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@Cinch if you're beginner why not make your own open source projects?
@hexicle because I don't have the skill to create something that is actually good and not a butchered version of some other project
I've found that I improve most when I write for a purpose and so an open source project would be perfect anyways
@Cinch just find a project that interests you.
but the problem is that if Linux is interesting, the learning curve is too steep
I mean even if I found Linux interesting I'd have to spend months before being able to speak to others on their level
and then more months before I could contribute to the kernel thoughtfully
do you mean programs that run on linux, or the kernal itself?
the kernel itself
it's mostly C
I know
C is not C++...
it's just an example
problem with open source is that you have to suffer all the bad decisions that someone else made. You are probably better at just making your own project.
You to find a thing you can nerd out about.
Like maybe another programming language? lol
(As in creating one on top of C++)
You want to make something which has a purpose but don't have the skill to create something that is actually good.
Well, it
@Cinch sure, but that is not as trivial as it might sound, and on top of C++ is a very bad way to start.
If you're into MMOs you can look at contributing to the various server emulators
Usually the code is not very good so the entry barrier is low.
but that's often illigal lol
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Speaking from experience ay?
nooo, it's fine
using them might breach tos, which apparently I hear can be a crime in some US states
@thecoshman Well I had an idea for a scripting language that was greatly stripped down and which made binding easy
then do that
@amos morning cupcake :)
what does it take to bind between languages?
I was in a hackathon recently and it took an entire day to get the JNI to work with what i had
(granted, no prior exp, but yeah)
well, you're languages VM would expose 'system functions' that allow the script language to trigger C++ code to do things
@LucDanton Indeed :)
morning guys
@thecoshman Suppose Alice is connecting with her legitimate client to the legitimate server and is using this service in a reasonable manner according to the ToS. All the while she captures network data (both outgoing and incoming) and later replays it in a controlled manner but against her own software.
tl;dr IANAL
@thecoshman What if it wasn't a virtual machine and just was a really lazy scripting language?
@LucDanton yeah... what's the problem?
Screw the ToS, I have money!
@thecoshman Hiya :)
@Cinch ... yeah... maybe you're not at that level yet. A language needs a VM to run, or be a native executable, and even then it's odd.
@thecoshman Oh, yeah, lol
I run programs in my head.
i have a problem with boost asio. anyone can give me some ideas?
i made a sever client application. i want the server to process distribute some images. for example. i have a folder of photos and i want them to apply the effect 'negative' or 'blur'
BTW is there a raw data type in C++?
but both server and client want to be async multi threaded
@Cinch Define raw data type?
@LucDanton Exposing yourself to the halting problem, huh
as in type agnostic
@AMostMajestuousCapybara oops, I didn’t predicate that :(
I suppose that could do the trick...
Let's tell you my idea
Like Java's Object?
No exp with java sorry
The idea was that I could have a data type which had no inherent type
char[] is usually used for "raw" byte buffers. void* for pointers that can "point to anything".
Usually that's char buffers...
Except that it is the type with no inherent type. It’s an interesting definition.
is char or byte the smallest size on a system?
Yes. All of signed char, char and unsigned char.
No, the smallest sized type would be bartek::dick_type
@AMostMajestuousCapybara 'The type of things without type.'
should i try to use <cstdint>?
@LucDanton "Formally speaking, it's a mix of Top and Bottom"
or rather....
@Cinch cstdint is fixed-size types and their friends
@Cinch What for? In any case, any attempt would have very little risk.
which variable type would be most suitable to hold anything, including pointer addresses and numbers?
None, there is no common base type in C++.
inb4 boost::variant or boost::any
No boost for the programming language
i don't want a boost dependency
@Cinch There are several ways to do that, one of which is Boost.Any. You have to be careful though: it’s one thing to have a variable where you can put anything, but it’s something else to have a variable where you can put anything and make use of it. In general you don’t want to truly hold 'anything', because it would be useless.
