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welp I am off to bed
good night loungers
@Puppy G'night.
I will try to make it so
@Pris Well, assuming you have it installed, it is pretty easy to get at least something of a start. For example, code like this:
/// Crappy class documentation

class Trash {

Can be doxygenated with doxygen test.cpp and produce a HTML page as output:
The result is crappy in multiple ways even
That worked, thanks
> make: *** No rule to make target `fields/sb.o', needed by `fields.h'. Stop.
It doesn't work with a plain function though
fields/%.o: fields/%.cpp
	$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $*.cpp -o $@

%.o: %.cpp
	$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $*.cpp -o $@
@JerryCoffin darn. Just my luck. I ask a user to "keep it constructive" and all that results is more ranting/off topic blabbering :). I'm out of there. I guess his profile bio said it all.
@Pris Surely. Keep in mind: it'll extract things from source and format them as documentation--but it's up to you to actually write the documentation, make it coherent, etc. It's still a GIGO situation (and that's a major problem--GI is much more the rule than the exception).
Make sucks and wildcard rules suck
Yeah that doesn't tell me what's wrong though
There's some way of debugging rule matching I think
The rule induction is wrong, likely
I added the first target just in case pattern rules didn't allow subdirs
@CatPlusPlus -p
/// \brief Create the window
/// - Requests the application to create a window
/// - Create(...) must not be called from Window's
///   constructor as this method calls 'shared_from_this()'
void Create(int const &attributes,
			int const &properties)
	// do nothing
yeah I could study the verbose output
@JerryCoffin Sure, but I'd expect the above to generate something
@Pris is it public interface? (I'm not big at doxygen, but I remember things are disabled by default. I admit I use doxywizard)
Its just a hello.h file with nothing except for the function definition
@Pris It can, but it started as a Java tool, so getting it to recognize functions outside classes takes a little extra work (but not much, if memory serves). You usually want to tell it to generate a config file, then edit that and specify it as your input. The file it generates includes a lot of comments about what you can edit, what changes you can make, and what those changes will do, so it's mostly a matter of generating the file then opening in your favorite editor.
@JerryCoffin yep, you're right: stackoverflow.com/questions/12041274/…
Howdy peoples. If anybody's in a helpin' mood, I'm in need of some helpin'. I'm prepping for interviews, and I would like to implement some data structures from scratch, starting with a hash table. Does anyone know where I might find already made test cases in C++ that I can use to test my implementation against? For correctness and/or performance.
Why don't you write tests yourself? That's also a great exercise.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hi. Have you become polar?
@Jefffrey +1
True, I guess that would be a good idea. I was hoping to focus on the implementation rather than the design, but I guess the two are very tightly coupled anyway
@Xiao Writing tests yourself isn't that hard: test several correct inputs, incorrect inputs, and corner cases (e.g. empty container)
@Xiao If you were going to implement the specification for std::unordered_set (or unordered_map, etc.), you could probably find some tests for that (I haven't really looked for them, but I'd guess gnu, Clang and Boost all have tests). If you're going to implement some other interface, you'll have to design the tests to work with the interface you use instead.
@JerryCoffin That's a good point. I think I'll attempt to implement the unordered_set interface, maybe rip out gnu libstdc++'s tests
@sehe I think I'd want to know whether you're hungry before answering that.
@milleniumbug Sure, I'm just worried my tests won't be comprehensive enough. It's not like this will ever be run in a production environment, so I wouldn't know of any weird bugs that a more complete test suite would test for
Q: What exactly are conversion functions?

OutSwingMy instructor told me (and had it listed in the slides too) that a class can have three types of functions: 1.General named 2.Overloaded 3.Conversion Now, can someone please explain with an example what a conversion function is?

this seems super arbitrary: a class can have three types of functions: 1.General named 2.Overloaded 3.Conversion
@Borgleader Dafuq is "general named"
static? virtual (pure)? operators?
@milleniumbug everything besides #2 and #3
It's good that I'm not traveling alone this time because I locked my SIM.
you SIMpleton
@milleniumbug Probably "regular member functions".
@R.MartinhoFernandes and the card with the PUK is probably at home? :)
Does anybody know if there's a draft for C++14 that's analogous to what N3337 is for C++11? i.e. just editorial changes from the standard?
@Xiao N397something? I think :S
@melak47 N3936 maybe?
OH MAN you can change the doxygen output colors!
@Xiao Yes.
@Jefffrey he... he can see into my soul
@Jefffrey "The things I've seen... you people wouldn't believe"
Hahaha. Okay, thanks
He commented with a link to a page that made it clear what he was referring to
eg, operator double() { return _amount; }
I need a new monitor ...
