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@Xeo Also, there's no request to treat popes right, only bearers of the card.
so I could take a loan to buy a car
my bank has some nice options for that
5.89%, namely.
@BartekBanachewicz No dealers offering 0%?
Then again, dealers give cash discounts. I hate car loans - so many options:(
weekend :) bye guis
@MartinJames I'm not gonna buy a new one uh
new cars are like ridiculously expensive
I could get a ~2008 A4
oh holy fuck even those are expensive as fuck
@BartekBanachewicz ITT Bartek moans about car costs while considering getting an Audi.
€13700 for a 2008 car
@MartinJames what can I say, there's really little companies that make comparable cars here
You can have a really nice car, or a really nice bank balance. IME, you cannot have both.
I guess that's true.
bah at least the flat refurbishing is coming to an end
the tiles in the kitchen and corridor should be already there
Gonna get kitchen furniture next week and hopefully I can start with the floors in the rooms too
@BartekBanachewicz I thought he was buying paper.
@R.MartinhoFernandes A trabby?
hm, LWJGL has a really nice page
and they recommend GLFW in the samples!
what's the name of that design
I've seen it in many places
'A new set of bugs has been downloaded. Restart Firefox now?'
hipster design with movie in the background?
@AlexM. Hipster.
See, you got it on your own.
oh man, a friend contacted me with "i need to write a java game in a week"
poor soul
@BartekBanachewicz I guess he/she implied that it had to work well :(
@BartekBanachewicz Pick Tic-Tac-Toe.
> Making fools out of the best of us
Making robots of the rest of us
Don't try to stop us, don't try to stop us, don't try to stop it
Get out of the way
Nice lyrics.
@R.MartinhoFernandes he wants to do something like guitar hero
In "Gosh, is this book good", an expression of amazement at how good the book is, what punctuation do you use at the end?
This could go on a while, so I'll say that a 'plink' exclamation mark is best here.
Btw, reindeer tastes great.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not tried it.
Like really tender beef.
Next time I see some reindeer roadkill beside the A50, I'll stop and cut off a chunk.
does it depend on how badly it's decomposed or you are willing to take anything
The bad part was that we paid 23 bucks a pop and it turned out to be a gourmet-style dish, i.e, two thumb-sized slices in the middle of the plate.
I had vension before, it was not that tasty
I had tension before.
@MartinJames I like the color plink
@MartinJames It's tons better than bear, btw.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :)
Bear was kinda disappointing.
Poor sehe.
ayyy Nooble haven't seen you around lately
colleague just had a little girl
named her Ada :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe the steaks would have been better than the meatballs, (or maybe if we hadn't had several beers first).
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'll name my kid Pascal
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol, how cruel.
@ParkYoung-Bae guess what happened to my home workstation
I'll name my kid Haskell and arrange for him or her to be routinely bullied
@AlexM. Really? I'm here everyday :)
I was probably asleep then
Probably because time zones.
> Idris has got a cumulative hirarchy of universes, which is invisible in the surface syntax.
@райтфолд lol
I still haven't gotten back to my usual sleep schedule
just don't name you kid after linux & you your kid will be fine
@ParkYoung-Bae I blew out the nvidia card doing the password thing. System would just lock up. Sometime I would boot into a working desktop, but it would lock up at random points.
Good thing the PC has an i7 with the onchip(?) intel video. Nothing that I could easily switch without shorting the CMOS jumper and removing the nvidia drivers of course :)
@chmod711telkitty Linus was named after Linux? ;)
@sehe Bad drivers blew up the card?
@sehe That's quite extreme.
@Nooble Yeah. Cards/drivers should not need fire-extinguishers.
@MartinJames I don't think it would make a lot of difference. The whole thing just felt very coarse and greasy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, but at least there was some bulk to it:)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit If I have a kid, maybe I'll name him Charles.
that's the CEO's name
anyone wanna name their kid telkitty (after me)? </cheeky></troll></shameless self promotion>
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Is it an homage to Babbage?
Reminds me, I need to do some shopping for veg.
you know it's overkill when you do pizza delivery with this car
I'll order from these guys tonight
Do they promise faster-than-usual delivery?
@MartinJames oh there wasn't a fire :)
> adduser: Om problemen te voorkomen, moet de gebruiksnaam alleen bestaan uit
letters, cijfers, liggende streepjes, punten, apestaartjes en schrap's, en niet starten met
een schrap (zoals gedefinieerd door IEEE Std 1003.1-2001). Voor compabiliteit met
Samba machine-accounts $ is ook ondersteund aan het eind van de gebruikersnaam
@FredOverflow judging by how the car looks, it's more like mafia-style delivery
Yay for crappy translations ^ /cc Dutchies
@AlexM. An offer I can't refuse - 12 inch for the price of 8.
I can't refuse their offers actually
@sehe "ook" is @sbi's favourite Dutch word.
they're good
Lol. They even translated names of system environment variables in the man page. That'll work like a charm, no doubt!
@MartinJames That sounds rapey.
1+1 (or just 1 for half the price, which makes it the cheapest pizza around)
31cm or 41cm
i just ate a pizza
man so stuffed
Somehow, pizza diameters in metric seem wrong.
@AlexM. 40 is too much for me
30 is okay, if I didn't eat anything all day
it worked before
now you borked it
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmm.. in Lounge, engage perversion-filter before hitting enter.
yay flux capacitor
this has to be one of the coolest-looking guitar effects ever
Are there such thing as perverted geeks?
what is it?
@FredOverflow capacitor
@AlexM. You fucking pleb.
@R.MartinhoFernandes no
@AlexM. a delay unit
and what is it used for?
It allows you to travel through time.
@BartekBanachewicz It's funny how Brown has this "Genius Moment" and the vision he has is... a Y
@FredOverflow oh my god. that was so good
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hmm, didn't notice my message rhymed until now.
@AlexM. basically what @Fred said. (it delays the signal and mixes it with the incoming one)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Probably because it doesn't?
@BartekBanachewicz that had to be the most ambiguous way to explain the delay though
I can remember springy delay-lines.
@BartekBanachewicz the travel through time thing
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oh, yes, it does.
@AlexM. That was a joke.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit could start with 2 dresses with different color too - simple javascript
The DeLorean time machine is a fictional automobile-based time travel device featured in the Back to the Future franchise. In the feature film series, Dr. Emmett Brown builds a time machine from a DeLorean DMC-12 with the intent of gaining insights into history and the future but instead winds up using it to travel across 130 years of Hill Valley history (from 1885 to 2015) with Marty McFly, undoing the negative effects of time travel. One of the cars used in filming is currently on display in the Studio Tour at Universal Studios Hollywood. == Operation == The operation of the DeLorean time machine...
while we are at gear porn
I hate manure! They're playing Sunderland tomorrow.
I'm going to build a pedalboard filled with effects like that someday
@BartekBanachewicz Don't forget to encapsulate the effects inside a monad.
> You can be and work or a dwarf
expensive hobby
@FredOverflow lol
overdrive >>= delay
@BartekBanachewicz So you can travel forward in time to a point where you can play well?
meh I'll probably never play really well
the whole 15000 hours thing
@FredOverflow I love the idea of using pot as hat
safety precautions
@BartekBanachewicz Well, since we already brought up time travel:
Just apply this to learning the guitar.
@Mr.kbok superman must be programmed using rust, he's immutable until someone explicitly uses kryptonite to make him mutable
Mutable and vulnerable are not the same thing.
while(true) superman.clone();
You are throwing away the result.
@FredOverflow Speaking of throwing, fc08.deviantart.net/fs42/f/2009/097/8/5/… (that's not 'shopped; it really is in the movie)
@sehe lol een schrap
@райтфолд How useful are dependent types in practice? I mean, how often do you actually know at compile time how long your lists are, for example?
@FredOverflow very
it's not about list length, though
@FredOverflow That's not how it works.
@FredOverflow by default clone is a shallow copy, so there is still just one superman
A: Must template argument functions be treated as potentially constexpr?

