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@Pris shudders
I wish I was part of a young hipsterish start up with an all access pass to GDC and all the biggest parties
Make a young hipsterish startup then :)
So many cool talks (warning, heavy html) schedule.gdconf.com/list
The lifetime of the vector lasts until the loop is finished, so there is no dangling — Matt McNabb 58 secs ago
this fucking "hints in comments" bullshit is really winding me up now
at this point I can only surmise that people just want to show off that they got the answer first, without having to actually write an answer
Matt McNabble
Enemy of the McNooble's.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'll never get why this bothers you so much. Its not "hey look at me I answered firsts", its "i want to be helpful but not have to deal with twats who'll downvote me any chance they get for the most pendantic insignificant reasons"
If you want to be "helpful" without using the SO model, go be "helpful" some place that isn't SO.
This is not www.helpful-at-all-costs.com
I sometimes left comments when I was too lazy to bother to expand, but since that bothers you so much I'll try to do it more
@CatPlusPlus How uncharacteristically accommodating of you
@CatPlusPlus great
'I pratted about and completely fucked up my machine. I couldn't be bothered to do any backups and so I want you to fix it by remote magic':
@MartinJames misquote
> PS: please tell if the code is right (I mean the conception pont of vue)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit OK, I may have read between the lines a bit.
@MartinJames This is why all problems are solved by reinstalling Windows.
"but it is a specific and limited field question if you consider the area itself." - what is that supposed to mean. It looks like a misplaced prayer to the gods of gullibility to "make this magically on-topic" — sehe 6 secs ago
@MartinJames A bit :)
@Mysticial This is why all problems are solved by restoring from backups.
Restoring from backup is only a dirty shortcut version of reinstalling windows
This is why all problems are prevented by thinking about what you're doing
Anyhoops, prolly the uninstaller never spotted the registered virtual network device drivers.
@CatPlusPlus That would actually be nice, if true.
@sehe lol
@sehe It takes forever too.
And rarely works out.
Now you're trolling me re. reinstalling Windows.
> Feminist activists in Belgium threw french fries and mayonnaise on the Belgian Prime Minister Monday in protest of what they believe is his chauvinism and promotion of the wrong economic values.look at all the fucks he gives
@MartinJames why would anyone need to troll about a topic like that
Last time I reinstalled Windows that wasn't related to HDD failure was when 98 was the shit
@sehe Maybe because I have never done it except after hardware failure of drive C.
That fucking thing broke when you looked at it funny
God how I don't miss 9x kernel
@CatPlusPlus ACK - pile of utter shite.
@CatPlusPlus I still remember the total shock of getting W2K. I developed my shitty software for a week without any BSOD/reboot. It was amazing.
I just did my first template based recursion doohickey thing :D
@Pris Oh.. I'm so sorry.
Its okay, I have no idea what I'm doing. Blissful ignorance!
> Derivederer
It would be nice if I didn't have to typedef a 'base_type'
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Is that bad?
you can generate that all at compile time with traits
some people would tell you to lose the if and take on some horribly complex and impossible-to-read mess of SFINAE and stuff, but screw that
I'll make it anyway because such a thing is desperately needed.
The best things are made because people solve a problem they have themselves. I mean, dogfooding should come natural
