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@thecoshman The milk I buy is only pasteurized, nothing more, so it only keeps for a few days (and less in case of a thunderstorm). Therefore I usually buy milk at least twice a week.
@thecoshman "than"
And I think they discussed changing that (in Germany) to "use before" ("zu verbrauchen bis"), like many products already have it
@Xeo Yeah, but that even more strongly suggests that you can't use it after that date.
Which is stupid. We sometimes eat yogurt (pure yogurt, nothing added) that's a months due, and it's just fine.
@sbi Yes, but that "use before" date wouldn't be the same as the "best before" date, obviously
@Xeo No, it is not the same. (But, yes, the difference to "keeps at least until" is even greater.)
Anyway, here endeth my rant. I need to get back to work.
@thecoshman lol, I was expecting a comment with actual content :)
> I don't really care if you have a love of public scope, thats not what I posted... – Jaime 35 secs ago
"We would like you to have used this product by this date, if not we can't promise it will still be as good; chances are it will still be fine for a good while, but we would prefer it you got scared and through it out and buy some more. To be clear, you could still eat it after this date, and even if it is has gone funky before that we will try to squirm out of responsibility, unless you threaten to give us bad press"
@Kerrek, you there?
What the heck, I'll try the milk now. If I don't return, avenge my death!
@FredOverflow how? kill all the cows?
why are we talking about milk?
let's about what milk comes out of.... :P
oh god! what is this going to be
huh... not what I expected ¬_¬
@TonyTheLion typical :P
@TonyTheLion Milk comes out of the fridge, right?
@TonyTheLion Udders? Yuck. You pervert!
@TonyTheLion mammals if you want to get pedantic
alright, here's some comedy for you guys
I'm too lazy to put on my headphones. Can you describe the content?
@FredOverflow comedy...
or do you want a running commentary of funny jokes?
@sbi Udders? Wasn't there a movie about them, featuring Leonardo DiCaprio? Udder Island or something?
@AlfPSteinbach erm... what?
Boo, the cow isn't real!
I see we are all working hard this afternoon :D
yea and you're working the hardest of all :P
i discovered that microsoft's rc.exe doesn't like UTF-8 very much, and cmd.exe doesn't like batch files (scripts) in UTF-16
i conclude that there is sort of no way to script general file handling in windows
>_< god damn it! Can't get shit working!
@TonyTheLion who told you that!
no one told me that
@TonyTheLion nope, can't stand it any more
gave it as good a shot as I could. didn't find it funny
@AlfPSteinbach can't you use vbscript or javascript?
@rubenvb i did. like this:
var host    = WScript;
var fso     = host.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );

function write( s )
    host.StdOut.Write( s );

function writeln( s ) { write( s + "\n" ); }

function isAnsi( str )
    for( var i = 0, n = str.length; i < n; ++i )
        if( str.charCodeAt( i ) > 255 )
            return false;
    return true;

function listFilesIn( folder, relativePath )
    var it;

    it = new Enumerator( folder.files );
    for (; !it.atEnd(); it.moveNext() )
it generates a batch file, and just uses DOS filenames for those files with non-ANSI characters in their names... :-(
then I guess you'll need to give powershell a shot
i googled it, looked like it was full of problems, including with the "ISE" (whatever) :-(
Q: How do I prevent diamond pattern in nested template types using static assert and type traits?

JaimeWhat I'd like to prevent is more than one of the C based template from being derived in D (i.e. there should only ever be one instance of C derived from). Was hoping for maybe a static assert in C or B that may solve this. template <class T> class A {}; class B {}; template <class T, ...