@Xiao oh, I was thinking of N3797. Guess my draft is outdated! :D
@Blob still hard to answer considering his teacher's odd terminology/categorization. Plus that page seems to make it rather clear what they are.
@melak47 ^ been in my dock forever.
@Pris A soliloquy easily matching Shakespeare's best. Well worthy of a star.
@Borgleader He doesn't know C++; he wants someone to explain it.
@melak47 Apparently the actual standard is N4141, so we're both a bit behind
Since September 2014 at the very least.
@Blob That MSDN page does that nicely. =/
I have n4296
> 2014-03-02
@Borgleader either he didn't read it or not nicely-enough for him
@Blob too new! :p
@Xiao You can generally find them in their github repo.
@Jeffrey jackpot! Thanks
but I don't want mess with installing a latex distribution :S
protocol design dot txt https://github.com/michaelklishin/monger/blob/master/src/clojure/monger/result.clj#L31
I can't decide what color my doxygen docs should be
@Xiao oh. I was looking at the release page :p
@melak47 real programmers base their knowledge of standards on drafts ;)
@Pris From "hello world" to (almost literal) bike-shedding in under an hour. I'm impressed.
and the silence echoed back
i'm starting to think i don't know any C++
@Blob So who does?
@JerryCoffin everyone else, it seems
@JerryCoffin I don't like how it inserts a new line after the last parameter in the function documentation for a function but other than that it looks p nice
Good evening
THF! My laptop can't connect to the WLAN router anymore :(
writing from my tablet now
@πάνταῥεῖ "The Hecking Fuck"?
or "Tetrahydrofuran"?
or the "Hell"
doesn't matter
@Blob PolyTetraHydroFluorine (as is common at the beginnings of words, the "P" is silent, so it's not included in the abbreviation).
loving my 37,706-line C++ source file
of which 36, 000 lines are comments
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Do lines have a specified length, so one can have 706/1000 of a line?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Heh, generated
poor tomalak ... mocked as usually ~_~
actually there are only 7 lines of comments in it :P
@AMostMajestuousCapybara yeah
@LightnessRacesinOrbit see u can't fool me you fool
think I'll make it to bed now, and fix the bitch tomorrow 😡
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what's all that code for?
@melak47 long enums, a ton of utility functions for each enum value, a bunch of unordered maps containing pointers to those utility functions keyed by enum value... that sort of thing
each "register" on hardware we interface with has different rules for interpreting/encoding/decoding values, different block lengths, different addresses, different logical types, etc etc
i'm so glad I decided to have developers define those briefly in a config file and have all the C++ crap generated from it
but it sure is a lot of code
the API it exposes to developers, though, is nice and small
well, at least you're making good use of the value range of the enum's underlying type :D
I keep meaning to do a version with a few functions with huge switch statements (ultimately a lot less code) and profile to compare
but it's just taken me more than a week to extend this thing to allow multiple, 'namespaced' sets of registers from distinct config files
and i'm still not quite done
Ah shit.
I need a dynamic bitset.
see it all also interfaces with a scripting language so I need to be able to parse text and end up with instances of these things
so that then the utility functions can actually be called on them within the right 'namespace'
Oh my clever bit idea doesn't work
look how pretty this doxygen is its unbelievable biogearsengine.com/documentation/…
It's nasty.
Oh I have JS off.
bool BioGearsEngine::ExecuteScenario	(	const char * 	scenarioFile,
                                                                    const char * 	resultsFile,
                                                                    SEScenarioCustomExec * 	cExec
Holy moly this is cool as hell biogearsengine.com/documentation/a00006.html
so beautiful
and full of tabs
@Rapptz doesn't vector<bool> work for you?
vector<bool> sucks
but yeah sorta
@Rapptz and std::botnet std::bitset?
I wanted to do popcount and stuff.
@melak47 "dynamic"
@Pris What's cool about this?
It's just CSS?
@Rapptz With that link I meant the project itself
@chmod711telkitty dat space
The CSS looks good I suppose.
I used to work in cardiac imaging research so seeing an opensource biological modeler with all that smexy documentation has excited me
so cool
writing from my tablet "sucks"
NN gals 'n guys
It uses Bootstrap for CSS.
Either Bootstrap has changed a lot recently or it's customised.
> v 7.0.0
> - The CPU no longer overheats when you hold down the spacebar
@CatPlusPlus wut
It's a reference to a thing, but the funny part is that it could very well be true
GitLab sucks
If I own root on a thing that has a publicly available IP address,
I'm capable of setting up my own server to talk to the world, right?
