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if I inherit constructors, I need to eliminate the copy/move constructors from the set.
> Argh, I hate C++. What a useless language.
WTF where's Cech's helmet
Where's Cech
right, it must be equivalent- must be.
> Last night I wrote some C++. It complained that I didn't have an overload for int, so I added one. Later in an almost identical situation, I added one for int and it complained that there was then an ambiguity with the overload for long, const char * and some other type that wasn't even related in my opinion. There's seemingly no way to know when it will complain because you didn't overload for both int and long, and when it it will complain that you did.
Behold, the power of guesswork.
@Griwes You mean you actually think what you write? Liar.
Of course I do, otherwise I wouldn't've been able to make this shit work.
@Xeo, the thing I was doing with the has_exact_match thingy is under the above link.
@Jefffrey still lame :(
this is epic
love it.
I can smell haskell from that picture if I put my nose close enough to the screen.
@Jefffrey hehe
> instance ToJSON Citeh where
@Jefffrey what if we moved it two hours forward
How the heck was I able to circumvent the 30 days change limit to nicknames on SO.
@BartekBanachewicz Is the current time good to everyone else?
@Jefffrey bribery
@Jefffrey so far you're the first to complain.
but I have no idea how many people are actually gonna turn up
@Jefffrey Tell me you son of a bitch. Tell me how.
I think it was via the old SO meta.
To understand what recursion is, you must first understand recursion
@Moderateur so?
so to understand what recursion is, you must first understand recursion
it's an old moderately funny joke.
wanted to share the gem joke I created
This is so horrible.
@Moderateur you might have reinvented it at most.
Questions ask about JavaScript ports of Joda-Time and all the answers suggest libraries that aren't even close to Joda-Time.
the only library close to joda-time is noda-time :P
no no I'm the original creator and my name is John Gates
I'm not durnk
I've started drinking vOv
why do you crouch your shoulders while saying that?
I do that time to time
because your neck is itchy? :-D
@BartekBanachewicz Being drunk: -20 to INT. I wonder what that means for you.
I don't drink because I'm russian but I smoke weed which must be same thing
Is INT allowed to go into negatives?
C# <3
@Fanael no
fuck why isn't makeLenses making classes
Shiver in ecstasy! This formula yields the correct decimal digits of pi to an amazing 42 billion digits. http://t.co/7dF3eHnpdK
^ / cc @Mysticial
@BartekBanachewicz duh. It's making lenses
Q: What's the difference between makeLenses and makeFields?

Bartek BanachewiczPretty self-explanatory. I know that makeClassy should create typeclasses, but I see no difference between the two.

