with erratic posting.
also refp, martinho, me, and someone else
who’s that
The quantum physicist
How can I use commas into a catch require macro?
The surname Cock is derived from the Dutch and Flemish surname de Cock, alternately found as de Cook or de Kok and can be Anglicanised as Cook, and comes from the occupation of a cook. The name Cock is also a variant spelling of Cox, which is of Old English or Welsh origin, and developed independently of the Dutch and Flemish name. == Notable PersonsEdit == Adam Gates (aka Bob C. Cock), composer, musician, Primus roadie and producer Christina Cock (supercentenarian) Christopher Cock, auctioneer of the eighteenth century Edward Cock, British surgeon Gerald Cock, first director of BBC television...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Reflex
@Mr.kbok moar brackets
namespace com {
namespace company {
namespace package1 {
can be tricky sometimes with template argument lists
> This Connection is Untrusted

You have asked Firefox to connect securely to blog.rmf.io, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure.
Self-signed cert
@ScottW de cock, met c-o-c-k
Will fix at some point.
@R.MartinhoFernandes They’re both reasonable, it depends what you want to convey. Former is about you the author, latter possibly fits the content (is it supposed to?).
. <---- some point
@LucDanton how?
RIP Scott.
@Mr.kbok MACRO(( foo, bar, baz )) kind of stuff
You and your delicious pizza skills will not be forgotten.
No need to click. The question is about the url
@ElimGarak how about an imgur album. pictures and descriptions, what more do you really need :p
The ol’ reverse psychology.
@Mr.kbok There is __VA_ARGS__ for the final parameter…
@LucDanton UGH it's so easy -.-
As for self-signed certificates, while I appreciate the browser telling me it is not from a trusted CA, it is going annoyingly overboard. You can simply tell me that the page is not on the trust list, it is not immediately the spawn of Satan.
@Potatoswatter Yes, but I'm not the one writing the macros
flamingdangerzone.com there, no warning. no https either, :p
@Mr.kbok doesn’t always work for MACRO( foo<bar, bar, baz> ) :D
It's important because it can actually be the spawn of Satan and you have no way to check that
@melak47 Same here!
@LucDanton what do you mean, it does?
> REQUIRE(( range_validator<0, 10>::validate(0) ));
Q: Is this misogynistic behaviour?

chmod 711 telkittyI am banned for 6 days. Reason is that I was stating the truth: http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/25839833#25839833 Now look at hard facts these are the comments where the first word got stars, and I just got banned twice for stating the second word. Ok, so I accept that I might...

Hahaha. Awesome
has been served
Holy crap that is a weird chat room. — Pekka 웃 18 secs ago
Holy crap that is a weird chat room. — Pekka 웃 22 secs ago
@Mr.kbok Oh, OK. It's trickier if you need to sanitize a typename, then decltype() might help.
@Mysticial lol
@ElimGarak I knew it, you're actually the same person
> Now look at hard facts
look at my hard fact
guis looks like the gangs all here
Oh my god
sigh what are you all doing now?
I think it's building properly
@Mr.kbok shh there's a mod here
@bluefeet oooh, a new smurf
you need to get on a whitespace diet
@bluefeet What context are you interested in?
There's been no shortage of things recently.
heya @bluefeet
@Mysticial Oh I know. We've been letting @JonClements handle things
@bluefeet Got it. :)
> deleted by Jon Clements♦ 46 secs ago
Just regular telkitty. Nuf said
@Mysticial but Meta so here I am
@LucDanton weird. macro token rules?
She's going all AW everywhere she can
Someone deleted my answer :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes A mod deleted your answer.
@Mr.kbok No, (foo<int, long>)() is not valid syntactically.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I did - was completely unfounded and not required
It doesn't work without all the words. It's part of its literary appeal :(
std::string s { t.extract_storage(); }; // take storage out
It doesn't really look like an inviting chat room to begin with, something something in-crowd. Don't force your way in and don't troll, then I'm sure you'll be fine. — CodeCaster 42 secs ago
@ScottW he's been very helpful the last couple of weeks.
funny guy
This doesn't look valid (;), @R.MartinhoFernandes
@LucDanton oh, it looks at the expansion. wasn't obvious from the error message.
@ScottW you deserve a few spankings every once in a while
@набиячлевэлиь std::string s( std::move( t.storage() ) ); might make more sense in the end, no?
@Mr.kbok Thankfully the only macro that takes a type I’ve ever seen when it comes to unit testing is for testing thrown exceptions, which I don’t make a habit of being template specializations. (I’m a Boost.Test user though, not Catch.)
Then again, you could use r-value this qualifiers on extract_storage...
@ThePhD w/e, just pointin' it out
Still, you can use a type alias.
@LucDanton yeah
All in all not a malign issue
@набиячлевэлиь Why wouldn't it be valid?