Something about /var/html... I, uh. I think.
... Or was it /var/www ....?
@ThePhD As long as the IP address is static, or you use some solution like NoIP.
Steam fixed that one bug where people offline would show up as "Last online X hours ago" where X would be when you last disconnected.
This always bugged me.
It made it seem like my old friends were online a while ago when they haven't been on for >1 year.
False Hope Steam.
back to normal
Do you have any solution for restarted downloads on steam?
"Restarted downloads"?
@MarkGarcia ?
@Rapptz Ewww, Mold older than a year is gross.
RIP Bren.
@ThePhD You go offline while your download is at, say, 30% and you go back and it starts at 10% or even from the start.
Really is annoying with my connection.
So my CS 240 Professor is really brutal with the students.
He was like "If you don't do well on the first exam, don't bother staying in the course, just drop out because you won't do well in Computer Science."
in Discussion between sehe and kuroi neko, 1 min ago, by kuroi neko
as we say in france, you can't always avoid a good surprise
@JerryCoffin unsure what happened there. Anyhoops, I'm pretty sure it's good that we've gotten to know each other a bit :)
I was like "Geez, all this over C?"
I found some work-around but they're for ~2013 version of Steam.
He also said that if he detects anyone using anything other than vi for programming on Exams he's considering taking that as an offense to the course.
So I need to learn not vim or emacs or even nano, but vi.
At some point, you have to prove a certain "stamina" yes.
@ThePhD Sounds like a regular troll :)
@ThePhD He sounds like a psychopath
@sehe Nothing says stamina like insulting your students.
@sehe When I say offense, I mean like "considered as cheating and given a 0"
Which I think is extreme. Plus, I don't like vi. .-.
@ThePhD My Prolog teacher refused to correct our code if our terminal was not white over black.
@ThePhD He's batshit insane. Fucking vi?
I just thought of a suggestion for database systems CS profs: when having a quiz on WHERE clauses have the value for the condition slightly misspelled with that in the dataset, e.g. find this person with his last name "Snith" instead of "Smith" which is in the dataset.
@ThePhD Well he made sure of that.
@MartinJames Yeah, I thought vim/nano was okay until I asked and he made it explicitly clear that he didn't just mean the family of "low level" editors. He wanted vi, and he said that because this was a low-level C course we need to get used to low-level technology and editors.
@MarkGarcia why
@ThePhD That's reportable... Of course we've had this conversation many times over in chat (@BartekBanachewicz, @ScarletAmaranth, @райтфолд...).
What I should have done is not ask ever and just feign non-malignant ignorance when I used not-vi.
Like everyone else did
I am not smart for asking.
Some teachers think the only way to learn is by "enduring the same hardships" they did. Sadly, they always exaggerate
@ThePhD Ask him when you will be getting your VT-100 serial terminal.
Night all
@Pris Input data is input data. If you choose "Smith" then you'll be wrong for changing what is required.
@sehe Good night.
shame about the flat menus
@LightnessRacesinOrbit flat design is long past its welcome
@Pris it was never welcome -.-
I like Google's material design.
gradients are so ugly
Shame on you
If the flooded mine in a remote corner of Australia that the reptile calls home is reopened and he's evicted, it'll be a signal that iron ore's price plunge is ending.
poor thing ... evicted from home every time the iron ore price raises
@sehe Nighty night!
@Rapptz It's perfect for perspective stuff like shadows. You'll seldom apply it on the visual elements themselves, only for special cases like requiring contrast on hero banners and the like.
I'm marginally okay with shadows.
like this button is okay
@chmod711telkitty dat rubbish in the water :(
@Rapptz because it has no shadow
This is pretty odd.
Taking a screenshot is removing the hover gradient.
@Rapptz Lost focus due to keypress I guess?
Doesn't happen on other sites.
Hover is not focus
Like SO
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Okay, hover. :)
Q: Why this makefile removes my goal?

Łukasz LewA minimal example: %.txt: foo.log # pass %.log: # pass Run: $ make a.txt --dry-run # pass # pass rm foo.log Why the last action is rm foo.log? How to get rid of it?

oh jesus
Having fun with Make there?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't get "goal" in the title.
he's talking about intermediate targets
cos I'm generating my .cpp, after its .o is built the .cpp is being deleted
took me ages to figure out where that rm was coming from
Aug 10 '14 at 21:07, by Jerry Coffin
@Ell Better to make love than love make.
well I think I've mostly un-yucked my design. or at least the new parts of it
Better to shoot yourself in the head than love make.
this whole thing would not get many upvotes on Stack Overflow though
definitely needs a beautifying pass when I'm done
@MartinJames ./make love
adblock doesn't work on iphone ... or maybe I should be using another browser not safari
safari sucks
lemme try mercury
im looking for a theme for bootstrap for my doxygen layout
I feel like a web designer
@Borgleader Sure you can. Open a command prompt, type ftp and go to town.
