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@SusanSweedyk You're not listening.
tell me pls
I just did.
I can't help you if you don't listen.
You can't just pick two arbitrary machines, say "look they are the same on these two machines" and take that to be a global rule.
Q: My java compiler is broken. I need help fixing it/reinstalling it

user2946713so recently on my computer (osx 10.9), I have been unable to compile any java programs. I keep getting the same error message. No matter what I try to compile: [richardwilliams@RichMBP sandbox]$ javac IOLearning.java ./String.java:9: ';' expected word = String ReplaceAll(word,"World"); ...

Yup...compiler errors must mean the compiler is broken...
It's like me walking into two shops, both selling a can of Carling for £1.25, and using that as some kind of evidence that every shop in the universe must sell Carling for £1.25.
@Code-Apprentice loooool
@Code-Apprentice lololololol
the mince has practically disappeared
I have a bad feeling about this
on goes the oven
omg, I wanted to have the rest of the pizza for tomorrow, and you start talking about food again :p
fortunately I bought a back-up meal, but I seriously doubt I'll be bothered to do more cooking after this ;p
@SusanSweedyk try this on Win7 x64 compiled as x64:
const size_t sizeof_ptr = sizeof(void*);
const size_t sizeof_unsigned = sizeof(unsigned int);
wow that nutmeg is strong
why is VS2013 "preparing for first use". I've used it loads of times.
Also, why does that "take a few minutes"?????
Probably installed an update or something
Or maybe your settings are gone
still stupid
That also happens :v
@SusanSweedyk I have used systems (both long ago, and quite recently) where the two were of different sizes. For one recent example, the 64-bit version of MS VC++ has 32-bit unsigned and 64-bit pointers.
Waiting for background operation to finish, duh
@LightnessRacesinOrbit formatting your c++ solution folder :v
"We're getting things ready. Thanks for your patience."
now it's loaded up an empty login prompt for Windows Live or whatever
I just want to compile something you fucking morons
@LightnessRacesinOrbit because log in plz
now it's offering me to store my projects in the cloud
let me compile something
store in the cloud, do it, do it now
Creating a project takes a non-zero number of seconds
the cloud, Luke
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's like you've never used Visual Studio before
@melak47 I only use it for testing snippets for SO
4 4
how do I force a 64-bit binary?
fuck it. just tell me what the output is I must know!
right time to assemble my carrot and nutmeg lasagna
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what? create a new cofniguration, select x64 instead of ARM, and there you go
this is gonna be fucking horrendous
@melak47 ARM?!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit apps and shiz
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I usually compile from the command line. In the VC++ tools there are separate command lines for x86 and x64 tools.
size of unsigned int is 4
size of pointer is 8
can anyone pls tell me that why is The size of int is 4 on both 32- and 64-bit platforms for all compilers
@SusanSweedyk Spec thingy.
@SusanSweedyk Dunno. Why do you care?
@SusanSweedyk It's not.
yes it is
@SusanSweedyk How much would you care to lose on a bet?
printf("size of unsigned int is %lu\n", sizeof(unsigned int)); do it in 64 bit compiler
@SusanSweedyk don't rely on implementation defined sizes of types. there. that wasn't so hard now was it?
@SusanSweedyk Google for "ILP64", and you'll get a number of articles about relative sizes of types on (mostly) 64-bit systems, and undoubtedly a few about why various vendors have made the choices they have. You'll find that LP64 and LLP64 are both much more common than ILP64, but ILP64 is used on some systems (and has been for quite a while).
@SusanSweedyk It is unfortunate when stuff keeps changing size across implementations, but it can happen.
@JerryCoffin then can we not use %u insead of
%p in printing pointers address
For the first time ever
CIFS worked better than SFTP
Fuckin duplicity doesn't hang anymore, we have backups woo
@SusanSweedyk No, of course you can't. Even if the sizes were the same, doing so would yield undefined behavior.
@SusanSweedyk How many more times are we going to have to tell you that that is not true??