@EtiennedeMartel The ; after ()
Thanks for the brace trick, I tend to forget the simplest things. Must be those TMP MSVC bug workarounds pushing other things out of my head :)
Unless this is a really obscure language "feature"
hello friends and telkitty
@ScottW you 'avin' a giggle there, mate?
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva is it gw2 daily tiem
So, we now have a week of peace?
@LucDanton m8 I haven't launched gw2 since december
Also I let my desktop PC in France so I'd need to install it on my laptop D:
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I received my 3 year birthday present today
@набиячлевэлиь u avin a giggle ther m8?
Question got removed.
@LucDanton Wooo what is it, yet another Queen Jenna miniature?
@ElimGarak good
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva No, sir!
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Among other things, an account bound selectable dye which lets you pick nearly any dye in the game. A particular dye fell from 1000g a piece to ~100g.
Is that bait to make me install
@R.MartinhoFernandes ITT SE is not about literary appeal :S
@набиячлевэлиь thanks. Will fix.
My dye collection is almost complete :D
or was
@ScottW actually, that's good
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva complete it (also I’m severely impressed)
And then you can finally dye.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol, I was thinking of similar joke. :D
Most expensive dye is 470g and it looks like you can pick it.
'ayyy, I'm helpful for once
@R.MartinhoFernandes @TonyTheLion sorely disappointed
@LucDanton Well I bought dozens of unid stacks two years ago
smart; btw remember when I said they didn’t drop anymore? I actually got one earlier in personal story reward lol, that’s 88s
I didn't expect the prices to go up that much
I still have an unused stack because they are account bound now
Considering opening them all and selling them for profit and profit
@Jon people attacking words annoys the hell out of me :(
@LucDanton Hmmm
I sell them and let the market deal with the RNG.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well - your response to that meta post was unwarranted
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Those were the compensatory ones no? From merging the character-specific dyes to account-bound?
@LucDanton Ah yes maybe. I forget.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I want to be moving a step forward - not two steps back for beeps sake
Is there any way to make this match (without adding .* to both sides of regex)?
@ElimGarak that is also not useful at all
@Jon My apologies. Fwiw my whining about the removal here was purely for artistic reasons; no disagreement with the decision.
@LucDanton I had an excel somewhere on which dyes I still was missing D:
I should get to 10k to read all the drama
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva dw the dye panel shows everything now, you can see what is missing very easily :)
@набиячлевэлиь use regex_search? :/
@Mr.kbok Thinking about becoming Mysticial's cat-3 SO user?
@JonClements what did I do that was so disappointing?
@TonyTheLion that was more a cc than anything - my bad
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva My god it grants one AP!
@JonClements oh ok
Let's relax. I spent a good bit of time over the last week explaining the Telkitty situation to Jon and he was patient enough to listen. Let's call it done for now - at least for the next 7 days.
@Mysticial Thanks :)
Agreed. Let us preserve in peace what've won in war.
@Mysticial I'm happy with that
That sounds like a movie quote.
@ThePhD It's a historical quote, but it was referenced in Star Trek at the end of the Dominion War.
@LucDanton lol I gave up on these
> Today the guns are silent. A great tragedy has ended. A great victory has been won. The skies no longer rain with death — the seas bear only commerce — men everywhere walk upright in the sunlight. The entire world lies quietly at peace. The holy mission has been completed. And in reporting this to you, the people, I speak for the thousands of silent lips, forever stilled among the jungles and the beaches and in the deep waters of the Pacific which marked the way.
Full quote ^ Wait, it's not full. Oh, well. It was a long speech.
@ElimGarak I like this
you mean you rike this?
I never know what conversion functions to use to turn strings into numbers.
I rike it
@ThePhD atoi off course :)
> Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva it’s not as tedious these days, there’s only daily AP things (no monthly) and you get them by just playing as usual if you don’t care about them
@Mysticial @TonyTheLion @R.MartinhoFernandes - so to clarify - what's done is done and we're moving forward, right?
it is done.
Now we can return to what we do best.
Eh, I can't even read the chat today with all those recruiters :(
@JonClements std::move(std::forward<Args>(args))... doesn't make a lot of sense you know
@ElimGarak which is what? be unproductive and chat here? :)
It's done for today.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Let us move forward with our arguments!
Why does not stoi function take a size argument for the const char* it asks for...?
why would it need to know that? :p just convert the pointer to an integer, done...
strtoi, the newly added ones, don't either....
@ThePhD because C++
do you really need reasons?
That's a lot of dots.
thats a lot of suck
@TonyTheLion It'd make me feel better. :c
@ThePhD Because string_view didn't exist.
@ThePhD sorry, feeling better in C++ is not a thing.