Filip Roséen - refpIntroduction template<int F(), int N = F()> void func (); In this answer we will go through the relevant sections of the International Standard, step by step, to prove that the above snippet is well-formed. What does the International Standard (N3337) say? The Standardese 14.3p6 Templa...

I've seen maybe 3 tutorials, and they all concentrate on lists with a known length.
@orlp I hoped for 3 hours but my stomach hurt too much to sleep so 0 hours.
@FredOverflow They're all garbage, then.
@FredOverflow fuck that, think about filter
@chmod711telkitty What language? Java?
@FredOverflow I do not know.
@FredOverflow That's just normal static typing.
^ proof-reading wanted; I have no idea why that question has been unanswered for so long, which makes me nervous that I haven't expressed myself clear enough
@Rapptz 3 hours doesn't sound healthy
@FredOverflow yes, your beloved
The type of "lists of size 2" is not a dependent type. It's just the type of pairs.
You're not healthy.
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] - this is the worst thing ever
@chmod711telkitty By default, clone throws a CloneNotSupportedException.
@BartekBanachewicz it's pretty nice
the list of second a's has a distinctive property of having passed the predicate
I don't understand any of that. What is the point of having a list if the length is known at compile-time?
but I agree that it should be way more general
not list-specific
@BartekBanachewicz And you can encode that in the type system?
@FredOverflow with dependent types, yes.
@BartekBanachewicz How would that look? [p a] or something?
Well, you can write your own filter of course
Returning myFilter :: Predicate -> [a] -> [PredicatePassed a]
@FredOverflow not really
@FilipRoséen-refp The explanation for that is simple: it's a gimme-the-standardezez question.
You can do it without dependent types.
@FredOverflow that only really works with one filter. What if you compose two?
what if you do some other operations on the list?
dependent types can assess meaningful information basing on the operations done on values without the need to write explicit types for every transformation
@Rapptz I am.
I suppose that's a pretty nice one-liner, thinking about it.
More multi-tag crap:
newtype PredicatePassed a = PredicatePassed a
filter :: (a -> Maybe (PredicatePassed a)) -> [a] -> [PredicatePassed a]
@Rapptz We all are dying.
I wish Dependent Haskell was already live
Haskell wants to be independent!
@райтфолд Haskell is a strong independent programming language who needs no C++.
Haskell is also shit. Perl FTW.
corgis are sorta cute
but disproportionate
A: Why structs and classes are separate concepts in C#?