@SusanSweedyk There are 2,546 64-bit compilers. You. Cannot. Prove. Something. About. All. Of. Them. By. Testing. Only. In. One.
ok, lasagna's in the oven. I bet it's awful
thanks dont get angry. i am just 15 years old and new to the world of computing
omg, nooo, I need to learn about Krylov subspaces :|
@SusanSweedyk You just need to listen when people answer your questions, instead of repeating the questions. :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit thanks
@SusanSweedyk you're welcome sweetie
@LightnessRacesinOrbit dawwwwwwwwwwwww
@SusanSweedyk Thanks for your friend request. I'm not going to accept it, only because I think my Facebook friends would be wondering why I'm adding a 15 year old! Nothing personal.
'Which is worse, Visual Studio or poorly-cooked lasagne?'. Closed as primarily opinion-based.
@MartinJames The answer is 'yes'
i'm back in my office now. 30 minutes until taste time
genuinely nervous
despite the wine
it just doesn't look appetising at all
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ok
Or maybe I'll just wait until they're all asleep
@LightnessRacesinOrbit My excuse for not accepting friendships is even better: I don't use Facebook.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The threads?
Does anyone know graph.tk ?
@Nelxiost never heard of it
@FredOverflow good one
Or maybe should I ask "does anyone have a good (online) graph plotter ?"
Let's see.
@Nelxiost Wolfram Alpha
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Stop worrying, I'm sure it will be fine, (primary treatment is plenty of liquids to avoid dehydration).
@FredOverflow Quite slow because it gives so much data... Is there a way to only get the graphs ?
@Nelxiost I usually use one of first google "online function grapher" results or similar for simple things. If you need something elaborate, I didn't manage to find anything online that's good enough.
lol idiotgate is still going on
@BartoszKP Yeah, I need something 'elaborate' enough. That is why I ask, I couldn't find anything good enough.
@FredOverflow or you don't have friends.
graph.tk is quite good but gives me different results for the same thing
@CatPlusPlus ?
Why It Makes Sense For Intel To Pull Ads From Gamasutra Over #GamerGate And Why It's Still The Wrong Move http://onforb.es/10ySGjx via @forbes
@Nelxiost Yeah, I'm looking for something like this regularly since like 5 years or so ;0 Still no luck
@CatPlusPlus oh that
@Nelxiost wow, looks nice
I was linked a video that 'explained' wtf was going on. pure shite is what.
We should ask StackedCrooked to do that, since he already runs a nice compiler :D
@Nelxiost To do what?
Q: Why or why not use memset in C++?

octobackI have a lot of memset in a program which I have to maintain. Is it a good practice in modern C++ to use memset? Why and why not? If not, what should be preferred to memset?

@Nelxiost lol, it parses \binom correctly (shows the binomial symbol) and then complains that it doesn't know what it is :D
@Sofffia A good online graph plotter (I'm kidding)
@BartoszKP Maybe it needs arguments in some weird form ?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit When I tried to use std::fill instead of memset() MSVC threw a bunch of annoying warnings at me. So I switched back to memset(). :P
@BartoszKP Renderer is probably stock TeX implementation
well, the error is:
>Unknown function: binom
Using TeX for finding out semantics is lol also
@BartoszKP Haha that's right. Probably not implemented yet.
Actually, I don't even know if it is still being developped...
@CatPlusPlus People got offended over the internet boo-fucking-hoo
What is the operation called that checks whether two sets contain common elements?
@rightfold Intersection test?
Intersection, right?
Can Wolfram plot multiple graphs at the same time ?
I don't know what the syntax would be
Oh nice, thanks !
still, it treats it as a system of equations to solve
that syntax is confusing tho innit.
looks like the ; separates plot x not just x
I rather take "plot" as an argument to Wolfram, not as a part of a function
So it's not that confusing
Nice one :D
dude... that took you like what 3h ?
It is finished.
it better be good ;0
@Borgleader something like that
do you guys ever make APIs that instead of taking (begin, end) iterators take some sort of range object you call std::begin and std::end on?
Surprised this works.
@nightcracker I would do that, I don't like this (being, end) nonsense. However many people like this, being "the C++ way" (no sarcasm intended, it has it's advantages)
@BartoszKP how do you do output? output iterators or returning a vector or?
Yep, completely inedible.
@Loopunroller because people are envious, I think. @BartoszKP You're misrepresenting reality by saying "it is not an official stance".