Guys today is the first time I see the pollution index here in GREEN
Well done, you.
Apparently it's because all factories are closed for new year, so it will eventually be back to cancer-as-usual.
Green pollution
That sounds bad
I'd best get some sleep, probably
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Good night.
Quick question on type casting.
Slow answer on type casting
@DragonLord I'm a koala, I do not know about this "type casting" wizardry.
@CatPlusPlus Clearly it wasn't a quick question at all since his question still isn't here.
If I have an int32_t with the value 00000000 00000000 10101010 10101010 (technically positive), is casting it to int16_t well-defined with a negative value as the result?
Just kidding I don't know.
If I cast it back to int32_t, will the variable be sign-extended?
lol no, signed overflows are UB
No it's implementation-defined.
The goal is to sign-extend a 16-bit value stored in a 32-bit variable.
The input will never exceed 16 bits in length, but is stored in a 32-bit variable for technical reasons.
Then the fuck is casting for
> A conversion to a signed type that cannot represent the value being converted results in either an implementation-defined value, or an implementation-defined signal.
> Also lel
Signed shifts are sign-extending
Yes they are
Hell conversion from int16 to int32 should preserve the sign your code is silly and broken
what the heck
const filter_result filter_row(const location_filter& eval_filter, const types::row::col_pair& eval_col)
is giving me
The problem is that I'm dealing with a simplified MIPS simulator for a class project and I'm trying to derive the immediate field from rd, shamt, and funct.
[bcc32 Error] E2238 Multiple declaration for 'filter_row(const string_filter &,const types::col_pair &)'
location_filter and string_filter are two structs that happen to exist in the same namespace. Why is it thinking that two different functions that accept them as parameters have the same signature??
Doing this on all four of my overloads.
The immediate field must be sign-extended.
_rd * 2048 + _shamt * 64 + _funct is not enough.
Cookie chains are so underwhelming
I guess I'll have to sign-extend manually.
Who wants to take bets that restarting RAD Studio fixes it?
if(val & 0x8000 == 0x8000) val |= 0xFFFF0000;
Would this do the job of sign-extending to 32-bit?
On a 64-bit system, I could cast the result to int to further extend it to 64-bit.
Whoops, the == is evaluated before &
if((val & 0x8000) == 0x8000) val |= 0xFFFF0000;
Would this do sign extension?
Find out!
How about you check
> val |= 0xFFFF0000;
That's wrong
Hmm, can you not put a using namespace declaration inside a class definition?
Lately I've been carrying around an 11 inch ultrabook.
Most convenient thing ever.
@ParkYoung-Bae how? That just sets the upper 16 bits to FFFF.
@ParkYoung-Bae That was for me?
@DragonLord Will break on computers that don't use 2-s complement :D
@caps Yes that was for you
@ParkYoung-Bae Thanks. Can you even put a using ns::widget declaration in a class definition?
@ParkYoung-Bae The code is not designed to run on an embedded system or other device which uses something other than two's complement. Can I at least rely on this to work on x86?
@caps No but you can shorten the type to something else with using widget = ns::widget
@DragonLord I think so, but frankly I think the cast is more explicit about your intent
@ParkYoung-Bae That's basically a typedef then. Isn't that a C++11 feature?
My (super-not-compliant) compiler doesn't seem to like it.
@caps It's more powerful than typedef
@ParkYoung-Bae how so?
int Instruction::immediate() const {
    int32_t val =  _rd * 2048 + _shamt * 64 + _funct;
    if((val & 0x8000) == 0x8000)
        val |= 0xFFFF0000;
    return (int)val;
Q: What is the difference between 'typedef' and 'using' in C++11?