@Xeo: Yep, here. What's up?
I don't think you can do this at compile time?
@KerrekSB That Lightning Races in Orbit guy is Tomalak. :)
@Xeo I think the last comment storm was convincing!
@TonyTheLion Duplicate. The original question contains an answer in comment.
I flagged the original question for unlocking. The lock has served its purpose...
Maybe you can weigh in on the flagging... (and also the duplicate-closing of the new question.)
@TonyTheLion Wait, if the compiler can keep from deriving from C with the same templated types, why doesn't the compiler stop because B is ambiguous.
Apparently, some asshole thought he had to downvote my advice on pointless optimizations without giving a reason. How I hate anonymous downvoters!
Hello all.
@sbi Sometimes I wonder if we should display the name of downvoters.
@EtiennedeMartel If I can view votes, why can't I view who voted.
@Xeo Oh no! He has a new name?!
@Xeo Oh dear.
@Xaade Because that would make people reluctant to downvote, and would cause downvote wars.
Excusing anonymous voting because of fear of backlash, is pointless because we already have backlash without it.
@Xeo Thanks, good to know!
If I downvote something, then I also have the balls to go defend my downvote in the comments.
@Xeo is there a problem with Tomalak?
The guy has more rep than me, and has been here for what, a year?
I'm jealous.
a lot of people have more rep then me, and have been here for less time
@sbi Well, if people are reluctant to downvote if they can't be anonymous, then how can you defend that and complain about anonymous downvoters (unless you aren't defending that, at which point I retract the question and resubmit the following: blargle )
look at @Als for example, he's been repwhoreing like there's no tomorrow
@TonyTheLion I've been here for a year too and have more rep than you. :P
last time I knew, @Als had 20k rep or so
@TonyTheLion Just look for his last appearance here in this room. And the one before that. And the one before that...
@Xeo I guess you're better at what you do then I am, or you've been coding C++ longer then me
@Xaade I'm all for anonymous downvoting — except when it happens to hit me, of course!
@TonyTheLion ~2 1/2 years coding in C++
@TonyTheLion He's a young nerd doing almost nothing else. You can never beat those.
@Xeo exactly, I've only been doing it, on and off, for about a year...
I learned a bit about syntax n stuff befiore that, but never really got involved in actually coding anything
@sbi Oh, so that's how it is.
@sbi yea seems like it...
@EtiennedeMartel Why, is it different for you? :)
@sbi You sound like a politician.
guess if I did nothing else but C++ for a few months, I'd improve a lot too
@sbi :(
Anyway, gotta pick up the kids. See you later!
@sbi Honestly, I'm just an angry asshole who loves to stir shit. So I wouldn't mind if my downvote was public.
@Xeo so what do you pick to learn new stuff in C++, like templates, did you just start playing around, or did you read the Templates book?
@EtiennedeMartel oh I see, we have an angry asshole amongst us :P
@sbi I got enough rep on this site to be satisfied with what I can do. I don't care for wiki tags, or rep to moderate. If they want me to moderate, then they'll let me do it without needed so much rep (I'm pretty light-handed and fair). And as far as edits without peer review. I think pretty much all my edits make it through.
@TonyTheLion I didn't read any book besides the ones I first learned C and C++ with.
And those wasn't really any good in hindsight
@Xeo jeez, pretty impressive then :)
@TonyTheLion I use you guys.
you learned a lot also answering questions and talking here I guess....
@EtiennedeMartel 9. Thou shan't troll in anger.
I dunno, I just love playing with templates. :) I would even dig through the standard headers of MSVC without understanding shit like "what, typename? typedef? wtf is this? Where do those actually come from?!"
@Xeo Which did you read?
@StackedCrooked It's a german book pair called "C von A bis Z" and "C++ von A bis Z" ("C(++) from A to Z")
@StackedCrooked How to learn C++ in 10 minutes.
@Xeo Are they any good?
@TonyTheLion Also, I did get my head around the "complicated" stuff like pointers and linked lists early on, from the C book of the two
I just seem to have an affinity for this stuff
Overlearning can help.
@StackedCrooked I can't really tell. I did learn how C++ works atleast, so I guess they aren't too shabby.
However, they don't touch any of the idiomatic stuff like smart pointers and the like
@Xeo yea I did get my head around those too, I still fail at some of the template stuff
and the use of r-value refs in certain cases
like in your answer here
A: Is it possible to use template metaprogramming to do compile time selection of functionality that class will perform?