Mason WheelerThe reason C# (and Java and essentially every other OO language developed after C++) did not copy C++'s model in this aspect is because the way C++ does it is a horrendous mess. You correctly identified the relevant points above: struct: value type, no inheritance. class: reference type, has in...

u know so many different programming language and yet can't do a simple binary search? — nafas 27 mins ago
Well, he has a point there
yeah the comment is perfect
I love it
also my favourite part of the question is this:
> I have a sorted array of numbers say 22 33 55 22 22,22
lol the comment thread to that answer was nuked
@Rapptz wow such bullshit.
shit I forgot to earn reputation on programmers again
so I still can't downvote
is the guy (answer) wrong?
he's a fucking idiot
it's largely opinion
@BartekBanachewicz That's a bit strong. I would have stuck with 'idiot'.
it's opinion-based yes, but he doesn't get that it's opinion-based
in particular he doesn't understand C++ very much
he's right saying that C++ is a mess (of course), but he's providing shitty arguments
@AndyProwl It's C#
@MartinJames That answer is mostly a criticism of C++
@MartinJames Well he's an ignorant idiot.
@BartekBanachewicz lol
@AndyProwl like most of his posts
@райтфолд CQS
@AndyProwl I commented with a scathing review until I realised he was talking about C# in that paragraph
Which means his answer makes very little coherent sense, but at least he wasn't outright lying
@BartekBanachewicz I've read just two of them and both of them were (bad) criticism
Yay I found it!
@Mgetz Well, FWIW, I agree that implicit slicing should be ill-formed.
@sehe wtf
@sehe what the
@Xeo C# will always give you a compiler warning about it last I checked.
Specifically about the "sponsor offers"
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I think the answer is "coherent", but it seems to imply that "C# got it right, while C++ got it wrong", which does not make for a good answer IMO. A better approach would have been along the lines of "they're different, one is simpler, one is more complicated, here are the drawbacks and benefits of both"
@Mgetz C# doesn't slice. At all. Even if you assume that warning exists, you cannot construct a program that triggers it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes only during construction
@Mgetz That's not slicing.
lol inb4 another 65-comment thread on that guy's answer
I've never had issues with slicing.
we need @Puppy to nuke him properly
OK, I'm confused now, (not for the first time). What is the thing that can happen during construction that is not slicing?
Is it a common gotcha?
@MartinJames You can observe broken invariants of the derived classes.
@Rapptz For beginners, I guess
@MartinJames basically the same thing that happens in C++ if you call virtual functions while constructing
@R.MartinhoFernandes Orite.
@Mgetz No. The exact opposite of what happens in C++.
@Mgetz I don't think so. The functions will behave non-virtually in C++
@FredOverflow when I was a kid I thought that if I could be locked on an island and given enough time I'd make the best game ever
I barely knew OpenGL at that point
In C#, virtual calls always call the members overriden at the most derived point.
@BartekBanachewicz Was there a 5-star hotel and free bars on the island?
@Mgetz Yes, read it.
@Mgetz That confirms robot's point
Basically, in C++ you may call the wrong function if you intended to call the overridden version. In C# you may call a member of a class whose constructor hasn't run.
It's a fucking stupid thing to do anyway.
@AndyProwl was linking it for posterity not because it supported my point
Ah, I see
It's actually funny. C#'s approach is the one that gives you the most control if you know what you're doing (which C++ is known for), while C++ gives you the safe by default approach that ties your hands if you know what you're doing (which C# is sometimes criticized for).
Why is windows so pain in the ass? Spent like 4 hours on compiling libpqxx
@khajvah because that is a loaded statement without the qualification of WHY it took that long
@khajvah windows are plural
'main() parameters mess up array declaration'
'that is value returned by strlen(array) function'

OK, next.
@khajvah because you can't compile for shit
@milleniumbug 'windows' is plural, too.
@Mgetz Don't really want to get into details but it is unintuitive piece of shit
I can't wait for Monday.
@khajvah Might as well shut up, then.
I was looking for 64 but visual c++ for an hour
Oh god, and the submission too...
'Wecome to the linker':
why isn't there a simple binary for that, it is always like "it comes with other shit"
@khajvah if you installed an express edition, it's not there. Go install community or better
@khajvah Sounds like a PEBKAC, indeed.
@MartinJames Still scrolling...
@Mgetz Hmm. I have 2013 Express and I can build 64-bit programs just fine. Unless you mean something else.

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