KlaimI know that in C++11 we can now use using to write type alias, like typedefs: typedef int MyInt; Is, from what I understand, equivalent to: using MyInt = int; And that new syntax emerged from the effort to have a way to express "template typedef": template< class T > using MyType = Another...

The final cast (int)val is intended to ensure that it works on both 32-bit and 64-bit machines.
The final cast is useless
@ParkYoung-Bae How?
Oh, okay. The function already returns int.
int Instruction::immediate()
It's an implicit type conversion.
Deprecation doesn't necessarily indicate intent to remove--It merely stands as a very strong recommendation to prefer another means. — Iron Savior Apr 20 '13 at 20:37
Deprecated things removed in C++17. Except a couple things.
Okay, then. Thanks for your help. See ya :)
@ParkYoung-Bae Thanks.
> Javascript development growth is still in massive growth phase.
Provided to you by the Department of Redundancy Department (DRD).
@ParkYoung-Bae Not necessarily.
To me it reads that the rate-of-change of Javascript development growth is rapidly increasing
I read it like that too.
Fair enough.
But that's probably not what they intended. :)
I found a bug getSize(argv[i++], argv[i++]) . We need some kind of formal definition to solve this problem?
> visited 1269 days, 1000 consecutive
I should probably turn off my auto-refresher.
I have 60 days consecutive :P
@Mysticial wtf mate
Also, holy crap man that's almost 3 years.
> visited 971 days, 930 consecutive
I'm close-ish.
Back in the days, I used an auto-refresher to repwhore FGITW questions. Now I use it to help find stuff that isn't shit without having to manually refresh.
> visited 158 days, 59 consecutive
I'm also pretty close.
Though finding stuff that isn't shit is very hard nowadays.
No point in auto-refreshing since there's ajax
@Rapptz You still have to click on it.
With an auto-refresher, I only have to glance at it whenever I want to.
You can run a 1-line JS function to automatically click that button.
Though for the most part, glancing at it still staring at trash 99% of the time.
aaaaa gevent.select can't wait on Event, gevent.wait can't wait on a socket
@Rapptz There's also no ajax on the home or recommended pages.
not true
There's ajax on the homepage of SO? Where?
GET qa.sockets.stackexchange.com [HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols 443ms]
(it's a websucket)
@Mysticial don't I know, I'm still not above 3k
Q: comparison between pointer and int C++ ellipse

Peng Zhanglong#include <iostream> using namespace std; char problem5(char alc[], char a, int *n); int main() { char aloc1[]={ 'g','g','c','g','a','g','g','g','t','g'}; int size=sizeof(aloc1)/sizeof(aloc1[0]); cout << aloc1 << endl; int nalc = problem5(aloc1, 'g' ,&size); cout << nalc <<...

