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12:00 AM
I guess that will do.
Anyway. It's getting late.
I should probably go to sleep soon.
It's ok. I guess I'm sometimes worse. But I don't think I'm allowing myself on this chat at those times :_)
12:26 AM
Btw, @wilhelmtell I get the same error you do on that Boost.MPI code. Sorry for the late reply, I only noticed the console session I had left compiling now :)
I spent the whole day on TVTropes, which means I'm as productive as a flaming brick.
I spent the last week on TVTropes.
That must have been hard.
12:54 AM
Can't sleep.
Don't want to sleep.
I don't really want to sleep either. Problem is that I've been awake for 30+ hours and I need to show up at work within 7 hours.
erm... you're fucked.
Pretty much.
1:03 AM
Going to sleep now will leave you in a zombie state when you wake up. Staying awake will do so too.
you could take a sequence of "power naps", naps of fifteen minutes at max
It's a lose-lose situation.
just before you fall in the REM state
I should probably send an email asking for a day off.
Staying awake will make you fall asleep randomly during work.
1:04 AM
Just tell them you partied too hard
Maybe they won't notice.
40 hours is a lot.
I'll tell them something noble.
A power nap is a short sleep which terminates before the occurrence of deep sleep or slow-wave sleep (SWS), intended to quickly revitalize the subject. The expression was coined by Cornell University social psychologist James Maas. Characteristics The power nap is thought to maximize the benefits of sleep versus time. It is used to supplement normal sleep, especially when a sleeper has accumulated a sleep deficit. Various durations are recommended for power naps, which are very short compared to regular sleep. The short duration of a power nap is designed to prevent nappers from sleepin...
Like I had to help an old lady.
1:04 AM
Somewhere around this mark microsleep episodes start.
15 minutes? That's not sleep.
@CatPlusPlus I'm haven't noticed.
Instead of power napping, I'm more the fan of power nopping
It takes me 2-3 hours to fall asleep on average.
@CatPlusPlus: going into REM state would not be a good thing for him :P
It's just laying there with your eyes closed.
1:06 AM
@CatPlusPlus Seriously?
it'll turn him into a zombie, more or less
Uber-human could do 6 power naps per day and be fit
staying awake 22 hours every day
Not regenerating the brain after 30+ hours of no sleep will make him a zombie, too.
@StackedCrooked Yup. It's annoying like hell.
The best sleep I have is when I'm drunk.
That's obviously not a solution.
@Xeo Ever read about Steve Pavlina's polyphasic sleep experiment? He's one of the few that succeeded in pulling it off.
Well, and after all-nighter I can fall asleep pretty easily.
But not sleeping every other day is no solution either.
Also I can't wake up before 10 hours, no matter what.
1:08 AM
do you sleep in a perfectly dark room?
having a light source can ruin your sleep
Last year I once got really drunk at a party. When I got home I sent an email to work saying I wasn't going to make it due to too much alcohol and requested a day off. My boss didn't seem to make a problem off it.
So perhaps I should try again.
It's usually pretty dark.
When I'm really sleepy, I can even fall asleep in bright light while standing
@Xeo @CatPlusPlus is that you?
1:09 AM
I pulled that off once
so maybe you should just stop using your PC/laptop after 9/10PM
or using some softwares like redshift, to shift the white colour versus the red part of the spectrum
@akappa You seem very wholesome.
I'm using Flux to reduce the colours, but it doesn't really help.
1:10 AM
@StackedCrooked: what does that mean? :D
@akappa Having superior morals.
lol, thanks
Don't take me too seriously.
@StackedCrooked: actually, I think you're a bit sarcastic ;)
@akappa Now and then :)
1:12 AM
The days are too short.
^ This tune is so awesome.
Stupid brains and their sleeping needs.
@CatPlusPlus Yeah.
Problem is that the weekend ended too soon. It sometimes happens that I'm severly sleep deprived, but that's on Saturday nights. Not Sunday nights.
But I seem to have miscalculated this time.
Am I the only one that needs to show up at somewhere tomorrow?
nope, I should show up tomorrow at 9.00AM
You should, but you won't?
1:19 AM
probably, it's just making breakfast with some friends
nothing job-related :P
I have to be at work at 9AM as well. For the first working day of the new year there's a breakfast at work.
And I also have Japanese classes tomorrow evening. Double torture.
cannot sleep?
Nope. I'm wide awake.
when you woke up today?
I get out of the bed at 3PM, that was pretty destructive
I've been awake since Saturday noon.
1:22 AM
I went to bed at 3PM.
And I only slept for 4 hours on Saturday "night".
Woke up around 11.
Slept for 9h to 13h.
@CatPlusPlus That's reasonable :D
you should try to get some serotonin
1:24 AM
@akappa I've already taken 12mg of melatonin. To no avail.
ouch, seems you're pretty fucked up in this regard :P
I have no serotonin since that is not permitted by law here. (I don't know why.)
They arrest people whose brains secrete serotonin?
My mom has sleeping pills, but I don't want to start using that.
It seems like your entire country would be imprisoned ;)
1:27 AM
Anyway, I don't think that I need serotonin supplementation.
I just need more holidays :D
Perhaps paracetamol will help.
I need 32 hour days.
The additional 8 hours is for gaming?
14 hours for sleep, 18 hours for Internet.
that's why I have a dumbphone and no intention to upgrade at all
I have a dumbphone because I barely use it anyway.
I hate talking on the phone.
1:33 AM
Talking on the phone beats talking face to face.
Talking via text beats talking face to face.
If you say so.
actually I was talking about surfing on it: I'm already internet addicted enough for my taste
Speech is so inefficient.
Text is superior indeed.
Morse is more accurate than speech.
1:34 AM
It's like speed of CPU cache vs HDD.
What can you deduce about my code from these two lines?
    return dest_p.first->second.second;
It sucks.
face-to-face communication has some interesting advantages if the recipient of the communication is a girl and a good-looking one
it's not correct English?
1:35 AM
Socially acceptable human interaction requires an additional amount of smalltalk on top of what you wanted to say.
@akappa What are the advantages?
I have to reply every sentence I'm going to say in my mind several times to even get the words right.
aren't clear enough? :P
Speech sucks.
@CatPlusPlus That reminds me of an anime character in a show a recently saw.
It's like reading a file byte for byte without buffering, from a floppy disk.
1:38 AM
Good luck with that.
I used to practice card tricks. The advantage was that I had the speech memorized for each trick so I could perform fluently.
@Xeo It uses nested std::pair. (Not an impressive deduction, I admit.)
@Xeo dest_p is a pair of iterator + bool (returned from some standard algorithm?), and the iterator is from a map whose values are pairs.
How much did I get right?
@RMartinhoFernandes Could be pointer instead of bool as well.
@RMartinhoFernandes most, it's from map::insert(pair<K,V>)
where V also is a pair<V1,V2>
Okay, so... what exactly does this warning tell me?
1:46 AM
@Xeo I think the user might expect value initialization due to the (). Therefore the compiler warns that this isn't the case.
#include <array>
#include <memory>

