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@Chimera Well, in some sense, Sturgeon's Law applies to code as much as everything else.
but game programmers are notoriously worse than everyone else.
when code takes on new functionality, that's why you invest in writing code worth a damn instead of shitting out stringly-typed Singleton managers (VS I'm looking at you) because else changing it takes eternity and breaks everything.
like when you're writing C and you make a slight change then you have to re-evaluate all the resource handling code, ever, to make sure it still frees everything properly, instead of simply knowing in advance that the compiler generates the correct code for you.
@Puppy you mean for the IDE extension?
@sehe yeah
yeah... stringly typed code is such a chore to work with ¬_¬
before I tried to code a VS extension, I tended to think of Microsoft programmers as the cream of the crop, even if their business direction was a bit WTF.
@Puppy That's not really a fair comparison then :) IDE extensibility is quite a special niche, and there are /good/ reasons to make the interface completely stringly and decoupled. (Of course, this in itself could be abstracted in a proper SDK, but who has money for that)
but C++/CX was just "We tried to copy and paste .NET hope you don't mind all the reference cycles"
You used C++/CX for the extension ? o.O (guess:no)
@sehe Probably less when you have a dedicated runtime with a Type class already specifically intended to serve the purpose of passing them around at runtime.
no, I looked into using it for the-project-that-one-day-turned-into Kyrostat
admittedly it was a little while ago
@Puppy That's kinda what I meant. I doubt their IDE is coded in .NET though
but IApplicationFactory kinda traumatized me.
That's bad(TM)
@Puppy lemme guess, did they have it to provide a dependency container?
@sehe This specific extensibility part is. The whole reason VS2010 was slow as a dog is they re-wrote the UI in WPF and hadn't figured out how to make it run fast yet. The MEF thing they introduced was to extend those components. So all those systems are written in managed code.
there are unmanaged COM APIs for the older parts and they're even worse in many ways.
@sehe AFAIK the IDE is a pretty wild mix of code from different ages and styles. Some parts are certainly .net (e.g. the WPF UI). There is plenty of COM in there.
ergh, it grates on me seeing interfaces always prefixed with 'I'
@sehe I honestly don't really remember. I ran away after I read about the reference cycles.
@Puppy Wow. I admire your tenacity to get things done there :/ I know from a few twitter feeds that VS extensions are... enough to make grown men weep (which, as I type this, does explain things)
@CodesInChaos COM is love!
With roslyn some kinds of extensions become actually pretty nice to write.
@sehe Honestly, the Wide plugin for VS could offer many more features if I was brave enough to handle the old COM APIs. They're a big reason why I paused development on it to focus on the other parts. You can't take useful input from the user without it, so no "find all references" for example.
@thecoshman I i, pirate
@sehe not cool
sorry, I must have missed the memo
clearly it should be 'piratical'
the COM APIs aren't stringly-typed, they're more like GUID-ly typed and integerly-typed.
@thecoshman An IRate pirate
gah it is so annoying when someone asks for tech support from me, drags my downstairs and then succeeds in the task they wanted to do without my help >:(
or am I alone in thinking that, for the most part, interfaces should be descriptive. If you are implementing an interface, you are saying you have the property...
You guys talking bout embedded's? I just joined in the discussion
@Puppy well since it's COM they could be IDL typed (VARIANTs, anyone?)
@PiotrJerzyMamenas you need to lurk more
Haha, thats kind of true
Welcome to the lounge
personally I've been thinking about starting up an alternative IDE effort.
Mmm. There's so many reasons not to...
I looked into plugging in to something like QtCreator and I looked into some simple WPF control stuff for myself.
I am programming mainframes, so usually I don't have much time spending coding cpp
but it's not terribly viable.
just COBOL : p
handling Unicode and user input and such is pretty nasty.
It's a tough call. Is it more obviously ill-adivsed to go implement a new IDE, or to go solve SHA2 hashing...
This will take a while to solve. Possibly several eons
@PiotrJerzyMamenas I'm sorry. Do you enjoy writing english?
@PiotrJerzyMamenas So apparently you mean IBM mainframes, not real mainframes.
the main thing I want from an IDE text editor is highlighting of compilation errors and code hinting.
@PiotrJerzyMamenas Whoa. It's like finding a legendary pokemon.
@sehe Eh, the only thing that mattered was not thinking about crippling stomach pain. It served that purpose.
@JerryCoffin zing
You should talk to our lobster.
Or maybe not.
Not many people have seen live COBOL this day and age
I still feel like the fundamental question that I had I haven't yet answered.
LOL. Yeah IBM Mainframes, not like there are many other companies left doing mainframes. @Chimera, I am not native english, my bad if i sound wrong.
