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@Rapptz Oh, one other change I completely missed the first few times looking through the paper: when you do an export, you used to have something like: export { module std.vector; }. In the new proposal, that's written as: export { import std.vector; }. Not exactly a huge change there either though.
@Ell The module system doesn't really seem to do anything w.r.t. what makes template code slow.
@Sofffia I do that without being high. Although for more like 10 minutes.
@Rapptz I think the intent is that it should simplify name lookup, which could help quite a bit.
Good morning.
Anybody know what the "W" in "WF" and "WA" mean in ISO votes?
I think so.
SF 9, WF 6, N 6, WA 3, SA 2
"Strongly" and "Weakly". Yup. I'm pretty sure now that's it.
Strongly favor, weakly favor, neutral, weakly against, strongly against.
I actually don’t know where to find those votes. The minutes?
@LucDanton Yup--stolen from Pentium (and such) branch prediction, but without (yet another) Pentium bug.
@LucDanton Saw it on this paper. Other papers have it too.
And Herb's reports.
Also, IBM's being the legacy guy again.
Unicode FTW!
@MarkGarcia I see.
E.g. I’d like to know the status of n3982 "Rvalue reference overloads for optional", and I simply don’t know where to look.
The minutes reports/blogs don't often report those too.
In the minutes:
Straw poll, LWG Motion 3, Move we apply to the Library Fundamentals TS Working Paper the edits requested in document N4078 optional corrections and rvalue qualifiers

