@sbi: I need to change location so only saw your message about now. If we went to put in Erfurt with Erwin and you were in Berlin I should be able to remember. Although, I remember the trip in Erfurt with Erwin, I don't recall any of trips in Berlin (except, to some extend, the trip to Robbengatter). I recognized James, Bo, Jerry, Alf, and Johannes (although I'm only aware of having met James and Alf right now). If you looked anything like your picture I would remember you, though :)
@TonyTheLion Around an inch and a half long or so, if I recall correctly. I used a macro (closeup) lens to get it to fill the frame and get lots of detail. It was just hatched, so it couldn't fly yet (in the first picture, you can see the wings are still kind of wet) so I was fairly safe. I got well away before they dried enough for her to fly.
@JerryCoffin so as someone living in the US, and from what I remember you've been to Europe, would you prefer to stay in the US or live in Europe? (if you could choose)
@KerrekSB: is it appropriate to discuss questions in the chat? (don't know I'm new) Assuming it is: does the directory you are pointing at contain a version of libstdc++.so.6? Also, you need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH as an environment variable (export LD_LIBRARY_PATH for some shells) and make sure that the path you want to be searched comes first.
@KerrekSB: this is a bit weird because ldd is meant to show how the executable is loaded and to respect the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. There is a chance that the debug version is different though, e.g. 32 bit instead of 64 bit I assume you checked things like this as well (e.g. using `file libstdc++.so.6).