@sehe I learned disrespect for IBM mainframes the old-fashioned way: from the Control Data representative. :-)
the only reason I stopped working on it is that my latest iteration needed ~8GB of RAM and I've only got 6.
@thecoshman vim has that
just need to configure it :p
@JerryCoffin lol. Don't let anything affect your biases!
@PiotrJerzyMamenas I meant COBOL is very wordy...
@Puppy what was the question?
@PiotrJerzyMamenas both?
@Puppy You need to get Mysticial and company involved...
Oh :)
Do you ever name a variable 'HEAD'?
@thecoshman Why should breaking SHA-2 be hard in the first place? I mean, from a fundamental standpoint.
if you say, "Why is 3SAT hard?" then there's stuff about NP-Complete and such.
Never seen one
@sehe I named a variable TOE once :)
@sehe EBCDIC is a real problem, not a bias.
but for SHA-2 I don't understand what makes it hard to solve.
@TonyTheLion In the camel namespace?
@Jerry Coffin you can get used to it
@JerryCoffin do IBM subframes still use that?
by the Pigeonhole Principle, a hash uniquely identifies the pigeonhole it came from, and I guess I don't see why that should be hard to follow it back.
@sehe using Hunagarian notation, so const char * szToe
@PiotrJerzyMamenas People can and do get used to a lot of things--most of them bad.
@sehe Yup.
@Puppy talk to a mathematician?
@Puppy ... because many things could hash to the same data...
@Puppy You don't seem to see a lot of things, so there is that. :P
@thecoshman So what? You only need to identify one of them.
true, but I enjoy coding COBOL.
@Puppy well, depends what you are doing really.
@Puppy it doesn't uniquely identify the source, is the problem
I got a brain teaser for you guys. My student whammed me today.
@PiotrJerzyMamenas really?
@PiotrJerzyMamenas That's curable (with early detection).
inb4 yes
If it's trying to guess a password that is only stored via hash, sure, you just need a string that can be fed in to give the hash that is stored.
@sehe It uniquely identifies the pigeonhole. I figure that if you know the pgeonhole, it should be easy enough to just pick a random thing in the pigeonhole.
I found the haystack, lets pick out the right needle at once!
@thecoshman ISTR that there was some thing about exactly what you need to do to attack it.
int* a; if(a){ cout << *a <<endl}
Lay it on us piotre
@TonyTheLion It's a haystack made of needles.
@Puppy are you trying to manufacture collisions? Or trying to predict bits of source?
Undefined behaviour
Obvious udefined behaviour is obvious, but GCC is always initializing this dangling pointer to 1
Probably :P
@sehe Manufacturing collisions is easier, so I figured I'd start there.
It is undefined behaviour, but GCC is initializing it to 1. Which is completely weird for me
@piotre was it compiled in debug mode?
@PiotrJerzyMamenas because it can :)
@PiotrJerzyMamenas Because it's undefined behaviour.
@PiotrJerzyMamenas Deal with it.
@PiotrJerzyMamenas Why not?
@Puppy well, finding a quick way to find an input that gives you a hash could be big. Something like that would screw over something like bitcoin.
I think it was in debug, yeah.
for me, there's nothing but personal curiosity in it.
@PiotrJerzyMamenas It is undefined behavior, hence it can do what it wants, hence it initializes it to 1.
@Puppy exacly my point :)
but then again, there was nothing but personal curiosity in Wide and I think I've proven that it is a viable approach and the concept can work.
That's probably Logical Reasoning 101.
@PiotrJerzyMamenas Here's another example of "non-obvious" undefined behaviour stackoverflow.com/questions/24296571/…
even if you argue that my specific implementation is shit.
@Puppy You mean that your personal curiosity is viable?
@Puppy don't sweat it, I have another friend that I regard rather highly who has spent ... precious amounts of CPU power doing statistic analysis on AES/Rijndael
@PiotrJerzyMamenas well, there's the assembly listing to solve that for you
@sehe People have found statistical approaches that break other algorithms, if I recall.
I guess, it aint a bad idea checking it.
@Puppy I think he stopped doing this when he designed special hardware circuitry to make the operations run fast enough
I'll probably return to it and fulfill my personal need for knowledge when I have enough money to afford a new machine with enough RAM.
... and also don't want to spend time on Wide.
or you could remotely use mine, but since you're in the swamp with crappy interwebs, that wouldn't work
Mainframe assembly is fun btw
@PiotrJerzyMamenas the best way to deal with cryptanalysis is on the mathematical level. A proof beats lots of analysis. (Of course the problem with the proofs is that they start from assumptions, like having crypto PRNG)
if he learnt you use a shell he would be alright :P
> mainframe assembly
^^ nothing in there that sounds like fun
@TonyTheLion We are getting new pipes Q4.