I have no fucking idea how this shit works
@Moderateur Nope.
@BartekBanachewicz lol
I've created a type called Unit with a record field _battleValue and it treats "battle" as the name prefix :/
It's a pretty cool approximation. Not particularly efficient for computing Pi though. It looks to be at least O(N^2).
@FredOverflow the 80cm sony looked really tiny when I went to see it again
in the end I got a 106cm LG plasma for the same price
it fits great on my furniture and the quality is awesome :D pretty happy with it so far
@Mysticial Approximation at 42billion decimal digits. I always half wonder how they work out this precision without having said digits to check :)
@AlexM. that's... 41"?
I know how they do it, but my "childly curiosity" mode still auto-fires that question
@BartekBanachewicz ~42
Pretty small
any bigger and it wouldn't have fit on my table thingy
@sehe If you change some of the constants, you can probably make a similar approximation to fewer digits, than extrapolate it out.
the room is small, but it's big enough to make an 80cm TV look tiny
@BartekBanachewicz Bartek is plonked now. Bartek is trying to combine the worst of puppies and lobsters. And sadly succeeding so well, I opt out.
That said, there's certainly more mathematical approaches to determining how accurate it is.
@sehe seriously?
@BartekBanachewicz Yes
because I said that I think that a 42" screen is pretty small?
I mean come on.
that's fucked up
here is where I placed it, I sit at roughly ~3m away from it
typically when you tell me I'm over the line I really agree.
it's the only place where I was able to accommodate a TV :\
but in this case I have no fucking idea what you mean
I'll get the PS3 next but I have no idea where to put it
I'll probs buy a separate minitable
fuck this shit.
@BartekBanachewicz He is fucking with you.
@BartekBanachewicz I think it was a joke
why would he plonk you over that?
I have no idea.
Makes no sense.
But sehe plonking me is sending me a mental signal that I've done something really, really wrong.
@BartekBanachewicz Amazing no? I'm just that good.
By the way, I've let you know, on occasion, during the last week when your lounge behavior irked me. Note this implies I've not always let you know. If you missed it/choose to ignore it now, that's okay by me.
and typically I adjusted when you told me.
I pour out my feelings here slightly less filtered than you or the other guy might want it, but it's absolutely genuine and it helps me, and I treat you like friends.
Moar drama please.
Can't get enough.
if you're annoyed by me then fine I'll get out of here.
@BartekBanachewicz Oh. I appreciate that. I was probably suddenly tired of giving the cues.
@BartekBanachewicz You know. This already happens if a game jam doesn't fit. It really doesn't matter what happens. Cheap keyboards? Petty display sizes? Missing language features? "Fuck this shit".
Yes, just like that. Please gimme moar.
As it happens, I think I'll unplonk now, as I practically already did.
now I'm getting paranoid
$line-height: $font-size * $golden-ratio; woo beautifru
@AlexM. Alex is plonked now.
I've been giving you hints all along.
Like that time you pretended to have an affair with rightfold under my watch.
I thought you forgot about that!
Fuck this shit.
@Jefffrey Bulls eye
Is that an int?
I'm still not sure what bartek did wrong though
@AlexM. Bartek
maybe it's for the best?
@Fanael huh?
Are you Alex Martelli, the one working for Google? @AlexM.
if so I'm wetting myself
ugh ok..
@Moderateur Please go wet yourself someplace else.
sorry to burst your bubble
you're misleading, change your name :-)
I'm not changing my name
it's my name
Alex Martelli is misleading
he should change his name
I suggest MichealB?
ok I'm gonna tell him -_-
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: You want your hobby ruined and corrupted? [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
@AlexM. How about if he just quit? Oops--too late. He did that years ago.
I want your hobby ruined and corrupted.
@JerryCoffin and what hes doing now?
I can't stop rereading that
It's so amazing
@Moderateur I think he's still at Google, but not on SO any more.
Stop starring every single thing for fuck's sake
@JerryCoffin ummm ok. I thought I saw one question from him some days ago
@CatPlusPlus Stop staring at stars
@JerryCoffin I had no idea who the guy even was until he was mentioned here
actually, I don't even know the names of Google's founders :\
I should probably fix that
@Moderateur His most recent question and answer were both in 2010.
seriously folks
@JerryCoffin ok :/
that's kinda sad he left SO
Starring those two things is verboten in case you didn't get the hint
Okay I'm cancelling all of them
I think I'm letting my alter ego leave too, the second one
@Moderateur People come. People go. Time goes on. I'm more bothered by those days I'm so busy I don't know whether I'm coming or going.
That's what she said
Or whether you're going to have a brain diarrhea you can't really come that day
I want border spacing except around the outer cells. :v
@PolymorphicPotato There's always some spacing between cells.
@Rapptz hello rapper wassup with that slim shady hit?
@Rapptz Heaveno.
@Jefffrey Yeah, but it adds them between the cell and the table's border as well.
I don't want that. Only between two cells.
AFAIK you can't make atoms touch.
You can
@CatPlusPlus Here I figured if anybody made a joke about it, it would be the old about about one being white and the other yellow.
A: Jquery Fullcalender recurring event

PauloregI did some manipulations to support recurring events, you can see the code for reference, find here: http://bit.ly/14pjvTb

spam/referrer link
Okay, I got it gone on the left-hand side.
Q: iOS 7 App Icon - What fonts can I use?

pisquaredtauI have been handwriting the text I want to use in the icons for my apps to avoid font licensing issues. I was wondering what fonts I could use for free? For example, could I use Helvetica?! Here is an example of what I have been doing: 1