XeoIf you don't like code duplication for the specializations, this might be something for you: Basically, we factor the "do or do not" code out into an extra class: #include <utility> // std::forward template<bool Do> struct executor{ template<class F, class... Args> void o...

where does the operator() get called on your executor template?
it forwards the args in case of true, but where to?
I just noticed I have a glaring error in that code
I never pass this!
@Xeo Yeah, @sbi or someone in here, told me that that's how you code C++ now. Well, I'm stuck with MFC. I can't get past CString. So, abandon all hope...
@TonyTheLion log_time(&Logger::add_time, logline); would be one occurance, where operator() gets called. log_time is a parameter of type executor<>
@TonyTheLion: The log method gets three executors and calls the operator() for each one, passing a method pointer to forward to as first argument
Speaking of.... PSN had Dante with all the DLC for only US$19.99. So I'm about to abandon all hope whenever I get home tonight. Sometimes you get rewarded for waiting diligently.
@Grizzly Yeah, but I noticed that method pointer never gets called correctly, it's missing this
@Xeo oh right, I get it now
A: How does std::forward work?

XeoFirst, let's take a look at what std::forward does according to the standard: §20.2.3 [forward] p2 Returns: static_cast<T&&>(t) (Where T is the explicitly specified template parameter and t is the passed argument.) Now remember the reference collapsing rules: TR R T&...