LWG Motion 3 was approved by unanimous consent.
Of course it doesn’t reference the papers by id :(
So n3982 is in the pre-meeting mailing, but N4078 in the post. How does that work?
Meanwhile, n4078 is linked to n3966. Why do I have to play detective?
There is no paper linked to n3982, so what happened to it?
In addition, this document includes the feature additions from N3982 and the review feedback from the LWG sessions in the Rapperswil 2014 meeting.
I have to dive into n4078 to figure that out.
@LucDanton Welcome to the ISO, where we put the "FU" in fun!
Because it's the standard way of doing so!
@MarkGarcia ...and since we're the ISO, whatever we say or do is the standard.
@LucDanton Seriously though, the IETF (for only one obvious example) does a lot better in this regard.
@Rapptz I don’t know where to put concepts::Invokable :(
what does it do
Concept-ify is_invokable.
@LucDanton I call that is_callable
Yes, but where to put it. So far all I can think of is a ‘catch-all’ concepts.hpp to concept-ify those traits that don’t fit any particular category.
@MarkGarcia woooowwwwwwww...... moores law is ruthless
This has been illuminating. If someone asks me again what’s a difference between Concepts-Lite and bona fide concepts, I can add this answer: associated types/values.
@LucDanton: If you don't mind my dragging you into the other thread for a moment. He says: "Viva la Moore’s law!". Shouldn't that be more like "Viva le droit de Moore"?
@LucDanton Oh.
I categorise my concepts based on what they constrain.
So is_callable is under concepts/function.hpp
I also have constructibility.hpp etc
and container.hpp, iterator.hpp you know
then concepts.hpp just aggregates those together into a single file
the ones I can't categorise go under core.hpp
@JerryCoffin That’s ‘right(s)’/‘freedom’, e.g. droit moral for ‘moral rights’. You want loi. (Also it’s Vive, so the author might have been after Spanish, which I can’t really help you with ;)
@Rapptz Yup, concepts/construction and concepts/conversion over here. I don’t really do anything with invokables except to check that they are, in fact, invokables. concepts/invokable would still make sense I suppose.
Also I already have a concepts/base.hpp (that sets up namespaces, with no concepts in it), so core might be misleading. Oh well.
@LucDanton Oops--yeah, "loi". But I'm pretty sure it was intended as French (and I have a hard time getting English spelling correct, not to mention French). Thanks.
I’ll go with the single concept concepts/invokable because I really want to free up concepts.hpp.
well I have other 'function' concepts
which is why I have a category for it
makes sense
like Predicate, BinaryPredicate, Generator
which I guess are just specialisations of 'invokable'
but you know :v
they express semantics lol
Btw if you remember the whole fiasco with the return type, I was thinking of going concepts::Invokation<R, F, A...>. That is, mimicking ret foo(args...);.
ugly :p
ValidInvokation would make the analogy more apparent but it’s a terrible name, I think.
I hope one day I could chuck a bunch of random organic stuff, like grass into my laptop so it can generate it's own energy from it ... I wouldn't mind a solar panel for the laptop ...
@Rapptz ooo good padding there
But see, on my end Predicate<F, A...> is Invokable<bool, F, A...>.
yeah like I said
Obviously I could keep the one concept with return type and the one without. Now to find names :)
@chmod711telkitty and you could both smoke it together
I don't like <R, F, Args...>
@LucDanton ...especially since (thanks to oddities of English) it should be ValidInvocation.
that's just a little weird
personally I would have just went with <F, R, Args...> if I had to choose outside of the fancy R(Args...) syntax.
@JerryCoffin …just like in French, which doesn’t tend to use ‘k’. What is it you said about spelling? :Þ
@Rapptz I keep forgetting the void in all the Invokable<F, void, A...> though lol.
@LucDanton I don't know. But then, my memory is even worse than my spelling... :-)
Are we going to be able to unpack tuples ever?
Or will we just have to use the indices trick
To be clear: I find the return type absolutely useful for the trait. It makes it possible to write things like result_t<F> void f(…); // constrained on is_invokable<F, void> that works for things that return void and things that don’t, when we don’t care for that return type.
I think you’ve written specializations of things like function<Sig> which had to deal with void returns via explicit specializations yourself, so hopefully you see the value in the parameter.
Still, no clue if I’m going to use it for the concept (Predicate example notwithstanding).
@LucDanton The special case of void f() is called a Generator. :p
For empty A...!
not sure if Result Type can be void though.
Probably not.
I wish C++ allowed better ways of introspection of function types without hacks such as function_traits that don't work for everything.
Having invoke available has made me very happy in general. Not for the pointer to member stuff (I don’t really mind the convention where the caller has to mem_fn themselves), but for the void returns. The trait really doesn’t do anything other than try to call it.
@Rapptz Haven’t really needed it.
What doesn't function traits work for?
Overloaded functors are inscrutable without a pack of arguments. Surrogate call operators tends to act as surprises, too.
I will never get the point of surrogate call operators
Well if I have an R(*)(A...) maybe I don’t want to write a dummy operator() that does nothing but forwards to it :Þ
do people even use them?
No clue.
what do you think about this stackoverflow.com/a/26315998/1760269
no need for a praxy
What the?
I only lost 1 rep in downvoting
@Chantola You lose 1 rep when downvoting answers. None for questions.
I thought I lose 2 rep...
the receiver does
the sender loses 1
G++ and libstdc++ now implement the feature-testing macros from Feature-testing recommendations for C++.
Excessive template instantiation depth is now a fatal error. This prevents excessive diagnostics that usually do not help to identify the problem.
also neat I guess
Link please?
5? Whoah.
Oh still in dev, but still.
1 hour later…
I’ve somehow managed to make Requires<concepts::EqualityComparable<std::string, std::string>> an error.
Yo, anybody know how to stream a 1 million pixel 3d terrain from a texture in OpenGL? I'm thinking a VBO would choke...
the GLSL shader also is choking, is it impossible to render 4 million pixels as a terrain at 30 fps?
fuck how do I get better at OpenGL? I can draw shit but it looks like 1987 and is mostly too slow...
I wonder if this Refining Expression Evaluation Order for Idiomatic C++ paper is going to get any traction against the lobby of speed enthusiasts...
Can somebody help on this query?
Q: How does N<->1 threading model work?

overexchangeIn continuation to question, This is an additional query on N-1 threading model. It is taught that, before designing an application, selection of threading model need to be taken care. In N-1 threading model, a single kernel thread is available to work on behalf of each user process. OS sched...