@Puppy Pipes?
inb4 new pipes are still shit
@TonyTheLion you re in the wrong room, I fear
your internet is not piped?
aren't pipes supposed to carry water or gas?
@thecoshman Everybody knows the Internet is a series of tubes.
My internet is dissolved in the water
and internet
yesterday, by Jefffrey
from what I know, internet is carried on cables
@Tony The Lion but it is
@sehe what?
@TonyTheLion :D
pedantry is a way of life here
ITT @TonyTheLion is a fool who thinks the internet comes on 'cables'
@tonythelion hmm I think you misunderstand. Cables are the old way, almost everywhere has upgraded to pipes now
@TonyTheLion s/a way//, s/here//
Last time I checked we had 128 registers for mainframe
Much larger cross sectional area for more bytes to fit
kek, you guise
inb4 carrier pigeons
It actually requires a GoD programmer (Grumpy Old Dinosaur)
Breaking News: Somewhere in England a crater forms from a penny falling an epic distance
@TonyTheLion No, actually it's wireless (you had to know that was coming, right?)
@thecoshman I didn't realize you were back in the UK (still)
@JerryCoffin lol
@sehe ... I'm not
Tony I may be pinging you violently tomorrow if I get lost on the underground
I'd give you my email, but not on here
cause I might not check here
@TonyTheLion Pipes is a pretty common name for it, even though they're not literally pipes.
@Ell Speaking of a series of tubes...
@Puppy certainly never heard it called that
It's okay, I think I'll be fine really. I might have it anyway :)
I read this letter from the hospital and it says I need to have a bath or shower on the morning of my operation.
@Ell how would you have my email?
I need to be in hospital by 7AM.
It sounds very colloquial to me
are you secretly the NSA?
why did I agree to this :(
@Puppy will certainly be am experience for you
@PiotrJerzyMamenas I can do that. How much does it pay?
@Puppy sounds all too familiar
@tony hmmm I can't quite remember, you emailed me at some point I think
@Puppy Oddly, I usually only see people talk about one "pipe" at a time (e.g., "while I was at University, I got used to having a really fat pipe.")
I did, damn
Depends, I am inexperienced yet, I am still learning so my pay is relatively low
@JerryCoffin wow. never seen it :)
night fuckers!
But the real pro's with 10+ years experience can easily strike 120k $
@thecoshman night fuckwit
@sehe Seriously?
@TonyTheLion fuck with what?
@PiotrJerzyMamenas So that's like, what, £10k?
@JerryCoffin I'm always serious
I think more,
> fuckwit: a stupid or contemptible person (often used as a general term of abuse).
but I used it as a term of endearment in your case :P
70k pounds
Yearly ofc.
The day I earn 70k a year
I will probably have long stopped writing code or something
Well, you probably still earn more than me :D
I once managed UKP 125K in one year, net of tax:)
@Puppy Difficult to compare. Electronics normally translates a prices of 1 dollar to 1 Euro and 1 pound. OTOH, if you look at food...well, you have to figure in the cost of a flight to England to get that completely tasteless dreck that passes for "English food".
> managed
@JerryCoffin and your American food is any better?
@sehe I'm deeply saddened to hear that.
Oh. Lies
Hey English food is great
Yeah, especially school meals
I must agree though, english food is bad
I had the most delicious Italian list night ... Oh wait
I once saw a fat girl eat a sandwich with potato chips
@TonyTheLion What little food is really American can be anywhere from mediocre to stellar.
@JerryCoffin I'm a UK citizen, and we don't eat 'English food'. We all eat pizza, curry and canneloni. The only people I see eating 'English food' are Germans and Czecks.
@PiotrJerzyMamenas that's just so cool. I mean, that you remember it :)
I will never wipe that view of my eyes
Fish & Chips are nice once in a while
Curry is yum
@TonyTheLion OK, that :)
@PiotrJerzyMamenas what excuse do you have for noticing in the first place?
@MartinJames :)
She was from my Uni
And you bought the tele-lense just to observe
@MartinJames Fair enough--and it's true that you can find pretty decent Indian food in England. The question, however, was how much it would cost to find that food in the US if you wanted it, and AFAIK, the answer is that you can't.
Yeah, fat girls do have excellent boobs
You can't miss them in a mile
not sure about fat girl boobs
Nor me
not sure about Ell, noted
I do identify as a pair of fat girl boobs
mumble anyone?
I would but I'm in bed :3
are you ever out of bed?
I'm heading to bed
you always seems to be in bed
where is @rightfold?
@TonyTheLion have you heard about timezonica?