Configuration of the log output format is better determined at runtime imo.
@StackedCrooked: That depends on how performance critical the code containing logging output is
I didn't know you can have two template parameter packs in a single variadic template function
@Grizzly Which it isn't.
@StackedCrooked: Isn't it?
Interestingly, the single-pack version doesn't work: ideone.com/01gmG
Remember this? We probably did hundreds of exercises on this during high-school. I wish I would do the same for templates :)
Ugh, math
@Xeo: That is indeed curious
@Xeo And I remember nothing of it but the most basic principles.
@TonyTheLion I decided to delete that answer until I corrected the code, but before that I will need to ask another question. :)
@Grizzly It only gets stranger...
> error: no matching function for call to 'f(void (*)(int&&), int)'
That's certainly troublesome
Why doesn't the rvalueness stay when using the template parameter pack for the function parameter pack?
@StackedCrooked I can add numbers :D
@Xeo: you mean why doesn't it bind int&& to FArgs there?
Ah, I found the problem
It tries to deduce FArgs twice
once from the function, once from the passed argument
Yay for Clang diagnostics!
t.cpp:7:6: note: candidate template ignored: deduced conflicting types for
      parameter 'FArgs' (<int &&> vs. <int>)
Anyways, afk eating cake. ♪~
@Xeo jelly
And here I thought the cake was a lie
Am I right in thinking that inheriting constructors allow you to emulate a "strongly typed typedef"?
struct first_name : public std::string { using std::string::string; };
struct last_name : public std::string { using std::string::string; };
That's quite cool.
@StackedCrooked Boost has has BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF at least since boost 1.37
This could also be used as an alternative to alias templates (aka template typedef).
@sehe Ok.
@StackedCrooked ideone.com/x5Svq
See the commented out using T::T; :)
Those are tagges types, basically generic strong typedefs
would work even better with template aliases
and then you say typedef tagged_type<struct _first_name, std::string>::type first_name;
@sehe I wasn't aware of this feature, and it's funny because it is similar to my Typed Wrapper utility.
@StackedCrooked granted, it doesn't seem to forward constructors, unless it is a conversion (unary and implicit). Honestly, that covers 90% of the cases.
@StackedCrooked Are you aware that you'll always have to type the semicolon on a new line when using that macro?
@Xeo No...?
The comment will get expanded too
Which will swallow your semicolon
anyways, afk
Then my compiler isn't compliant, because it does seem to work.
dark corner
i remember some old discussions about line number behavior for macro expansions
@Xeo But that's a very good point. Never thought about it.
Comments get expanded? I thought they were removed before the macro
I'm pretty sure I thought that too. Comments, however, will get line-extended which makes // style comments rather useless in multiline macro definitions. That could be the confusion
#define MULTILINEM() do { \
int i; \
i = 42; // THE ANSWER \
} while(false) // ouch broken!
but wasn't someone here writing a new preprocessor for c++11
could just fix things
then Someone Else(TM) could write new command interpreter for windows
The MULTILINEM is broken, not because of the // ouch broken! comment, but because of the // THE ANSWER \n } while(false) // ouch broken! comment
We may need a cpp++.
fuck all the markdowns editing deadlines
@Xeo Inline struct is something I should toy with.
@StackedCrooked oh the perverse lures of programming languages. Way to make your code illegible :)
@sehe It's my code.
@AlfPSteinbach I like to use cygwin on Windows. I don't really understand why many people dislike it.
However, it uses the command line GUI as cmd.exe.
Gnome Terminal and OS X Terminal are easy to use and provide intuitive copy/paste functionality. Why can't CMD do it?
Would there be a stack-exchange where I can post this as a question?
@StackedCrooked use Console2
And the cmd.exe window can copy paste, MSYS/Cygwin just make that very hard to do for some reason.
@rubenvb Bookmarked, I'll check it out.
@rubenvb Is copy/paste behavior for MSYS/Cygwin different than cmd.exe?
@StackedCrooked depends on the version/PC
I can copy paste pretty well: click on the top-left program icon->edit->mark. Then press enter to copy the text to clipboard
Never noticed any differences. They equally suck.
some people don't have that option. I really don't know why.
Multiline copy is really strange. And there is no Select-All + Copy. I don't even know if copying more lines than the console's number of rows even works.
I always set the height/#of rows to a ridiculously large number
You can't resize the window horizontally. So no text rewrap. I consider this basic stuff..
and redirect output when I really need to read it.
somecommand blablbalbalba > somefile.txt 2>&1
works everywhere
There are workarounds, but that doesn't make the suck go away.
true enough
Perhaps I should use Linux on a Virtual box and enable the "inline Windows"-feature (or something).
@StackedCrooked fwiw, I use Linux inside vbox and connect with OSX's free iTerm2 iterm2.com/#/section/home - I think many people have a favorite setup that works for them
I spend 90% of my day in vim via iTerm2
@Pubby Hm, I could swear that wasn't the case
@kfmfe04 I'm on OS X at home and I find the standard Terminal pretty good. I remember using iTerm a few years ago but I switched back to Terminal.
I started with Terminal in the early days when it (surprisingly) didn't support 256-color xterm emulation. Used iTerm for a while because it had 256 colors (need good color syntax in vim during coding), and then they overhauled it into iTerm-2. ITerm-2 is really fantastic (I advise that you try it - since it's free/donate) - it's one of the reasons I use OSX rather than pure Linux.
It works well on a desktop setup, but even better on a laptop combined with 3-finger swipes for switching full-screen mode - I usually hate using pointing devices of any kind (hands off keyboard usually means loss of speed), but this setup just works great....