@VáclavZeman Would get a lot more traction if it wasn't in MS 2007 puke blue
@Mikhail I do not think that matters. It looks decent enough, visually.
@VáclavZeman s.replace(0, 4, “”).replace(s.find(“even”), 4, “only”).replace(s.find(“ don’t”), 6, “”); Does this really not work? Its standard Qt with arg expressions...
I don't know what to believe anymore
@VáclavZeman the biggest problem with enforcing f(a,b,c) order is the different stack directions of different machines. CAN'T be locked down...
Yeah, doesn't it happen by stack order?
lol blackhat recommends boost meta state machine as an obfuscation technique link
Do we declare Intel the winner and just mandate top-down stacks?
@Mikhail that was the intention
lol snow in octuber
also they don't sell flamethrowers in stores
@TonyTheLion Reminds me of the movie Fargo.
@TonyTheLion Americans...
Also, lol at the first image.
@aclarke It seems to me that the stack direction should not be a problem. Compilers have enough information to know how much stack they will need for an expression. They just cannot use plain push/pop instructions.
I'm more impressed it's in use.
Currently looking at the talk page.
@MarkGarcia dat endless argument
about a silly picture
oh yea, internet
@TonyTheLion lol, "white bull shit"
The image is basically saying "Look, surveillance is stupid and evil, sousveillance is good and not evil, even a six-year-old can understand that".
@MarkGarcia Zellfaze is a mean ilterate boob
@Rapptz Yup. Because six year olds are the most good and gentle among humans.
@thecoshman Wikipedia == Reddit
I heard that the sex of chicken is easier to determine at hatch than when they are at 3-6 weeks
because cockerels are heavier than pullets at birth ... amongst a few other things which you could use to tell them apart
For the more mature chicks, you only need to look at their crowns (comb).
@TonyTheLion lol
@Sofffia For what?
I was looking for a format string similar to printf that allowed custom padding characters
lo and behold, after looking everywhere, the answer to my questions was in PHP's printf function.
Proper string interpolation as in Ruby and Scala ftw.
the answer to my questions was in PHP's printf function.
the irony
%'#10s to fill with # instead of spaces.
it's okay
Q: Why would a log statement change the output of a program?

realmlord44I was once asked during an interview the following question, and I've still never been quite clear on the answer. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could learn more, googling hasn't been much help: Say you have a program that you'd like to test. You add a single log statement and suddenly...

dat title
@rightføld Dat
print("the counter is at " + i++) \\ lol lol lolthecoshman 16 secs ago
fuck me, is that really hard to see happening?
comments are // and you forgot a semi-colon.
@Rapptz pseudo code dick butt
no one uses \ for comments
@Rapptz No one understands. :P
it's left handed pseudo code
# is best comment character.
No. It's --.
@Rapptz But the new question has a great make_array off the hand of Konrad though :-(
-- cannot start with #! on the first line.
@rubenvb Make a merge request for the answers or something vOv
@MarkGarcia Or DNL
Eww, this guy uses three-space indentation.
@jalf TIL. Also, what the hack.
@rightføld Being a dick of course. Yesterday, specifically.
I'm used to people being dicks so I don't care.
s/people being //
Alright, Thursday / Friday vacation
Now I can order the SPIEL ticket
@Xeo shnap
aww man, the 4-day ticket doesn't have an option to include local transit D:
Though I'm using mine to go see Nightvale live :D
@Xeo oh noes!
which means I need +5eur / day to get there.. meeeeh
why :<
actually, only 2.50eur I guess. My ticket allows a wider area of transit after 7pm
@rightføld s/'m used to people being / love /
oh is that why @rightføld is the Vagina of The Lounge.
The dick is my best friend.
Fijne genotsknots.
lol, this is stupid. I'm 2 stops away from the next transit area, and if I walk those two stops, I don't need an extension ticket to get to the SPIEL
brabait starbait taken
@rightføld we know, we know ... :')
SPIEL in Essen means: Four days of fun, meeting friends, playing and testing thousands of games and novelties together with gamers from all over the world.
Sounds terrible.
I live near Essen and it's a horrible place.
Are you Cat in disguise?
Oh wait, that's the German Essen. Nevermind.
in bin, Oct 9 at 9:06, by chmod 711 telkitty
I wonder why there wasn't any female sex offenders near rightfold when he was 10 ...
Hello All Guys
What about Girls?
"Guys" can refer to both.
A: What is a feminine version of 'guys'?