It's not the stance, at all. You link to an answer, that's, although highvoted, handsomely beaten by another answer with ~4x that amount of votes
@nightcracker haven't done this for a long time, so I'm only imagining things. I'm guessing it depends on the use case - vector doesn't allow laziness for example, so might be unsuitable in some cases. Output iterator resembles C#s IEnumerable, which I like, so probably yes
#define RANGE(...) std::begin(__VA_ARGS__), std::end(__VA_ARGS__)
@BartoszKP depends on how you answer them
@BartoszKP I like the entire C++ iterator concept, but I also like a functional style of programming where you can chain arguments
@Loopunroller you absolutely dont need ... in there
@sehe I admitted that I was too hasty in that. And the topvoted answer doesn't contradict this stance, so the fact that it has more votes is irrelevant.
@Loopunroller just no
@BartoszKP That admission was still misleading.
@BartoszKP It doesn't? Hehe. It says "it's not a good use of your time". Well, that's pretty damning
@nightcracker yeah, exactly
@Loopunroller so, repeated evaluation of the expression, no ADL on the begin() and end(), and all the pollution and breakage implied by using macros...
@BartoszKP I like the way Python does this, where iterators are single objects rather than tuples of (begin, end)
@sehe it doesn't say "it's ok to do that" or "yes you should", so it doesn't contradict. And in fact, it does somehow discourage it.
@sehe hihi
It does say "it's ok to do that". It doesn't say "no you shouldn't".
It _does_ discourage it. Indeed. (As if there was much need)
@nightcracker yeah, Python's approach is also great
@Borgleader I saw that one already.
@FredOverflow how do you format method signatures in Scala if they get very long? I currently have this and it's horribly unreadable and ugly:
  def resolveNamesInExpression[Annotation <: AnnotationBase](expression: ast.Expression[Annotation, String],
                                                             table: Map[String, Name]): ast.Expression[Annotation, Name] = …
@sehe It doesn't say "it's ok to do that", it only says that there is nothing in the rules to prevent you from doing it
@sehe It was a joke, anyway.
I would never ever use that.
@BartoszKP Tell me what the difference is? Except your eagerness to use the leeway to the benefit of your interpretation?
@Loopunroller I got that :)
@sehe Cool! :thumbsups:
Just continue with the other digits
@BartoszKP Interesting--the first graph claims to show x from -6 to 6, but actually shows a slightly greater range than -2π to 2π, so apparently in their world, π < 3.
@sehe example1: there is nothing in the rules that prevents people from retaining their comments, yet comments are discouraged. example2: there is nothing in the rules that prevents putting tags in question's title - yet this is discouraged.
@JerryCoffin :D
π is whatever you want it to bi
I don't get your point about comments. Comments are certainly not discouraged.
The thing about tags is "in the rules" (broader sense) because clear consensus has been reached, and kept in place for years, that this is not desired (which is another thing than "discouraged").
@Borgleader I remember now. It's the checked iterators security thing that bitches at me every time I try to do an std::copy().
@sehe The point is, the rules don't ever cover everything. So saying that something isn't against the rules does not imply that it is good, and that people should do it. It is just the statement that currently, people can do it, and cannot be accused of going against the rules. My point is that you read more from this sentence then it says. That's why I've linked to another upvoted answer that concerns this issue explicitly - admitting that it doesn't mean that it's "official".
void foo(int* A,int L,int* B){
    std::copy(A,A + L,B);
And I don't want to turn off checked iterators for everything.
just disable them for everything
@ThePhD That would be a waste of rotten eggs.
@sehe "Armer schwarzer Kater!"
@sehe Worse: Every morning Jira says I have issues.
@sbi Is that a thing in Germany?
@sehe It was a game we played when I was a kid. I doubt today's kids know it, though.
Hello, Lounge!
Hello, Code!
How's it going, sbi?
On its legs, usually.
@BartoszKP Well. I don't really care for that much of the debate (I think it was pretty much abandoned as "undecided"). It's just that I loath this whole "burn badness at the stake" sentiment. I really think it's a waste of energy. And I fully preserve the right to help people that have proven to be unable to phrase their question well.
