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I once interned at a company running on VS2008 and asked at coffee break: "why don't you guise upgrade compilers to use C++11?"
Some devs looked suprised and said: "I didn't know C++ had numbers"
> Moreover, a more thorough examination of the team members reveals that the game was actually produced by at most 4-5 people who actually have some game development experience. Shockingly, the large majority of the JAF development team was formed by a group of unpaid interns (mostly students) with no solid experience in game development.
unpaid interns
does that even exist
is that even legal
@AlexM. yes
@AlexM. no
Depends on the country
A: How do I use extern to share variables between source files in C?

Jonathan Leffler Using extern is only of relevance when the program you're building consists of multiple source files linked together, where some of the variables defined, for example, in source file file1.c need to be referenced in other source files, such as file2.c. It is important to understand the differe...

Longest answer I've ever seen on SO.
@Mr.kbok So the verdict? Hire no hire?
> How do I use intern to get a game done for free in C?
ba dum tschhh
AAAAAA dell will ship a linux XPS later in march and I already ordered a windows one AAAAAAAAAA
@AlexM. yep
@ParkYoung-Bae did you get the ultrabook one
The XPS 13 new (i7, but not the 4K screen)
@ParkYoung-Bae Hire. He knew C++ pretty well, it was just a bit rusty after working in a shitty company for years
a friend of my GF was picking one and said like "I don't need an ultrabook"
When do I get hired :(
@Mr.kbok Do you use Google test?
and I was like uh that's not even a question
everyone needs it
if you have that functionality you just use it period
@ParkYoung-Bae I was pretty torn between that and the yoga but went with the yoga in the end. Now I'd like something lighter with a bigger screen, but I think thinkpads have better keyboards still.
dayum, 4.7 UE is awesome
I suppose I should've bought the X1
links pls
@ScarletAmaranth ikr
@AlexM. I got really tired of writing FObjectInitializer const& ^^
I haven't used it yet
but it looks nice from what I've read
@Mr.kbok Au fait. komz a rez brezhoneg ?
@BartekBanachewicz thx for the superfish
I'll get a license once I'm done with what I'm doing on Unity
@ParkYoung-Bae Mine didn't have it vOv
@AlexM. it's super cheap; I just buy a 1 month of time every time an interesting update comes out and I also clone the github
@BartekBanachewicz 4GB ram how do you run anything with this
yes, since you can only pay once and keep using it
w/o updates
@ParkYoung-Bae I have 8 duh
Oh also XPS don't have docks, which is ridiculous
I think they have Thunderbolt ports at least now
@AlexM. unfortunately, it runs like a dog without an SSD :-\
how much space does it take?
@BartekBanachewicz how's the bateri lief?
I think I have ~70GB free on my SSD
mm; the latest update DL'd ~5GB
those royalties though :(
5% is nothing o_O
the process, not the cost.
@ParkYoung-Bae nothing great. 6 hours of conservative work
well I just want to make a game with it to see how the engine works
so I won't sell what I'm making
3 hours of light gaming
it's the most colossal engine iv'e seen
it's got everything integrated
@BartekBanachewicz Hm, I think the XPS is closer to ~10
@Phorce No. What is it?
@ScarletAmaranth does it support .blend files?
@ParkYoung-Bae You'll see in practice. For me it's often "run this on 50% speed in 30 minutes or on 100% in 15 minutes", which makes the maximum running time pretty moot
@Mr.kbok Like the Google unit test? I was reading through through some code on your repo (gibhub) and saw you were using TEST_CASE
if you want real 10 hours you need a macbook
I've seen it being used in Google ah
@AlexM. it can export them
so you can't import blends :(
@BartekBanachewicz I'd rather be straight than get a macbook
@ParkYoung-Bae no
oh well, w/e, most of my purchased art is .fbx or w/e
@AlexM. you can
just buy it; now it's the best time to buy
4.7 is just amazing
@ParkYoung-Bae lol seriously please don't dumb hate
@BartekBanachewicz I'll smart hate then
@ScarletAmaranth I don't think there's much use in me buying it now if I can only use it one month or two from now :P
Bartek talking about dumb hate
where am I what is this
I got a ping, but it goes to nowhere.