Caleb"Guys" can be used in English as gender neutral to refer to a group of mixed gender. You will even hear women refer to other women as "guys." The closest linguistic equivalent with a feminine tilt would be "gals". "Guys and gals" is a rather informal variant of "ladies and gentlemen". (Note the ...

@chmod711telkitty lol @ quoting yourself from the bin
This was funny until the random "Canadians" comment that holds relevance only to about 5% of the world's population. This is an international community. This is not an "American" community. Thank you. — Lightness Races in Orbit Jun 12 at 9:32
well, certain garbage collector sometimes goes over board with moving stuff to the bin ... useful stuff
Yes like your comment regarding sex offenders. Highly useful stuff.
M I in right place?
TIL about st_blksize.
@X'Factor no
I like how he starts by writing an appeal to his own authority. Arrogant tosser.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I thought geocities closed ages ago :P
lol that answer is terrible tho
@thecoshman twas the joke
I have an answer to the question but I don't feel comfortable with it.
it's rather short and simple lol
@Rapptz "upgrade your toolchain"? or was it "find a better job"
@Rapptz I dare you to post it :-p
Nah. Glad I didn't.
A lot of std::string is duplicated.
Nearly everything that isn't in std::vector is available in <algorithm> (or could be implemented using it).
sans substr and a few others
It links to Chromium's stack allocator, which seems to fit the bill.
@Rapptz but there's a hell of a lot of overloads and functions in the string interface!
@Rapptz > The allocator demonstrated here is purposefully a C++11 allocator and thus will not work with C++98/03 containers
Which is against sbi's reqs
Yeah it seems he changed it.
Putting the storage in allocators is unorthodox and leaves holes, e.g. void uhoh(string& input) { string s = "short"; input.swap(s); }
The previous version wasn't even C++03 conformant either :-/
@Rapptz so was mine
@Rapptz hang on that sounds like my answer!
just waiting for sbi to shit all over it
If C++ Supports multiple inheritance as Java does not support multiple inheritance?
How do you store lettuce?
@X'Factor ...yes...
I might have made 3 people joining the meetup groups that I am in during the past few days directly or indirectly - not because of me, but what I said together with that they already know about those groups might trigger them to join at the last ... talking about my elite leadership skills </shameless self promotion>
@X'Factor That's not a question.
@rightføld Nor is this?
@rightføld I didn't asked question. I just asked. I don't know about C++
But learning
You're even more cryptic than thecoshman and sehe combined.
@X'Factor don't
@rightføld But the fish are dry
@Abyx What? Learning?
That's what I mean.
@X'Factor then why use a question mark. You just said you didn't. I suggest you keep it that way.
Could we be a little nicer to the guy.
@thecoshman Yeah But its my habit to apply question mark in my every sentence. So next time will keep in mind for it
@Rapptz I don't recall anyone telling him to fuck off.
@Rapptz I didn't notice any rudeness. Oh wait, that's probably because I have Abyx plonked.
@X'Factor The problem is that, as a sentence in English, it doesn't make much sense. Would you like to have another go at it?
@rightføld lol
@X'Factor Why on earth would you add question marks to every sentence?!
@X'Factor But yes, C++ supports multiple inheritance, Java does sort of support it, but you probably don't see it.
@Rapptz why "guy"? are you a sexist of what?
48 mins ago, by rightføld
A: What is a feminine version of 'guys'?

Caleb"Guys" can be used in English as gender neutral to refer to a group of mixed gender. You will even hear women refer to other women as "guys." The closest linguistic equivalent with a feminine tilt would be "gals". "Guys and gals" is a rather informal variant of "ladies and gentlemen". (Note the ...

@Abyx Keep up, Red.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit s/guy/thing/ problem solved.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit that's plural
@thecoshman @LightnessRacesinOrbit Thanks for your comments and complements.
Java 8 supports default implementation on interfaces, which is closer to proper multiple inheritance than Java 7's crappy terrible idiocy is.
@X'Factor ಠ_ಠ no one complemented you.
@Abyx And? So? Therefore?
@X'Factor I complement everyone.
@thecoshman No-one complimented him.
@rightføld an interface is just a class where all functions are pure virtual, thus it's always support multiple inheritance, just with a limitation that only one class can define functions.

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