When I first learned C++ I dreamed one night about a preprocessor that recognized all upper-case text as macros to be evaluated. If the macro evaluated to upper-case text then the process was repeated, until no more upper-case text remained (or, I guess, a treshold-limit was reached to prevent infinite loops, but that wasn't in my dream.)
It's not a good idea I think, but it's a cool dream.
@kfmfe04 I don't really like the pointing devices as well.
Modifying project settings in Visual Studio is cumbersome due to all the clicking involved.
I think the ultimate interface device would be a touch screen with tactile feedback.
@StackedCrooked I find it confusing to go back to IDEs after using Makefiles and scripting tools like CMake - need to spend a lot of time searching for where the heck the developers decided to put all the settings I need to tweek
@StackedCrooked - I would love it if, one day, I could code by just speaking to the damn machine - no more carpal tunnel
@kfmfe04 Yep.
i just had the time of my life. best party ever!!!
@StackedCrooked - that patent would certainly be useful for blind users
@IntermediateHacker You kissed a girl?
@kfmfe04 The technology could be useful. The patent is more likely to be a hindrance to them.
@StackedCrooked sadly... no. I have the misfortune of being in Add-Maths class, and no one kisses those nerds
@IntermediateHacker I know what you are talking about. And I agree, I wouldn't either.
@StackedCrooked agreed - wish companies would focus on innovating rather than copying or suing each other...
@IntermediateHacker Forever alone is not so bad. It's the lifestyle that provides the most personal freedom.
@kfmfe04 I don't mind copying though. Copying is part of innovation.
Anyway, I drove a Mercedes-Benz (underage driving) at > 200 Km/h. God I love this country, no speed limits!!! and a clear road in the desert.
@IntermediateHacker Where is that?
Anyway gotta go now.
Al-Buraimi , Oman
Also I stayed at the farm owned by the tribe of a friend of mine. (This sounds stupid , but believe me it was fun!)
@StackedCrooked that's the Forever Alone argument I always use...
Wish I owned a Mercedes-Benz. Driving it is so fun. Plus it's got such awesome features.
@IntermediateHacker Hmm. If I was going to buy German, I think I'd rather have a porsche.
@robjb Porsches don't work properly in the desert. I don't know why, but they usually get issues in less than six months. Maybe it's the sand?
The best thing here is Mercedes , Toyota etc.
Ohh. I didn't realize your location. I can believe that they wouldn't like the sand very much.
Toyota's run forever anywhere :p
damn. I should sue those guys. False marketing.
Solder the hood shut and only do oil changes and I bet most Corollas or Camrys will still last > 300k mileage
yes. I love toyota.
k it's noon here. Time to ingest caffiene.
be back in a few.
ok. lol, it's 9 PM here.
wtf am I going to do on 18th of Jan when Reddit blacks out???
my life has no meaning anymore.... :(
@TonyTheLion you can try researching a cure for cancer?
I"m not that smart
void cancer_cure(Patient& pat) might do it
Now just implement it, it'll be trivial.
You can try playing this. One of my favs
typedef enum {} myEnum;
how to I declare this extern?
of course not
If the declaration is in some .h, wouldn't you just do extern enum myEnum in the .cpp?
nah I don't include the cpp
Sorry, I obviously didn't think before I posted that first response
interesting name
maybe I can just put the enum into the header file w/o extern
I was about to say
lol, wait till you see the camel loading trucks!
Just don't use extern and #include the header with the enum, should work
oh grumpy old man is back :P
@sbi you grumpy today?
He's always grumpy, otherwise his name wouldn't suit :P
@sbi is not old .
Maybe he is for an ape?
I don't know.
@sbi do you feel old?
I think this discussion has been had in the past
anyway, you can't really grow old unless you want to. Look at my mom, she's 42 and she acts like a f*cking teenager.
Hello people :)
That probably explains why he's ignoring us
Hello @angryInsomniac
just the tallest building in the world :)
Dubai is awesome. It's just half an hour away, but sadly , I never went there. :'( . But I will pretty soon. As long as I save up RO . 50
I'd love to go visit Dubai
what kinda temperatures do you have there now?
@TonyTheLion well, it's extremely hot in the day, but gets cooler in the night. but mostly it doesn't matter, everything is air conditioned.
oh right
@robjb nice
this is cool
@TonyTheLion wonder if it's based on OLED
@kfmfe04 no idea
Umm , i know this is off topic , but does anyone here have even the slightest image editing skills ?
@angryInsomniac I've edited a few images in GIMP. But that's all.
though, a friend of mine is awesome.
He's was once even hired by some company. The company actually bought one of his images.
@IntermediateHacker Actually its a really dumb task that should be very easy to accomplish , but its just nor working and I'm getting desperate !! :P
@IntermediateHacker Hehehe , I don't need anywhere near that level of skill
@angryInsomniac what's the task?
@IntermediateHacker Theres this image , I'm trying to remove the background from it (make it transparent) and then load the image up in my game , so that it just shows the subject
@IntermediateHacker I did the damn thing, saved it as a png , it should be transparent at requisite places , but the game is fucking up the texture and I know the problem is with the image , not with the game
@angryInsomniac The easiest way is to define a special color as "transparent" (usually this is 0xFF00FF, aka pink, which is not a natural color) and handle that specifically in the game
You also spare yourself the alpha-channel this way!
I've got the impossible task of going to eat Pizza! :) Woo :)
@Xeo Thats what I was doing earlier , but then I thought , why not just make the image transparent in requisite places (there are other images in my game which work in the same way)
@angryInsomniac why not just use an Alpha channel?
I always just use a *.png image with an alpha channel.
@IntermediateHacker Umm , would I sound terribly stupid if I said I dont know what that means ? :)
Q: How do I do something like this some_function({1,1,1,1})?