Macbooks are well made, run 10 hours because their OS actually isn't complete shit
Who deleted their ping?
@Phorce Ah, I thought you were talking about some interview thing. Yes, I've use it, but I use mostly boost now
@Xeo @ParkYoung-Bae
@AlexM. not like they'll update any time soon; the latest one is HUGE
@Xeo Burket mistyped "12 core Xeo processor" so I pinged you
@ParkYoung-Bae do you?
> Burket
@Mr.kbok oh, right. Do you prefer the boost unit test or Googles?
@Mr.kbok TIL Google Test Framework is not an interview process
Burka Bananasandwich
Ugh, I get highlighted so often in IRC when people mention "Xeons" ...
@Xeo you can blacklist Xeon, no?
And miss all the fun?
@Xeo just highlight on Xeo on word boundary
I should change my name to Intel i
maybe I'll get more attention that way
@orlp There's a reason I don't wanna do that
@Mr.kbok No, my father and the whole rest of my family do though. Just asking because of your name.
@Phorce I prefer boost because I hate Google, but from what I recall they are very similar
@Mr.kbok you hate google people? that's racist
@ParkYoung-Bae I think there's some hangout + something useful for interviews that google provides, but I'm not sure.
@orlp Not the people, the company
I really shouldn't have used global data here
but really who would've expected these changes
@AlexM. lmao
you're the only gamedev here m8
@ParkYoung-Bae Some people in my family do, but I only ever learnt a few words (that I forgot)
@AlexM. meh, the stuff my company makes is hardly games
I'd prefer to call them applications really
applications for wasting time and money
I'm a gamedev \o/
no, you're a processor
@Xeo My condolences
@BartekBanachewicz How enthusiastic of you.
And, of course, for giving the money to us
@Xeo vOv it's not like the people who play them care, so I don't know why I should either
@AlexM. Xeo, Borgleader, Etienne, Bartek (sorta), ThePhD (sorta).
people here make real games after hours
@Rapptz There's that FIFA dude too
I secretly hope my company never starts making PC games
but shhh don't tell anyone
Luchian hasn't posted here in foreverrr
he was there a few weeks ago
popped in, said something, popped out
the Romanian guy?
the guy hailing from my homeland, yes, I remember him
Wooo, Accu here I come
I do remember reading EA Bucharest somewhere on his profile
now that you mention FIFA
Jan 29 at 16:32, by Luchian Grigore
@rubenvb don't see how that's related
Well then.
@AlexM. Yes, it's the capital of Romania (his country of origin)
@jalf I'd get a 500eur boost to pay for the expenses, but they won't cover everything atm. :/
Jan 29 at 13:51, by Luchian Grigore
just saw he's also romanian
senpai noticed me!
@Rapptz just found it too
@AlexM. why u no make pc games
@R.MartinhoFernandes hello mister robotman
Hi @R.MartinhoFernandes
@R.MartinhoFernandes ho
Alright. Time to sleep.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I had a guy mentioning the Rule of Zero in an interview last week. It's really becoming mainstream
Sep 26 '12 at 11:59, by DeadMG
I downvoted BartekBanachewicz
paycheck's in time to pay bills
the joy :(
@Mr.kbok Nice.
It's fucking hot here in Berlin.
Six whole degrees above freezing.
It was kinda-warm-ish the last two days, but today's meh again
@R.MartinhoFernandes You're just spoiled from the cold up there!
I got a croissant
I should eat it
@BartekBanachewicz I thought hash_map has better because you don't have to write the comparator and the equality operator is generated
@Rapptz for how long
you never sleep for long do you
@Mr.kbok hash_map was nonstandard
@orlp He's a power-napper.
@Xeo ah, that's still better than nothing though. Are you going then?
We ended up drawing lots. 5 people wanted to go, and the company is willing to sponsor two
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, it's MS/SGI. I thought it was boost
Yeah, unordered_map then. whatever
@jalf Don't have the private funds, even with the 500eur boost. :/ It's 880eur for the conference, and then the flight (which I guess at 80-100 or so). Puppy said I could crash at his place, so that'd eliminate the hotel costs at least, but still.