@Jefffrey I can't touch anything except using atoms
I guess I could use a transparent border and no border spacing instead.
@Jefffrey we can still spin a Doodle and try to find a time that you'd be able to participate in. We might also relax the rules a bit for a flexible time frame. I see no point in telling you to stop after two hours if you're simply late; we'll play the games during the next week anyway.
The rules were always about ruling out certain behaviours (like dunno, cheating), not preventing people from participating.
I think he should copyright those hand written letters
anyone still following the Niebler Range effort? he appears to have withdrawn his talk at CppCon next week
That guy is posting his referrer link again: stackoverflow.com/a/25585984/1381108
I don't get why that even has a referrer service
@TemplateRex Wow. That's... disappointing
&:not(:last-child) {
    border-right: solid 2px $background-color;
Ugly hacks FTW!
@TemplateRex I'm watching his repo and he's been working on his proposal.
ha! I think I can answer my own question.
@Rapptz I've reported as potential spam. Did you click the link?
was it benign?
It's complete spam.
You have to pay to access the code.
and it is a referral link
You can preview bitly links by appending +
Reported as potential spam. Link only answers are bad quality and useless in the long run. However, using a URL shortener really requires another level of ---stupid--- naivetee. No one is going to click your opaque link. This is the internet. — sehe 5 secs ago
@CatPlusPlus Yeah that's what I did. It had 'code' in the URL so I clicked it but it was under a paywall.
@CatPlusPlus I had no idea
> no one
You're clearly new to the interwebz.
I like that spam flags allow you to downvote twice
According to bit.ly it has 410 clicks.
@Fanael No, I'm making a point and assuming sanity
Added "UPDATE Confirmed as spammy link (for financial profit too)". Sadly I can't flag for spam now
@Rapptz Wow. Privacy must die
@sehe I flagged spam for you
you guys found this through the fancy shmancy 10k late answer thing?
@sehe maybe he is sprinting towards the november Committee Meeting, and not enough time for a presentation
@Borgleader Yep.
Amended it :)
@TemplateRex Still disappointing of course. But yeah, I was also slightly worried. We need good ranges, and Eric is right on the ball there. I would be very sad if he dropped it
@Rapptz i am also following it, but it seems he is circling around some concept renaming lately
@sehe my main concern is that there is no push to get D-ranges behind the scene in range-based for loops. the for (init; !rng.empty(); rng.pop_front()) { process(rng.front()); } is more elegant, and can be trivially implemented with iterators
with Eric's ranges, he can do some nifty facade around a D-range that with the proper -O3 optimization will get the same code, but it's a lot more fragile
Mmm. I'm not following close enough to know what you're on about
Is there an implementation of an array with size held in the type system somewhere?
@Rapptz the guy gained rep, so i went to his profile and managed to flag another one of his answers seconds before it got nuked
In Haskell.
And Robot posted his partial_array and small_vector the other day
@sehe with iterators, empty() is simply begin() == end(), but there are ranges, in particular ones with proxy objects, where empty() is a more natural primitive
@Fanael Of course....
@TemplateRex I see what you mean. Basically, like every enumerator model in every other language library (Python, Java, C#...)
if for(auto elem : range) would just expand to the for loop I wrote above, it would enable some more idioms, like in D
@sehe The premise is to ‘promote’ former iterator code such as Res accumulate(It start, It stop, Res acc, Functor f); to a new form Res accumulate(It start, Sentinel stop, …); that simultaneously work with older iterators while allowing slimmer, saner ranges.
Even after chaining/composition?
@LucDanton but underneath it all, it still expands iterators
the Ask toolbar seems to have become the Ask app on Chrome
@TemplateRex No.
@Fanael I don’t know of one.
There are non-empty things if you care about that. There should be one in ekmett’s ecosystem IIRC. Semigroupoids?
@LucDanton AFAICS, he "only" allows heterogeneous iterator comparison, with sentinels
any cis person who reblogs a post making fun of otherkin but says theyre all for trans rights and shit is an asshole and suspect at best
@TemplateRex So a filtering range only has to store the filtering predicate in one place, while the sentinel doesn’t carry any relevant information. You can’t do that with iterators.
@LucDanton all I'm arguing is that it doesn't go far enough
@sehe I haven’t dug in yet to comment. I’m assuming a cautious ‘yes’.
@TemplateRex What more do you want?
This is kind of what bugs me about ranges.
current range-for requires begin/end to be of equal type, Eric's proposal relaxes it to allow it/sentinel comparison
Everyone has their own idealistic view point.
I want D-ranges in range-for
and this is independent of the position vs range argument
@TemplateRex Oh, it expands on the existing the existing iterator concepts you mean. Since you mentioned -O3 above I thought you meant that e.g. code using accumulate would result in a use of iterators lol. Then yes.
@LucDanton That would be an important feat. After all, we C-plusplusians like all abstractions as long as they are free :)
Yumyumyum marzipan.
Related: I tried to roll my own, am I doing it right? gist.github.com/Fanael/a5e7152e7e259ad85f29
I have painful recollection of bidirectional ranges tbh. Lots of special casing.
I want to try ocelot meat.
@Fanael Which GHC? 7.6 is esp. sucky for type-level arithmetic.
@BartekBanachewicz It's too late to change the time. Don't worry, I'll do what I can, and we'll see if I can partecipate or not. Maybe the airplane is late or is early and that might change as well. Anything could happen, from me to be able to fully participate to me not being able at all. I'll let you know when I'll start coding anyway.
Nice place to live
Yeah that seems cromulent. I think not leaving the element last in the type constructor breaks the norm I suppose. Is newtypeing a regular array not an option?
@LucDanton Probably is, but it was written for a very specific use-case where I need unboxedness and mutability.

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