I'll be able to mumble tomorrow night because I'll be in bed but in a hotel this time
@TonyTheLion in bed, with the vacuum cleaner
I bet he is a home office based contractor
@sehe hes in the same timezone as me
I am in bed a lot :P I live with my parents and they make me go to bed :'(
there's no reason to be in bed at this hour
Oh that vacuum cleaner
@TonyTheLion circadian rhythms, bio clocks
Unless you are a home office based contractor
@JerryCoffin English food is tasty enough if prepared by someone competent. It'd be like going to America and saying that all American food is crap because my Big Mac was cold.
It honestly makes me laugh out loud when you guys mention it
Probably the best lounge memory I have
@Puppy I never got a cold Big Mac
wait. hold on a second.
Are you saying that a big mac might be tasty, if prepared well?
@PiotrJerzyMamenas Who, me?
honestly, I know that I'm a freak in this regard, but I don't find them particularly offensive.
I wish I had a laptop to take tomorrow :/
they're not that great, but servicable.
You're a freak, there. Granted
Yea Puppy likes McDonalds
you should know everything you ever wanted to know about Puppy by only knowing that
Your mom is serviceable
the real problem is when whoever prepared them did a bad job laying out the ingredients so they all start falling out.
@TonyTheLion More importantly, they didn't offend my CRIPPLING STOMACH PAIN.
@sehe More to the point: is somebody claiming a Big Mac is actually food?
@sehe I'll check that
I think that was my first ever "your mom" joke. (Did it fall flat? Because then it's certain that I made a joke)
and let's face it
@sehe it was pretty awful
for puppy, not offending the Great Demon Below was the most important theme of the last few years.
@Puppy I'll face it
@JerryCoffin melatonine served the purpose for babies, so...
but the question is more, are you facing it?
@TonyTheLion good! this means, it was clearly as funny as any of my other jokes, which is more than I could have hoped for
@TonyTheLion Excuse my shitty pipes, they're really acting up at the moment.
dat ambiguity
Maybe I am offtop
but whats a shitty pipe?
I did indeed face crippling stomach pain, and I mightily struck it down with the aid of my great friend, drugs.
@sehe Not sure I follow the logic there, but okay.
@PiotrJerzyMamenas Welcome to the lounge
@PiotrJerzyMamenas a pipe with shit in it?
@PiotrJerzyMamenas A sewage pipe?
@PiotrJerzyMamenas there is no topic
speaking of which
I'm down to my last detachment of the Holy Pills
I'll need to get a new batch after my op
@JerryCoffin oops, too late to fix silly typo non-thinko: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melamine
so when is your op?
@Puppy no, you need to get better
@TonyTheLion Tuesday.
@sehe My doctor says that might well not happen for another decade.
for the foreseeable future, it's drugs drugs drugs for puppy.
think of the bright side: you're really boosting a small economy with your enhanced consumption patterns
@Puppy Hope it goes well. :)
I don't think the drugs economy needs boosting
@sehe I have spent way too much moneys on chocolate.
I'm off to bed. Night all
@sehe Good night.
Last time I checked, drugs manufacturers weren't doing too bad for themselves
@TonyTheLion Me too. It will be a chore but hopefully when it's done it's done.
amitriptyline is generic and super cheap.
@Puppy how long you going to be in hospital for?
Seems like a good time for me to leave for a while too. Feeling hungry. Need food (but it'll probably be Mexican, in case anybody cares).
@TonyTheLion Just the day if the surgeon doesn't accidentally cut an artery.
oh right, that's not too bad
@sehe night!
@Puppy Cool. Good luck!
I wish you guys weren't just a figment of my imagination :(
@JerryCoffin cheers
is it possible to be overqualified for jobs? Is that even a thing?
@Ell As my tagline said for years, "The universe is a figment of its own imagination."
I was once, worst 6 months of my life
@Crow the first interview I ever, they found me to be overqualified, in their own words
so I didn't get the job
@Puppy wow, so why do they even bother with the op? Would there be a problem in not having it?
That's crazy
imagine that, bitch.
Being overqualified is a huge problem for a company
that's so lame. I'm just trying to get college jobs (because part time web dev is way too hard to find)
They want you to do shit, you want to do fun stuff, and that creates a conflict
@jalf They want to have a look at my lymph nodes. If I'm going to be employed then I understandably want to say that all my medical stuff is finished.
But a dog can't type. So you must be my imagination :/
I was once an IT tech for 6 months, as I said worst job of my life
coworkers not knowing what is a compiler
@puppy it is exploratory surgery? :)
@PiotrJerzyMamenas Yep, same here
Co-workers talking about 64 GB RAM phones
they are going to open a small hole and stick in a fibreoptic cable and have a look around.
but I already had a CT scan so we know in advance that I don't have cancer or something.
which make you facepalm inside
local anesthetic or complete?
@Tony The Lion so you know how it is to be overqualified. You get to have your job pretty fast.
I am happy now though, working with people way smarter than I am. And that helps you grow.
you get to hate you job pretty fast*

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