> One does not code C++ and feel better
a quote by me
@ThePhD en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/stol … no onebox? … it takes a std::string which guarantees termination.
@Luc I want the SAB finisher
how engi appropriate
I should've bought it when it was unlimited
@sehe on a scale from Safari to FireFox, how would you rate Opera?
I love the voxels omg
@TonyTheLion nearly extinct <sad-face/>
@sehe rip
I'm trying to find a better browser than FireFox, is my search futile?
For me the whole webkit based thing is useless. I'll use chromium if I want that.
@TonyTheLion yes, I think
@Potatoswatter I'm working with string_view's and am operating under a zero-allocation principle ATM, so no dice for me.
@TonyTheLion I'm sticking to old "native" Opera because I can't part with keyboard productivity. But it's long past the rational boundary
@TonyTheLion Yep.
The docs do say it ends when there's no more numbers, so I can just live with guaranteeing there'll be no more numbers.
@TonyTheLion Edge would be pretty great if plugins were a thing. I need my adblock or it is not a worthy browser.
Cooked user defined literals seem kind of pointless to me. I don't think they really offer anything over just using a free function and they also take away the ability to qualify the function call with a namespace. Am I wrong? If so, why?
@ThePhD Why would it?
You can always call an operator by name.
You can call it names!
I use operator's phone number, usually.
@ThePhD Well, then, the good news is that stoi simply calls through to strtol. Try namespace my_str { using std::stoi; int stoi( std::string_view ) { … } }. Then you'll be ready when the standard gets fixed. … oh, oops, no, string_view can't add termination for you. Sorry.
@Prismatic they allow you to parse the characters in a floating point literal any way you want :v
@LucDanton .operator robert()
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Because you'd like to be able to go a certain distance without null terminators?
@Prismatic Not wrong, just unpopular.
@melak47 thats the raw one not the cooked one
So, what happened with the results of the uhm... Marmalade?
@ThePhD char const* in the context of C strings are always null terminated.
@Prismatic oh, ok. I wasn't sure what you meant with that :p
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ No.
Well, for the "context of c_strings", yes, but here's the thing: char const* doesn't communicate that requirement, and when you have char const* that doesn't fit that requirement than those functions become shit-useless.
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ mystr char[3] = {'1', '2', '3'}; :D
See above ^
That's because C strings sorta suck
For example, from const char str[] = "824567";, how do you parse only the first 3 letters without creating a copy and using any of those std functions?
Saeed Amirite
@melak47 Thanks :G
> all of the moderators in SO are stupid guys who are greedily want to achieve their aims without concerning the others very basic rights. So I encourage you to do anything against these stupid staffs.
@MarcoA. m(
Why did I not realize it was a thing
for the records
> I don't like to tolerant any kind of illogical actions
he might want to tolerant some English
tony stop being such intolerance
@ThePhD Just call std::stoi(std::string(str, n)).
@MarcoA. would have thought it was a butte troll account
The algorithm is at least linear anyway.
@Prismatic pretty high rep though
Regardless of the broken English (it's not the first language of a majority of people), that attitude of "this is the Internet and I have rights!" is a bit bullshit.
@Prismatic Well it could be vOv
you're all just jealous because he has a Ph.D
I mean, it's the reason why we have crap on Reddit.
@MarcoA. Yet another Syrian refugee in Germany.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Invite him to HK.
@EtiennedeMartel Well, no. The reason is that reddit is a place where you can put your crap.
@ThePhD Just out of curiosity, why are you using const char for strings, and even if you are forced to, why are you having const char* which are not null terminated?
i will ask about literals on SO
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Writing a compiler.
It's fairly reasonable to assume that a char const* is a C string.
Reddit looks like a 13-year old's project.
Everything is a string_view
@ThePhD In C?
No, in C++.
how to cumpile
@Mr.kbok And you can place it there because muh frozen peaches
Then I don't understand how "I'm writing a compiler" -> "I have to use non-null-terminated char const* strings".
@ThePhD use char* + length then. Don't use C strings.
Compiler or whatever, that's simply what large blocks of text look like.
@Lalaland A.K.A. string_view.
@Lalaland Why
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Look. It's ThePhD. What more do you need?
Because I'm writing a zero-copy lexer. Why is that so hard to understand?
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ he's looking for zero cost substrings.
@EtiennedeMartel peaches?
std::string_view does not in any way force you to use non-null terminated char const*.
I'm not looking for zero-cost substrings. I have zero-cost substrings.
@Mr.kbok "Freeze peaches" is a play on "free speech".
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ I recall of a question on the notes of "I'm writing a C++ compiler but I still can't use classes"
way to go
std::string_view accepts a null terminated C-style string with zero cost.
Because people think that "freedom of speech" means "everybody has to give you a soap box"
@EtiennedeMartel oh
Why is skype not working

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