user1148237Lets say I have a function with prototype like this: int func(int * a), and it accepts an array as an argument. How do I do this without the compiler showing errors everywhere: func({1,1,1,1})

Books! Someone get them some damn books!
@IntermediateHacker I know what an alpha channel is , but if I delete all the stuff thats not required and save it shouldnt all the deleted stuff just be transparent ? (Paint.net)
@angryInsomniac maybe, depends on the filetype and what "delete" does. I don't have paint.net
@MooingDuck According to all the tutorials I have read , It makes the deleted area transparent ! and the areas even show up transparent in the windows image viewer ! but when I load it into the game poof .. gone !
@Xeo haha great comment
@angryInsomniac Sounds like your game doesn't understand or can't handle that file's type of transparency
@angryInsomniac what's the filetype, and the game engine?
@MooingDuck There are other files , same format , with transparency, all of them work
@MooingDuck To test it out , I replaced the texture in question with one that does show up correctly and it showed up with proper transparency. (I mean the same settings work for one texture file and not for the other)
@MooingDuck filetype png , engine irrlicht
Yeah, I've generated a nice code coverage report using lcov on Windows!
I had to patch its code, though.
@angryInsomniac if windows previewer shows that transparency worked, I can think of nothing.
@MooingDuck That's basically why I am flummoxed !
@angryInsomniac replace it (temporarily) with a file that is known to work. That'll show if it's the image or the code
@MooingDuck I already did that and it works (I wrote that earlier :D ), its not the code , its the file
If you're interested , filedump.net/index.php?pic=char41326478988.png is the one that doesn't work
@angryInsomniac I confirmed both have transparent backgrounds, which means... they're using different types of transparency and irrlicht only understands alpha?
@MooingDuck That ... might be possible , but then that means in order to make an irrlicht transparency compatible file image editing skills beyond mine are required ! :@
@angryInsomniac open the "broken" one with paint.net and look for the options for "save-as" for png. There should be options for color, transparency, compression, and other stuff.
@MooingDuck I already messed around with 'all ' of them
Here's the output if you're interested : filedump.net/index.php?pic=sample1326479858.png
@angryInsomniac open the ghost, "save-as" someotherfilename.png, copy the dude in, save, and try that one? That should force it to use the same format as the ghost image
@MooingDuck Already tried :D doesnt work
@MooingDuck Ok ... I figured out how to force transparency info onto the alpha channel :D
and it works :)
@MooingDuck Thanks for the help :)
@TonyTheLion No, I wasn't really coming here back then. I was just turning on my machine because the kids wanted music for dinner, and the radio was unbearable. (Then I had to try to explain to them why it would keep plinking over the music.)
@TonyTheLion I wasn't then, but I am now, because I just found that I had forgotten to buy beer on my way home. I am now down to eggnog (without any ice cream, for which I actually keep that stuff), half a bottle of very cheap red wine (which I bought for cooking), and a bottle of Jägermeister (which I had bought to help digesting heavy xmas dinners). That's pathetic, indeed.
@IntermediateHacker Yes, I do, especially so in this room, where I am twice as old as many here.
@robjb If so, the explanation is wrong. See above.
@sbi oh shit :( sorry to disturb you earlier.
@TonyTheLion If you think a Minority Report UI is neat, you should try to stand in front of such an abomination for 8hrs trying to do serious work. I doubt you'd be able to lift a bottle of beer unaided after such a work.
@sbi We all knew you'd be back sooner rather than later
@TonyTheLion No problem. I could simply have logged out of the chat, you know. :)
@sbi it would probably only serve well for entertainment purposes
@Xeo Yeah, just as we know you'd be around all night, and then go to bed tomorrow morning.
No! Err.. maybe! Ok, sometimes!
@sbi oh that sucks...
@robjb Dear C++, when will you get rid of header files?
@Xeo You know, seven days a week isn't exactly "sometimes".
I noticed that my "Real Soon Now™" from yesterday expanded to somewhere between 6 and 8 hours
2 mins ago, by sbi
@IntermediateHacker Yes, I do, especially so in this room, where I am twice as old as many here.

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