@Xeo why does the conference cost 880 euro
Because reasons. And that's early bird.
When is it? My company owes me a conference
@Xeo Not with early bird membership + accu membership
normal rate is 1k
@jalf I'm not an accu member.
But it's cheaper to become one
880 euros for a conference? You realize how many kebabs that is?
@orlp I assume they have to cover costs like the venue and accommodating the speakers.
I think that was like £40, and then the price goes down by £100
@jalf What's the cost again?
880 euros can buy me royal portions of sushi 40 times
@Mr.kbok End of April
Early bird expires tomorrow though
@ParkYoung-Bae It depends. 220 Rennes kebabs, but probably more like 100 Paris kebabs
@jalf Even that would still put me easily at over 800 total, and I don't have the 300 to spend on ACCU atm. Or rather, I'm not willing to spend those 300 on it :/
@Mr.kbok Hmm they're more expensive than just 4 euros nowadays
586.66r large beers during happy-hour.
@Mr.kbok ?!
@Mr.kbok btw I'm not going to add any more features in the upcoming days because I'm going to work on separating the rendering backend and providing 3.3 support
@BartekBanachewicz 3.3
@Mr.kbok here in amsterdam you could get a kebab for 1.50
@ParkYoung-Bae is this an emoticon
@orlp Our immigrants charge more
@ParkYoung-Bae guess that's what competition does
Should drive the prices down, actually
@ParkYoung-Bae there's a kebab store on every corner here
@ParkYoung-Bae lol
@ThePhD you cheeky shit you :P (spot on btw)
@ParkYoung-Bae You heard piketty, it's inflation
@orlp That's not good. What if you get trapped in a circular plaza?
@BartekBanachewicz yeah... and I can only safely 'commit' to one.
@Mr.kbok Maybe the government measures inflation exclusively on the kebab price trends
Time to trade on the KEB stock!
@BartekBanachewicz oh I'm sorry, are small changes not allowed?
There should be an exchange-rate for the kebab scale
@thecoshman nah, I'm just being mean and picky
@MartinJames Free kebabs, as the infinite amount of corners making up the circle give rise to infinite kebab shops and infinite price competition.
@orlp ..but only for mathematicians.
@orlp Bet you can also die from it.
@BartekBanachewicz That's okay I still don't know how to program
@MartinJames Quantum physicists have it even easier.
@orlp lol
@MartinJames All they have to do is observe the kebab for it to exist.
There's just one problem, when they know where the kebab is, they have no clue how fast it is going.
@BartekBanachewicz and believe it or not, 'winned' was deliberate :P
@ParkYoung-Bae I make 9000 EUR at home by trading KEB options. Learn more by clicking here!
@orlp Hehe..
@BartekBanachewicz true, I don't think eye are 20cm below the top of your head.
@Mr.kbok you'll get it quickly, Haskell is really easy
@BartekBanachewicz Then what is hard?
'" Hey, where's my kebab?" "Sorry, I shorted kebabs, wait a month".
@BartekBanachewicz (Canned laughs)
I've seen with my own eyes a guy who had 3 months in python and uni and nothing more, making a pull request to my haskell app in 15 minutes' time
@Mr.kbok Coming from OCaml you'll be fine
he was like... spent 5 minutes to read the code, pondered for a while, and just came up with a solution without even needing to look in the docs
@BartekBanachewicz "Rewrite everything in python [54 files changed]"
@BartekBanachewicz I'm more surprised a guy who knows 3 months python from uni and nothing more knows what git is and what a pull request means.
@orlp I've helped him with that part a bit
@BartekBanachewicz So you lied?
Gosh imagine Bartek lying
case closed people
well, he wrote the code, I just told him to co -b fix && add -u && commit -m && push
rip barskell
i wanted to believe
@BartekBanachewicz you already lied once before, if we apply extrapolation from the trend we can derive the entire story is bullcrap
the biggest problem people have with haskell is preconceived ideas
like what return means
boss is now spending 45 minutes on hold with broadband operator, making meetings late and running up a bill, because he wants to ask for a refund for this week's service. talk about false economy
@Xeo Do you know if anyone else is going?