@Mgetz Rep doesn't matter. IIRC, having less than 3k hides all closed questions from the homepage.
Not sure how true that is though.
Somebody else posted a question here for the same exact 'problem' earlier today
@Mysticial I just want the ability to vote to close
Its like people get homework and then they just post it here
@Pris and then I downvote it
with the rest of the crap
@Pris That's exactly what they do.
At least it's not in the titles.
Probably cause they all get insta-burned.
@ParkYoung-Bae They probably don't expect non-Upgrade requests
no_ack = None
    Flag for automatic message acknowledgment. If enabled the messages are automatically acknowledged by the broker.
Good naming there
I have no idea if I should set it to true or false
@EtiennedeMartel i hate you
@CatPlusPlus I'd say set it to true if you want to disable acks
Negative configuration items suck
Actually setting it to True means the broker will autoack (i.e. you don't have to call ack() on the message yourself)
I keep mistyping broker as broken
@CatPlusPlus Okay then it does not make sense~
You can't really disable acks
This just moves the ack to the upper layer
No I mean the naming is awful
Oh yes it is
It goes all the way to the AMQP spec
ack = Automatic | Manual
Is that the "standard" that emerged from 0mq
Well I guess it sort of makes sense in the spec
> OpenMAMA
> The server MUST support un-acknowledged delivery of Basic content, i.e. consumers with the no-ack field set to TRUE.
It's just clients being dumb and copying 1:1 makes the shit confusing
BTW do you know of any low-latency message queue
IDC much about throughput, but latency
I just default to RabbitMQ so dunno about others
> .io
I can't even filter that list
Good job
Pull requests welcome.
@LucDanton Please get your constructivism out of my complaints!
I like how some descriptions are lapidary
> Robust messaging for applications
> The Intelligent Transport Layer
Hmmm do I want ~~robust messaging~~ or an ~~inteligent transport layer~~
this is going to be a bad day
I know IronMQ sucks internally
And ZeroMQ makes it extremely easy to shit up the socket's state, leaving it in a coma
> World Class Solutions for Messaging Technologies
what the fuck is wrong with these people
They work in marketing
Strategy: come up with a convoluted phrase so people wont give a fuck about it
Citric acid tastes so good you guys omfg
> is carefully tuned for efficiency (power of two size)
Wow. That's World Class careful tuning there.
Intelligent transport layer: wtf
This is batshit funny stuff
@ParkYoung-Bae: did you mean: HTTP
PSA: I will now use "World Class" as a prefix to all and everything
I like that [World Class] prefix.
Power of two size: jackiechanwat.jpg
Im sorry to say that youre always playing the game no matter what
Im too tired to eat
> offers very good performance because it runs at Java VM
can we just fast-forward this day to the end pls
Hi guise y do I hav problum
char problem5(char alc[], char c, int *n){
int a = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
... facepalm
@ParkYoung-Bae: lol
Ketzel lvl 360
I know this is a big industry solution and all,
but whoever configured the CMake for OpenEXR needs to be slowly roasted inside of an Iron Maiden. :v
Finally, IlmBase builds.
Now let's see if OpenEXR itself builds.
Fucking hell, a build so fucking ridiculous I can't properly vendor it.
Fuck me.
@Borgleader OpenEXR builds (semi) cleanly on Windows now, but it's pretty convoluted to figure out how to properly generate and then include the project to have IlmBase and OpenEXR build properly. Plus, it has like 12 projects for each, which is kind've nightmarish for adding all of those to a build, so really the only way to get it to work is to just include the headers and to precompile for the target systems.
... Which absolutely disqualifies it as something I'd want to have built in, at least not until I get the wherewithall for dealing with its bullshit.
I'm great @ScottW
How about you @ScottW ?
@ScottW I'm doing pretty good!
@ScottW Glad to hear you're doing okay.
I spent like half an hour debugging why session was correct but I was getting anonymous user from the request
And it turns out that in fact I was not logged in
@CatPlusPlus :D
@CatPlusPlus Just 30 minutes. That is not too bad. Could have wasted much more. :D
> a simple way to implement the PubSubHubbub protocol
> PubSubHubbub
I wish I were high when naming things too
> An open, simple, web-scale pubsub protocol
Oh, a web-scale protocol
Why is murder illegal again?
Thank you Feeds for breaking my monologue
> Having an answer from an export would fill an important gap.
> an export
needs more global
Can anyone provide me with a stackoverflow load and retrieval functions?
for c++
Yes, give me a second
Thanks :)
void load() {
Disable optimizations and this load function will stackoverflow.
lol @ParkYoung-Bae
ummm i guess i wasn't specific enough
So basically needed help finding a good example from stackoverflow about load and retrieval functions
What does that mean
What's a "load and retrieval" function? You mean from an external datasource?
Basically trying to retrieve some data from a .txt file
so should be I/O
@Feeds What?
Q: Read file line by line

Kevin DukeI have a file.txt like: 5 3 6 4 7 1 10 5 11 6 12 3 12 4 Where 5, 3 is a coordinate. How can I process this data line by line in C++? I can get the first line, but how do I get the next line of the file? ofstream myfile; myfile.open ("text.txt");

This works perfectly, thanks :)
@ParkYoung-Bae Hey did you ever spend any time in Urbana-Champaign?
~Urbana Champagne~
Why that?
You have the same name as a graduate student I might have worked with a few years ago
In Korea, the name pool is very limited. Name collisions are very frequent.
I guess Vietnam is the worst, everybody named Nyguen
About 50% of the Koreans are Kim, Lee, Park, Choi.
And the surname combinations are also quite limited. Young-Bae is extremely common.
If you google it in Korean (박영배) you'll find hundreds of distinct people bearing that name
@ScottW Have you been on meta again?
<- <3 2 butthurt other ppl on meta :p
lolz, Lightness still raging over comment-answers.
@Xeo That reminds me--I need to post a few more of those...
Though I wonder if it may not be reverse psychology to really try to get others to post comments, and he can do some rep-whoring by expanding on the comments.
@ParkYoung-Bae lol just like you said -- 0 points on every answer.
I like when I get the error that I can only do the score check once per second.
I must be pretty fast.
All these silly "once per X seconds" errors, ugh.
Can someone show me an example of an aggregate classes for a data type, in Stackoverflow.com website?

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