@AlexM. The K70 does not have rainbow coloring, you might be looking at the K70 RGB, which is extremely expensive. Here is the link to it. The build quality is what I like about it.
@Borgleader Well, you can accidentally bump in to a dungeon and find iron (maybe even diamonds) in it.
@AlexM. There's also the CODE keyboard.
@Nooble I want this to be on sale again. Last time I was foolish enough to wait like a day and they ran out of stock :(
it was like 60$ off T_T
@Borgleader The Blackwidow is nice.
Although I think they should've stuck with MX Blues.
Their new "Razer" switches feel... Different.
They feel a lot lighter and less tactile.
I think I can make my doxygen look like this: code.divshot.com/geo-bootstrap
I'm writing C. I have an ad-hoc buffer type that automatically grows as more data is written. Is it strictly correct to call this a "buffer"? Is there a more descriptive name I could use?
I've never spotted these in the wild.
ugh, missing /
i don't what shortcuts your editor allows
@Rapptz Now commence investigation!
btw rut roh Nimoy's in hospital again :/
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Good night.
he is 83 to be fair
bye Mark
@Borgleader One of the guys at work just got one of those--absolutely loves it.
@JerryCoffin How annoying is the clacking :P
The IBM Model M is where it's at, yo.
@Nooble He got it right when he moved into a different office, so I can't hear it...
hi all
Went to sleep early. Woke up at 5AM. Don't know what to do now..
Play a game!
what game?
Just found this via a reddit link.
so sexy
I'm trying to clean my laptop, because a faint burning smell is coming out of where the fan is located. I'm using one of those compressed air cans, however, pressing it too hard releases some sort of moisture thing. Would that be bad? I'm basically inserting the straw between the grill (the cover for the fans) and pressing hard on the compressed air can to blow some air. But I feel if that stuff comes out, even though it goes away by itself, it will mess up stuff.
@DemCodeLines Use some sort of compressed air, but be careful. Ask @Mysticial, he has done it and did help things.
@Mysticial you there?
@DemCodeLines Make sure you hold the can upright (not upside down or tilted) and don't shake it.
Well, will the moisture thing that comes out of it spoil anything?
@DemCodeLines It can. It'll evaporate pretty quickly, and the liquid is generally pretty harmless, but it's quite cold--to the point that it can weaken or crack quite a few kinds of plastic and such.
now i'm scared :( :|
who is machine learning expert?
@DemCodeLines I did it without any problems. Granted, I wouldn't have cried if I destroyed the laptop since it would've given me an excuse to upgrade.
Generally speaking, the fan pipes don't touch any electronics themselves. So it should be safe.
The ape did mention a possibility that forcing the fans to spin backwards could put a backwards current on the motherboard power that could damage it, but if it was a problem, I'm sure we'd read about it online.
@Mysticial So that moisture thing coming out (which goes away by itself too) is fine? Any advice on how to do it? Like, should I hold it straight like @JerryCoffin said? Should I shake it?
@DemCodeLines Hold it upright and don't shake it.
I just put it flat on the table and aimed the compressed air at it in different angles. No problems. But I wouldn't put my life on it being 100% safe.
Doing that right now, but the air pressure is starting to go down and the bottle is getting quite cold
@DemCodeLines Universal gas law at work. Just give it a few minutes to warm back up a bit.
alright, will wait and report back in 5 minutes
Come to think of it, I've actually aimed compressed air directly on my motherboard before and actually saw the condensation form and evaporate.
It still ran fine after that. CPU @ 4.6 GHz no problems.
So I put all that air and have no started up the computer. The fan, I'm guessing, was blowing hard and while smelling the ventilator, I smelled the smell of the compressor coming right back out. After a few seconds, however, I got the same wire burning smell coming out again. It's just a little warm too.
It's not hot or too warm, but I can feel it being a little warm
it's like some sort of wire burning in there.
burning wire?
It all started earlier today. Apparently something went inside through that grill and made weird noises when I tilted the computer at a certain degree. I didn't pay too much attention at that time because I wasn't tilting the computer all the time. But about half an hour ago, I tilted the laptop because I was moving and it made that noise. Curiously, I tilted it again and it made that noise again.
Does it still run?
