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I just woke up. :.
@TonyTheLion Geeze -- another one I (used to) resemble.
@JerryCoffin You go to meetings?
Oh gosh...
You were a woman?
I don't go to parties or meetings...
@RMartinhoFernandes No, not meetings.
@CatPlusPlus Women are adults, and I wasn't.
There was a time, however, when I was blond.
@Xeo I thought you went to bed?
A blond beetle. I can't picture it.
I just rearranged my keyboard, mouse and screen to be able to operate my computer from my bed.
@RMartinhoFernandes Beetle?
OMG, another sleepless night ensues
@JerryCoffin your gravatar
That's a wasp, non?
Atleast looks like one
Whatever. Some kind of arthropod.
A bit. Maybe.
I always thought it was a bee or some other winged infernal creature.
anyways, like this I can atleast watch stuff while pretending to sleep
Meh, sleep.
I woke up feeling like shit this morning, was tired all day
I just ventured into art section of SA. So many TV and comic threads.
now time comes to go to bed, and I'm not tired anymore
the only possible problem with this setup is the combination of my low screen size and my near-sightedness
Something Awful.
I heard that's worse then 4chan
@TonyTheLion Same.
@TonyTheLion That's not a beetle -- that's a yellow jacket (a bee, more or less, but nastier than most).
@CatPlusPlus is SA worse then 4chan, or is it as bad as it is portrayed to be?
Well, 4chan is not entirely /b/, and SA is not entirely FYAD. There's loads of nice content in here.
Let's Plays, for one.
@sbi: I need to change location so only saw your message about now. If we went to put in Erfurt with Erwin and you were in Berlin I should be able to remember. Although, I remember the trip in Erfurt with Erwin, I don't recall any of trips in Berlin (except, to some extend, the trip to Robbengatter). I recognized James, Bo, Jerry, Alf, and Johannes (although I'm only aware of having met James and Alf right now). If you looked anything like your picture I would remember you, though :)
Let's say there are parts of SA that resemble /b/ a bit.
that fact alone is enough to deter me from ever going there
I haven't heard much good about /b/
Meh. It's not like you have to read that.
I guess
@TonyTheLion In case you care, here's a more complete version of the picture:
I knew it's from hell.
That's why I generally stay indoors.
@JerryCoffin how big is that thing?
it would scare the shit out of me
Bees don't usually get very large.
hornets are fairly large
(That doesn't change the fact I refuse to stay in an immediate vicinity of one.)
and fairly aggressive too
@CatPlusPlus same here
Hornets are from deeper parts of hell.
My father used to be a beekeeper. I got stung a lot as a kid.
so you're used to it?
and it doesn't scare you?
At least you know you're not critically allergic.
are you?
In compensation, I had access to a lot of honey.
Hmm, honey.
I have no idea.
I never stay around long enough to find out.
@TonyTheLion Nope.
you've never been stung?
Not that I remember.
@RMartinhoFernandes luck you
But it's not like I want to be stung. That hurts like hell.
been stung a few times, I couldn't call it pleasant, but compared to some of the other things I've been through in my life, it's fairly irrelevant
@TonyTheLion Around an inch and a half long or so, if I recall correctly. I used a macro (closeup) lens to get it to fill the frame and get lots of detail. It was just hatched, so it couldn't fly yet (in the first picture, you can see the wings are still kind of wet) so I was fairly safe. I got well away before they dried enough for her to fly.
@JerryCoffin wow, well it's a pretty cool picture, I give you that
@TonyTheLion Thanks.
@JerryCoffin so as someone living in the US, and from what I remember you've been to Europe, would you prefer to stay in the US or live in Europe? (if you could choose)
@RMartinhoFernandes I wouldn't know how this is specified in Java...
I'm disappointed that there are no answers to my GCC question yet... :-(
@TonyTheLion That's a tough call. Just for example, here's part of the view from my back yard:
While there are definitely things I like a lot about Europe, that's hard to beat.
@JerryCoffin oh with that view, my decision would be made quickly :)
It's unfortunate that moving to the US for Europeans is a fairly impossible thing to do, cause I would consider it otherwise.
@KerrekSB: is it appropriate to discuss questions in the chat? (don't know I'm new) Assuming it is: does the directory you are pointing at contain a version of libstdc++.so.6? Also, you need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH as an environment variable (export LD_LIBRARY_PATH for some shells) and make sure that the path you want to be searched comes first.
@DietmarKühl you can discuss most anything really, especially in this room
just never expect an answer when you ask a question in here
@TonyTheLion ...and be warned that if you do get an answer, it may not be the sort you wanted. :-)
@TonyTheLion : sure. I'm not good at asking questions. I'm generally better at answering them anyway.
@TonyTheLion Well, in the other direction, France has this:
Hard to find that in the US.
@JerryCoffin Yea true
@DietmarKühl I'm pretty sure I've tried just about every permutation of that...
@KerrekSB: this is a bit weird because ldd is meant to show how the executable is loaded and to respect the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. There is a chance that the debug version is different though, e.g. 32 bit instead of 64 bit I assume you checked things like this as well (e.g. using `file libstdc++.so.6).

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