@Cinch That's star material
@LucDanton inb4'ed
The model that I thought was this:
@AMostMajestuousCapybara boost::any vs Boost.Any pls
There would be a single variable datatype to which you had to specify it's size in bytes
after that, you would send data in
interally, all data is treated the same
but, when interacting with I/O or etc.
you would need to apply a mask to the data
i.e. if i print to console, i print(mask::String(DATA)) or something like that
So, essentially reinterpret_cast<T&>(*some_char_buffer)?
You can look up byte types. I question that you really have types plural here though. Aren’t you ending with (possibly statically-sized) byte arrays/slices? That’s not a lot of types.
something among those lines
mmh I’m not sure what the catch-all term for that kind of stuff is. Erlang has 'bit syntax' for 'binaries'.
the basic idea is that all data types would be initialized as byte arrays
masks would format these arrays
defining new datatypes might be as simple as defining new masks
would you guys like to use some sort of language like that?
or is that kind of useless?
Explain how masks are defined and what they specify.
Masks would be basically casting
but new casting types could be defined--masks
That’s not what I asked.
I see
Masks would sort of be defined like objects in a way
But they're meant to overlay raw data
So say I have a 16byte data block
It can be anything--let's pretend it's an electric wave
Say I wanted to apply a digital filter to it
say that maybe anything above the 8-byte division would indicate 1 and anything below would be 0.
I define a new mask type to take only the first 8 significant bytes off the top
if the data type is larger than 0, I can safely say that the wave is now 1.
Another scenario:
I have a desire to store a file
Therefore, I define a mask for the data structure itself
@Cinch How do you do exactly that. What does it look like?
I take data from my program, I import it into the scripting language
I DON'T KNOW! It's an idea!
But somebody suggested that I go with it so okay
Ideas need thinking about
you can't just ramble your way to completion
So I finished Season 1 of Sherlock.
@Cinch The law of gravitational attraction is also an idea. It’s okay though, I get what you’re saying.
Well I suppose I would need to create a parser and a registry of mask types as well as functions
And the syntax would be something like: mask NAME {}
@Rapptz Do you know hate me for my recommendation?
and in each {} there might be () for each entry of data
masking would be a global function of some sort
@LucDanton Haha no.
Actually I quite like it.
I don't consider it to be Holmes though. He's way too different.
Why are the VPS here so expensive
defined as this: mask(BYTE_INDEX, MASK_TYPE)
@Rapptz I think I’ve only ever read one or two Doyle books, and it was a long, long time ago. Don’t remember anything :(
what do you think?
@Cinch Not much.
I guess some possible applications could be in literal data masking
good morning ladies, gentlemen, indeterminates, cats, puppies, gorillas, icebears and robots
Does anyone have VS2015 handy
Masks could be defined for encryption
and would be a system for easy extraction
you won't be able to make encryption, it'll be trivial to break
IDK but am I onto something?
I know a fair bit about encryption, and I can comfortably tell you, no.
Okay but i mean is the language a good idea
Maybe. Depends what you want to do with it.
oh, I don't know
was just talking about the encryption
Data management would be an application
It would be literal bitpacking
well, what problem does your language solve?
and does that problem justify having to build an entire language interpreter, and include it in my project?
The language is designed to make casting and data extraction simple
Where can i get the binaries of latest version of gcc for windows?
All data would become typeless, and the types would instead be implemented as masks
So the answer is no, that problem does not justify a languange.
fair enough
@Elvisjames mingw website or something
but perhaps a set of utility data packing libraries?
oh god
oh no
no no no no no no no
what the fuck did they do to mingw-w64 and win-builds
yay mom said she'll be paying my gas bill for my birthday
is mingw outdated yet?
should i just go for clang already?
Don't know mingw is not working
@Elvisjames well fuck
The sourceforge download keeps failing. and the win-builds link directs to a page not found.
I would've recommended MinGW-w64 before
it's what I've used for the past 1.5 years
and it still works on my machine
but it seems they've gone full retard and switched to some package management system

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