After that, I tilted it in another direction and it didn't make any noise, but when I tilted in the same old noise direction again, it made the noise and I could see very very very faint smoke coming out. I immediately turned off the computer and took out the battery and power cord. Banged it (in hopes of taking out whatever went in). Used the air compressor. When I turned it back on, it no longer made that noise, but the burning smell came out.
Obviously, you took the battery off the laptop first?
You probably want to open it up and see what the hell is going on inside.
The magic smoke has escaped:(
Turned it off again, put it away, removed the battery, about 20 minutes later, returned and used compressor to blow more air in (this is when I began to ask here), and finally turned it back on again 2 minutes ago.
Intel, we need moar fanless laptop CPUs!
And after that:
5 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
So I put all that air and have no started up the computer. The fan, I'm guessing, was blowing hard and while smelling the ventilator, I smelled the smell of the compressor coming right back out. After a few seconds, however, I got the same wire burning smell coming out again. It's just a little warm too.
@MartinJames Yeah I took the battery out each time out of fear.
@Mysticial I'm typing on it right now.
Open it up and see what is inside.
Burning smell is less now, but still there. Problem with opening it up is it's my main programming and school machine. Don't want to mess anything up. Plus, I need to dig for the screw drivers for this thing.
ok, trying to see if I can find a screw driver, will update here on another machine
Oh right, I keep forgetting that most students only have one computer.
Though a lot of them have two - including an older laptop.
Desktops are rarer since they're bulky.
Most the people I know who had desktops at school built it themselves.
sigh not a single screw driver that fits the size of this computer
It's a sign that you don't have enough different sized screw drivers.
@Mysticial Selection bias--if somebody bought a boxed desktop from Best Buy (or whatever) you'd probably never hang out with them... :-)
that realization doesn't help much right now
@JerryCoffin Other way around. The people that I hang out with get pressured into building something.
I'm a terrible person.
@Mysticial Fair enough.
Talking about design & building things, I am probably leading the herd - have a few websites for my own stuff, a few iOS apps, a few android apps, half a desktop, a windows phone app & now a house!
All designed & built by me (with help from others)
is there any tool out there to check the fan and if it's working?
SpeedFan. Though I've never tried it on a laptop.
You can also just try going into the BIOS.
@Mysticial bios doesn't tell much. in fact, it tells nothing
I would suggest buy a right screw driver
Oh, Torvalds- git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/… Looks like Linux 4.0 is nicknamed "Hurr durr I'ma sheep"
You know it's work when you see it working, simple as that.
In fact if you are not sure, buy a set from a dollar store or something, or borrow one.
@Rapptz wanna paint a bikeshed?
I'm watching Sherlock at the moment.
I liked S02E01.
I feel like a noob.
Well I don’t want to disturb.
@Rapptz Yeah, it’s one of the best.
Speaking of, they are making a fourth series for next year huh
@Rapptz Since you don’t seem to be objecting… Much like iterators have ++it and next(it) as a mutating/non-mutating pair, I have incr/next so far (and decr/prev). But what about it += n/it + n?
So far I have step/offset. The thing is, there’s also offset_type and offset_t which play the role of difference_type.
It used to be an offset trait and offset_t alias actually.
As for the generic advance(it, n) and next(it, n) I think I’ll use step_n/next_n (I think it would be a mistake to overload next to do two different things).
Issue is advance is mutating and next isn't.
@Rapptz It’s like how vector iterator types have std::ptrdiff_t as a typical difference_type.
i.e. offset_t<R> d = distance(r, x, y);
I suppose that type already has a name as result_of::distance<R, Pos, Pos>. Not as convenient though!
@Rapptz I don’t follow.
I don't really see why you need different names for it considering what you have already.
it += n, it + n, next(it, n) and advance(it, n) all do the same thing
Yes and no.
auto foo(…) -> decltype( blah ); should SFINAE/error out differently depending on blah (nevermind that it doesn’t in practice with iterators).
it does work with iterators though
not all iterators have it + n.
And the algo. complexity can differ, too. Like how Boost.Range has both length (or distance, I forget) and size, as I also intend to.
@Rapptz std::reverse_iterator<It> always has +, even for a bidi-only iterator. If you instantiate it in that case, kaboom.
@Rapptz So keep all of offset_type, offset_t and offset?
I could go difference_type I suppose. It’s a mouthful though.
I'd go with difference_type for pseudo-compatibility.
but iunno
As trait or alias?
aw shit
@StackedCrooked $150 is on the expensive side, but very fancy restaurants here can easily charge $200+ for 4 course meal on v day especially when it's for 2 people with wine. $150 per person sounds right though.

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