I do this on occasion. I'm here to help, and to some that include teaching them manners, teaching them how to search, telling them stop wasting our time. And sometimes I just throw someone a bone, ideally also saying how I came to the hunch that lead me to the answer. Sometimes it's a selfish thing to do (I want to know what happened for /me/, or I just want to prove that it's trivially solvable.). Sue me.
Should I get consistently downvoted for this (happened before) I will just stop contributing at all.
I'm just a rep whore.
@sbi It's "Code​"
@sehe raises eyebrows Huh?
Like this (given broken fonts): i.imgur.com/oaldEoh.png
Yay, my diagnostics now render as Markdown.
@sehe Oh well. Let those kiddies play smart with their names. Why would I bother to care?
Perhaps we can get this question closed as too broad/primarily opinion based
@sbi You shouldn't!
I don't have anything weird fonts in my name...
@sehe I support this attitude. And sometimes I also do this: in the comments (rarely in an answer, but as you said: not just giving away the full solution). Also, sometimes the question has a potential even though it's bad, and it can be clearly seen that it's just what you've said ("just unable to phrase their question well"). However, I'm against answering crap, clearly help-vampiric (lol) questions, or other nonsense - and IIRC that was the question in question here (lol).
@Code-Apprentice Then it's a chat bug. I know it used to do this, but it's been a long long while since I've last seen it in the wild :)
> B.Sc. Computer Science (University of Southampton); currently studying Quant Finance
>10 years in software development (C#/F#/C++)
Microsoft MVP – Visual C# (since 2009)
ReSharper Evangelist
@sehe Nice.
@sehe Ah, so I acted correctly.
Indeed. Since I acted, it must have been correctly.
@BartoszKP Glad we agree :) I think I am on the same page. Except that I think it's really a bridge too far to downvote answers to crappy help vampiring questions.
One doesn't punish people for contributing. Instead, just axe the question, delete it and the answers will be gone equally well. Yes, ask people to cooperate. No, don't try to force others by punishing positive behaviour.
@rightfold I love how he tried to blame me for being inconclusive :)
@sehe so ultimately your response doesn't give me enough information as to the suitability, or lack thereof, of Boost.Spirit for the general case where I intend to parse something (e.g., C#, Java, whatever) and use the lexer/parser as a back-end for IDE language services. — Dmitri Nesteruk 2 hours ago
@sehe yeah, seems we are on the same page, just differ in subtleties. I don't consider such answers positive behaviour, however I agree that a downvote can be clearly misunderstood. It would be good if there was some official and explicit stance on this - so either it would be clear that answers to any questions are good, or something you could post a link to, to discourage people from answering crap in the future. and btw. in case of Loopunroller 's answer I didn't downvote it : )
@sehe I read that lol
Isn't "a tiny IDE" a contradiction in itself?
@Code-Apprentice Which "lol" did you read?
clearer? =p
add a comma :)
Fuck yeah, UBW's first (zero-th) episode was flawless. /cc @StackedCrooked @Mysticial @ScarletAmaranth
@Code-Apprentice Nope, not clearer. There's not "lol", after all, in that comment.
Fate / Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works
ermahgerd - it's out?!
The TV series version from ufotable (the guys that did Fate / Zero)
@BartoszKP Did you (too) deliberately waited for the 2mins to pass?
@ScarletAmaranth yeeeeesh
@Xeo I'm dropping everything to watch it right nao'; ty for the info
Good boy
Be ready, it's 47mins
@sbi lol :D
ufotable did everything right doing a "zero-th" episode (as a prologue) to get all the "boring" setup stuff done
so good
@BartoszKP Well, given that you immediately knew which 2mins I was referring to, I guess my assumption correct.
Need 47min episodes every week :<
@sbi Unfortunately not - I was just busy writing an answer to sehe :) But your idea was noted ;D
@ScottW lolololol
@sbi now you are just trollin
@Code-Apprentice What do you mean, now?
just random ramblings of a deranged mind
Really, what is wrong with Nickelback. (As in What do you not like about Nickelback?) I mean, they aren't worse than many others, let alone worse than some pieces of shi. music that get linked here sometimes.
@Code-Apprentice Oh, OK. I'll disregard it then.
@sbi the answer is in the FAQ section of this page :D However, you're right, they should start more this kind of projects ;0
@ScottW how are you? long time no chat!

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