I remember how our mathematical analysis professor claimed that a good understanding of mathematical relations will help understanding relational databases.
I have for the last 8 or so years considered doing a maths course for computer scientists, kinda like the reverse that Knuth is doing. I'm still short for ideas though.
Stepanov wants to design the STL on algebraic foundations so that the entire field of algebra with hundreds of years of mathematical progress becomes available for free in the STL library.
@EtiennedeMartel He currently can't pull it off because the C++ is lacking a few key features. Concepts being the most important one I believe. I would understand more of this if I managed to finish reading his book.
> Although the concepts of this document are not used in the context of current standard libraries they are fundamental for the definition of Every numeric generic library.
Someone thought they were important enough for a proposal.
I once proposed renaming D to Diamond. Because Ruby was popular at the time and I reasoned that Diamonds are forever (while Ruby would lose popularity).
I accidentally know the real names of Als and Tony. Someone posted them here in a moment of silliness (and was promptly prompted to remove them). And I have a good memory.
@CatPlusPlus In the last decade I made it a hobby of mine to ask bosses whether they google the names of developers applying for a job in their company. So far, I have asked about half a dozen, and they all admitted to doing so. Some even admitted that they have weeded out applicants based on their findings.
@StackedCrooked Anyway, to enumerate my gatherings: I bought a lamp to put over my stove, four(!) bulbs to replace the broken one above the mirror in the bathroom (my daughter had been complaining about it being broken), one of those new-fangled LED lamps (just in case it's not the bulb that's broken...), a cool metal trivet, cork mats, some xmas decoration for next year (real cheap!), a pretty cool night light for my night-blind son, a pitcher to be used in the garden, two sets of four little bowls...
@RMartinhoFernandes I suppose he sees as much as I do, I think he only believes it's too dark for him to reach the door from his bed at night without me coming and turning on some light.
Did a quick search. There are three people with my name that could be easily confused for myself, given identical schools locations, and backgrounds. One is a gynecologist, another is a redneck, and the third is a guy continuing his education.
@StackedCrooked I can see surprisingly well in the dark. Enough to make out the landscape (minus objects that don't reflect well and match their background color).
@sbi I always slept in a room with curtains that didn't fully cover all incoming light. So was used to always having at least a little light (streetlight). When I went to sleep over at my aunt the room was completely dark. It totally freaked me out and I started hallucinating.
@StackedCrooked I suppose they are served by the CDN? I remember that effect when they must have changed the CDN's address and the new one was blocked by my browser.
I know, because there's a forum that I get good info from, but usually have to use google's cache page to get it. I accidentally clicked a link on it and loaded a live page.
@Xaade My apartment is on the fourth floor, and when I come home late I never turn on the light in the staircase, but walk by the street and moon light coming through the staircase windows. When I come with this son, I try to talk him into trying this. Sometimes I succeed, and he's astonished when he reaches my apartment door. But sometimes he just freaks out and runs for the light switch, lamenting he can't see a thing. :)
Obtain a blank piece of paper [1]. Tear, or cut, the paper into small pieces. Upon each piece, write down a label for an element you wish to sort. Use one piece of paper for each and every element. For mystical, or even pseudo-religious, effect you might wish to perform some sort of ceremony on the paper now. A song is usually good. A dance adds an extra air of authenticity [2]. Place all of the pieces of paper into a hat, or other container. One-by-one, remove each piece of paper, and form a line on a desk, or failing everything else, the floor.
@RMartinhoFernandes All that discounts one fatal flaw. You only have one list. If the quantum processor sorted the list parallel, they'd all check the same result.
@RMartinhoFernandes The key combination for capturing a window on Mac is Shift-Command-F4 followed by the space bar. Something I learned this morning on the Apple stack exchange site. (How quickly it turned out to be useful :D)
In C++ it's bad practice to throw from destructors. Is this a problem inherent to C++ or is it a common pattern shared among different kinds of error handling. For example is it also in Java a bad practice to throw from the finally block?
@StackedCrooked Wow. Really? "Shift-Command-F4 followed by the space bar"?! Incredible. It's simply Alt+Print on Windows. And those Mac aficionados always try to tell us how simple to use the Mac is.
@CatPlusPlus oh hey, § 12.5/9 [ Note: If a deallocation function has no explicit exception-specification, it is treated as if it were specified with noexcept(true) (15.4). —end note ]
Shift-Command-F4 allows you to define a screenshot by dragging an area with the mouse pointer. However, if you press the space button then the mouse pointer will highlight the window you are hovering over. So you can then move the mouse pointer over the window you want to capture and click. Then the screeshot file appears on the desktop. It sounds verbose, but if you actually do it it turns out to be qutie handy.
@TonyTheLion Have a corruption in the MSI transaction log. Toasted right there. All you get is a 0xblarghle, and posting it on MSDN gives little more than "Hmm.... We've never got that one before"
@TonyTheLion Friend's laptop could no longer use MSI to install or uninstall, and MSDN forum workers couldn't figure out why. Said the code never occured before.
@TonyTheLion The thing that started the charade was the fact that a particular professor required software X to run on their machine in order to access notes for the class (notes they didn't give in class).