int main(){
    typedef std::array<char,20> buf_type;
    typedef std::shared_ptr<buf_type> shared_buf;

    shared_buf p = std::make_shared<buf_type>();
So that means the std::array won't be all zeros?
@Xeo I think that VS is not compliant with the spec here.
Not really surprising.
Yeah, but what about the array? It seems to be all-zeroes atleast, but that could just be luck that there was no crap on that particular memory block before
I think stack is zeroed out on program startup.
1:50 AM
Try tossing some crap into it. Overload global operator new and cheat.
Don't do this at home.
Or anywhere else.
you could allocate a memory chunk, write some crap on it and use in-place new
I think it's rather unlikely that you encounter 20 consecutive zeroes on a heap.
I'm not so sure of that.
the OS has a service which cleans out pages regularly, so it's not so unlikely
1:52 AM
What OS?
Linux and Windows implement that, AFAIK
@CatPlusPlus What if he ZeroMemoryed something on it some moments ago? Or it used to store a picture with a lot of black?
@akappa That seems like a silly thing to do. Especially considering that some tools like to abuse uninitialised memory.
@RMartinhoFernandes ASLR. You probably won't get the same place twice.
@RMartinhoFernandes Maybe he's an emo kid :D
Anyway, whatever.
I should do something today.
1:57 AM
@CatPlusPlus: I'm searching for some references, but here the idea is to minimize the service time of serving memory chunks allocated using calloc. Obviously, memory allocated using malloc() should not using a "clean" page if dirty and unallocated pages exists, but there may not be any if your system is pretty unloaded
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

int main(){
    typedef std::array<char,20> buf_type;
    typedef std::shared_ptr<buf_type> shared_buf;

    buf_type buf = { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
                     3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
                     1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
                     7, 7, 7, 7, 7 };
    void* p = buf.data();
    buf_type* pbuf = new (p) buf_type();

    for(unsigned i=0; i < 20; ++i)
        std::cout << (char)((*pbuf)[i] + 0x30) << ' ';
Atleast prints all-zero in release mode
Or I'm doing something wrong in the test
the test looks good
The thing is, std::array's default ctor shouldn't zero-out the buffer. Theoretically at least

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