@ParkYoung-Bae Actually I come from BASIC
@Mr.kbok you're a basic bitch
@jalf I think @Andy might be? IIRC
@Mr.kbok I thought you knew OCaml
@orlp That's quite gratuitous
We were planning on some kinda mini-Unconference, I think.
@ParkYoung-Bae Only a bit. I probably know more F# than ocaml
@Mr.kbok possibly
@Xeo Haven't made up my mind yet
@Mr.kbok Haskell and F# are very similar
Although F# is closer to OCaml
Anyway you'll be fine
g++ -std=c++11 your_program.hs
And off you go
@ParkYoung-Bae ghc your_program.c works :D
@ParkYoung-Bae but Haskell is way more natural because it doesn't mix mutable and immutable things like F# does
@ParkYoung-Bae every GHC toolchain features a C compiler for native stuff. Works great in practice
> implying immutability is more natural than mutability
@ParkYoung-Bae regardless, picking one and sticking to it is easier
because, duh, you don't have to think whether a particular binding is mutable or immutable or whether it has ref or value semantics
Yeah, but teenage immutable ninja turtles would suck
@ParkYoung-Bae ending thought, some haskell packages ship with C sources outright.
@BartekBanachewicz so it's for the programmers who can't think, rite
@ParkYoung-Bae we were talking about a programmer inexperienced in that language, and the beginnings
having less things to think about makes things easier imho
so haskell is for inexperienced programmers and the beginnings?
IMHO it's easier to start with Haskell than with F#, was my point
That's a very good shovel you have there.
@ParkYoung-Bae If you want to think the maximum thinking you can still asm
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's a spade you pleb
So if I'm understanding this correctly
@thecoshman For a hole that big, hire a JCB
You recommend haskell because it doesn't require as much thinking as other languages
I guess that's a fair point
it requires thinking about different things and at different stages, which is true about every language comparison ever
@AndyProwl you know you want to :D
Dumbing-down programming is a good idea
Makes it more accessible to the public
@ParkYoung-Bae It doesn't require thinking about mutability at the early stages, which I think is perfectly fine.
@ParkYoung-Bae To be fair, it makes no sense to recommend anything more complex than necessary, especially if the recommendee is a neophyte. (But the underlying assumption is wrong IMO)
Even Robot bites the bait, what did I do
You weren't targetted
Haskell is resistant to trolling remember
you should try it
I don't know, we did fill a screen :D
@ParkYoung-Bae [adjusts for range, temperature, wind direction...]
@ParkYoung-Bae Shut up. I'm a pope.
@jalf I do! But I need budget for the Unconference too
@R.MartinhoFernandes Your GF know about that?
Unreal trivia: There's FVector (a 3D vector), FVector2D (obvious) and FVector4 (4D vector).
I paid the bills :( :(
Consistent naming, anyone?
@Xeo consistency ftw
almost 1/4 of my paycheck gone
in a second
I could pay bills from savings.
Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
@AlexM. 3/4 of your income is available as spending money?
@MartinJames more like 1/2 because I consider food to be a necessity too
@MartinJames The Fifth Commandment of the Pentabarf says: A Discordian is Prohibited of Believing What he Reads.
The old man the boat.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
btw here's the thing
I think I wrote Java in Haskell
@MartinJames this time it was a bit more special because I got the gas bill for the whole winter (regularization bill or w/e)
which is 5 times greater than what I usually pay
class Renderer a where
    type RendererState
    contextRequirements :: a -> ContextRequirements
    render :: [DrawRequest] -> forall us. HateDraw us ()
does that look like OOP
@R.MartinhoFernandes Everyone's a pope!
I'll recover the money because I convinced my parents to reimburse the money for my birthday
so it wasn't a huge loss
@AlexM. ikr. Feb/March bills for winter heating:((
@Xeo But I have proof!
after I pay the rent I'll be left with...
1/3 of my paycheck to use for food and stuff
(I didn't print that; it was given to me by a friend I met on the way north)

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